Fated to the Ruthless CEO

A Threat?

“Then why don’t you spend your time with them since every single woman here would want to be with you? Just leave me alone, Mr. Wesley.” Amber retorted bluntly.

“Mr. Wesley now, huh? What happened to Devlin or ‘baby’?” He kept taunting her. He prefers her to be talking back at him rather than ignore his presence. He hated every single moment that she would just ignore him readily.

“Well, someone already caught my fancy. So, I would rather be with her.” He answered back with amusement on his face.

“There is nothing funny here. Are you trying to annoy me because you are successfully doing that?” She really wanted to stay as far away from him. He is extremely annoying right now. She tried to ignore him, by checking on her phone.

“Come on, lil minx. Don’t ignore me again. I really didn’t like it last time.” She looked at him angrily but still did not talk to him. She saw him pour a bottle of wine in his glass.

“I miss you, wife.” He suddenly whispered close to her ear. Amber shivered from the intensity of his words. She was slowly melting to his charm again. She tried to muster the courage to hold onto her anger towards him.

“Do you know how much I stopped myself just to get you back a few years ago? I couldn’t drag you in my situation. Not when I had serious issues that may cause you harm.” He said seriously. She did not have any idea what he was talking about.

She heard about what was happening to his company. He got into a serious issue with one of his clients. His company was even sued. It was all over the news at that time. She remembered what happened that time.

A few weeks into their separation, the news broke out about an impending lawsuit against Devlin’s company. An issue regarding using substandard materials was raised against him by the client. For weeks, Devlin has been in the headline.

She could not deny that she got worried about him despite what happened between them. She decided to pay a visit to Devlin. She just wanted to check on him. She was in front of Devlin’s building when she was telling the security guard that she wanted to meet him. Unfortunately, she was denied entry. The security was very tight due to all the controversies the company was facing. Some reporters were just lurking outside waiting for Devlin to come out.

She waited for a couple of minutes before she finally decided to leave. It was futile to force herself to see him.

However, when she was about to leave, she saw the commotion from the reporters. They were all moving hurriedly towards the main door of the building.

Then, she saw Devlin. He looked tired and drained. She felt bad for him. She wanted to go to him to comfort him. When she was walking towards him with all the reporters surrounding him, Fiona Ross appeared from behind him.

She had a big smile on her face while looking at Devlin. She also smiled at the reporters. Immediately, the reporters flocked around them, throwing questions at them.

Devlin was looking exhausted to even answer the reporters. It was Fiona Ross with her expensive dress and polished hair who answered the reporters. Amber noticed how she tightly clung to Devlin’s arm.

“Ms. Ross, are you here to support Mr. Wesley?” The first question thrown by one reporter.

“We heard that your father is going to be the biggest investor of Mr. Wesley’s company. Could you confirm that?” Another reporter asked.

“Mr. Wesley, are we going to hear of any wedding engagement soon between you two?”

Those were just the endless questions thrown at them. It was Fiona Ross who answered them calmly. Devlin was quiet and not even looking at anyone in particular. He was deep in his own thoughts.

“As you all know, I am here to support my fiance. I hope that all answers your questions. Thank you so much.” She immediately pulled Devlin and walked away from the reporters.

The reporters were running after them even if the two were already in the car. She saw how Fiona waved at them and she kissed Devlin on the lips for everyone to see.

Amber could not even move from her spot. It was a blessing that she came with her huge sunglasses and a cap to hide her face. Again, for the nth time, she is heartbroken. When is she going to learn her lesson? She is the biggest fool for still caring for him. Never again…

So, hearing Devlin’s words right now of wanting to get her back was such a ludicrous idea. Is he trying to make fun of her? Is that how little he thinks of her? She almost forgot how much he hurt her over and over again.

“Mr. Wesley, I never thought that you could pass for a comedian. You are good at it.” She smiled sarcastically at him. She saw his forehead creased.

“Excuse me, I just need to use the restroom.” She took her purse with her but Devlin held her hand.

“I am sorry, Amber. I really am. And I meant every word I said to you.” He said with intensity. Amber pulled her hand away from him. She walked out. No one really noticed what happened between them since they were situated at the corner. It was a bit dimmed in their area.

She immediately went to wash her face in the restroom. She needed to calm down. That brute has still the same effect on her. She is disappointed and frustrated. Why can’t he just leave her alone? She is already fine with her life. She doesn’t care if she has not fully moved on from him but one day, she will. With that mindset, she calmed down and went out of the restroom.

She came back to mingle with the other guests. She looked around and thankfully she didn’t see Devlin. She hopes he left for her peace of mind.Material © NôvelDrama.Org.

A few minutes later, she saw Elijah coming her way. She gave him a big smile. Elijah went to hug her and even kissed her on the cheek. His action surprised her. She never lets him kiss her even if it is just a friendly kiss. And now, he did it in front of some guests here.

“It’s been a while, Amber. I miss you.” Elijah said, there was longing on his face. He has been pursuing Amber for a while now. But she always rejects his attention. When he was out of the country for several months, he tried to go on dates with other women. However, he could not find that feeling when he was with Amber.

“Uhmmm…how was your trip? When did you come home?” Amber smiled at him. She only sees Elijah as a friend. Nothing else. She never gives him any hope. She was honest from the start when he made his intentions known towards her. She is committed to her work, her company.

“It was great! I just arrived the other day. I immediately asked Jillian about you. She told me that you were in Paris.” He said with enthusiasm. His eyes were sparkling. Anyone can really tell that Elijah is smitten over Amber’s beauty. She is the one who is not comfortable if he overdoes things. She likes to put a line between them.

“I am glad to see you again, Elijah.” That’s all she said. This time, Jacob and Jillian joined them.

“And Amber, I am so proud of you. You finally made it this time. You deserve it more than anyone else.” Elijah winked at her playfully. She only rolled her eyes at him. Typical of Elijah to act playfully with her. That is why when he confessed his feelings to her, she was really surprised. She saw him as a friend, a brother.

Elijah is a great catch. He comes from a wealthy family. And he is a famous architect with his own firm sought after by rich clientele. He can easily have any woman with the same status that he has. However, he has been pursuing her for years.

“Thank you.” Amber only answered briefly.

“We should celebrate next time.” He said. Jillian was giggling to her side. She really is a hopeless romantic. She likes the idea that her friends are warming up to each other. She just doesn’t know what the real score is between Amber and Elijah.

“That’s what I told her earlier. Will you be joining the awarding event, Elijah?’ Jillian asked candidly.

“Yes, I was invited to the event. Amber, will you be my date that night? It would be such a great honor to be with the top awardee of the year.” Again, he playfully winked at her.

“Oh my… you two. When are you going to make it official?” It was Jillian’s big mouth that made some other guests look at them. Amber secretly pinched her friend to her side.

“Jillian, please don’t give him any idea.” She whispered which made Jillian chuckled softly.

“I am not doing anything. You two just look great together!” Amber only rolled her eyes at her hopeless, romantic friend. She used to be like Jillian… a hopeless romantic.

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