Daddy’s Little Pet

Is This The End?


I’d heard “congratulations” a million times tonight, and my ears were still buzzing from it all.

Most were from people I barely knew-Robert’s acquaintances and business associates-and I was grateful that they at least seemed genuine about it.

Their words were kind and, for the most part, calmed my ruffled nerves, but they weren’t enough to dispel the lingering fear that’d settled over me like a cloak all evening.

There was a nagging voice in my head. A small whisper kept telling me that something bad would happen tonight. That danger was lurking around, waiting for an opportunity to strike.

Sometimes, I worried that my pregnancy hormones were to blame and whether it was affecting my mental health. But no, it couldn’t be. The growing child inside me did not cause my feelings of paranoia and continual dread.

Instead, it had everything to do with what this party stood for.

I mean, I’d had this feeling ever since Dylan came into the suite to talk, and then Robert had this elaborate bait plan to lure his ex-wife. Despite his reassuring words that day and early tonight, I still felt uneasy about everything.

I despised being this way, constantly thinking and anticipating the worst. But I couldn’t help it.

“…Cheers to new beginnings.” Robert’s voice drew me into the present.

He concluded his speech, and the room erupted with applause as glasses were raised and clinked, followed by a few cheers.

Gaze riveted, I watched him, unable to tear my eyes away.

He wore black slacks that were properly fitted and ironed, a button-up silver shirt with an open collar-to match my accessories-and a matching tie. His dark hair was perfectly gelled back into place, and he looked really handsome.

As he smiled effortlessly at everyone, his blue eyes flashing, I couldn’t help but wonder why anyone, especially Amanda, would want to harm him.

How could she hate him so much that she’d try to sabotage him with heinous crimes and pin a murder charge on him? The thought made me sick, and I swallowed hard.

When my attention returned to Robert, my breath seized in surprise. His cheery smile had vanished. Instead, he had a look of fright etched across his face.

He wasn’t alone. Several guards flanked him, and then there was…Cade.

Whatever he’d said must’ve set off alarm bells in Robert, because he suddenly turned and began pushing past the guests toward the exit.

My heart sank in my chest, and my earlier unease increased tenfold.

What had happened? But most importantly, what did Cade tell him?

Was it about Amanda? Was she here or…? I didn’t finish the thought, instead moving forward, hoping to catch him. But it was too late. He’d vanished from view.

Burning panic surged through me, and with trembling legs, I turned to the guard nearest me, desperate for an explanation. However, before I could speak, someone shoved past me roughly.

My breath caught, and I fell, losing my footing. Fortunately, I righted myself just as a hand reached out and grasped my elbow, jerking me upright.

It was Harry.

“Careful, careful, ma’am…” he spoke, but I barely heard him because my sight was fixed on the fleeing stranger’s form.

As if sensing my intense scrutiny, the stranger stopped walking and turned to meet my stare. Our eyes locked – briefly before he looked away – and in that short second, all the air from my lungs left like a balloon popped in the face of a mighty wind. My entire body became chilly and numb.

I knew him…I knew that man. There was no mistaking the hooded appearance and dark clothing… it was HIM.

The creep who’d been eyeing me from the shadows at the hall in Aspen. The same night I first met Cade.

My stomach lurched, and I closed my eyes as my thoughts raced.

How did he get here? It was impossible! Or am I seeing things? Maybe my hormonal brain made him up, and I was imagining it. Yes, that had to be it!

Robert knew and could account for every single guest in the room. Tonight’s security was also extremely tight, making it impossible for a stranger to enter without detection. Besides, the only person I needed to look out for was Amanda-not a random person who seemed faintly familiar, right?

“Ma’am!” Harry called out, shaking my arm, and jolting me out of whatever trance I was in. “Are you okay? You look white in the face.”

I nodded mutely, but my mouth opened of its own accord. “Do you have the guest list for tonight, Harry?”

His brow furrowed. The question confused him, but he replied, “Of course, ma’am.”

“Good.” My voice was shaking. “I’ll need you to crosscheck the names with everyone present for me.”

“But, Miss-”

“Now, please,” I pleaded. “It’s important.”

His eyes were hesitant, but after a moment, he nodded curtly. “Okay, ma’am.”

“And while at it, inform security that no one leaves the premises till you’re done.”

“Of course. I…I’ll leave you with…” He looked around for a bit before pointing to a guard nearby. “Please stay with Miss Michael? She’s a little shaken and-”

“Renee!” Someone let out an excited squeal, interrupting my bodyguard, and I felt a warm embrace from behind. “Oh, goodness! I’ve been looking everywhere for you tonight.”

“Sally?” I blinked in disbelief and spun around fast. “You’re here. I… how…?”

“Of course, I’m here. Your boyfriend…” Her eyes twinkled with amusement. “Mr. Clarke sent invites.”

“Oh, wow…” I whispered faintly, and a smile tugged at the corner of my lips as her words dawned on me.

“Robert had sent out invites.” He’d invited my former colleagues. I never considered it because the party was impromptu, and everything was rushed, but he still sent out invites to my close friends. I couldn’t stop the pride filling my heart at his thoughtfulness.

This was a surprise-a really pleasant one, and it was enough to take my mind off the paranoia.

Disappearing into the crowd, Harry soon left Sally and me alone. She began talking again. “Mrs. Andrews couldn’t make it, but she sends her best wishes. Look over there…” She pointed to two ladies sitting at a table. “That’s Clara and Lucy from the restaurant. Do you remember them?”

My eyes followed her fingers, and I nodded slowly. “Yes, I do. Why didn’t they come over with you?” When I asked, Sally only chuckled.

“They wanted to steal some canapes and sweet treats from the buffet table.”

I laughed lightly. “Ah. They should enjoy it. I’m delighted you came, Sally. I hope you’re having a good time.”

“A good time?” She squeaked. “That’s probably an understatement. Renee, this is unlike any housewarming party I’ve ever been to. It’s incredible.”

“Why, thank you.”

She continued. “The house is gorgeous, Renee. The decor is exquisite, magnificent…it’s everything.”

“Yeah, right?”

“I’m so happy for you. Listening to your boyfriend talk about why he bought the house was so sweet…” She sighed dreamily. “…and very romantic… He outdid himself. You won the lottery with this one, Renee.”

“Ugh…I do not want to cry.” My eyes glazed over, and I struggled to hold back tears but failed miserably.

“Those are tears of joy, I bet,” Sally murmured, patting my arm. She dug out a handkerchief from her purse. “Here, use this.”

I gratefully accepted the offered cloth and dabbed my eyes. “Thank you.”

“Don’t mention it.” She grinned and took two glasses from a passing tray. “Champagne?”

“Uh, uh.” I shook my head no. “I can’t because of my-”

“Oh, Renee.” Her expression lit up with understanding, and she returned both glasses to the tray. “I apologize. I-”

“That’s not champagne, ma’am,” the waiter spoke, cutting Sally off.

“Excuse me?”

“This is freshly squeezed orange juice. It will not affect the… your baby.” She finished in a whisper. My lips opened slightly in shock.

How… how did she know I was pregnant? Only Nicole and Sally were aware of my baby’s existence. Not even Robert, but soon…

As if sensing my confusion, she swiftly clarified. “You have drunk no wine tonight, ma’am, and judging by how you responded when your friend offered you the glass of champagne, I simply put two and two together. Sorry if I overstepped. I’m just being observant.”

“Hm…” I hummed, trying not to let my discomfort show. “It’s okay, you did nothing wrong.” I faked a chuckle and grabbed the glass. Sally took the second. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome, ma’am.” The wait staff smiled and walked away.

“Well, that was interesting,” Sally commented quietly, sipping her drink. “What’s the matter with you, though? You look kinda pale, and…”

And creeped out… I finished the sentence in my head.

“Renee, are you okay?”

“I…I am,” I lied smoothly.

Her face softened, and she prodded. “Are you sure?”

Fuck it, I wasn’t!

“I’m not,” I blurted. “I could use some free space. I need to leave here.” I paused and took a long breath. “I’m feeling claustrophobic.”

“Oh dear,” Sally said sympathetically and gently squeezed my shoulder. “It’s most likely the pregnancy hormones and all. Let’s get you settled somewhere less rowdy.”

She led me to a quieter section of the room and helped me sit on the nearby settee.

“Is there anything I can get you? Something for your nerves, perhaps?”



“Have you seen my friend, Nicole?”

“Yeah. I saw her in the restroom not long ago. Do you want me to go get her for you?”

“Please, Sally.” I smiled tightly. “If it isn’t too much trouble.”

“Of course.” She gave a nod and stood up. “I’ll be back soon.”

“Thank you,” I whispered gratefully, watching her slip into the crowd.

Once Sally was out of sight, I relaxed my shoulders. My gaze fell to the glass of orange juice still in my hand.

Bringing it up to my mouth, I took a sip. Damn, it was incredibly tasty. I liked it.

I took another sip, letting the sweet, citrusy liquid fill my mouth and slowly flow down my-

“Oh, God!” I gasped as a sharp pain pierced my lower abdomen. “What the-”

Another pain, this one more terrible than the first, stabbed me again in the stomach, and I doubled over.

The glass slipped from my grasp, shattering loudly, and I followed its movement, dropping to the floor. Glass shards pierced my knees, biting into my skin and drawing blood, but the pain was nothing compared to the stinging sensation in my stomach.

The drink. What was in the drink? Was it poisoned? Oh no! My baby. NO. NO. NO.

“God, please… please…”

“Renee?!” I heard someone call. “Renee!” The voice called again, and different voices joined in this time. I felt hands on me. “Stay with us, Renee. Stay with us!”

“She’s bleeding.”

“Ambulance! Someone call an ambulance!”

“Renee! Renee! Please look at me!”Property of Nô)(velDr(a)ma.Org.

But I couldn’t look up. I tried to. I struggled, but my vision was fuzzy.

Pain ripped through me once more. Hot, scorching agony tore through my guts, and my body shook.

This… was the worst thing I’d experienced in my entire life, and as my eyes finally drifted closed, I had a realization.

All the paranoia and fears I’d had earlier were utterly valid. It’d been justified in this form – in death.

Now, I would never meet my baby.

I would never get my happily ever after with Robert.

This was the end. My end.

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