Her Brother, Her Mate

Their Human, Her Mates Chapter 27

Hadley POV

I cross my arms, staring at the two brothers sitting on the couch in my office. I’m trying not to let it show that I liked them defending me the way they did, but it’s hard. Pride is beating in my chest and I want to giggle at the guilty expressions on their faces.

“Do you guys know what you did wrong?” I scolded them like I would a child.

“No,” they said at the same time, Mitch crossing his arms across his chest, Mark kneading his hands nervously in his lap.

I can’t help it. I end up laughing at their childish reactions. They’re adorable. Their faces snap to mine at the sound of my giggles, confusion and hesitant smiles spread on their features.

“Is something funny?” Mitch lifts an eyebrow at me.

“You two are. Geez,” I sighed, sitting on the edge of my desk. “You can’t go all scary werewolf on each person that talks bad about me in the resort.”

Mitch startles to hear me say werewolf.

“How did you?…”

“Simone,” Mark answered for me.

“Ah,” Mitch nodded, fully understanding what his brother meant by ‘Simone’.

“Yes, Simone told me everything. Mate,” I smirked at him.

A broad smile spread on his face, “And you’re okay with it?”

I shrugged, not willing to give him an answer.

“Ah, come one. You can’t leave me hanging,” Mitch pushes off the couch, walking over and setting his hands on my shoulders. The tingly feeling is stronger today. It makes me shiver slightly, and he smirks.

“If you both can’t reign in the whole possessive, she’s mine, don’t mess with her b.s. then I’ll make you wait forever to find out,” I told him.

“They were both being mouthy cunts. It’s not our fault.” His whiny voice coming from his bulking body makes me chuckle.

“It’s your fault for the way you reacted. Honestly, I loved hearing you guys defend me, but this is my place of work. You can’t pull the ‘I’m a scary werewolf and my mommy owns this hotel’ card every time someone mistreats me. You need to handle it professionally or you’re going to make it really hard for me to work here. They have the right to think whatever they want about me. If they’re not saying it to a customer, it’s not an issue. I want to be able to keep working peacefully without everyone walking on eggshells around me.”

“If you’re our mate, you don’t have to work, Hadley. Just one of us makes enough to support you. You have two of us,” Mark tells me, coming to stand by his brother. I feel so tiny next to both of them. Lord, I’m going to have my hands full if I give in to this, and I already know I’m going to. The confusing feelings from yesterday, now that I know what they mean, are growing stronger and stronger. The intensity of the bond with both of them standing so near makes my entire body buzz with an unfamiliar desire.

Yeah, I’m going to have my hands full.

“I like working. I like my job. And I like finally having independence. I never had it before and you are not going to talk me into quitting my job that I happen to love.”

“But…,” Mitch juts out his bottom l*p, pouting with puppy dog eyes.

“No. I’m not quitting. How about you both quit and let me support you?” They both make a face at that, then tilt their faces as they let the idea sink in, look at each other, then smile.

“If we both quit, we could come work at the hotel too,” Mitch grins.

“We could be with you 24/7,” Mark purrs, reaching for my hand.

“We could be your personal guard dogs.”

“Think mom will approve?”

“If I give her the puppy dog eyes she will,” Mitch smirks.

“We should totally quit,” Mark’s eyes sparkled.

“She could be like our sugar mama.”

“That would be totally hot.”

“I agree.”

I rub my temples and sigh, exasperated with their train of thought.

“If you guys don’t want my foot shoved up where the sun doesn’t shine, get out of my office. Apologize to the girls on the way out. Geez, louise. I’m not quitting and neither are you. Now, go away. Both of you will be back down here at noon to take me to lunch. I want lamb kabobs and tzatziki sauce. Figure out how to make it happen,” I commanded them, pushing against their rock-hard chests, trying to push them out of my office. I’m not indulging their little ‘what-if’ game right now. I have a wedding to plan, and two fundraisers to work on.

Why are they built like brick walls? I can’t get them to budge at all.

“Greek food it is,” Mitch says softly, bending down to k**s my cheek.Belongs © to NôvelDrama.Org.

“We’ll apologize to the t**t waffles. Just for you,” Mark husks, pecking my other cheek.

Their lips against my skin make the tingles so much stronger. I have to fight myself from buckling over, feeling the sensation between my legs as an involuntary m**n leaves my mouth. Crap.

They know what their touch did to me. They smirk at each other, before both of them lean in at the same time, laying a k**s on each side of my neck, making me m**n as my eyes roll to the back of my head. Their lips are barely touching me, but the feeling sends tingles through my skin, right down to my core, making my walls tighten and my thighs press close together.

“Get out! Get out! Get out!” I yelled when I regained my composure, horrified and embarrassed about how I reacted to their k****s.

My hands make contact with their shoulders, chests, backs and arms as I slap at them like a maniac, screeching for them to leave my office.

“See you at lunch, sugar mama,” Mitch smiles crookedly at me, ducking out my door as my notepad flies toward his face.

“Don’t miss us too much,” Mark chuckles, blocking my computer mouse from hitting his face with his arm.

Infuriating. They are both so infuriating. I growl, stomping my foot when I take in the mess I made trying to get rid of them. Groaning, I bent over, and started to pick everything up and put it back where it went, cursing the brothers the entire time.

Suzie POV

He never showed up to the date he had agreed to go on with me. I spent all night yesterday freaking out, not able to get a hold of him. His phone kept rejecting my calls, and I knew he wasn’t working. I checked. I spent all night looking for him everywhere he usually visits when he’s off. The clubs, the bars, and the tourists hot-spots him and his brother frequently visit to find whores and take them back to their hotel rooms. He wasn’t anywhere.

Going to Lady Delilah’s court this morning for my usual parole appointment, I never expected to see him there with his brother, the one that I don’t totally hate. Mark is a jerk, calling me clingy and pathetic, but Matt at least tries to hide his distaste for me.

I was planning on confronting Mitch, whining and yelling at him like I usually do to get my way, but then I heard what his brother was saying from across the room, sitting in the corner while they didn’t notice me.

Mitch found his mate. His f*****g mate.

Where does that leave me?

He can’t do this to me. I’ve given him so many years of my life. I won’t let him toss me aside like he does his regular sluts.

He doesn’t see me as a slut. I know he doesn’t. I’m different from them. He cares about me more than them. He saved my life. He didn’t have to, but he saved me, sacrificing himself to my leader’s workforce so my life would be spared.

He did that for me.

He doesn’t defile me like he does the other women around him because he cares for me more. He loves me. He has to love me. Why else would he save me and cherish me the way he does?

A mate will take all of that away from me.

I can’t let her take him away from me.

I need to find her. I need to find out who she is and get rid of her. Then, Mitch will love me again. He can only love me.

I’m not going to let him go.

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