Don’t Cry Baby

Chapter 2

Chapter 2

My alarm wakes me up the next morning, I unwrap myself from Tyler’s grasp and reach towards my

bedside table to shut it off. Tyler groans and pulls me back towards him. I love waking up next to him, I

long to stay in bed with him all day. Maybe I can just skip school and hide in bed with Tyler all day long.

I place a small kiss on Tyler’s lips and watch a smile appear on his sleepy face.

“Ty, I have school. You have to get up and leave before my parents find out you’re here.” He groans

and pulls the blanket over top of our heads, a mischievous grin on his lips.

“Nope, just stay here with me. Pretend to be sick.” I giggle and try and free myself from his tight grip on

my body.

“I can’t, I have to go.” Ty begins to pout, and I shake my head with amusement, he finally lets me free

and I stand up reaching for my fluffy housecoat that I have hanging from the hook on my bedroom door.

Ty gets out of the bed and begins to put his clothes back on. As he pulls his shirt over his head, he

notices me watching him great dressed and winks in my direction.

“Like what you see baby doll?” I roll my eyes and flip him off as I search my closet for something to

wear. I push through the different clothes I have and pull out a pair of skinny jeans and a cute tank top.

“You’re not wearing that are you?” I hear his stern voice behind me. I slowly turn and see he is staring

at the clothing I have in my hands.

“Yes, I was going to, why?” His brows furrow and he walk towards me standing at the closet and takes

the tank top from my hands, staring at it.

“No.” I let out a sigh and take my tank top back.

“This is what I want to wear though.” He firmly grabs my chin and turns me to face him, his blue eyes

sending daggers towards me. I want to turn away but, his grip on my chin keeps me from turning.

“I said no, wear something else. I don’t want guys to be staring at you all day.” I nod and reach into my

closet to find a different shirt he will like better. I pick out a plain black t-shirt. His playful smile returns,

and he nods his head at my choice.

“Good girl.” I give him a half smile before turning towards the door so that I can leave. He grabs my

wrist and pulls me back towards him. He places a kiss on my lips.

“You’re my girl and I love you. I just don’t want to share you.”

“I know baby, you should go now though. I really have to get ready.” He nods, kisses me once more,

and walks towards my window to climb back down the tree.

I rub my chin where he grabbed me earlier, he did not grab me hard enough to bruise this time, but it

hurt. I shake away the feeling of dread and walk out my bedroom door towards the bathroom.

Time for a much-needed shower after last night, memories of what Tyler and I did together last night

send shivers down my spine. I remove my housecoat and climb into the shower to wanting to be warm

again. I let my head roll back and the ward fall down my back. I close my heads and take a few deep

breaths, trying to prepare for the day ahead. I always hate going to school, I would much rather be with

Tyler. I do not really have many friends at school on account of most people dropped me when I started

dating him because they did not like our relationship.

I step out of the shower and begin to get ready for the day. Once I am done, I walk downstairs to enjoy

another awkward meal with my parents.


I decide to walk to school today, it is not too far from my house and the walk is nice. I put my

headphones in and start on my walk to school. I enjoy having some alone time to just think and relax

before school.

It does not take long before I am walking towards the front entrance of my high school. As soon as I

walk in and see the crowd of people in the halls I immediately want to turn around and walk away. I

take a deep breath before taking the plunge into the hallway and towards my locker.

One positive though, I only heard one person call me a slut as I made my way to my small blue locker. I

turn the lock to all the correct numbers, and it allows me access to put my bag in and grab the books I

need for my morning classes. I turn my music up and turn to walk to my next class.

I have a habit of looking down as I walk through the halls, hoping not to make eye contact with anyone.

Today however, this did not work in my favour. I run straight into what feels like a brick wall and fall flat

on my ass.

“Fuck I am so sorry. Let me help you.” I feel my cheeks flush with embarrassment. I look up into these

kind amber eyes staring down at me, eyelashes to die for and chiseled features. He looks like he

belongs on the football team, I reach my hand up and grab hold of his. He pulls me up with ease and

smiles warmly at me.

“It’s not a problem at all don’t even worry about it.”

“I was just trying to read this damn map the office gave me, it’s my first day at this school and I’m

already lost. I’m Damien by the way.” He grins and I cannot help but return a smile.

"Hi Damien, my names Ashley. I might be able to help you out, what class are you trying to find?”

"I'm trying to find English with Mr. Jackle."

"Oh, well you're in luck I was headed there myself. It's my favourite class here." I grin and he returns it

before following me down the hall. I can’t help but notice his beautiful caramel complexion, his skin

looks so soft.

It does not take long to navigate through the sea of students to find Mr.Jackle’s red door. The only red

door in the whole school.

We walk into Mr. Jackles class and I sit in my usual spot in the second row on the right side of the

class. I am surprised when Damien takes the seat right next to me. He notices me looking and shoots

me one of his warm smiles that are so damn contagious.

“What brings you to Nelson, it’s kind of a shithole.” Damien chuckles beside me.

"My mom found a job here as a teacher, and so she moved us all out here. My dad left a couple

months ago so she didn't see any reason to stay back in my hometown." I nod and smile.

"Who's your mom? Did she get a job here?"

"Yes, as the new Chem teacher, Mrs. Edson."

"Hopefully she makes it more interesting then the last teacher" We both laugh and then turn our

attention to Mr.Jackle as he has started speaking about our upcoming assignments. I listen intently as

he goes on about the different due dates, suddenly, I feel my phone buzz and I smile knowing exactly

who it is.

Hey Hun, thinking of you.

I don’t reply, fearing I would get my phone taken away. I smile at the message and continue to listen to

the teacher. I feel my phone buzz once more and wince, knowing what is coming.

Wow, you cannot even bother to reply. Who are you with, a guy?

He always does this, just freaks out for nothing. I send a quick reply hoping I do not get caught.

I am just in class babe

I get an instant reply.

Whatever, sure you are.

I stop replying and try my best to focus on the teacher and everything he is saying. I spend the rest of

class trying to relax and keep myself from having a full-blown anxiety attack. I tap my legs to focus on

that action trying to calm my heart rate as I listen to Mr.Jackel telling us that we will be having a quiz in

tomorrow’s class.

Deep in thought I do not hear Damien speaking to me at first. I turn and look at him, a strange

expression on his face. He mouths the words “Are you okay?” I nod trying to hold back the tears that try

to escape. He smiles sheepishly and leans towards me.

“Will you spend lunch with me?” I give him a small smile and nod my head. He smiles back and leans

back so he is sitting in his desk properly.

The bell rings releasing us from our English class. I have chem before lunch, Damien has math. I point

him in the direction of his math class and try my best to explain where it is so that I can make my way

to my own class without being late. I promise to meet him in the cafeteria for lunch period and we part


His mom is quite the teacher, she is nice and seems to know what she is talking about. The different

modules she is introducing sound quite fun and I look forward to her class.

At the end of her class, I leave feeling hopeful that I might actually enjoy chem this year for the first


I find Damien waiting at my locker.

“So funny story, I forgot to ask you where the cafeteria was so I decided to wait hear hoping you would

stop at your locker first so that you could show me how to get there.” I can’t but laugh as I put my things

into my locker. He smiles a sheepish grin and follows me towards the cafeteria.

“Are you sure you’re okay? Did something happen in Mr. Jackels class?” I smile at him and push back

the bad feelings I have.

“I’m fine don’t worry, let’s go get some lunch.” He nods and continues to follow me into the cafeteria.

We grab food from the cooks and find a place to sit near a window.

As I sit down, I feel my phone buzz once again, my heart sinks. I know exactly who that is, and I am

sure it will not be better then the last few messages he sent me.

I am coming over tonight, leave your window unlocked.

I feel a shiver down my spine and my legs begin to shake. I am sure he just wants to see me. That is

all, he’ll come over and listen to me read to him until he falls asleep. I am not very convincing; the

anxious feeling remains. The sound of Damien’s voice pulls me from my panic.

“I hope this doesn’t come off as sounding rude but, how come you don’t have any friends. I have been

with you most of the day and haven’t seen you greet anyone else.” He stares at me with furrowed

brows, I scan his face for a moment wondering how sincere he is being.

“I just don’t really get along with many people here.” I shrug and he nods.

“Well, we can be friends. Right?” He smiles hopefully, I return a smile and nod.

“Sure!” I do not think Tyler would love the fact that my only friend at this school now is a man but, I’m

sure I can convince him its okay.


The rest of the day passed uneventful, Damien and I walked home from school and realized he lived

quite close to my house. One street over to be exact, I invited him over just to chill while his mom was

still at work.

We sat on the couch in my living room with a movie playing, I put on one of my favourites. He had This content is © NôvelDrama.Org.

never seen it; it is always so interesting to watch someone laugh at a movie they have never seen.

Every joke you have heard a thousand times, they’re hearing for their first. Damien’s laugh is so

contagious I cannot help but join him as he laughs. It’s so easy and carefree to spend time with him.

“What’s so funny?” My mothers voice breaks through our laughter and startles me. I sit up straight on

the couch and look towards her.

“Oh, hi mom, we’re just watching a funny movie.” She smiles as she makes eye contact with Damien.

“Who’s this?”

“Oh, mom this is Damien. He just moved here, we met at school today. I invited him over just to watch

a movie and hangout for a bit. Is that okay?”

“Of course! Damien it is so nice to meet you. Would you like to stay for dinner?” Damien smiles and

looks to me; I shrug as if to say up to you and he nods.

“Sure, I would love to. I’ll just text my mom and let her know.” My mother nods with a smile and turns

towards the kitchen.

She so obviously loves him; I can already tell. She has never been that nice to Ty.

“Your mom seems very nice.” Damien speaks up as we return to watching our movie.

“Yeah, she’s okay.” Damien cocks his head and stares at me for little while.

“Just okay? Do you have some issue with your mom?”

“No, I just wish she would treat my boyfriend the way she just treated you.” Something flashes in his

eyes but, he hides it quickly. Too quick for me to make out what it was.

“Oh? She doesn’t like him?” I shake my head no and lean back against the couch.

“She thinks he’s too old for me.” He nods and turns his eyes back towards the tv.

“How old is he?”

“He’s 21.”

“I mean, that is kind of old but, if you’re happy it shouldn’t really be a problem.” I nod and we continue

to watch the movie in silence until my mother calls to us to come have supper. I awkwardly sit at the

table eating as my parents ask Damien millions of questions as if he was my new boyfriend. I roll my

eyes as my mother laughs at something he has said.

When supper is finally over, and everyone is done eating I let out a sigh of relief. Damien says a final

goodbye to my parents and me before walking out the front door.

I excuse myself so that I can go up to my room. I shut the door as soon as I step inside and put some

music on. I lay back onto my mattress and stare up at the ceiling, my eyes scan over the blank white

ceiling finding each flaw.

I wish my parents could love Ty as easily as they fell in love with Damien. I wish they could see him the

way I do. Ever since I met him, I was hooked.

I remember it like it was yesterday…

He was standing outside my favourite bookstore on Main Street leaning against his car smoking a


Normally, I don't like smoking or the smell, but he made it look so damn sexy. I didn't expect him to bat

an eye in my direction, I wasn't really used to that.

"Hey!" He called putting his smoke out under his shoe he chased after me calling for me to wait up. I

stopped and turned.

"Finally, what's your name?" It was so strange for a guy who looked like him to even give me a second

glance. I was an average looking woman with dull brown hair and soft green eyes. He was astounding,

thick black hair with dazzling blue eyes. He grinned as he noticed me checking him out, one of those

side grins that makes him look like he's done something bad.

"Um, my name is Ashley, erm what's yours?"

"Tyler, can I interest you in coming for a coffee with me?" I smiled and nodded

We’ve been inseparable ever since, that was a year ago.

My age was obviously a problem for many but, for us it did not matter. We fell for each other, love has

no age limit.


A tap on my window scares me and I feel my self jump. I slide off the bed and make my way towards

the window. I hesitate before opening it as I am met with an angry look from Ty. His fists clenched at his

sides and his jaw jutting out as he clenches. Probably hard enough to break some teeth. I take a deep

breath before plastering a smile on my face and sliding the window open.

"Do you wanna tell me why you had another guy over here earlier? I watched him leave your house."

My palms instantly begin to sweat, and I feel my pulse race. I take my bottom lip into my mouth and

bite down hard to keep myself from crying.

“That was just Damien, it was his first day at school today. I showed him around, I just wanted him to

feel welcome. My mother invited him for supper.” I hear a low growl come from deep in Tyler’s throat. I

feel my body begin to shake as the anger in his eyes only deepens.

“So, you lied to me then today when I said you were just ignoring me because you were with another


“No Ty, I really was in class.”

“Don’t fucking lie to me Ashley, you were with him today. I’m surprised you didn’t fuck him.” I flinch

away from the window and close my eyes feeling a tear escape and roll down my face. I quickly wipe it

away and keep my back towards the open window. I hear him climb up the side of the house and step

into the room. My pulse quickens as I feel him step towards me. I feel his hand on the back of my neck,

he grips me hard, I feel his fingertips dig into my skin. He pushes me towards the wall and pushes

himself against me. His fingertips still digging into my skin. I close my eyes as I feel his warm breath

against the back of my neck. A shiver ripples through my body and I try to keep the tears away.

“I never want to see you with him again, do you hear me.” His voice comes out low and menacing.

“Ty...he’s my only friend at school.” Suddenly his hand lifts off my neck and he spins me around hitting

my back against the wall causing the breath to leave my body. Tears begin to roll down my face as I

gasp for air. I’m thankful my parents are downstairs watching something on the tv or else they would

have heard me slam against the wall.

“I don’t trust him with you baby.” I close my eyes finally being able to breathe. I feel him grab hold of my

jaw, his fingertips digging in causing me to whimper in pain. “Open your fucking eyes when I’m talking

to you.” I open my eyes and feel the hot tears roll down my face, my lip quivers as Ty stares at me. He

removes his hands from my jaw and wipes my tears away.

“I’m sorry Ty.” I croak out.

“Don’t cry baby, it’s okay.” He sounds anything but sincere, the same menacing tone remains in his

voice as he tries to console me. He removes his grip on my jaw and I slide down the wall pulling my

knees up to my chest. The tears fall freely as Ty walks towards the bed and sits down. His head hangs

low as he stares at his lap, I crawl towards him and place my hands on his.

“I’m so sorry baby, I didn’t mean to upset you.” He looks at me as I speak my apology. The anger

leaving his eyes and is replaced by tears.

“I don’t want to compete with someone else.” I nod and rest my hand on his cheek, he closes his eyes

and leans into it. I rub gently with my thumb; he pulls me up into his lap and wraps his arms around me.

He kisses me and I rest my head on his chest. We stay like that for quite sometime before he decides

to get up and return home. We say our goodbyes and he gives me a kiss before leaving out the

window. I shut it and begin to remove my clothing; my body feels stiff and sore already. I throw on some

comfy pj's and climb under the covers.

Sleep doesn't come instantly but, once it does its restless filled with nightmares of him.

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