Get Me Married

Get Me Married By Tori Chapter 46

Get Me Married By Tori Chapter 46

Chapter 46: Jordan’s surprise

Believing that I was safe was the last thing in my thoughts. Samantha was still free and living in the same house as me. Somehow, a criminal had sneaked into the house and had been killed before he could tell the truth. I didn’t feel safe, I felt like she had more things that were up to her sleeves and wouldn’t stop till I was dead or out of the house. How could I feel safe with such a woman in my house?

I rolled over on the bed, groaning loudly because I had tried sleeping but couldn’t. I had this fear inside of me that was stopping me from sleeping and it was slowly eating me up. Though I wanted to believe that I was safe, I felt I wasn’t safe at all. I couldn’t help it.

After a long time of rolling on the bed, I realized that I couldn’t sleep so I decided to go down and have something to eat. It had slowly become a normal routine for me and soon enough, I was getting up from my bed and walking towards the door.

When I opened the door and stepped out, a scream escaped my mouth and my heart skipped by a thousand miles.

“Ma’am” one of the men outside my door called out, shocked and confused as he turned to me. But I quickly recognized one and stared at him. He was the guard I had ordered to call the other guards earlier. I felt a little relief at seeing him.

“What are you doing here?” I asked breathlessly with my hands in my chest and they immediately bowed their head, taking their eyes off me and placing them on the floor.

“Guarding…. You” one said hesitantly and I calmed down just for a little bit. I stared at the two of them, they were all dressed in the normal guards’ uniform.

“Why? I didn’t ask for you” I took a deep breath at that point to reduce my stress.

“The boss did” they chorused and my heart skipped.

“Ohh…” Was the next best thing I could say. It was shocking to know that Jordan could have asked them to watch me from the door of my room. I didn’t understand why he was acting like he cared, I didn’t want him to act like he cared. It broke most of the walls and iciness I had in my heart for himand I didn’t want that. I wanted to remain strong and tough enough and knew I wouldn’t be able to do that if he began acting so caring.

I came out of my room and strolled down to the kitchen. Footsteps were loudly behind me and when I turned, the guards from my door were following me. I guessed they were ordered to do that so I let them. Having them around me settled some uneasiness in my heart and made me feel safe just by a little.

I took some cookies and milk out of the refrigerator and started eating. While listening to absolutely nothing. The house was silent and quiet at that time and I felt like an intruder myself for being up so early. But it wasn’t my fault anymore that I couldn’t sleep, it was draining but I couldn’t help it.

I was halfway through my midnight snack when someone pulled up and sat beside me. I didn’t

turn around to see who it was because I perceived his cologne and my heart skipped. Swallowing the cookie in my mouth suddenly became so hard, it wouldn’t pass down and the air around me felt different.

Jordan handed me my glass of milk when he noticed my uneasiness and I took it. I drank a mouthful and allowed it to help me.

I took it from him and drank it. He watched me, I could feel his eyes watching my every move and it was so uncomfortable. The air in the room seemed like it suddenly changed at his presence and I wanted to leave. I was uncomfortable with around, I told him to stay away, what was so difficult in that?

After I forcefully finished the cookie l had on my plate, I got up immediately, happy to leave him to himself. I sent the dishes to the dishwasher and turned around just to see him staring at me

“We can watch a movie if you can’t sleep” he voice out. His dim voice echoed through the silent house and made me tremble.

“No thanks,” I simply said and walked out of the kitchen.

“You might not sleep at all and you know that. Why waste your time rolling on the bed when there is a movie room?” He said and I paused.

A heavy sigh escaped my lips when I understood that what he was saying made sense and would be a big relief to me but I didn’t want to accept his offer. Because it was coming from him.

“I’m just trying to help” he added like he could read my troubled thought about him. And I turned around, he wasn’t that far from me and he looked serious.

“Okay” I replied and his lips curved into a smile and my heart skipped a million miles. He was a fine man, so handsome, I could hear my own heart beating inside my chest and my cheeks heating up. I pulled my eyes away from him and feasted them on something else.

“This way then” he ordered and turned to the stairs. I followed behind him but stopped when he turned to the right-wing. Jordan gave me a lot of bad memories in that wing, memories that were stuck in my head, reminding me of the fact that he could be a jerk.

“The movie room is right this way” he turned back to me and I shook my head.

“I guess I won’t be doing the movie then”

“Why?” He questioned and I glared at him.

“That’s the right-wing” I replied and it was his turn to sigh and look away. I couldn’t tell if he did that out of guilt and remorse or purely out of exhaustion and frustration.

“There is one downstairs, do you want that instead?” He asked with his tone lower than it was. It felt like he was disappointed in something.

“Yes,” I quickly replied. Then he raised his head to me again and forced a smile before turning back down the stairs.

All through this process, the guards were following me none stop. I followed Jordan to the sitting room and to the corner of the room that was draped with a huge grey curtain. He pushed it to the side and a door revealed itself. Then Jordan opened the door and walked in and I gasped at the thought of not knowing that something like that could be in my house. I paired through it from where I stood, but it was too dark and I remained outside, scared to go inside. Then Jordan turned on the light and turned back to me, urging me with his eyes to come in. I did exactly as he said and walked into the large cinema he had. It was spacious and a huge tv was hung at the end of the room. The only difference it had with a cinema was that there were long couches and they were just four in the room. I walked over to the couch that soothed me and sat down while Jordan went towards the tv to play a movie. A few minutes later, he came over to where I sat and sat down beside me. A guard turned off the light and it went extremely dark again with only the tv light. A movie started playing, it started with a countdown. I watched as the countdown finished and the tv went blank black.

I suddenly got the chills at the way the beginning of the movie was and found myself moving closer to Jordan. Then a girl appeared, she was at a rail station waiting for a train but it was extremely quiet and lonely at the place she was.

“Uhmmm…. Jordan” I called out to him, something telling me that he played a horror movie.


“Is this a….”


Something popped out in front of the camera and a shrieking horrific sound filled the room. I screamed with my heart running away from me. It was beast-like and he slowly stalked towards the girl.

I pulled my face away, my heart was beating inside my chest and I found myself burying my face in Jordan’s chest.

“Turn it off” I yelled. He wrapped his hands around me, holding me tight as I tried not to look at the tv. Then it went quiet and dark. I pulled away just a little and turned back to the tv, it was blank. I breathed in heavily and I turned back to Jordan, I glared at him, so hard and moved away from him at the same time. I knew he wasn’t the type to play naughty just to get me close to him, but why play a horror movie?

He looked away and chuckled at my look. It was infuriating to see that he thought it was funny. but his voice sounding like a song in my ears, made my stomach churn with a beautiful feeling inside. I looked away and folded my arms across my chest with a frown on my face and waited till his chuckling died down in the darkness.

“Do you want to watch something else?” His voice echoed in my ears and I turned to him. It was dark but I could still make out his face in the night.

“Yes please” I sighed and he immediately flashed me his set of white teeth in the night. Again my heart skipped and I immediately turned away. This was the same person I wanted to stay away from me.

A guard walked up to him and he whispered something in his ears before he walked away.

The movie was changed by the guard and I found myself going closer to Jordan just Incase he wanted to scare me again. I stopped when I was just a little distance away from him and he turned 10 me.

“It’s not scary,” he said like he could read my thoughts and an ‘ohh’ escaped my mouth. Before I tried moving back from him. He held my wrist and I turned to him and met his gaze. He stared at me and I thought I saw his expression change into a serious one. His eyes held mine with a sudden emotion and I found that I couldn’t look away either. Then the movie started and pulled me out of the gaze I held. I turned to the tv and back to him, then he cleared his throat and took his hands off my wrist.

“You don’t have to move away” he simply said. I turned to him with a confused feeling in my heart but gave him a nod anyway before turning back to the TV.

Fortunately, it wasn’t a horror movie and it made me feel really at ease most especially because it had a bit of comedy in il. Most times I would laugh till my eyes water and in our roar of laughter, I took note of the times his fingers grazed my hands or when his hand touched mine. I moved slightly away from him during those times. When we were done with that movie, a different one was played

Even as I watched, I noticed how sleepy I was becoming and would yawn loudly al intervals. Luckily for me, I finally felt like sleeping but when I thought about going to my room, I would push the thought away because I wanted to finish the movie. And because I knew going up there would only rid the sleep away from my eyes. So I remained and fought with the sleep that was slowly taking over my entire being.

My eyes were sliding close and open when I felt someone’s hand on the right side of my face. His hands were large yet gentle and warm. He pushed me back to rest my head against his shoulders and I did without restraint, liking the feel of him close to me.

The room I shared with Samantha suddenly seemed to be the last place I wanted to be. I was still very much angry and hurt by what she had done and didn’t want to even look at her. I had also seen her

coming and I saw how she had grabbed Genesis who in this case was a victim and I had been a part of the reason terrible things had happened to her. I felt guilty for being so ignorant and siding with Samantha every time even when she was in the wrong. I wanted to tell her how sorry I was but every time I tried, she ended up getting angry.

Still, I did not feel too safe leaving her all alone at night. And knowing that she wouldn’t want me around or close to her, I decided to have guards guard her door.

I was still restless in the room where I laid when a guard informed me that she was wide awake and in the kitchen.

I quickly got up and went down to see her because I wanted to be around her. It was the least I could do for all she had been through.

She looked beautiful even in the dim light of the movie room and for the first time I had her laugh so hard, it was like a sweet melody in my heart and it gave me sweet satisfaction. I made her smile and laugh, it lifted a lot of things from my chest and I enjoyed her company.

Not until she started yawning loudly. I could tell that she was sleepy but didn’t say anything because she wouldn’t say a thing either. I watched her more than I watched the movie and saw the way she push herself to finish the movie and paid close attention to her for the sake of making sure she was alright.

I watched her as her eyelids slowly became heavy and closed. Then I placed her head on my shoulders so she wouldn’t fall over. Peace settled in my heart at the sight of her sleeping and for the first time all day, happiness flooded my heart. I haven’t seen her sleeping so soundly. She looked beautiful and peaceful and I felt satisfied that I made it happen.

I finished the movie and turned back to her. She was still so sound asleep so I carried her in my arms, holding her in a bridal style while she snuggled herself into my body and wrapped her hands around my

neck. Her sweet scent filled my nose and I took it in like it was a part of me. I frowned when I realized what I was doing and how much she was affecting me and quickly, I pushed the feeling away.

With that, I took her back upstairs and back to her room. I placed her gently on the bed and covered her carefully with the duvet. She shifted slightly on the bed and turned around. Her hair covered her face at that move and I found myself sitting beside her and staring at her face.

The only wrong she ever did was manipulate me into marrying her. She did nothing else and paid a terrible price for it. Staring at her reminded me of my dilemma and how she required justice for herself. I sighed heavily when I thought of Samantha and what I would do. I still haven’t been able to decide what I would do and I wished I wasn’t the person who had to make the decision. I didn’t want to be partial to Genesis and I didn’t want to lose my love too. This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org - ©.

I shook my head and relaxed my head against the bed while I stretched one of my legs on the bed. I pushed everything away from my thoughts and tried to focuse mainly on the surprise I had for Genesis.

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