Forbidden Mate: Awakening

Chapter 118


Theo laid on a makeshift bed in the room, his body weak and pale from the growing effects of the vampire bite. I didn’t know it had gotten so bad. His breathing was shallow, and beads of sweat formed on his forehead. Adrian had to hold Sarah by the side because she was crying heavily.

I stood by his side and carefully ran my hands just above his wound. I didn’t know what I was doing but my new healing powers were prepared to perform its first act.

“I hope you know what you’re doing, Lily.” Sarah said with a breathy voice and I nodded, not taking my eyes off his wound.

Theo was now shaking.

My eyes glowed with a soft, golden light as I focused all my energy on the injury. It was the first time I had used my healing abilities but I didn’t want Sarah to know I was nervous about this not working. I had seen some other powerful healers perform such miracles countless times when I was younger, including Aunt Belinda, but now it was my turn to harness that ancient magic.

Adrian and Sarah stood a few feet away, their eyes fixed on me. They knew how important this moment was, not just for Theo’s life but for the fate of our pack as Theo was one of our strongest warriors. If we were to lose him to this venom, Sarah would be absolutely shattered and so would it affect our army.

I took a deep breath, steadying myself, and then slowly lowered my hands onto the wound. My touch was gentle. I let my healing energy flow into Theo’s body. The room seemed to hum with a soft, soothing energy, and a warm glow surrounded my hands.

As I focused on the wound, I could feel the darkness of the vampire bite, the poison that wanted to consume Theo’s life. But I also sensed the faint glimmer of life, the resilience of his antibodies fighting against the darkness.

I closed my eyes, shutting out all distractions, and allowed my instincts to guide me. I visualized the wound, seeing it in my mind’s eye, and then began to channel my healing energy directly into the injury.

A soft gasp escaped Sarah’s lips as she watched the wound start to close before her very eyes. The ragged edges of the bite smoothed out, and the bleeding gradually stopped. It was as if time itself was being reversed, undoing the damage that had been done.

Sarah’s eyes were wide with amazement as she witnessed the magic unfolding before her. She had never experienced a meta healing process firsthand. This was something else entirely.

Adrian just glanced on as if he had seen this many times but seeing me handling this well, I was sure he was proud of my growth.

My hands glowed brighter as I poured more of my energy into Theo’s body. I felt a connection with him, a deep understanding of his pain and suffering. I focused on that connection, using it to guide my healing magic.

A few moments later, Theo’s breathing became steadier, and the color returned to his cheeks. The wound had closed completely, leaving behind only a faint scar as a reminder of the ordeal.

I slowly withdrew my hands, my energy completely spent but my heart filled with relief and triumph. I looked up at Adrian and Sarah, a small smile tugging at the corners of my lips.Content is © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

“He’s gonna be okay,” I breathed out.

Sarah stepped forward and embraced me tightly, with tears in his eyes. “Thanks, Lily. You saved his life.”

Adrian joined the embrace. “Your gifts keep multiplying by the day. You truly are a chosen one.”

I blushed, feeling both proud and humble. I knew I had a lot to learn with my new powers. But in that moment, I felt my inner strength increased.

As Theo woke up on the bed, I stepped back to give him room. I watched anxiously as he became aware of his surroundings.

“Theo, you’re okay,” Sarah said with a relieved smile.

Theo’s eyes met mine, and he reached out to gently touch my hand. “Thank you,” he murmured, his voice weak but filled with gratitude.

I smiled back at him. “It’s nothing. Just rest and regain your strength.”

Adrian patted Theo’s shoulder. “You gave us quite a scare, mate. But Lily here worked her magic and thank goodness you’re alright.”

Theo chuckled weakly. “Magic, huh? I never thought I’d see the day.”

“Well, get used to it,” Sarah said playfully. “Because it looks like we have a powerful healer in our midst.”

Sarah sat down close to Theo and hugged him. Theo whispered into her, “I hope you didn’t cry too much because of me?”

Sarah bit his ear, “I didn’t cry at all.” They laughed into each others’ ears and Adrian came to place a hand on my waist.

I’m so proud of you.

It had been long since he communicated with me telepathically. I smiled at him.

“I can’t thank you enough, Lily.” Theo said, a little teary.

I smiled warmly, my hand interlocked with Adrian’s . “There’s no need for you to thank me so much. What are friends for? I’m just glad I could help,” I said humbly.

Adrian said, “You did very well.”

I looked at Adrian and talked to him, “Theo’s strong, and he fought hard to survive. My healing abilities only gave him a little push.”

Sarah nodded in agreement. “He’s a fighter, that’s for sure,” she said, her eyes looking more brighter than it had in days. “He wouldn’t give up so easily or I’d kill him.”

We all laughed.

In the days that followed, Theo’s strength slowly returned. He continued to heal rapidly and then subsequently started training again. I started honing all my abilities, especially the healing one since I knew it would come in handy during the war.


As I sat by the window, gazing out at the warriors training, my mind couldn’t help but wander to Jaxon. He was always at the forefront with Don and Tyler. He was always the best general, the best mentor, the most skilled. How things had changed so much. I worried about his health, his well-being, and our friendship, which seemed to hang by a fragile thread. The recent events had left us both changed, and I wondered if our bond would be able to withstand what more was to come.

It had been weeks since I last saw him, and the memory of that day still haunted me. I remembered finding him in the forest, battered, beaten and left to die. The sight of his lifeless body sent a shiver down my spine, and the guilt weighed on my heart. I couldn’t shake the feeling that I should have been there to protect him, to prevent whatever had attacked him from causing him harm. He was my friend after all. Oh, who was I kidding? What was I even thinking? He had pushed me away. Ever since I saw him trying to help Ethan escape, he had pushed me away and shut me out. I didnt know the huge skeleton he had been hiding in his closet.

With a frustrated sigh, I made up my mind. I couldn’t bear the uncertainty any longer. I needed to see him, to know that he was okay.

I had to see him.






The sound of the water dripping from the leaf bud to the ground annoyed her and woke her up from sleep.

She was in a dark cave. Audrey’s eyes fluttered open. Her body was weak and battered from the recent battle with Lily she couldn’t believe she lost to. She couldn’t believe more even that she was still alive.

Audrey felt lost and upset as she looked up to the dark ceiling. She kept thinking about her defeat by Lily, unable to understand how everything had gone so bad. The battle replayed in her mind, each moment and attack stuck in her thoughts.

Even though she always undermined Lily’s potential, she had always known that Lily had unique abilities, but she had never imagined just how powerful she could be. It was as if a hidden force had awoken within Lily, empowering her beyond anything Audrey had ever seen before

Lily had found a strength inside her, stronger than she ever knew. Her powers had grown, and she moved with skill. Audrey could feel the power coming from Lily, and it made her uneasy.

What confused Audrey the most was how Lily could use the power of light against her dark magic. It seemed like Lily drew energy from the moon and stars to counter Audrey’s evil forces. It was a power Audrey had never seen before, and it left her feeling weak and defenseless.

What was that power? Where had she seen it before? Where had she heard of it before?

As Audrey thought about the battle, she could only feel angrier at Lily. She realized that Lily was a strong opponent, and she should not underestimate her again but she was still nothing in comparison to her. Audrey also wondered if there was something special about Lily’s powers. Maybe she had tapped into ancient magic or some mysterious force.

One thing was clear – she needed to be more careful when facing Lily in the future. She had gotten some powers now and next time they’d face eachother, she’d smoke her.

As she tried to sit up, a sharp pain shot through her abdomen, causing her to gasp. Confused and alarmed, she instinctively placed a hand on her belly.

“What’s happening to me?” Audrey whispered to herself, her heart racing with fear and uncertainty. She had been through so much, and now this unexpected pain added to her already overwhelming emotions.

As she gently caressed her stomach, a realization hit her like a bolt of lightning. Could it be possible? Could she be… pregnant? The thought made her want to faint and her mind pounded with disbelief and dread.

She knew that becoming pregnant in the midst of such chaos and danger was the last thing she needed. It would complicate everything. It would put her at a greater risk, and perhaps worst of all, tie her to a future she never wanted. She had always seen herself as a lone wolf, not connected to anyone by any attachments or responsibilities.

“Please, no,” Audrey whispered, her voice trembling with fear and desperation. She couldn’t bear the thought of bringing a child into this world, not in the midst of war and uncertainty.

Audrey knew she had to find out for sure and confirm her suspicions. She struggled to push herself up from the ground and made her way to a nearby stream. As she looked at her reflection, her heart sank.

The signs were there, and she couldn’t deny them. Her body was changing, and the evidence was undeniable. She was pregnant.

Tears welled up in Audrey’s eyes as she sank to her knees.

“No…no.. No!!!” She screamed, making the cave behind her quake.

Who was responsible? Who the hell was responsible?? Who was the father? How could she have been so careless, so foolish, so wreckless?

Who was it?

Then it hit her.

Tall, Slender, White hair, Red eyes, Venomous voice…Leo.

She gulped hard and let out a deafening scream.

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