Daddy’s Little Pet

A Knight In Shining Armor


My heart was pounding in my chest as I swerved through the congested streets. My car roared down the road at breakneck speed.

I was pissed. My mind raced with rage as I replayed the events leading my outrage.

Some motherfucker laid his slimy hands on Renee. On my woman! At a nightclub.

This was the only information I got from my man following Renee.

With the threat of paparazzi and reporters watching her every move, I’d hired a bodyguard for her.

Someone to protect her without her knowing about it. Someone who would keep an eye on her from afar and ensure no one hurt or molested her in public.

His only job was to protect her and keep her safe from the type of scumbags intent on stalking and harassing her. All because they wanted to take some itty bitty paparazzo photos that would fetch them money.

So far Harry, the bodyguard, had barely given me a report. Renee rarely left her house, except for the visit to my office earlier today. She spent most of her time locked up in her small apartment building.

However, tonight she’d made an exception. And when Harry called to tell me she was being assaulted, I didn’t hesitate. I got in my car and sped in her direction.

And my mind racing, I’d asked Harry several questions.

Which club? What happened to her? Who the hell was the motherfucker? Where had he come from? Did he do anything inappropriate?

According to Harry, Renee had arrived at the club with Nicole and another guy, presumably Nicole’s date. Halfway through drinks, she’d been approached by a creep. He’d given her a drink, forcefully tried to dance with her, and when she didn’t budge, he decided to go rough on her.

My blood was boiling as I replayed Harry’s report in my head repeatedly. And now, as I increased my speed, ignition revving, I couldn’t wait to get my hands on that bastard.

My jaw throbbed from my grinding teeth, and my fists clenched tightly. I could feel myself losing control of my emotions. Fuck!

A few seconds later, my car came to a screeching halt outside the club.

With an angry snarl I sent a quick text to Harry, informing him of my arrival. I threw open the car door, jumped out, and stormed into the building.

Bright neon club lights flashed through the windows. I scanned the crowded area for a glimpse of Renee’s strawberry blonde or Nicole’s raven-colored hair, but they were nowhere to be found.

A text message chimed on my phone, and I glanced at it.

It was from Harry.

Harry: I’ve spotted you, boss. Look to the left, near the VIP section. The creep’s dragging Miss Renee toward another exit door.

Me: Okay. I’m on my way.

I quickly texted back and shoved my phone into my pocket. I looked around, trying to pinpoint where Harry said he’d seen her.

Finally, I saw it-that flash of familiar strawberry blonde I’d recognize anywhere, even in the dimmest of lighting-just behind the VIP section.

I spotted the hair first, then I saw her. I saw them.

From anyone’s point of view, it would seem that Renee was willingly following him, but I knew better.

Even though I couldn’t see her face clearly, I saw her distressed stumbles and sways as she followed the motherfucker obliviously.

She wasn’t resisting, which meant she was inebriated. Her arms flailed uselessly, and her mouth was slightly ajar. She was wobbling like a toddler.

I clenched my teeth in rage, watching the jerk guide her to the exit.

Stomach knotting tight and blood boiling in my guts, I strode forward.

My rage gave way to determination, and I pushed through the crowd of sweaty bodies until I was right next to them.

“Let go of my woman!” Amidst the thumping music, I yelled as loud as my angry voice could carry.

Turning to face me, the scumbag smirked, and then he dragged Renee away, his pace quickening. That’s when I lost it.

“I said, let her go!” I yelled, my voice loud enough such that it elicited murmurs and gasps from people nearby.

Suddenly the creep came to a halt, his grip on Renee slipping, and she tumbled forward.

“No!” I screamed as I watched her fall. But it was too late.

Renee crashed into a nearby table, and glass bottles were shattered as they fell everywhere. Tables collided, knocking over chairs and spilling alcohol all over the floor.

People screamed and shouted as they scrambled to escape the chaos brewing, and I cursed inwardly.

“Renee. Baby girl.” I rushed to her prone body, kneeling and pulling her into my arms. “Are you okay?”

Her eyes were closed, and blood oozed from a cut just above her left cheek.

A few strands of hair clung to her wet face, sticking to her cheek and nose. I gently swiped at the blonde tresses.

“Can you hear me, Renee?” My fingers pressed against the cut on her cheek as I continued smoothing her hair.

“Hmmmmm…” She mumbled, her eyes closed. “Rob… Is that you, Robert?” Her voice was raspy, and my heart lurched.

“Yes, baby. It’s me. Are you alright?”

“I don’t think so. I… I…” She stammered, her words slurred, and her eyelids blinked rapidly.

“What happened? Can you tell me something? Anything?” I asked softly, and she coughed before responding.

“Yes… I… Nicole and I were together. Then she went to a corner with her date, and then I met him. He gave me a drink. A drugged drink and…”

“A drugged drink? He fucking spiked your drink?” As I drew her closer, my hand tightened around her shoulder.

“Mmmm…” My anger flared as she nodded slowly. “He told me he did. A few seconds after I drank it, I started feeling dizzy and couldn’t even…”

“Fuck, Renee!” I interrupted her before she could finish. “Why would you accept drinks from a stranger? How could you be so gullible? So naive?”

“I… I’m sorry. I don’t know what came over me and…” She whimpered, her eyes fluttering open, and I noticed how glassy and dull they were.

“It’s fine. Everything will be fine. I’m here now.” I cooed softly, reassuring her.

“Where’s Nicole? Have you seen her? How did you know where I was? Who…”

Despite how tired and worn out she appeared, she fired question after question without pausing to catch her breath, making me smile.

“Inquisitive much?” I chuckled. “I’ll look for Nicole later and talk to her, but let’s focus on you for now.”


“I came to save you…” I began, voice shaking. “Like the knight in shining armor that I am.”

“Oh, Robert. How heroic of you.” She mumbled, weakly smiling at me. My heart warmed instantly, and my rage dissipated.

“I’d do anything for you.” I whispered, and she giggled cheekily.

“I know, and that’s why… that’s why I love you. That’s why I can’t stay mad at you, even when I want to.”

“By tomorrow morning, you’ll deny saying that.” I scoffed.

“Don’t hurt anyone, though.”


Stuttering, her eyes still blinking, Renee said, “I know… know… what you’re capable of, Ro… Robert.”

“Any man who tries to harm you will face my wrath. Any man who touches my property will be taught a lesson he’ll never forget,” I vowed to her and myself.

“Robert! I’m… I am not your property.” She slurred, her jaw dropping as if she wanted to continue but couldn’t.


I looked up to see Harry hovering above me, his face expressionless as he waited for me to say something.

“Thank God you arrived just in time. Where is the motherfucker?” I asked.Property © NôvelDrama.Org.

My bodyguard smirked. “He’s over there with the club’s security. They’re refusing to let him leave as I instructed. I also called the cops. They should arrive soon.”

“Nice. But before the cops arrive, I want to talk to him.”

“What do you mean, boss?”

I ignored his question. “Take Renee to my car and get her some mineral water.”

Standing up, I handed a now-passed-out Renee over to Harry and glanced around until I spotted the creep.

With my nostrils flared and fire dancing in my eyes, I stormed forward, interrupting his conversation with the club’s security officials.

“Permit me, if I may.” I began, coming to a halt in front of the jerk, my fists clenched tightly in anticipation.

“I… I’m sorry. I never intended to-” The scumbag started to defend himself. I didn’t let him finish when my right fist shot out solidly and connected with his nose.

I watched the motherfucker fall to the floor in a daze, bones crunching beneath my knuckles. As his head whipped sideways, an evil smirk curled my lips.

Chaos erupted. I heard alarms blaring through the building, but I didn’t stop.

Even though my hand stung, the satisfaction washed away the pain, and the smirk on my lips widened even more; I bent slightly and gripped the motherfucker by the collar.

This bastard deserved everything I was about to give him.

He’d tampered with my property in an inexcusable manner, and now he’d have to bear the consequences of his actions. He’d pay the price, and brutally.

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