Forbidden Mate: Awakening

Chapter 43

I couldn’t believe what Leo said.

I couldn’t believe what I was looking at.

It felt like I was experiencing a terrible nightmare.

“Wh…what just…” I was speechless. What had just come out of Adrian?

Leo smiled at me, reveling the effect he had on me, “That was your Adrian, his true nature…That is the real Adrian.”

“No, I can’t…I can’t believe it. That’s not possible. Get that thing away from him!” I screamed on top of my lungs.

“I knew you wouldn’t believe me easily…Get the chair.”

I looked in shock. He had commanded a vampire to take Adrian to an “electrocution” chair. Fear and panic took hold of me, and my heart raced as I struggled to understand the seriousness of the situation.

“Leo, please stop!” I cried out desperately, “You can’t do this! Adrian isn’t a monster. He’s not a danger to anyone.”

Leo’s eyes narrowed, and his face showed a cold determination. “You don’t seem to get it, little wolf. Adrian comes from a family with a cursed bloodline. There’s darkness inside him, and it’s only a matter of time before it takes over and puts all of us in danger.”

Tears streamed down my face as I begged Leo, my voice shaking. “That isn’t true. Adrian is kind, caring, and he has worked so hard to leave his troubled past behind. He can never be a monster or a threat to anyone. Please, don’t do this.”

Leo stared at me with a strong, unwavering look. “Little wolf, your feelings are clouding your judgment. I refuse to take any risks. Adrian being here puts our survival in danger. I don’t know about you and your kind, but I won’t sit here and allow him continue to breathe when I know his destiny.” His words felt like sharp blades, hurting and tearing me in and out.

I desperately lunged forward despite the chains that held me, making them cut through my skin. “Why are you so wicked?! Do you just refuse to see the good in people just because of your selfish plan? Adrian isn’t destined to bring any harm to anyone…infact his destiny is more-”

But suddenly Adrian grunted, and I as turned to look at him, he had a reprimanding look on his face. I could see through his battering, his eyes told me to not say anything more.

I want to tell him. Maybe he’d…I…. Adrian, I want him to stop.

My heart cried out to him.NôvelDrama.Org holds this content.

No, Lily. Don’t…I’ll be fine.

Leo exchanged us looks and broke our communication, “And what are the both of you talking about in my presence?”

I put my head down, my voice swallowed with tears, “Please, torture me instead…please…’

Leo sneered, “Oh trust me…your torture is specially reserved.”

My blood irked and I felt defeated and helpless. My begging and pleading wouldn’t change this heartless man’s mind.

Leo’s face became hardened, his voice distant and icy. “There is no other way. Adrian’s life will end here, for the sake of our people.”

My heart raced, and a surprising determination filled me. I wouldn’t allow them to take Adrian away from me, from all of us. “No. I won’t let you do this. If you want to harm him, you’ll have to get past me first.”

Leo looked a little amused, knowing fully well I’d resist. “You’re quite a feisty one, little wolf…” he sneered then let out a little laugh before putting his cold expression back on. “You’re making a big mistake. Adrian’s fate is already sealed. It can’t be changed.”

But I didn’t give up. I stayed strong, even though tears continued to stream down my face. My voice was full of anger, fear, and love that wouldn’t waver. “I love him. I won’t let you ruin him. If I can’t stop you, the pack hunters coming for us will.”

Leo’s eyes showed a hint of doubt for a moment, but then he mockingly smirked again. “Your greatest mistake was ever falling in love with this monster. A thousand of your pack rats can come but they won’t still be able to stop this from happening.”

As the vampires started pulling Adrian toward the electrocution chair, I couldn’t hold back a guttural scream. “No! Stop! Please, don’t do this!”

I cried out, but nobody cared to listen to me. The room was silent and dark at first, but then the lights came on, only that it wasn’t the light but the strange machine that made sparks fly. Adrian’s screams made my ears and eyes bleed.

I desperately reached out to Adrian, hoping he could save himself. But it was too late. Electricity shot through his body, causing him to jerk and convulse.

Seeing the person I loved the most being hurt like that shattered my world. I struggled to break free of the chain but Ethan walked to me and chained me tighter to the metal ball, directly opposite Adrian, so I could watch him writhe in pain.

My heart bled as my hands in the chains did.

Torture me instead…please…. not Adrian…not him…



Lily’s mom and dad, Henry and Rebekah, were getting more and more worried as time passed and Lily hadn’t arrived back home. They were pacing back and forth in their room, their faces grimacing their concern. They exchanged worried looks as their instincts as parents told them that something wasn’t right.

Rebekah’s voice was shaky as she expressed her concern, “Henry, it’s been days. Lily should have been back by now. I have a bad feeling. What could have happened to her?”

Henry let out a deep sigh, feeling just as worried as his wife. “I don’t know, dear. Lily has faced challenges before, but this time feels different. She’s strong, but she can be stubborn. What if she’s in trouble?”

Tears welled up in Rebekah’s eyes as she held onto Henry’s arm tightly. “We can’t let anything bad happen to her. We have to find her and bring her back home safely.”

Henry’s nodded in agreement. “You’re right. I’ll send out a search party. We’ll look everywhere in the woods and our territory until we find Lily. She’s our only child, and we won’t stop until we find her.”

As Henry gathered the pack members for the search, Rebekah’s worries increased and she imagined different possibilities of what might have happened. She quietly said to herself, “Did she come across dangerous animals? Or did someone from outside the pack harm her? Oh, my dear child, where could you be?”

Theo overheard their conversation and came over to them. He had grown fond of Lily during their time together, and worry was evident on his face too. “Sir, ma’am, please let me join the search party. I want to find Lily and Adrian. They’re my friends, and I will take it as my responsibility to save them from harm’s way.”

Rebekah’s eyes filled with gratitude as she spoke, “Thank you, Theo. Your support means a lot to us. We’ll need all the help we can get to find them.”

Henry nodded and agreed with Theo. “Theo, you’ve shown us that you’re a loyal member of our grove. We trust you. Let’s gather everyone else and start searching right away.”

Theo felt even more determined as he stood tall. “I won’t disappoint you. I’ll find Lily and Adrian, no matter what.”

Once the search party was ready, they ventured into the vast wilderness that surrounded their pack’s territory. With each step they took, they felt a mix of hope and nervousness. They carefully explored every path and every corner, calling out for Lily and Adrian. Their voices echoed through the woods, but they received no response.

Theo’s heart raced with worry as he pushed through the thick vegetation, his mind consumed by thoughts of his missing friends. “Lily, Adrian, where are you? Don’t lose hope. We won’t give up. Stay strong and protect yourselves. We’re coming to find you.”

As they reached the edge of the pack’s territory, Theo raised his hand and signaled for everyone to stop. He looked at his pack members and spoke with a firm determination in his voice. “We’re going to search beyond our borders. Lily and Adrian could be anywhere, and we can’t leave any place unexplored. Spread out, but stay connected. Let’s find them and bring them back safely.”

Theo felt his determination grow stronger as he exchanged looks with the other men. They nodded, silently agreeing with their shared mission to locate their missing people. With more determination, they walked out of the boarder, ready to find their people and rescue them from any harm they might have encountered in their journey.

Theo’s voice was filled with persistence as he whispered to himself, “Stay strong, Lily. Stay strong, Adrian. We’re on our way to find you.”


Henry sat in his study room, obviously very worried and frustrated. He was thinking a lot about what had happened recently, and he wanted to find some closure. So, he decided to call Tyler because it was Tyler who had expected Lily and Adrian.

The phone rang loudly, making the room fill up with anticipation. Tyler picked up the phone, and he immediately answered. “Hello?” he said.

“Lily’s dad here,” Henry said urgently. “I need to know if you’ve heard anything from Lily or Adrian. They’re both missing, and I’m getting more and more worried about them.”

There was a short moment of silence on the other end of the line before Tyler replied, sounding really concerned. “No, I haven’t heard from them. After the vampire incident, they haven’t come to the pack. I thought they were with you.”

Henry’s heart sank when he heard what Tyler said. He realized that Lily and Adrian were truly gone, and it made him feel hopeless. He said, “No, they’re not with us,” and his voice shook a little. He had hoped they would be safe with Tyler. He ran his hand over his head and tried not to tense up his nerves.

Tyler suddenly got angry and outrightly blamed Lily’s dad. He retorted, “I warned you about Adrian, didn’t I? I told you he was dangerous, but you didn’t listen. Now Lily’s gone because of him!”

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