Enslaved By The Ruthless Vampire Lord: Her Second Chance Mate



THANKS TO @bells for the moon ticket.

Naya stood at the sink washing the plates as she looked outside the window.

Her mind was somewhere else as she kept thinking about Rhys.

It’s been three days since their little adventure and she had not heard from him.

Each time she went to serve meals, she would try stalling a little bit, hoping that he would come, but he never came and it left her worried.

She wondered if he was okay if he was ghosting, or if he was simply busy. She replayed their last conversation over and over in her head, wondering if she had said or done something to upset him. She had been so happy to spend time with him, and the possibility of never seeing him again made her feel anxious and sad.

She was worried about what might have happened to him that made him suddenly ghost her.

On the other hand, she felt a foreboding feeling, what if he actually ghosted her?

What if he made a fool out of her and was done with her?

Did he seriously play with her feelings?

“No, no..” Naya unconsciously muttered as she shook her head in denial.

There was no way Kai would just ghost her, something was not right somewhere but what?

Her mind raced with possibilities, trying to make sense of the situation. Maybe he was busy with work and hadn’t had time to meet her.

Or maybe he was just no longer interested in her and had decided to move on. The thought made her heart sink.

As she stood there, lost in thought, a loud shatter was heard, jolting Naya out of her thoughts.

“Oh my god. I know you’ll make a mistake! You always do” Jennet’s loud voice rang in her ears before she could even register what was going on.

“If you can’t do anything right, remain indoors and stop causing trouble…” she added not hiding her annoyance as Naya realized what she had done

She broke a plate.

She was so lost in her thoughts that she did not know when it slipped off her fingers.

Jennet was clearly not happy, and Naya could feel the tension in the air.

“I’m so sorry…” Naya demonstrated with an apologetic look on her face as she stepped away from the broken glasses.

“Sorry for your damn self…” Jennet snapped at her scornfully.

“Now you said sorry, what happens next? Huh?”

“Did the plates go back to their original state? Nothing changed so keep your sorry to yourself…” She rolled her eyes at Naya, whose eyes remained fixated on the ground.

“And next time, don’t ever tell me anything using sign language. It irritates me. Especially when it’s coming from you. You look so innocent but then you’re a green snake under the green grass..” she accused as she smacked her lips loudly.

Her hatred for Naya has intensified. She did not like her at all.

“And that sister of yours, Esme told me everything.. you should be very careful Naya..” Jennet warned in a curt tone.

Naya did not bother to look at Jennet as none of her words sank into her head.

The only thing she kept thinking about was Rhys and how to meet him.

She wanted to know if he was safe or if he left her on purpose. Owing to the fact that she woke up that morning and couldn’t find him, till date.

As Jennet continued to scold her, Naya’s mind drifted back to Rhys. She couldn’t stop thinking about him and the time they had spent together. She felt a connection with him that she had never felt with anyone else. He had made her feel special and seen in a way she had never experienced before. And now, she couldn’t help but worry about him.

She couldn’t focus on anything else but Rhys. Her mind was a jumble of emotions and questions, and she couldn’t seem to think straight.

“I’ll take care of the broken pieces. I don’t think Naya is feeling quite well..” Keira stepped in for Naya as Jennet snapped a gaze at her.

“Whatever..” she signed, placing her hand on get forehead as if seeing Naya gave her a headache.

“Do what you want and take her out of here before I do something drastic…” she referred to Naya as she walked away from them.

As Jennet walked away, Naya felt a wave of relief wash over her. She was grateful for Keira’s intervention, and she gave her a weak smile. Keira returned the smile, and Naya could feel the understanding in her eyes.

“Come on Naya. Wait outside..” Keira said to Naya, who gave her a grateful look before walking out of the kitchen, while Keira proceeded to clean up the mess she made.


“Is everything alright with you?” Kiera asked the moment she stepped out of the kitchen.

Naya was still outside staring into outer space.

“I’m fine..” Naya demonstrated flashing a smile at her.

“I don’t think so…” Keira shook her head in denial.

“You’ve been so different for the past two days. Is anything eating you up?” She asked as Naya shook her head indicating a no.

“I just have a headache. That’s all..” she demonstrated as Keira shook her head.

Keira didn’t look convinced, and Naya could tell that she was skeptical of her answer.

“Then you should get some rest Naya. You should get prepared for the occasion coming up in a few days’ time..” she informed, and that caught Naya’s interest as she looked up at Keira giving her a knowing look.

“Oh…” Keira mouthed as if she just remembered something.

“I literally forgot to tell you..”

“A party usually comes up every year. It’s like a selection though. Where lord Rhys chooses a woman for himself sometimes he can choose women..” she informed as Naya shook her head slowly.

That was none of her business by the way. She wanted to meet Kai.

“So this palace would be quite busy from now on as a lot of guests are going to arrive. It will probably be by evening. So I’ll suggest you get bed rest to be fully prepared for the evening. There’s going to be a lot of work to do…” Keira explained.

“Thanks..” Naya appreciated using sign language, feeling grateful.

“No problem. So I’ll leave you to rest, while I go back inside…” Keira was about to walk away when Naya held her back.

“Anything?” Keira asked curiously as Naya shook her head affirmatively.

She brought out her notepad as she soon began to sketch something on it.

‘Do you know Kai?’

“Kai? Who’s Kai?” Keira ashed curiously with a confused look on her face as Naya went back to writing on the notepad.

“Lord Rhys’ right-hand guard?” Keira looked surprised and Naya wondered why she looked surprised.

“I don’t know any Kai Naya, nor have I heard of Lord Rhys having a right-hand man. Are you sure you got the right name?” Keira grilled. Her brother was a guard and she knew quite a number of guards and had never heard of Kai.

“Yes, I’m sure..” Naya demonstrated feeling so sure.

“That’s strange..” Keira mumbled.

‘ He’s gingered hair, good looking, and is usually in lord Rhys wing. Think if you have met someone like him, ‘ Naya wrote in the notepad.

“Seriously Naya…” Keira chuckled.

“Your description sounds a lot more like Lord Rhys. As for Kai, I don’t know him. Maybe he’s new. So I’ll ask my brother about it..” she offered as Naya breathed out in relief.

She wanted to meet Kai and give him a hot slap for ghosting her and then ask for a reasonable explanation from him.

“By the way, why are you so obsessed with finding Kai?” Keira asked curiously, she remembered Naya asking about him once some time ago.

‘I just want to know something’

“Okay…” Keira mouthed, not wanting to go further.Text content © NôvelDrama.Org.

“Go to bed and rest. I’ll pass by your room by evening to call you..” she said as Naya hugged her.

“Thank you…” she demonstrated as she hurried away to get the room.

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