Corrupted Redemption


This is our first pack dinner in alomst 6 years. Most of these people thought I was either dead or had gone rogue. I know I should be getting ready but both Lilly and I are nervous. Yes this is our home and the evil men are dead. But what if the others took us for weak? That they want to take what Harris already has. Lilly spits at the mention of his name.

I curl up into a tighter ball. A knock sounds on my door and panic sets in. I squeeze my eyes shut when the knock comes again. Flash backs of Alpha drunk and handsy run through my head. My door opens and heavy footsteps come towards the bed. I just act. I flip from the bed and spring at the intruder. My claws out as I attempt to rip their throat.

Two big hands stop me by holding my wrists and I growl. "Lex! Its me damn it! Lex!" The intruder screams. I recognize the voice and Lilly retreats to the back of our mind. I blink twice and focus on my baby brother. This text is © NôvelDrama/.Org.

A long scratch runs down his face. Shit! "Oh God Jara...I." I scramble off of him. Lilly whines in our mind. I start to tear up. Shit! I hurt him! "Hey it's ok. I'm ok see." He tries to soothe me. I shake my head. How didn't we scent him. "Its been so long. Everything smells like everything here." Lilly whimpers.

"I'm so sorry. I could've really hurt you." I look anywhere but at Jara. He pulls me into a hug. "It's ok Lex. I can't imagine being back here is easy." He leans away and smiles. The nasty scratch now just an angry red mark. "Man, I would've given anything to have seen Lilly kick that scums ass." He looks off excitedly. I know he's trying to make light of it but eeww.

I scrunch my nose in disgust and we both laugh. "If it counts. I'm happy you're home llama." He squeezes me, using his nickname for me. He always tried to call me mama and I'd correct him. So I became llama. It just stuck.

"Me too jarabeans." At the nickname he grimaces. "We have to talk about the name. You're going to ruin my rep." He smiles and stands up. "Don't worry about the pack. Sinead got rid of all of Druids follwers. Everyone left is loyal to him. Loyal to mom. To us." I nod but look down.

"It's going to be ok. I swear to you. I just came to tell you dinner is in an hour. And you still smell like outside." He pretends to gag and I punch his shoulder. We laugh and he helps me off yhe floor.

With that he quickly kisses my cheek and leaves me to get ready.


After a much needed, very long shower. I step out and for the first time in five years. I look at my reflection in an actual mirror. My long auburn hair has shine to it now. After several washes and a deep condition. My skin is still a beautiful Caramel chocolate color like my mother's. It was just my eyes that seem unfamiliar. They lack the innocence, the sparkle that use to make me smirk to myself.

My body is curvy in all the right places. Over all I'd say I am beautiful. I quickly brush my hair while it's still wet. Letting my curls form and bounce. I know once it dries the appearance will shrink. I go to my closet and find something to wear. When I open the door, I just laugh. Ana must've sent someone to shop.

Everything from jeans to formal dresses decorate hangers. I grab a pretty, off the shoulder white haulter top, skinny light blue jeans and a pair of white vans. I throw my partially dry hair into a messy bun. Then I leave my room and head toward the dinning hall.

As I open the door, all chatter stops. Every eye is now on me. Suddenly applause erupts around the room. Some people howl or whistle. I can feel my cheeks burning. I wave awkwardly and make me way toward the Alphas table. My family smiling or chuckling at my embarrassment.

I take my seat between Ana and Silas before looking around. "Why is everyone staring." I whisper to Ana. Although I know with their enhanced hearing they heard me. Everyone at the table laughs. Including my beautiful mate. Her beautiful mocha skin illuminated by the sun coming in through the windows. Her light purple hair pinned back in a curly afro.

I swallow the lump in my throat. My skin heating up as I trace her toned body from her visible torso. Firm arms covered in tats running even over her hands. Up to her honey colored lips that she licks as if reading my mind. "She's perfect." Lilly chirps. I slide my chair out loudly and stand up. Ilad follows my movements. This is it. "She's going to reject us." I gasp to Lilly. I start to panic.

My chest becomes tight and I'm heaving, trying to get air. Black dots are starting to dance in my vision. The last thing I feel are tingles dancing on my skin.


I wake up in my bed with a rag on my forehead. The room is dark and I'm now in loose pajamas. Who changed me. "She did." Lilly swoons. As she speaks, movement in the bathroom catches my attention. As the door opens my mate steps out.

"You're awake. How are you feeling?" She asks nervously as she comes and sits beside me. "Fine, I think." I take the rag and place it on the bed side table. " What happened." Ilad smiles revealing her dimples I've always been jealous of. "You fainted. I'm sure its because you scented me. I pictured a lot of reactions meeting my mate. That oddly wasn't one of them." She says smirking and rubbing the back of her neck.

"I'm sorry. I already knew you we're my mate Addie. I was just scared." Ilad looks up at me. Shock and concern mixed in her expression. She takes my hand and starts making small circles with her thumb. "Why were you scared? You know me. I'd never hurt you." She smiles and brushes a curl from my face.

"I was afraid you'd reject me. Im broken and used. I wanted to wait but they took that from me. Its ok. You need someone strong." I look down. Ilad lifts my chin and makes me look at her. "Lexi I would never do that. You're my perfect match. Besides I'm 23. I've know you were my mate since my 16th birthday. Given I thought your brother would no sooner kill me. I was willing to wait and let you decide."

She's known for 7 years. Her birthday was right before the Harris thing. She knew even after and still wanted me. I just stare at her with tears in my eyes. "The day you had the pups. Mela felt it. Those are her pups too you know. She's already imprinted on them from birth. It's been killing her not having her mate or pups. It's was killing us both." She caresses my cheek, wiping away a tear with her thumb.

"But I'm damaged." I whisper. Ilad pulls me to her and kisses my forehead. "No Lexi you're a survivor, a warrior. You're perfect and you're MINE." She kisses my hair and lays us down. I snuggle into her. I have a mate and she wants not only me but OUR pups.

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