Fates Hands

Chapter 50

Chapter 50

Chapter 50

### WARNING mild references###

Marco was looking at the email, at a complete loss for words. Everyone has been through enough crap,

plus figuring out where all the survivors will go. It was sad but they couldn’t save most of the mutated

ones, ninety percent of them couldn’t be moved or they would die.

The facility itself they blew up and covered in rubble. No one will ever know of it’s existence, there were NôvelDrama.Org © 2024.

sentinals placed around the cleared area, all that was left of the outside of the facility. They wanted to

see if anyone came looking

They are also discussing a multi Were task force, one that coild go out looking for this kind of stuff.

Trained to see it and know where to look. Putting an end to the ignorance of the Were communities.

Children would also be taught about some of the things to look for and to be aware of those who would

manipulate or abduct them.

Marco was still looking at the damn email, looks like he was going to have to get some rooms ready.

First order of business was to go tell the

Alpha of his upcoming guests, after today. No way was he going to disturb him right now, he liked his

head where it was.

Adira was enjoying having Duncan all to herself, they had breakfast and lunch in their room. They

talked, laughed, made love and watched a movie here and there. It was pure contentment. Duncan

even listened to their pup as he moved around.

Around three in the afternoon there was a knock on the door and three pack members brought in all

kinds of flowers, bouquets of roses of every color, daisies and iris’s it was a cornucopia of flowers.

All of them were for her, most were from her mate. There were three bouquets though of mixed flowers

that were from the pack. She was dumbfounded by all of them. She smiled brightly and that was what

Duncan wanted to see. No more tears for his Luna.

He gave instuctions to all pack members, not to disturb them at all, unless the place was on fire. He set

it up to have their meals brought to them. As well as chocolates and flowers. She is going to be spoiled

and pampered today and tonight.

He had already growled at two members for mind linking him. Never answered their question, just


Adira decided to tell Duncan about his sister, hoping that he would be open to the idea. She didn’t see

anything wrong with it as long as they were physically compatible. She supposed that is they couldn’t

have their own pups or cubs then they would be wonderful adoptive parents.

“Duncan I have something to talk to you about, I want you to keep an open mind.”

“What is it little wolf?”

“Do you know that Marnie and Ashton are developing a relationship? I think they are mates.”

He giggled…… “Yes, love I know about their budding relationship. I have no trouble with it as long as

no harm comes to Marnie and it makes her happy. I don’t know what kinds of things they will face

amongst the pack or the pride, I like to think no one will have problems with it, if they do they can bring

their concerns to me to address.”

Adira smiled at Duncan.

“Why are you smiling at me?”

“Because my wolfie you just added another reason that I love you. You add them everyday.”

Duncan pulled Adira to him for a kiss.

“Duncan what was you wanted to tell me.?”

He started to laugh…. “You are not going to believe this, I’m not sure I do and I saw it with my own

eyes. When we reached the head scientists lab, He had been killed by what he had locked up. It was a

Big Foot.”

“What!!! no way, you are playing with me.”

“Nope my little wolf I speak true.”

“What happened to the Big Foot, did you let it


He started to laugh louder….

“Are you kidding, it made a hole and escaped all by it’s self. It was so pissed there was no way anyone

was going to step in front of that nightmare.”

Ash followed Marnie around like a lost munny

She was starting to get annoyed, especially when he was waiting outside her bathroom door, while she

was doing her morning ritual.

In truth she though that Ash was hot, she fell for him the first time she saw him. They were two different

species though, would it work?. What if they are not compatiable?. When he carried her the other day

she felt sparks between them, that could only mean one thing.

Oddly her wolf Myan, had been strangly quiet about all this. Whenever Ash was around she would go

all shy and quiet. Come on Myan, you’re a warrior, not a shy giggling school girl. I could really use

some advice on this.

Still she had to see if she could lose Ash for a little while, so she could go ask one of the elders. She

decided that the best way to do it was to wait till he started eating, it was like the only thing that could

drag him away from her.

She decided that she was going to the kitchen, to talk to the chef about making some especially tasty

dishes for their feline guests.

Lily locked herself in her room, she was so angry with herself for all the shit she’d done in the past.

Now it is coming back to visit her

again. That stupid drug they used on her for so long was having side effects, they were giving her

herbs to help clear it out. Not fast enough though.

She was going into heat again. Sighing she sat on her bed and began to cry. What the hell was she

going to do now. She didn’t dare leave this room. At least this room had a tub she could fill with cold

water at least. It does help to lessen the fever and pain.

It does nothing to stop the need for mating though. This crap was only supposed to happen to mated

females, so their mates could take care of them. She had her mate and they mated that first time, now

he is dead and she is stuck.

She started to cry even harder when she remembered her handsome mates face and his gentle smile.

She would kill for just one more night with him. Then the image of his final moments went into her mind

and she cried out in pain. She managed to calm herself down and start a cold water bath.

Tomorrow it will be really bad, she was supposed to go to her therapist, but that wasn’t going to


She picked up the in house phone and dialed her female helper. She told her what was going

on, for a little bit there was no sound on the other end. Then in a burst of speech, Molly her helper,

started to bark out orders to some other women.

She was ordered to keep her door locked and stay inside. They would bring her things she would need

to help ease her through the process, she was only to unlock the door, if it was Molly on the other side.

With a sigh, she sat back down and started to laugh

“At least it isn’t in front of a bunch of crazy biker bears this time.” 2

The King was restless all day and now well into the night, what the hell was wrong with him. He hadn’t

felt like this since his eighteenth birthday and met his mate that night.

Ever since Lily came to him to tell him about her last memory, he couldn’t get her scent out of his head.

It made his mouth water, it reminded him of warm summer sun and gardinias. He has been roaming the

castle in his restlessness. He came to a stop.

Lord god above and goddess of the moon sure have a sense of humor. He knew then what was going

on, Lily was his second chance mate. It would be complicated but it could be done. If he claims her as

his mate she would be his Luna, she couldn’t be Queen though, perhaps in name only, because of her


Still though why was he so restless, it could only mean one thing.

She was in heat!!!

Thorn at that moment started to howl in his head…. “She is alone, unprotected and in heat. All she has

between herself and a bunch of wolves is a locked door. You have to go to make our mate safe, Then

we claim can her.”

He called to his personal servant, to remove all guards from inside the castle for a half an hour. He

looked at his King like he’d lost his marbles.


In a calmer tone, he explained that he needed to remove a female that came into heat, unexpectedly.

The servant ran from the room telling the guard his instructions. Ok, now all he had to do was

his instructions. Ok, now all he had to do was get his mate out of her locked room, without scaring the

crap out of her. Thorn wanted to just break down the door, toss her over his shoulder and run back to

their chambers.

The King had other plans, sometimes Thorn you have to be a little more diplomatic and charming to get

what you need, not ram it down their throat.

You will be on your best behavior, I know that the heat will drive you crazy, think about the scared she

wolf and what she has been through. We’ve got to take this a step at a time.

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