Her Brother, Her Mate

Her Vampire, Her Mate Chapter 22

Simone POV

Guilt. All my anger and agitation; all my disappointment and strife are gone. Guilt and worry are consuming me completely right now as I wait on the master bed in our suite for my mate. I should have defended him over my brother. Casey is….well, Casey. A vampire bite with our modern medicine isn’t as extreme as me not knowing where my mate has been all afternoon.

Parker told me that he was safe and would be home to me soon. He took my pissed-off brother with him and wouldn’t explain anything else to me. Just said it was okay and to stay in the packhouse until they all got back.

I stayed with Carli and Elena most of the afternoon, but when Laura and Simon got back I wanted to go back to the room I share with Vincent and wait for him to return. I’m curled around his pillow, regretting my disposition earlier towards him. I didn’t even check to see if he was okay. I fawned over my brother and didn’t even allow Vincent to touch me.

I could feel his guilt and shame all afternoon, but still stubbornly held onto my anger, no thanks to Parker and Matt defending Vincent’s actions. Carli and Hillary were both adamant that Vincent was out of line, and I let their voices be the dominant voices in my mind instead of listening to Parker’s more rational reason.

I knew better. Carli is a hothead. She thinks with her fists before she thinks with her head. Parker is always level-headed and rational, but I listened to Carli over him, and now I’m filled with so much guilt and regret. Maybe that’s why he wouldn’t let me go with him when he left to get my mate. He took Casey, but not me.

Stupid Casey has been huffing and puffing like the big bad wolf he is telling me all the reasons why he hates the guy. He doesn’t even know him. He’s just pissed because he thinks Vincent is some sleazy player like most of the other guys Carli would mess around with. That couldn’t be farther from the truth.

Casey has always been overprotective of both of us, but me especially. He is the main reason neither I nor Carli messed around with boys from our pack. He wouldn’t allow it. He would kick any guy’s a*s if they tried to cross that line. I had a small thing going with Mark in middle school, and Casey almost broke the guy’s jaw when he found us making out after school.

Mitch Meyers took pictures of Carli after she shifted and more when she was stretching in gym class at school and started rotating through the photos on his phone, using them as background pictures. When Casey found out, Mitch was out from school for a week waiting for a broken arm to set, and he smashed Mitch’s iPhone. Carli had already kicked Mitch’s a*s, but that wasn’t enough for Casey. He didn’t tolerate anyone in the pack being disrespectful to either one of us.

He will come around once he gets to know Vincent. Vincent isn’t like the other guys Carli messed around with. Vincent is sweet, kind, and caring, and I know he would never treat me, or any girl for that matter, like a random hook-up. He’s….perfect. Perfect for me.

I m**n, rolling over and bringing his pillow with me. My stomach feels like it’s lodged in my throat. I want him to come back already so I know he’s safe. So I can apologize for not caring for him earlier and only checking on my brother.

Casey is with him, and I’m worried they’ll fight again. If it happens, I have to back up Vincent this time. Casey is an animal and can take care of himself. Parker can mediate if things get out of hand. No matter what, Vincent is the one I need to go to when they all come back. If I was an outsider looking in, that’s the advice I would give. I need to live it. Your mate comes first.

I hear the front door’s lock click and open, followed by muffled male laughter. I jump out of bed, stumbling to the bedroom door. Is he back?

“Thanks for the help, Parker. I appreciate everything you’ve done today. Really.”NôvelDrama.Org content.

“No problem. I’m going to get this baby stuff to Carli but if you need anything let me know.”

I peak out just as Parker is walking back out the door, several large shopping bags in his hands.

Vincent has several shopping bags on his wrists as well, all with designer labels on them. Did he go out shopping while I was here worrying my a*s off? And where’s Casey?

Vincent looks up and when his eyes meet mine I can feel his hesitation and worry in the bond.

“Simone,” he says my name softly, setting the bags on the table and making his way over to me.

“I, uh, I need to apologize for how I acted earlier today. That was uncalled for and I never should have-”

When he reaches me, I cut him off by leaping in his arms and smashing my mouth against his. I don’t care if he fights with my brother. I don’t care if I’ve been worrying my a*s off the last few hours of him being gone, and I don’t care that he went shopping without me. Well….maybe I care a little about that last one, but that’s a thought for another time. All I care about, the only emotion running through me right now is the relief that my mate is back safe. He’s here with me and not out there in someplace where Aiden can hurt him or take him from me.

Vincent m***s softly against my lips, bringing his arms around me and melding me against him. I can taste his relief too.

His mouth is sensual and passionate on mine, but I’m in a frenzy, almost attacking him as tears fill my eyes.

“I’m home,” he breathes, his sweet breath fanning over my face as I k**s his jaw.

“Where were you?” I sob, my tears breaking free as I bury my face in his chest, smelling his scent.

I can sense his reluctance to tell me, causing me to look up and scrutinize his nervous features.

“The club,” he murmurs, wiping the tears from my cheeks tenderly with his thumbs.

“Why? Why didn’t you come back here? I was so worried, Vin. Why would you go there!?”

“I know, my love. I know. I can’t even tell you how sorry I am for my actions today. I was so ashamed of myself that I didn’t want to face anyone here. I could feel it; your disappointment and anger at me and I-”

“I’m sorry, Vin,” I wrap my arms around his neck and cut him off before he apologizes anymore. I shouldn’t have made him feel like he couldn’t come back here to face me. “I acted horribly. I should have gone to you before anything else. You are,” I bite my l*p nervously, “You’re my mate. I know it might not be the same for you, but for us, a mate is forever. You’re a permanent part of me. You come before anything else and I didn’t do a very good job showing you that today.”

Vincent’s face lights up as he smiles widely, leaning down to nuzzle his nose to mine. “It’s the same, Simone. My bond with you is exactly the same. You are my priority before anything else. I’m sorry I caused you so much worry and negativity today. I only want you to experience the best with me. I definitely did not accomplish that today. But,” he pulls me over to the table covered in bags, “Maybe these can make up for my misdeeds, only a little.”

Vincent slowly grabs the closest bag and pulls out a La Mer fragrance set; one that I told Carli to get me for my next birthday. I squeal taking the case from him, hopping back and forth on my feet, and causing him to chuckle.

There are so many bags. Is all this for me? Vincent must see the question in my eyes when I look up from the perfume and look excitedly at the rest of the shopping bags because he laughs heartily and hands me another bag.

“Yes, my love. They are all for you.”

The Louboutin T-strap sandals are adorable and he even bought me a Valentino quilted handbag that matches them beautifully. This is better than Christmas and almost as good as s*x with Vincent as I pull each gift out of their shopping bags. If this is the result of Vincent biting my brother, I give him permission to do it every day.

By the way, where is my brother?

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