Her, his desire

My boss

” Wait! What? Your husband? You are married?” Alex screamed but Sadie was quick enough to cover his mouth. ” Keep it low big brother and yes, I am married ” Sadie replied. Alex stared speechlessly at her. She’s married? His sister is married. ” How? When?” He blurted out the questions before he could stop himself. ” Well, about three weeks after I left the house. So, I am glad I did anyways ” Sadie grinned. She knows her brother is confused but she chose to play with his intelligence. Alex breathed out in anger? sadness? And fright? His sister has gotten married to some old rich men to get this position!

He was right! But why???? ” Don’t tell me you got married to that old man that own this LBC? Tell me you didn’t do it because of this agency and money, if that’s the reason. You are filing a divorce right away ” Alex said angrily. But surprisingly, Sadie began laughing at him. What he said wasn’t funny so why is he laughing huh? He can’t allow his sister to be married to an old man, she will never enjoy the marriage. All he wants is Sadie’s happiness. ” I didn’t say anything funny ” Alex snarled. ” Why are you angry Alex? Are you still that over protective big brother? C’mon Alex, I am a grown up now, I know what’s good for me ” ” And besides, I am not married to Mr Lin. I will never get married because of money. Come to think of it, as much as Mr Lin is rich and as expensive this phone is, if he wants to get it for me then his agency will go into bankruptcy ” Sadie elaborated.

Alex thought about it, the amount of this tiny phone Sadie is using is someone’s wealth. The whole of LBC is a child’s play compares to it. ” Then who is your husband? ” He asked again, this time calmly. Knowing that Sadie isn’t married to an old man calmed him down a bit. ” Promise me you won’t tell anyone that I am married, not Dad, Mum or our sisters. I want it to be a secret for now, if I want to let the world know about my marriage, I should be the one to tell them ” Sadie said. ” Fine! I promise, no one will know about it ” Alex said as he matched his finger with Sadie’s which made her chuckled. When they were young, they’d make their pinky promises that way. ” Alright big brother, I will send you the address right away ” Sadie replied saving her brother’s number. That moment, a call came into her phone. The caller ID was unknown. ” A moment Alex ” Alex nodded still processing everything he has just heard. ” Hello, Good afternoon ” Sadie said politely. She’s been wondering who’d have her personal number aside her in-laws, Nathan, Lani and Mia. Even Mr Lin doesn’t have her number. ” Sadie….” Sadie narrowed her eyes on hearing the voice. She knows this voice so well. ” Sofia? What the hell? How did you get my number? ” She literally screamed while frowning in displeasure. ” Please Sadie don’t hang up on me ” Sofia begged from the other side of the phone. Sadie smirked which made Alex raised his eyebrows.

His sister has changed so much, aside her behaviour towards him, everything else has changed. The image of this new Sadie is cold, icing, and ruthless? He really needs to know what changed his sister ! She doesn’t seem to be the sweet innocent little sister who doesn’t fight back when bullied anymore. This new Sadie is strong and not vulnerable. Alex wished she had all this quality when his parents and sisters made her go through hell on earth. Sadie has gone through a lot and no doubt, he love this new her. Anyhow Sadie turns out to be, she will forever remain his favourite sister. Without being told, Alex knew that whoever called Sadie doesn’t have a good relationship with her. ” what did you want Sofia? Why did you call me? The last time I checked, you will do anything to keep me miles away from you. Even if it means taking my life ” Sadie said. ” I am sorry, I really am sorry. Please, I came to see you in the agency but they denied me entrance, can you come out let me see you briefly please, it’s very important and I promise. I won’t take much of your time. I regret ever plotting against you ” Sofia said sincerely. She really meant everything she said. Over the time, she discovered the force Sadie surrounded herself with is strong. Sadie thought about it for a while wondering why Sofia want to see her. She grinned again shrugging her shoulder. ” I will be there ” Sadie said and hung up. Alex stood up glancing at Sadie. ” That’s my cue to leave, don’t forget to send me your address. Oh well, call me too ” he said pocketing his hands. Sadie gave him a hug nodding her head. ” I will bro, I love you ” she yelled after Alex who was almost out of the door. ” I love you too baby sis” …. ……………………………………………….. ” Where are you heading to Sadie?” Mia asked coming out of no where behind Sadie who was making her way out to see Sofia. ” To the gate, I want to see someone ” Sadie replied. ” I just left your office now and discovered you were not there so I decided to check out ” Mia said ” Okay…. any problem? Why did you go to my office?” Sadie asked ” Mr Lin wants to see you in his office right away ” Sadie frowned, she’s been doing a lot of frowning lately. ” Why? Why will he want to see me? ” She asked surprise. If there’s anything Mr Lin want to discuss with her, he’d call her office line or through Mia so what? ” I don’t know either, he asked me to tell you that so I advice you tell whoever is waiting for you to come back some other time ” Mia said. Sadie thought about it and sighed.

She will just text Sofia, maybe they could meet up some other time. ” Let’s go then” Sadie replied. ” I am not going with you, he wants to personally see you. That was his order, wait! Did you do anything Sadie? ” Sadie scoffed . ” Do what? I didn’t do anything” she defended. ” Okay okay, go see already before he gets angry or something” Mia pushed Sadie back in side. Sadie took the elevator to Mr Lin’s floor and gently knocked on his door. ” Come in ” Sadie entered into his office to see him comfortably sitting on his chair. ” Good afternoon Sir ” Sadie greeted politely. ” Afternoon Sadie, please sit ” Mr Lin said staring lustfully at her. ” You called for me Sir ” Sadie said mentally rolling her eyes at the way he’s gazing at her. ” I did, you see. It’s not about business, I called you because I want to have a personal discussion with you ” Sadie blinked her eyes in surprise. A personal discussion? ” Okay Sir ” she replied giving him one of her fake smiles . ” Sincerely, since you came into this agency. I have had my eyes on you ” Mr Lin said licking his lips with a lustful gaze. If he goes straight to the point and Sadie dare turn him down, he will threaten her with her job here. The way he longed for Sadie’s body, he will have her. That’s a must. Sadie couldn’t help but scoff. ” I don’t understand Sir ” ” You are not a kid anymore Sadie, you should know what I am talking about ” Mr Lin replied standing up. Sadie stood up too and they faced each other. He grabbed her hand drawing Sadie closer to him. Sadie seethed her teeth withdrawing herself from his hold but his grip tightened around her hand. It came to a point her wrist began hurting. ” What did you want Mr Lin, let me go. You are hurting me” she said innocently. How blind she had been to notice Mr Lin is a perverted boss. If he can have any of his workers, Sadie is an exception. Nothing is ever going to happen between them. Not even in his dreams. ” I want you Sadie, just a night with me and I will elevate your status in this agency. I will pay you thrice your salary, I will make sure you are given the best treatment in this agency ” Grabbing Sadie by the waist, he drew her closer till they were inch apart. ” I am sorry to say but I am not interested in having a night with you, I don’t want your offers. Can you let me go now?” Sadie replied angrily, it’s taking her all her might to control her anger.

This old cargo is really something. ” You can’t turn me down to my face Sadie, either will or not, I must have you else…..” ” Else what? Huh?” Sadie pushed him in annoyance and he landed his back on the desk. Mr Lin’s eyes widened in shock, how can a mere lady have the power of a horse? Sadie pushed him down! She really did? He angrily slammed his hands on the table walking back to her. ” How dare you? ” Mr Lin grabbed Sadie with her dress dragging her to his front. ” For pushing me Sadie, I was trying to be lenient with you but you proved stubborn. Don’t you know? I get whatever I want. The only thing I cannot get in this city is what belongs to Nathan or his family anything else is trash ” He said kîsing her neckline aggressively. If only he knew Sadie is Nathan’s wife. Sadie yelled in anger, he touched her? He really did lay his mouth on her body. Without thinking, Sadie gave him a slap! Mr Lin staggered with his eyes growing wider as he held his cheeks. She didn’t do that did she? He underrated this lady in front of him so much. He didn’t know Sadie will prove hard to get. ” The next time you try this nonsense with me, I will make sure you spend the rest of your unfortunate life behind the bar or better still, you will be dead ” Sadie said giving Mr Lin the shock of his life.This content belongs to Nô/velDra/ma.Org .

She doesn’t care if she gets fired.. ???? OUTSIDE NEW YORK CITY:

ELENI TOWN, CALIFORNIA ??? ” I miss them ” the man said sniffing. Max sighed wiping his Dad’s tears. ” I miss them too but you can’t be crying anymore, from today Dad. I don’t want to ever see you cry again please, I want you to get better. Can’t you see I have suffered enough?” Max said. His Dad smiled tearily at him.

Max is the strongest child a man can have. He endured all the pain since childhood and still endured taking care of him till he’s awake. Max began running their companies since he was sixteen, taking care of him, going to school and running the companies. He’s proud to have a young, hardworking and handsome man as his Son. He’s proud of Max in every way. ” I promise, I won’t cry anymore. I will try and get well soon so we can begin the search for them ” the man said. Max looked away nodding his head. He can’t tell his Dad he’s been searching for them for the past five years effortlessly. They are no where to be found. No where! . ” I am glad you want to get well Dad, at least. I will have someone to talk to ” His father smiled muttering a thank you to him. ? FIFTEEN YEARS BACK ? A man was seen ….. ****************************** ” Hey baby ” Nathan called giving Sadie a lingering kiss as she entered into the car. ” How was your day?” Sadie asked smiling widely. ” It was nothing to write home about ” Nathan replied a little pissed. The incident from this afternoon is still pissing him off. Only God knows how much he detest seeing other ladies trying to get to him. He’s patiently waiting because Sadie doesn’t want their relationship to be public yet. If everyone get to know he is married, maybe they will let him be and stop throwing themselves on him. Sadie chuckled ruffling his head. ” Was it that bad?” She asked. Nathan shrugged his shoulder placing his head on her. ” So tell me, how was your day?” He asked . ” Not bad, aside my boss trying to……” Sadie clamped her mouth shut, if she tell Nathan about it, he might ask her to quit her job immediately which she doesn’t want. Nathan stood up staring at her. ” Trying to do what?” He asked monotonously. He just hope that man didn’t touch his wife or else, he might get to meet his dead relatives soon. Nathan clenched his jaw with his hand in a fist. Sadie smiled nervously at him shaking her head. Damn her sharp mouth!! ” No… nothing ” she replied without looking at Nathan. For the very first time, Nathan glared angrily at her. Kaleb at the driver’s seat felt the tension in the car. He couldn’t help but eavesdrop on their conversation. ” Wait! What happened to your wrist Sadie? Did he do this?” Nathan asked as his eyes landed on Sadie’s red wrist. Sadie tried hiding her hand but it was too late. Kaleb gasped in fright, it’s been long his young master got this mad. He’s already feeling sorry for the man that touched his young master’s wife. How dare the man? Kaleb has been so happy since yesterday that his young master was over excited and now this? The man has played with flame and the fire is going to consume him. ” C.. calm down Nathan, you don’t have to flare up over this ” Sadie said but that got Nathan more angry. His nose turned red, his eyes became cold and his whole demeanour changed. ” I shouldn’t flare over seeing you hurt? No one has the right to hurt what is mine now answer me Sadie ” ” What was he trying to do? ” Nathan roared angrily. Sadie gulped nervously. Since she got married to Nathan, she has never seen him this angry before. ” I asked you a question Sadie ” Nathan said as he hit the chair loudly. The rate at which he clench and unclench his hand made his knuckles white. ” He was trying to force me to have s*x with him, he said he wants me but trust me Nathan, I didn’t give him the room to do anything stupid aside his filthy hands that touched me. You don’t need to get worried, I handled it so well ” Sadie said breathing out. Each of the words that came out of her mouth disgusted her. Remembering how Mr Lin kissed her aggressively made her feel so dirty. She didn’t regret the fact that she slapped him He deserves that, Mr Lin should be grateful Sadie did not kick his balls. He will never try such harassment with her again. ” He was trying to what? My wife? Is he insane? Who gave him the audacity to do that?, How dare he touch what is mine?” Nathan snarled. Even the car could feel his temper. He’s practically no different from a wolf as his eyes changed colour magically. The anger in him rose each clicking seconds. ” N.. Nathan, calm down. Mr Lin actually didn’t know that I am your wife. I am sure if he knows, he wouldn’t have dared to approach me ” Sadie said, she’s not defending Mr Lin. No! She just wants to say whatever can make Nathan stop being angry. Truthfully, this side of him scared her to her bone marrow. ” I don’t give a fu….. I don’t care if he knew you are my wife or not. When I am done with him, he will never take advantage of any lady because of his position” ” I will make him miserable, I will crush him that he will wish for death than rather being in this world. Never in his life will he harass any lady again ” ” Mr Lin has drawn the battle line and we are going to fight this ” Nathan replied in one breathe. The fact that he touched Sadie annoy him a lot. That aggravated the demon in him as they kept growling like a wolf. Sadie clasped her mouth shut without knowing what else to say, she should get used to Nathan already. It is no news that Nathan bring down anyone who offend him. Sadie sighed gently rubbing Nathan’s shoulder and that literally worked. It calmed him down, as much as he was still very mad. That touch he is feeling at the moment has made him calm. Kaleb couldn’t help but shiver, this is new! Even when Nathan got to know Sadie’s family were humiliating her, he wasn’t as mad as he is now. Kaleb thought of how much his Young Master love Sadie, is that why it angers him that another man almost had his way with her if Sadie had given in? But that man?

Kaleb sighed, in this era. Old men still want to take advantage of young girls? Kaleb thought that ended centuries ago but he was wrong. Anyways, anything his young master choose to do to that man, he deserves it. Nathan brought out his phone as he scrolled down for a number. He is calling the person he abandoned for years. His ex best friend, it has been almost a five years they spoke to each other. Nathan cut off all his relationship with him but if he wants to deal with Mr Lin squarely. That one person he hates the most have to be involved. Nathan breathed out dialing the number and after three rings. The person on the other side picked of the phone. His gasping could be heard, he was surely surprised to see Nathan Rogers calling him. That is one thing Nathan will never do. Well, that was what he thought until now. ” Wow! Wow! Wow! Wow! , Nathan Rogers, what a surprise? The moment I saw you call, I have been wondering why you called me in the first place or did you want to take me back as your best friend?” The person chuckled lightly.  After five years of getting away from each other, Nathan finally called him. ” I don’t have time for all your rantings Leon, believe me. If it is not necessary, I will never call you so don’t be too happy about the fact that I called you ”  Nathan said irritatingly. Even Sadie felt the uneasiness that came with every word Nathan said. Leon! She has never heard him mentioning that name before and from the look of things, they are not friends. So why did Nathan call him? Leon chuckled shaking his head, Nathan haven’t changed a bit. Still a peacock!!! ” I know you want something, you won’t call me ordinarily. Your pride will never let you” Nathan gnashed his teeth in pure hatred. ” I have a business for you “

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