Contract marriage: My billionaire’s cure


I was walking down the hall with Marcus beside me. We had just finished the press conference and some of them were mostly interested about the drama that just happened few minutes ago.

The rest of the companies will be arriving tomorrow with their models. The judges from France are to be arrived on the first day.

The girls will be residing in the floor below us. They were amateur models that we selected from three rounds in the auditions.

The purpose of the contest is to highlight each companies brand and to make these young people shine. It’s every inexperienced model’s dream to get into the contest to prove their value since a bright future is waiting for them after this. The contest will be streamed all around the country like a reality show.

The boys will be residing at the other end of the ship since drama is expected. And I made sure Clara’s room was far away from them.

I haven’t talked to Marcus since the kiss. We were both busy preparing for the conference but now it all ended and all I wanted was to shrink back to the other end of the world.

I was following Marcus and didn’t pay attention to where he was going.

“We are here”

I looked up to see where we are and we were nowhere near our room. We were at the restaurant in the top floor.

Marcus kept his hand on my back and led me to the table near the railing. I sat down, surprised as why he was bringing me here. Today he caught me off guard several times. First the kiss and then this romantic dinner date or maybe just dinner would be the appropriate word.

“Why are we here?”

“To eat obviously”

“Of course silly me” I laughed sarcastically but before I could embarrass myself further the waiter came with the menu.

We ordered a bottle of wine with our food. I was staring at the sunset the entire time unable to meet his eyes. I felt his eyes on me while we were waiting for our food.

He cleared his throat pulling me out of my trance.

“The food is here” He gestured to the plates on the table.

“Oh cool. Let’s dig in”

I took the cutlery in my hand but I dozed off staring at Marcus’s plate. It was full of vegetables. No meat at all.

Does it take time for vegetarian people to process their feelings?

“Stop staring at my plate” He said with a small laugh.

“I’m not staring at your plate” I said while still staring at his plate as my heart questioned my brain.

He snapped his fingers before my eyes. And I jumped back startled.

“What was that for ?” I scrunched up my nose in annoyance.

“You were staring at my food” He said in an obvious tone with a small smirk playing on his lips.

“What food?”

He raised his eyebrows questioningly and pointed to the food on his plates.

“The food arrived?” I asked dumbfounded as I stared at the plates before me. Holy moly how did the food suddenly appear on the table. I was sure that it wasn’t here a moment ago and then I looked at my hands to see that I was holding a knife and a fork. When did I hold this?

“You ok?”

“What? Me? Oh I’m always ok” I gave him a Cheshire grin trying to hide how dumb I look right now.

This was the first time I looked him in the eyes after the kiss. He was much more handsome to me than before. He was a good kisser. I should give him credits for that. Does the kiss mean he loves me?

“Are you still thinking about the kiss?” He asked in a playful tone.

“Wha-oh my god look at the food. It’s delicious. My mouth is already watering. We should dig in before it gets cold” I looked at my food delightedly as I ignored his question.

I prayed to the god asking him to stitch Marcus’s mouth so that I can have a moment of peace.

“You are ignoring the question” He said giving a chuckle.

Oh my fudge. I was sure my face was red as Taylor Swift’s lips in blank space.

He raised his eyebrows expectedly waiting for an answer.

“You don’t have meat in you plate” I started rambling something totally unrelated.

“But I have meat” I said pointing to my plate. He chuckled and shook his head seeing how stupid I am.

“So?” He asked with amusement glinting in his eyes.

“What do you mean so? Here meat, meet Marcus. Marcus, meet meat” I said as I introduced each other.

Marcus threw his head back and laughed loudly earning a scowl from me.

“You know you are cute right”

As if I just didn’t hear him say that I started gulping my food in a rush while looking at my plate intently.

I heard him chuckle before he started eating his food. I didn’t utter a single word throughout the dinner as I was deeply embarrassed.

After dinner I walked behind Marcus with my head bent low. I didn’t see where I was going as I bumped in to a hard wall. I look up to see which wall interrupted my precious thoughts but I was met with Marcus’s chest.

I looked up to his eyes and he was looking down at me with a smirk. We were at our door and Marcus opened it with a card.

I dashed inside and quickly took my clothes out of the suitcases so that I can wash and sleep before him. I was on my way to the bathroom but he held his hand tightly on the bathroom door knob.This material belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

“I’m going first”

“What? I came in first so I’m going” I argued back.

“Don’t care” Then he left and came with his clothes.

I was standing at the door with a frown visible on my face. And I was startled as he leaned down and pecked my lips. Chuckling at my shocked face he opened the door and went inside giving me a playful smile.

What the hell just happened?

I pretended to watch TV not paying any attention to whatever was on the screen. He came out wearing dark sweat shorts and a white t-shirt looking gorgeous as ever.

I quickly bolted to the bathroom without looking back. I talked to myself in the mirror for several times to grasp what was happening.

Slowly opening the door I peeked through the space to see where Marcus was. The lights were already off and I saw Marcus on the bed playing with his phone.

I walked in tip toes trying my best not to make a sound. I quickly jumped under the sheets and wrapped it around me tightly like a caterpillar in a cocoon.

Marcus turned his head and looked at me with a frown.

“What are you doing?”

“Going to sleep”

“Come” he said while stretching his arm on the pillow.

“Come where?”

“Keep your head on my arm”

“What-the pillow is comfortable”

“Don’t care. Come” he ordered more authoritatively.

I scooted to his side and laid my head on his arm. He curled it, bringing my head to his chest. He gently nuzzled his nose in my hair and started stroking it.

“Do you regret it?” He mumbled in my hair.

“Regret what?” I asked slowly not having any idea of what he meant.

“Kissing me”

I was taken aback by his question. It was the most amazing thing that happened to me and regret was nowhere near of what I felt back then.

I slowly shook my head giving him a no.

“Good. Then I will keep on doing it”

“Doing what?”

“Kissing you”

My breath hitched as those words left his mouth. I looked up to meet his eyes and saw that he was staring at me with adoration.

“Sleep my angel”

With that he kissed my head and closed his eyes pulling me closer.

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