Dangerous Secrets: My Mafia Stepbrother

Chapter 353: A New Choice for Isabella

Isabella used to work as a doctor, but now she knew she couldn’t go back to the hospital to work. Her colleagues at the hospital already knew about her identity.

“It’s okay, Isabella,” Emanuele encouraged her. “No one dares to resist you.”

Even so, Isabella knew that some people might not say anything, but they would definitely have many thoughts in their hearts. Seeing that Isabella was still hesitant, Emanuele sighed, reached out, and led Isabella back to the table. He noticed that Isabella had not finished eating the food she had just started. He also hadn’t eaten much because of a phone call. He ordered breakfast again for Isabella to eat slowly, and he ate with her.

The people around them had dispersed, leaving them in their own little world. “Isabella, I’ve decided to give you two options. Do you want to work at our company or go back to the hospital? Of course, I know you care about other people’s opinions, so I want to ask you if you are willing to work not for ordinary patients, but specifically to help members of the mafia?” Emanuele explained.

Isabella knew that the hospital Emanuele acquired had a small area specifically designated to treat the external injuries of mafia members. After all, when regular doctors see gunshot or stab wounds, they usually report it to the authorities. Therefore, they have specialized doctors within the mafia.

Emanuele believed that if Isabella was willing, she could also work there. The choice Emanuele offered put Isabella in deep thought. She felt that both options were good, but if she had to choose one, she preferred to engage in her own profession. She had wanted to be a doctor because she had always had a dream of saving lives, although now, being forced into the mafia’s life, this dream seemed increasingly distant. However, in her heart, Isabella had never actually thought of giving up. It was just that the crises that kept recurring during this time had forced her to temporarily pause her dream of being a doctor.

In reality, she had never given up. Now, Emanuele had given her a choice, and Isabella said directly, “I want to be a doctor.” If she helped mafia members, she wouldn’t have to worry about her identity being exposed because they already knew who she was. Emanuele wasn’t surprised by Isabella’s choice. He knew that Isabella had always wanted to be a doctor.

“But, Isabella, you might see much more horrifying scenes than you did in your previous work,” Emanuele warned. Isabella nodded, “I will be mentally prepared.”

Isabella thought that she had already seen a lot. When she was in the dungeon before, she saw people cruelly tortured by Emanuele, and even killed, which had made her feel brave enough. “You are a brave girl,” Emanuele praised Isabella with a smile. “But I think it’s still necessary for you to meet the employees of my company. Otherwise, the next time you enter a restaurant alone, you might be harassed.”

Today’s events still made Emanuele angry. Isabella was his wife, and he always cherished her and couldn’t bear to see her suffer even the slightest grievance. However, today, she was harassed by an employee he didn’t even know. Thinking about this made Emanuele very angry.

Isabella thought the suggestion Emanuele made was quite good. “Okay, I also want to understand your company.”NôvelDrama.Org © 2024.

Now that she had been married to Emanuele for so long, and Emanuele’s company had developed steadily enough, she wanted to see what Emanuele’s company had grown into. When Emanuele heard that Isabella wanted to go to his company, he took her to the company for a tour after they finished eating.

Their company was very large, with high floors, and Emanuele did not take Isabella through every floor, but to several core areas. Isabella only then realized that Emanuele’s company’s business development was extensive, covering almost every industry and appearing very professional. They were all very respectful to Emanuele, and when Emanuele introduced Isabella to them, they greeted her warmly.

Compared to the irritable Daisy from earlier, Isabella felt that everyone now was full of goodwill. Of course, they were also doing it because of Emanuele, but Isabella didn’t mind.

After they arrived at the human resources department, Emanuele specially stayed there for a while. Daisy’s workstation had been cleaned up, showing that Phillip’s handling of the matter was very efficient. It seemed that the other people had also been warned by Phillip. When they saw Emanuele bring Isabella in, they appeared visibly nervous.

“Hello, everyone. This is my wife, Isabella,” Emanuele introduced Isabella to the people present. “I hope you can remember mywife’s appearance. When you see her, you should treat her with the same respect as you would treat me, and not like your former manager.”

“We understand.”

“Don’t worry, boss, we genuinely respect your wife.”

The assurances from the group of people put Emanuele at ease. After leaving the human resources department, Isabella looked at Emanuele and asked, “Emanuele, how much money do you make in a year?”

“Guess,” Emanuele said, smiling as he touched Isabella’s cheek.

“At any rate, I probably couldn’t spend it all,” she replied.

“If you can really spend all the money I make, then I really admire you.”

“You’re so confident.”

Isabella blinked, unable to imagine just how much wealth Emanuele had accumulated. He owned numerous houses in Chicago, along with a large building and several warehouses. It seemed that Emanuele had a lot of assets throughout Chicago. Isabella couldn’t count exactly how much there was, but she felt that she would never be able to spend it all in her lifetime.

Suddenly, Isabella felt that her current job had become a fulfilling life. No longer was work just for survival. It seemed that being married to Emanuele had many benefits.

Emanuele reached out and embraced Isabella. “Let’s go downstairs and take a look around. Do you see the mall downstairs? It’s all mine. If you see something you like, feel free to take it.”

Isabella couldn’t help but widen her eyes as she looked at Emanuele. Her shock made Emanuele especially amused. Suddenly, he understood the meaning of working hard to stand at the top and earn money. It was to make the person he cared for happy, at least not to have to worry about material things.

Thinking about Isabella’s past life, Emanuele felt a twinge of heartache. She used to live in such a small house, wear such simple clothes, and often be abused by her cousin. So, after marrying Isabella, he tried to satisfy her as much as possible in material matters, as if he wanted to make up for everything she had missed in the past.

In any case, no matter what, he wanted to see Isabella happy.

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