Forbidden Mate: Awakening

Chapter 128

Out of nowhere, Audrey appeared. She was surrounded by a dark and eerie aura. Her eyes glowed with evil as she summoned the powers of her devil goddess, Ashtarah. The air around us crackled with strange energy.

When she saw my present form, she seemed to rethink facing me but she proceeded still, “So you’re a Guardian? An unworthy bitch like you?”

I studied her.

“Why did you always have the good things, hunh?

You should have never been born, Lily! You’re my bane and I want you cut you off once and for all!”

“Your hatred will only lead you to your grave, Audrey!” I was trying to get to her.

“No! I will send you to your grave, right here!” But alas.

With a furious battle cry, Audrey lunged at me, her claws extending like sharp blades. I quickly used my wings spreading wide to shield me from her attack. We clashed in mid-air, feathers and fur flying as we struggled for dominance.

Ashtarah’s power flowed into Audrey, making her incredibly strong and quick. She easily dodged my attacks with careful movements. But I wasn’t giving up. I knew I had to defeat her once and for all.

I lunged at her, using a strong gust of wind to try to throw her off balance. But Audrey’s eyes glowed red, and she created a shield of dark energy to block my attack. The force of our clash shook the ground, creating cracks in the ground.

“You can’t defeat me, Lily,” Audrey taunted with her chilling voice. “My goddess grants me the power of darkness itself! Your Guardian powers are useless if you know nothing about them!”This content provided by N(o)velDrama].[Org.

Using my powers, I tapped into the essence of nature, channeling the strength of the ancient trees and earth into my attacks. Vines burst from the ground, wrapping around Audrey and holding her still for a moment.

I took the chance and dived down, ready to strike. But before I could reach her, she vanished, leaving behind eerie laughter that echoed through the air.

I gasped for breath, landing back on the ground. My heart beated faster as I transformed back. I knew Audrey wouldn’t stop easily, but I couldn’t let her ruin everything I cared about. I had to put an end to this once and for all.

“Are you okay, Lily?” Adrian rushed to my side.

“I’m fine,” I replied, trying to catch my breath. “We need to find her and stop her before it’s too late.”


Tyler finally saw Leo standing over a disarmed man, Pablo. As his back was turned to him, he thought it a good opportunity to attack him now.

Tyler run towards him, claws bared, but Leo was quick and agile to know someone was running up to him from behind and he was able to dodge his attack effortlessly.

The battle grew more intense, with Tyler’s pack and Leo’s vampire followers fighting all around them. The night echoed with snarls, roars, and screams.

On the side, Pablo watched with a wicked smile. He had caused this conflict to serve his own evil plans but he was unsatisfied that Leo could harm him that way. He held his other eye which was hanging out his socket and glared at Leo who was now facing Tyler. But his focus quickly shifted when Adrian came up from behind him.

“You won’t get away with this,” Adrian said, “Your reign of darkness ends tonight.”

Pablo turned to face Adrian, his eyes gleaming with malice. He quickly realized who Adrian was. “You’re too late, chosen one. The wheels are already in motion, and there’s nothing you can do to stop it.”

Adrian sent powerful punches Pablo’s way but he dodged every single strike. He staggered back multiple times, trying to stay clear from Adrian’s blows whilst holding his eye.

Tyler and Leo continued their intense battle in which Tyler had already transformed into his wolf. Both were skilled fighters, and it was clear that neither would back down easily. Blow after blow was exchanged, with neither gaining a clear advantage.

But finally, with a powerful swipe of his claws, Tyler caught Leo off guard, slashing across his chest. Leo howled in pain, but he didn’t give up. He lunged at Tyler, fangs bared, but this time, Tyler was ready. With a swift and precise movement, he sank his teeth into Leo’s neck.

Leo’s struggles weakened, then his body went limp. Tyler released his grip, and Leo fell to the ground, lifeless. Tyler then spat out the black blood from his mouth and wiped away the remnant with his hand.

“Who’s dead now?” Tyler said to Leo’s dead body satirically.

Before Tyler could announce that Leo had been killed, Pablo ran up from behind, charging at Tyler with an axe.

In slow motion, Tyler saw the axe coming down on his head but before it contacted, a huge force sent Pablo tumbling down with his axe. Tyler was blown back to the floor and saw Adrian carrying up Pablo’s dead body with his hand and throwing it to the floor.

Adrian and Tyler exchanged a glance and Tyler nodded at him, thanking him. Adrian nodded back.

Tyler then stood again and kept a leg on Leo’s corpse, to proclaim, “Your leader is dead!!”



Everyone looked at Tyler and there was total silence. Tyler had killed Leo. I saw his dead body on the floor, the memory of his deathly smirk flashing my mind.

“Your leader is dead!” He repeated. “Retreat now or face total extermination!”

But what happened next, shocked me. The vampires kept on fighting us. Why weren’t they stopping now Leo was dead?

I ran to Tyler, “Why aren’t they retreating?”

“It seems he’s brainwashed them so much they’re willing to die for him even after his death.” He went on to attack other vampires.

But what then? Would they just fight to the death? Till every single vampire was dead? I looked at Tyler. He seemed so hellbent on finishing what he started.

When I looked back at Leo’s dead body, I saw someone crouching beside another dead body not far from Leo’s. I looked harder and saw it was Jaxon.

It happened in a flash.

I could hardly believe the chaos that unfolded before my eyes. Jaxon was consumed by grief and anger as he wailed. He started attacking our own pack in his wolf form which was now destructive. It was painful to witness him in so much agony.

In the midst of the chaos, Jaxon’s wild eyes met mine for a moment. I saw a flicker, a glimpse of the friend I once knew. But before I could react, he charged at me. His eyes had gone mad with rage. Fear and disbelief overwhelmed me and I stood to the ground unable to move.

The dream. What Don told me. He was right. No…

I blinked again but suddenly, Don appeared, putting himself between Jaxon and me.

“Don!” I was shocked to see him here so I cried out.

Don, always protective and as he promised me, courageously took all Jaxon’s attacks. The two of them fought wildly, and it was hard to watch and harder to do anything about it because of the shock I was in. I wanted to help, to save Jaxon from the darkness he was in. But I knew it was risky to interfere while he was like this.

Amidst the chaos, Audrey returned, and her presence scared me. Her evil smile showed no kindness. She came closer, her eyes filled with a dangerous intent to harm me. I was in my human form and transforming back to my Guardian form took time and was painful.

But just before she could attack, Tyler showed up despite his wounds. Seeing him stand between Audrey and I made me feel both grateful and scared.

Audrey laughed wickedly, taunting Tyler with her words. “You can’t protect her forever, Tyler. She’s not as innocent as you think.”

Tyler’s gaze never wavered, and his voice was firm. “I will protect her with my life, no matter the cost.”

Audrey laughed and slowly walked closer to Tyler, flinging away anyone who ran up to her with simple hand movements. She looked like she was gliding on the air.

Now, she was so close to Tyler.

“Look at what you’ve become Audrey.” He said, looking disgusted by her face he once thought was the sexiest in the world.

Audrey’s countenance changed for a moment as she held his chest, “This heart I always wanted to have…but you always gave it to that bitch. Why don’t I tear it out and eat it in your presence?” She said and smiled inhumanely.

Tyler’s next move caught both Audrey and I off guard. He held her by the waist and pulled her closer to him making her feet touch the ground.

They gazed into each others eyes, “I once cared for you, Audrey. I really did. I’m sorry I didn’t love you enough.”

He then smashed his lips into hers and I could see Audrey dig her nails into his chest, but before she could dig them further in, Tyler stabbed her chest from behind, making her eyes shoot open. Blood rushed out her mouth and Tyler slowly broke away with her blood on his lips. She fell to her knees and looked at Tyler with so much contempt.

She charged at him again but this time I rose up and with a swish of my hands, light sliced through, rendering her completely blind. She let out a furious scream and vanished once again into thin air.

With the chaos subsiding, I rushed to Tyler’s side, fear and relief coursing through me. “Tyler, you’re hurt,” I whispered.

He managed a weak smile. “I’ll be fine, Lily. You…you transformed into…”

“I’ll explain later. I…the war isn’t going to end if we don’t do something.”

“What else should we do?”

Then I remembered Cathro’s words.

It is time.

It clicked.

Tyler saw my facial expression, “What? Do you have something?”

“I know what to do. Where’s Adrian?”


It was time.

I ran across the battlefield, Tyler clearing my way , until we found Adrian. When he saw me, he dislodged the vampire fighting him and ran towards me.

We hugged me briefly then asked, “Were you able to defeat Audrey?”

“Yes. Tyler killed her.” Adrian glanced at Tyler behind us.

“But are you sure she’s dead?”

“She’s blind and injured badly.” I said hoping that would satisfy him but he didn’t look it. I focused on what I came to him for, “Adrian, I’ve finally got it. I know how we’ll end the war.”

He looked interested, “How?”

We managed to fight our way to the middle of the battlefield. A sight of a decapitated little boy made me sick and want to get this over with as quickly as possible to avoid more of that.

The weight of our destiny bore down upon us as we prepared to reveal our true identities as “the chosen one.” We had come so far, faced countless challenges, and now it was time to embrace our fate.

I took a deep breath, my heart pounding in my chest, as I reached behind my back and took out the journal of Lythian. Its leather cover felt cool against my trembling fingers. I placed it gently on the floor.

Adrian did the same as me, showing the ring of Lythian and putting it near the journal. The ring sparkled, and its power and mystery was palpable in the air. We knew this moment would be a turning point for us and the realm we lived in.

I touched the ring with care, feeling its energy flowing through me. Adrian put his hand on mine, and we locked eyes, knowing we were connected by love and destiny.

I began to recite the incantation I had learned from the journal, my voice as steady as it could get. I had read that incantation thrice but it didn’t make sense at the moment, maybe because I hadn’t gotten the sense of it until that moment. I didn’t see the use of it until now. It just came to me. Maybe it was from Cathro.

That was the key to unlock the powers of the Lythian artifacts.

“Zethrii’marael lythianthos, threlisar vorynthor, yirondal mynethor velethor.

Drevanor talonar zharennor, drevoros kynethor, vethrion enyxarathor velor.

Vorandor tiras’lynthor alynnor zyndarathor, lytharion vynorothor ylvarithor naelor ylyndor.

Voros talanor mithralas norlenthos elyndor, vorinthalas vynthor zarenthor ythor valyndor.”

I summon the great spirits of the Lythian empire, we choose to bring back the peace, balance and love.

We want to exterminate the evil and unfair, to lead in a new era for all to be aware.

From today we shall never be in dispute or such, because this ring represents the bond that will end the war.

Adrian joined in, his voice blending with mine in perfect harmony. As we spoke the ancient words, the ring and the journal started to levitate above our heads, their combined glow illuminating the entire field.

Tyler stared in total awe and so did Sarah, Theo and the others who began to see what was happening.

The air crackled with energy as the magic surged around us. I could feel the power building up, like a storm gathering in the distance. We continued to recite the incantation, our voices growing stronger with each word. It was as if the very essence of the universe was responding to our call.

Amidst the brilliant light, I looked into Adrian’s eyes, a rush of emotions washing over me. In that moment, all the love and sacrifice we had shared became crystal clear. I didn’t know what would happen next, but I knew I wanted to face it with him by my side.

“I love you,” I whispered, my voice barely audible above the swirling energy.

Adrian’s face softened with a tender smile. “And I love you too, Lily,” he replied as warmly as he always did.

The intensity of our emotions seemed to amplify the magic surrounding us. The entire place seemed to vanish around the blinding light, and for a moment, I felt weightless, as if we were suspended in time and space.

Adrian and I leaned into eachother for a kiss. A last or first kiss, I wasn’t sure but I didn’t want it to be the last.

Then, with a sudden burst of brilliance, the light expanded and swallowed everything in its path.

In the next instant, a blinding white light erupted, and the world vanished from sight.

To be continued •

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