Hiding His Baby: The Alpha's Rejected Mate

Chapter 24

Chapter 24

Chapter 24

Athena’s game with fire

At the same time, the environment of Dominic’s mansion was turning cold every passing second.

Time was passing like ticking bomb and indeed Stacey was waiting to blast out like a bomb.

"I am going to go to my room to get freshened up.Send my breakfast to my room in less than thirty minutes.You won’t like what I will do to you if it‘s not there on time."

Dominic spoke u p in his usual mean and cold tone as he glared at Athena before standing up from the couch.

Athena didn’t say anything other than giving him one curt nod as they both looked at each other.

He gave her one last look before walking toward the stairs to go to his room.

Yesterday was a really bad day for him.

He had his sudden heat and it was almost driving him crazy with her mind numbing scent lurking around.He wanted to come to her in a flash and take her then and there to get rid of that agonizing burn which was running past his body.He needed to have a wolf badly at that moment to calm himself down but for some reason he couldn’t bring himself to even look at anyone else.

Whenever he looked at anyone or closed his eyes, only Athena’s face came to his mind, which made him go crazy.how much it was going to hurt her if he touched any woman in that state.

She would have gone through a living and burning hell.

That stopped him.

He was angry at himself for that thought but at that moment he was out of control.

At that moment he couldn’t think of anything else other than going to the nearest bar and drinking until he had no strength left in his body to do anything or think straight.

He had a personal bar at his house but he didn’t even come here.

But he was drunk, his mind brought him here only To her!


He cursed under his breath as he climbed up the stairs before getting out of both the women’s eyes.

They both heard him curse.

The temperature of the room dropped some more as soon as he left.

Stacey glared at Athena hard but Athena tried her best to act normal.She was going to turn around to leave when she heard what she was praying she wouldn’t.

"Stop right there." Stacey spoke up in a cold voice.

Athena closed her eyes and took some deep breaths to gain some patience before turning around to face her.

"What is it, Stacey? Can you make it fast? You heard him.I don‘t want to get into unnecessary trouble.I have to go and start making his breakfast."

Athena said in a casual tone, showing a lot of disinterest on her face.

Stacey gritted her teeth seeing her attitude.She walked toward Athena with her chin held high to show that she was the one who held power over the situation.

But when it still did nothing t o intimidate Athena, she clenched her fist in anger.

"Don’t try to act too smart with me! Do you understand? And what do you think you are in the coming for my 19 sa entorno ordenadores doing, huh?"

Stacey snarled at Athena in a ruthless manner but Athena learnt how to be patient with brats over the years she stayed in the shadow eclipse pack.

"First of all, I am smart and secondly, what do you think I am doing?" She asked in a calm and collected tone as she looked at Stacey causally.

Her casualty irked Stacey to no limit.

"You have started to show your colour already.Don‘t think I can’t see that."

Stacey said in a mean tone.

Now her riddled word confused Athena and she looked at her with a frown. Text content © NôvelDrama.Org.

"What are you talking about? What colour?" She asked in confusion.

"You colour.Your whoring colour.You started your way to seduce my mate, my Dominic, to fall into your trap, right? But it won’t happen.He will not fall for your low and cheap tactics.He has me! I will always be there to save him from cheap women like you." Stacey said in a ruthless tone.

Athena felt her blood boiling as her words lashed on her skin and burned her whole body.

She clenched her jaw before looking at Stacey in the eyes.

If she wants to play with fire, Athena looked as if she was ready to show how to play the game.

"Oh, is that why you look so insecure and scared? That I might steal you little mate from you? "Athena asked with a smirk and looked at Stacey with a raised eyebrow.

Her attitude changed completely and it took Stacey back a little.

"....I …am not afraid.Why will I be afraid? And why am I going to be afraid of you? You are nothing but a shameless maid of mine."

Stacey snapped while fuming as she tried to hold in her anger.

"Are you sure you are not afraid? Because your face is saying something else.You look nervous.Is the fact that ‘your’ mate is showing interest in me making you nervous?"

Athena asked with an evil smirk

"No! He is not interested in you! He is my mate.He loves me!"

Stacey screamed in frustration and anger.

It looked like either she wanted to murder someone or cry.

Athena was enjoying it so much.

If only Suzanne was here, she would be so proud of her!

"Oh come on! What’s the point of lying to each other? We both know how men work.They don’t love us women, they only lust after us.On the top of that, Dominic is the alpha of alpha’s.He has power.He can get anything by the snap of his fingers.He can get the best of the best.Don’t you think he will look for the better sooner or later?" She asked with a smirk while hinting to the fact that she was better than Stacey.

She didn’t have any interest in Dominic.

Not at all! But if using him can get her the satisfaction she wanted by seeing Stacey’s reaction, she was ready to do anything.

Because that girl gets on her nerves more than anything.

She wonders why.

Is that because she was connected to her ex mate? She shook her head to come out of all those thoughts and looked at the matter in hand.


"Oh, you know him that much? I must say, you are right about one thing.Guess what?" Stacey asked with a smirk as she tried to get control over the situation again.

"Enlighten me, please." Athena said with a smile, irritating her beyond limit.

"I have known him for a long time, longer than you can imagine.We have known each other since childhood.And I know him very well.I know that he lost interest from passing things like you.So, even if he is interested in you right now, he is going to lose that very soon.It won’t take him time to change his interest.He has always been like that."

Stacey boosted like it was a really good thing and she was proud of that.

Athena let out a humorless laugh hearing that, catching her off guard.She didn’t even get the chance to celebrate her happiness as she looked at Athena with a deep frown.

"Why are you laughing?! Stop!"

She shouted in anger and stomped the ground like a spoiled child.

Athena immediately stopped laughing and took a large step toward Stacey.She stood really close to her.

Her height was towering over Suzanne and the less space between them intimidated her a lot.

Athena’s face was void of any emotions as she looked dead in Stacey’s eyes.

"Then you really should be scared, sweetheart.Because I think it‘s the time when he is losing interest in you." Athena said in an icy cold tone while looking deep into her eyes.

Stacey’s eyes widened.

"Wh…what are you talking about? That‘s not possible.He is never going to lose interest in me."She said while acting to be confident but her shaky voice gave away everything.

"Oh, sweety! But his possessive kiss last night said something else." Athena said with a wink, shocking Suzanne from the core.

She was too shocked to say anything and Athena took that opportunity to step away from her.

She smirked at her in victory before turning around to leave for the kitchen.

She just conquered one battle now the war is left.

Which is Dominic.

Goddess! She needs to work her hands fast and make her breakfast fast.

She doesn’t want him to throw another tantrum.

Only twenty minutes left!


"Are you okay, Dominic?"

Nathan asked with a raised eyebrow as he looked at his all time grumpy friend.

His grumpiness was more than usual today and that‘s why he was trying to be careful with his words.He didn’t want to come to Dominic’s bad book when his mood was that bad, He didn’t have a death wish.

"I am fine.What will happen to me?"

Dominic grumbled out as he furiously flipped through some pages of a file.

Nathan doubts if he was reading a single word from that file.

But who was going to tell him that? Not Nathan, that’s for sure.

"I am talking about what happened yesterday.You had your heat and you were dead drunk.I looked around to pay the bill just for a few seconds and when I turned around, you were gone.You even blocked your scent.Where did you go? Hopefully you didn‘t do anything disastrous, did you?" Nathan asked in a worried tone and he knew how destructive his best friend can be when he is in his heat.

Dominic gets extra dangerous whenever he is in his heat.

Nathan couldn’t understand the thinking things might be different for an alpha.

Dominic went blank after hearing him.

His mind went back to yesterday and he was having a hard time remembering what happened yesterday.

He just remembered kissing Stacey in the hallway of his mansion before he threw everything up on the floor.

Hopefully that was it, hopefully he didn’t do anything else.

"I went to my mansion and slept there." He answered curtly after coming out of his thoughts.

"Your mansion? Aren’t Athena and Ace there?" Nathan asked and immediately after hearing that, Dominic let out a sound of irritation.

"Yeah, so? That’s my mansion.Now that they are staying there, I can’t even go there? Is that what you are saying?"

He snapped at Nathan in irritation.

Nathan looked at him with utter confusion.

He couldn’t understand what he said to trigger him that bad.

It was just a small simple question.

"Calm down, what did I say to get you this riled up? What I meant is, I hope you didn’t disturb them.You see Athena has a lot going on already."

Nathan said as he remembered his morning conversation with Suzanne.

Dominic’s features went on alert as soon as he heard that.

"What do you mean?"

He asked in a demanding tone as he eagerly waited for Nathan to speak up.

"Oh, now that’s something we can talk about."

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