Forbidden Desire


Amelia’s critical gaze pierced me as she hugged and cuddled Jinhee, making me realize that, like it or not, she had managed to turn me into the villain of the story. Jinhee clung to the older girl’s clothes, tears streaming down her face as she buried her head in her lap. The mere thought of Mrs. Amelia seeing me as a malevolent figure brought a sting to my eyes. The fear crept in that she could sway Jane’s opinion against me, and the idea of her looking at me with such disdain was unbearable. With a heavy heart, I retreated to my room, seeking solace behind closed doors as tears cascaded down my cheeks. I couldn’t shake the notion that I was being painted as a villain, unjustly so. Was I truly as villainous as they perceived me to be? Despite the turmoil, I couldn’t justify resorting to violence, especially against a woman. Though I had only pushed Jinhee away, the weight of guilt and doubt gnawed at me relentlessly.

Sobs racked my body, the culmination of days of turmoil finally crashing down upon me like a relentless wave. Seeking refuge, I retreated to the bathtub, filling it with warm water in a feeble attempt to wash away the turmoil within me. Yet, even as I submerged myself, the tears continued to flow, mingling with the water, a testament to the depth of my inner turmoil. The taste of revenge lingered on my lips, bitter and unsatisfying, as I pondered the cost it exacted. In seeking retribution, I had unwittingly sacrificed the trust of the woman who had nurtured me and jeopardized the love and admiration of the kindest soul I had ever known.

Time lost its meaning as I lay in the bath, adrift in a sea of conflicted emotions. Emerging from the water’s embrace, I sought refuge on my bed, staring blankly at the ceiling, pleading for the respite of sleep that eluded me. The weight of guilt and regret bore down upon me, suffocating me within the confines of my own despair. The walls of my room seemed to close in around me, their oppressive presence looming over me like a specter of my own making. Glancing at the clock, its hands ticking past the wee hours of the morning, I succumbed to the realization that sleep would not grant me solace tonight.

Driven by a restless yearning, I found myself drawn to Jane’s room, an irresistible urge compelling me to seek solace in her presence. Gently pushing open the door, I beheld her silhouette bathed in the soft glow of lamplight, completely engrossed in her artistic pursuit. Mesmerized by her serene demeanor, I lingered in the threshold, hesitant to disrupt her reverie. Her form, illuminated by the faint light, exuded an ethereal grace that captivated my senses. With each brushstroke, she infused life into the canvas before her, a testament to her innate talent.

Stepping into the room, I closed the door behind me, my presence finally registering upon her awareness. Startled, she turned towards me, a flicker of surprise dancing in her eyes before yielding to a warm smile.

“Oh, Jason! You startled me,” she exclaimed, her voice laced with affection.

Chuckling softly, I met her gaze, a sense of tranquility washing over me in her presence.

“How long have you been here?” she inquired, concern etching her features.

“About twenty or thirty minutes,” I replied, my voice tinged with vulnerability.

“Why didn’t you say anything?” she queried, her brow furrowing in concern.

“I enjoy watching you,” I confessed, a hint of longing coloring my words.This is property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

Her smile widened, her eyes alight with affection as she drew closer to me.

“Can I sleep here?” I ventured, a note of uncertainty creeping into my voice.

Her response was immediate, her gaze softening as she assented, “Always.”

Approaching her, I cast my gaze upon the canvas before us, intrigued by the abstract composition that adorned it.

“What does it mean?” I inquired, curiosity piqued by the array of colors and shapes that danced across the surface.

“It’s a storm,” she explained, her voice tinged with emotion. “The reds symbolize your emotions, intertwined with hues of yellow and blue, each representing a different sentiment.”

“And why are my eyes at the forefront?” I pressed, my gaze locking with hers in search of understanding.

“Because amidst the turmoil of your emotions, you remain steadfastly yourself,” she replied, her eyes shimmering with unwavering devotion.

Her words struck a chord within me, stirring a maelstrom of conflicting emotions. Despite my inner turmoil, her unwavering faith in me offered a glimmer of hope amidst the darkness.

Before I could articulate my thoughts, tears welled in my eyes, betraying the depth of my turmoil. Sensing my distress, she drew me into her embrace, her touch a soothing balm to my fractured soul.

“Why are you crying?” she whispered, her voice laced with concern as she brushed away my tears.

Unable to find the words to convey my anguish, I buried my face in her chest, seeking solace in her comforting presence.

“You’re not bad, you’re just hurting,” she reassured, her words a beacon of solace in the midst of my despair.

The weight of her words lifted a burden from my shoulders, offering a glimmer of redemption amidst the darkness. Gazing into her eyes, I found solace in her unwavering love and acceptance.

“I love you, and nothing will change that,” she declared, her voice infused with unwavering devotion.

With a nod of gratitude, I surrendered to her embrace, allowing the warmth of her love to envelop me in its embrace.

As we drifted into the embrace of slumber, her whispered words echoed in the recesses of my mind, a reminder of the unconditional love that bound us together. And in that fleeting moment of tranquility, I found solace in the arms of the one who held my heart.

I couldn’t help but smile as her soft voice filled the room, a gentle melody that washed over me like a soothing embrace. Despite her shyness, her presence had an undeniable power over me, melting away the walls I had built around my heart. In that moment, she stirred emotions within me that I had never known existed, and I found myself utterly captivated by her.

As she began to sing, her voice carried with it a raw vulnerability that resonated deep within my soul. Each note was infused with emotion, each word a testament to the depth of her feelings. I watched in awe as she poured her heart into the song, her delicate fingers tracing patterns through my hair, her touch a gentle caress that eased the turmoil within me. In her embrace, I found a sense of peace unlike any I had ever known, a fleeting moment of serenity amidst the chaos of my thoughts.

When she finished singing, I pressed my lips to hers in a tender kiss, savoring the sweetness of her lips against mine. As exhaustion washed over us, we succumbed to the embrace of sleep, her warmth enveloping me like a comforting blanket.

The following morning, I awoke to the sensation of her lips brushing against my face, coaxing me from the depths of slumber.

“Love?” I murmured, my voice heavy with sleep, as I felt the warmth of her smile against my skin.

“It’s already dawn,” she whispered, her words a gentle reminder of the passage of time. “You need to go to your room…”

Reluctantly, I clung to her, burying my face in the curve of her neck, unwilling to part from her embrace.

“I don’t want to,” I confessed, my voice muffled against her skin.

“Darling, my aunt must be awake by now,” she reasoned, her tone gentle but firm, as she gently extricated herself from my grasp.

I remember the night before vividly as I open my eyes to the new day. Anxious thoughts flooded my mind, though I made an effort not to let them show. There lingered a concern that Jane’s aunt might harbor ill feelings towards me following yesterday’s events. Reluctantly, I rise from my bed and approach the door. However, before departing, I steal a glance back into the room. There sits Jane upon the bed, her hair tousled in a way that accentuates her allure. She exudes a captivating charm, prompting me to draw near, gently cupping her face in my hands before indulging in a passionate kiss. The taste of her lingers on my lips, her warm tongue intertwining with mine, igniting a fervor within me that I struggle to contain. Breaking away for want of breath, I find myself ensnared by her smile, wishing to prolong our moment together indefinitely.

Exiting the room, I tread cautiously, mindful of avoiding detection as I make my way to my quarters. Once there, I hastily prepare for the day ahead, taking a moment to freshen up before joining the others in the dining room where breakfast awaits. Notably absent is Jinhee, a fact that doesn’t trouble me in the least. Mrs. Amelia’s gaze barely acknowledges my presence, a sensation that weighs heavily upon me. It is Jane who offers a glimmer of solace, her radiant smile lifting my spirits. Her unwavering support proves to be a beacon of light amidst the encroaching darkness of uncertainty.

As we share a quiet moment, Mrs. Amelia’s watchful eye betrays a growing apprehension. The sound of the doorbell interrupts our reprieve, prompting Mrs. Amelia’s swift departure to answer it. Seizing the opportunity, I draw Jane into an embrace, her fingers threading through my hair.

“I wanted to have coffee with you,” I said.

Startled by my sudden embrace, Jane attempts to hush me.

“If my aunt hears, she’ll kill me,” she whispers nervously.

I chuckle softly, my mirth dissipating upon the sight of Jinhee’s entrance. Her eyes are darkened with bruises, tears streaking her distraught face. However, any sympathy I may have harbored swiftly dissipates as her gaze meets mine, a sinister smile playing upon her lips. Confusion grips me, leaving me at a loss for words.

“Jinhee, what happened?” I inquire, concern etched in my voice.

Before I can approach her, Mrs. Amelia enters the room, followed by two police officers.

“We’ve received a report of domestic violence,” she announces solemnly.

Jinhee’s cries intensify as she rushes towards the officers, feigning distress as she points accusingly in my direction.

“Thank God! Please help me! Last night he went crazy, he broke his glasses and hit me!” she pleads.

The weight of her accusations leaves me reeling, handcuffs offered as a grim testament to her deception. Judgmental stares bore into me, yet amidst the chaos, I search for a familiar face. Finding solace in Jane’s gaze, I am momentarily paralyzed by fear of her condemnation. However, her voice pierces through the tumult, resolute and unwavering.

“THAT’S A LIE!” she exclaims, her words echoing throughout the room.

Aunt Amelia attempts to silence her, but Jane stands her ground, defiance evident in every line of her posture. As the officers move to apprehend me, Jane intercedes, her stance a barrier against injustice.

“No! That’s a lie! She’s lying!” she asserts vehemently.

Confusion reigns as Aunt Amelia turns to Jinhee for clarification, her composure faltering under scrutiny.

“But what time did this happen? Yesterday, when I took you to your room, you weren’t like that,” Aunt Amelia presses, desperation tainting her voice.

Jinhee stammers, her resolve crumbling as she struggles to provide an explanation. The officers await her response, their patience wearing thin.

“It was early in the morning. At three in the morning he came into my room, tried to take me by force and when I wouldn’t let him, he hit me!” Jinhee stammers.

“It’s a lie!” Jane interjects, her voice trembling with emotion as she steps forward, a protective shield against injustice.

Jane went towards Jinhee, almost advancing on her and I had to grab her from behind to stop her from doing anything stupid. I’d never seen her like that before. She was so sweet that I could never have imagined her as she was now, she was like a lioness trying to defend me and my heart was warmed by the fact that not for a moment did she doubt me.

“Calm down, Jane!” I urged.

“Stay out of this, Jane! You can’t say that this is a lie!” Jinhee cried out.

“I HAVE! I HAVE YES!” Jane’s voice broke with emotion.

“What?” I asked, bewildered.

She closes her eyes as if hesitating for a moment and when she opens them, her eyes are full of tears.

“Because he was in my room with me at that time yesterday,” Jane confessed weakly.

Her voice came out weakly, and I could see the look of disappointment on the older woman’s face.

“What?” Aunt Amelia exclaimed, shocked.

“I’m sorry, auntie, I didn’t want to disappoint you, but I can’t let them take him away. Yesterday he spent the whole night with me in my room, so I can say for sure that this is a lie!” Jane explained, tears streaming down her face.

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