Her Brother, Her Mate

Her Vampire, Her Mate Chapter 16

Simone POV

Pulling into the packhouse parking lot, I saw Lilly and Matt waiting to greet us at the packhouse doors. Lilly was an amazing host. She and Carli pretty much swapped roles in the pack. The gamma female is usually the one who manages the warriors with the gamma, and the Luna acts as the host and mother of the pack.

That traditional role bull s**t was unacceptable to Carli. She didn’t want to be anything like her mother. Luna Grace, Parker’s grandmother, was a warrior and strong Luna without all the housewife nonsense and Carli was using her as her role model on how to be a Luna; not her mother.

Simon was following behind us in one of Vincent’s SUVs, along with two additional men who were to act as security and runners for Vincent. They were all vampires, but more buff and muscular than regular vamps. Simon reminded me of Vin Diesel with fairer skin. Vincent said he worked for him since the year before his parents turned rogue, and it was Simon who advised Vincent to let Carli and Parker deal with them so he didn’t have to commit parricide. Simon wasn’t just the head of his security, he was a wise advisor and he trusted the man fully.

Lilly leads our entourage upstairs to the Beta floor. Trevor is still unmated so he’s living alone in the Beta quarters. Thanks to Alpha Jared and Luna Mary the entirety of the alpha floor is just for the alpha quarters now. It use to have a couple of suites for visiting alphas, but those were moved down to the Beta floor soon after Mary had her Luna ceremony.

The story is that a visiting alpha made a comment about her smell while pregnant with Carli, since it didn’t match Alpha Jared’s, while coming out of his room on the alpha floor and Alpha Jared renovated the packhouse the next week so Mary wouldn’t have to share living space with anyone.

Parker and Vincent drop our bags off in the bedroom while Simon and his men do a quick sweep of the apartment.

I’ve never lived in the packhouse, but I’ve stayed with Carli plenty of times. I’m at ease being here, but I can tell that the vampires aren’t entirely comfortable being on werewolf territory.

“We’ll leave you to settle in. Dinner starts at 5:30 and goes on until 7. Lilly said she had the fridge stocked so feel free to eat here if you’re not comfortable coming down. Each of the rooms has a bathroom and they should be stocked with clean towels and toiletries. If there is anything you need that’s not here, let me know,” Parker tells Vincent.

“Will your pack members be okay with vampires impeding on their meal?”

“I hardly think you will be impeding anything,” Parker laughs, “We’re werewolves, man. We like food and won’t lose our appetites because of you guys. I’m not my dad, and most of the older generation is retired. No one will bat an eyelash at you joining us. You’ll even sit at our table.” He walks over to the wine fridge in the open kitchen, cracking the frosted door so we can see in. “Elena picked this up from Lady Delilah today for you guys. She said if you need more, let her know. Since you are a member of our pack now, being Simone’s mate, Lady Delilah is willing to make deliveries out here for you and your men, but until she can figure out logistics Elena will be bringing them in for you guys.”

The fridge is filled with b***d bags. Hearing that Parker’s mother-in-law is willing to go for more when they needed it, and Parker calling Vincent a member of his pack seemed to put the vampires at ease.

“We need to go get Rosie now,” Carli pulls me into a tight hug, “We will be back to eat with you guys. You have a key to our apartment too if you need us.”Original from NôvelDrama.Org.

“Thanks, babe,” I hug her back, kissing her cheek. I already feel so much better being here surrounded by my pack and so many warriors who I know can protect my mate when I can’t.

Vincent and I settle into our room. He pulls me to the bed and I snuggle into his chest. I know we’ve only been mated for a day, and known each other for a week, but that’s how strong the mate bond is. That’s why I felt like s**t for days when I was fighting it. It totally consumes you, making your mate the sole reason you do anything and everything. I’m no longer worried about my safety. I’m worried about him. Being here with my pack where I know he is safe made much of my anxiety slip away, leaving me feeling exhausted.

Laying on him and smelling his spicy scent brings me so much comfort and relaxes me to the point that I drift off to sleep.

I’m woken with Vincent’s fingers caressing my face. “My love, it’s time to wake. It is dinner time and if you sleep any longer your friend has threatened to come in here and wake you herself.”

“5 more minutes,” I grumbled, rubbing my nose into his chest. His chest rises and falls as he chuckles softly.

“You are a sleepy head. It’s adorable trying to wake you up.”

I g***n, pulling the throw blanket over my head so he stops staring at me. I probably have spit on the corner of my mouth again.

“Up, up, up, my love. My men are hungry too. They will not be comfortable going down there without us.

I sigh, stretching out beside him, “Fine.”

We get a few questioning stares coming down to the dining room, but nothing hostile. Just curious. The food is served buffet style and it looks like it’s Italian night. Trays of spaghetti, chicken alfredo, lasagna, different loaves of bread and side dishes, and an impressive salad bar are arranged outside of the kitchens. We get our food then Vincent carries both of our trays to the table Carli and Parker are sitting, trying to console a screaming Rosie who has a breadstick pried between her wet fingers.

Simon surprises all of us by ducking down next to Rosie’s high chair. She stops crying to watch him with apprehension, then giggles uncontrollably when he pretends to eat the mushy breadstick in her hand, chomping his jaws dramatically and making biting sounds. He does it a few more times before straightening up and taking a seat with Carlos and Stephan at the end of the table.

“Wow, do you like kids?” I ask him, sitting in the open chair next to Rosie.

Simon blushes slightly and Vincent snickers, “I’m the oldest of 10, ma’am.”

So it’s not so much about liking kids, he’s probably just used to be the one to console them when they get fussy. This makes me like the guy all the more. Even Carli is staring at him with a dreamy look in her eyes. There’s something about a man who’s good with babies that just makes your ovaries tingle.

I catch the look of displeasure Parker is sending Carli and try not to snicker. The chick has baby fever bad, and I know what’s going on in both of their heads without having to ask. Simon looks slightly uncomfortable now and is focusing a little too much on cutting up his lasagna, which makes me smile with amusement.

“Do you want kids, my love?” Vincent asks me, leaning down to block my view of his employee.

I smile up at him, “I want your kids,” I say boldly, making his eyes heat momentarily.

“Eww, stop. It’s dinner time. Don’t make me gag,” Matt comes, sitting next to Vincent while Lilly takes the spot next to Carli.

“You don’t gag when I tell you I want your kids,” Lilly jokes with him.

“That’s different. Nothing you do could make me gag. She’s like my sister though.”

“Casey wouldn’t have gagged and he’s her actual brother,” Carli chimes in.

“No, he would have separated them, though,” Matt looks at Vincent with a serious face, “Trade me seats.”

“No! You go sit somewhere else,” I glare at Matt.

“Okay. Vincent, come sit with me.”

“Screw you,” I laugh. Carli starts giving Matt crap about how cringy he gets with Lilly while Lilly starts asking Stephan and Carlos how they like their rooms. She asks Simon too, but he’s not paying attention. He’s scrutinizing the door with a confused expression.

“Laura’s late today,” Carli sighed, checking her watch. “She was supposed to be here with the evaluation reports on the minors applying for advanced warrior training. The ones taking the warrior career path.”

“She said she had to drop her brother off at home first then she would be here,” Matt looks towards the dining room doors. “Look, she’s here now.”

Laura is Carli’s assistant and right-hand woman. She’s a strong warrior and graduated a year before us from high school. I look over and see her dark hair in its usual french braid and her dark eyes staring at our table. She smiles brightly and waves but stops about halfway to our table. Her face contorts in confusion and her eyes dart away from Carli down to the other end of the table, landing on Simon as her nostrils flare.

I think she’s getting upset at the sight of vampires at our table, and am about to say something about her rude behavior, but Simon suddenly gets up too, his chair falling back with a loud clatter and his ruby eyes looking back at Laura in amazement and….adoration? Is this what I think it is?

Before I can even blink, Laura launches herself at Simon, and he catches her easily in his arms, staring at her with so much wonder and confusion.

“Mate,” she growls fiercely before smashing her mouth to his. The folder in her hands drops with a soft thud and that breaks all of our surprise. Carli jumps up cheering loudly and soon half of the room is joining her.

“Good for him,” Vincent pulls me into his arms, kissing my temple as my hands are covering my mouth in amazement, “I guess I won’t be the only vampire joining your pack.”

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