
Mrs Walter walked briskly towards the doctor’s office, she was anxious waiting to finally hear what the Doctor would say about Janis condition. She wanted the doctor to quickly discharge Janis from the hospital so she could take her home.

Mrs Walter knocked the doctor’s door, waiting for a permission to come in. On getting the permission she pushes the door softly and walks in to see the doctor seated. He was going through some documents at the table when his attention drifted towards her.

“You’re welcome mrs Walter, please come in”

She walked in and took a sit opposite the doctor.

“You’re here for Janis right?”

“Yes I am”

“She is in good condition”

“Although there are few things miss Janis has to avoid and some things she shouldn’t take into her system for now. Miss Janis is to avoid; sugary drinks, fish with high mercury content, Coffee and alcohol, drinks that have high gaseous content, spicy and acidic food. She must eat foods high in fiber including fruits, vegetables and whole grains, please also make sure she drinks plenty of water. All this will give her the nutrients she needs” he said.

“Alright doctor”

“If you have any questions you can come contact me” he said before scribbling some things on a paper.

“These are the things I just listed Incase you forget, this are the essential ones” he handed the piece paper to Mrs Walter as she read through it carefully.

“Is she fit to leave?”

“Of course she is”

“Thank you so much doctor, I’ll make sure she adheres to everything you’ve said”

“Here are the discharge papers” he placed the documents on the table and moved it towards Mrs Walter.

“Alright” Mrs Walter said. She collected the papers and went through them conscientiously. Her eyes scanned every word before she picking up a pen to properly sign it.

After signing it she gave the doctor the papers and stood up to her feet.

“If that’s all then I should be on my way, here you go sir, for the stress” she handed a thousand dollar bill to him as her reward for his help.

“Oh thank you so much” The doctor appreciated.

Still on her feet she advanced towards the office door and in a flash she was out of the office. It was time to get Janis from the ward, she’s been officially discharged so she needs to go home and rest.

Mrs Walter gets to the ward to see Janis and Stravis awake.

“Mum, did you speak to the doctor? Is she free to go?” Stravis inquired curiously.

“Yes she’s free to go” Mrs Walter replied.

“I spoke to the doctor and he gave me a list of things you should avoid for now and things you should take in” She added whilst facing Janis.

“I’ll go through them later” Janis glanced at the scribbled piece of paper handed to her.

“How are you feeling now?” Mrs Walter inquired.


“Come, let’s get you and Jerome to the car so we can head home” Stravis walked up to her and attempted to lift her up from the bed.

Mrs Walter cautiously lifted Jerome from the little baby crib inside the ward. With Janis arm around Stravis, she helped Janis walk while Mrs Walter held Jerome in her hands as they all walked towards the car.

Few minutes later everyone was inside the car, they exited the hospital premises and in no time they were on the road home.


I took Jerome from my mum’s hands and looked into his beautiful eyes, he was beyond perfect. I named him Jerome after hearing his cries and after laying my eyes on his handsome face.

Jerome was the name my grandfather bore, I loved the name so much. Jerome is perfect for a wonderful son like you.This content © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.


It’s been hours since we got home and it was already time to begin the interviews. I need a nanny to take care of Jerome, although I’m not going to be working but I don’t want having a child to weigh down my everyday activities, I want to live normally; the way I used to.

I walked my way to the sitting room to see eight ladies sited quietly, waiting to be interviewed.

“Good day ma”

“Good day ma”

Their greetings met my eardrums as I advanced towards them. I returned their greetings with a wave and a warm smile.

“Please come” I obliged one of the women to follow me into my study so I could properly interview her. She was very young and a little slender. She had brown thick hair and a small nose.

“Good day ma”

“Yes good day, now tell me…. How many years have you worked as a nanny”

“Just a year ma”

Disappointment dawned on my features as I went through her qualifications, she’s just new to been a nanny, I need someone who has years of experience and someone who is fit to handle a child. Someone who knows how to take care of children.

She seems nice but she’s not who I need.

“You can go thank you, please call the next person” I smiled. The young lady stood up and ambled her way out of the study.

After the several interviews the last person walked in and she was rather old and a little chubby. She looks like she’s in her fifties and I’m quite certain that she would have many years of experience handling a child not just been a nanny but also a mother.

I just hope this is the perfect nanny for the job because everyone I’ve seen here today lack the capacity to handle my child.

“Goodday ma” she greeted.

I pointed over to the empty seat opposite me, she sat down, quietly waiting to be interviewed.

She had no qualifications to submit but I interviewed her anyways, anything written could be forged so the paperwork wasn’t necessary to me at that moment.

“Welcome” I paused and formed a smile on the origin of my lips.

“Thank you ma’am” she replied.

“You didn’t document your qualifications but that’s fine, how many years have you nannied?” I placed my arms against the mahogany desk and waited patiently for her reply.

“I’ve been a nanny for 10 years” She replied.

No one came in here with a work experience of atleast 3 years. She looks fit for the job.

“What do you know about taking care of children?” I inquired, eagerly expecting to hear the evidence of her 10 years working experience.

She began to explain the needs of a little baby and what she would do to ensure the wellbeing of the child. I was beyond impressed, she went on and on with the endless needs and I had no choice but to cut her short.

“Ok that’s alright”

“You’re hired, I’ll communicate with you when you’re to start ok?”

“You’re to report here by 7 am every morning, every necessity of yours will be provided, you can go I have your contact” I said.

“Alright ma, Thank you so much ma” she stood up and bowed respectfully.

We both walked into the sitting to meet Stravis. Who looked irritated when she sighted the nanny.

“Who is this?” she questioned in defamation. She quickly dug her hands into her pocket, picked up a perfume and began to spray it all over her body.

Oh God Stravis! What type of disrespectful person do I have as a younger sister. I walked up to her and dragged her over to one of the rooms.

“What the hell was that?” I folded my hands against my chest, I was already pissed.

“Is that the nanny you hired?” she frowned and stared at me.

“Yes, what’s wrong with her” I scowl.

“C’mon Janis, that woman looks poor and she stinks of wretchedness, can’t you get a better person? Someone with class, get a richer nanny” Stravis said.

“What’s wrong with you Stravis, what business do you have with my nanny”

“She’s way too poor, just fire her. She isn’t fit to take care of Jerome, I’ll find a better and classier nanny who would take care of Jerome” she boasted confidently.

“Stravis, whoever I hire to nanny my child is none of your business. You’re not his mother, I’m his mother and I’ll choose who I want to take care of him, you have no say in this”I frowned at her. Anger was written all over my features, my blood boiled with so much rage, I was tempted to slap Stravis on her face but I held back.

“Oh please Janis relax I wasn’t saying that because I was concerned, I just don’t want to breath the same air with poor people in our mansion. I just can’t stand it” Stravis scoffed and rolled her eyes.

“Stop ranting, if you can’t stay here with the nanny then it’s best you leave because I won’t tolerate your nonsense!” I yelled angrily

“Gosh!” Stravis exclaimed. Her steps were loud as she left the room angrily.

Why does Stravis have to be so arrogant and egoistic, what has gotten into her and what’s with all the spraying of perfumes. Jerome is my child and I choose what is best for him, no one dares question my preference for Jerome.

I walked out of the room and went into Jerome’s room. He was fast asleep, snoring quietly and peacefully. His room seemed like my safe haven, I immediately felt a relieve when I walked into his room.

“Jerome” I stared at him, happily. I felt so much better.

“You are my favourite person right now, I love you so much son, you are amazing”

“I’m so glad I didn’t dump or abort you”

“And from now on I promise to be the best mother ever, I promise to always be there for you and support you”

“I’ll go through any length make sure you’re safe and sound, I’ll make sure to give you the best in all things, I’ll protect you from harm”

“I’m sorry to say this baby but I once saw you as a curse…. I obviously wasn’t ready for parenthood but with time I know I’ll adjust. The truth is, you were never a curse, you’re a blessing and I love you” I kissed Jerome and sat down.

How is Jerome going to grow up fatherless? This still doesn’t sit right with me, it hurts to live life without a having both parents by your side.

I wish I could find that Uber driver, it really hurts to remember that Stravis got to him before me and she humiliated him. He might as well never step foot into this mansion again and I won’t be able to find him.

If it was up to me, I’d dress him up so handsomely, make him look so rich and presentable when he steps into the mansion.

No! Stravis must have snapped his face on her memory, she’d easily recognize him if he comes back.

Damn it! I just wish he could get rich over time and come back.

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