Clueless Love

Chapter 59

I can’t believe I am in the hospital again, watching as one of the people dearests to me battles for their life. I can’t imagine my life without Umit. She is my everything and that’s why I wanted her as far away from me as possible, but she won’t listen. Her fearless desire to help me could have cost her life. How I wish she did not have that fearlessness in her. But I won’t lie, that is one of the things I admire about her. She is the most fearless, courageous woman I have ever met in my life. Her amazing will to help is something I will always love about her. Ya Allah, please save the love of my life.

I can still remember when I first moved into Aazim and Waheeda’s house and found out she was living there. I was annoyed that we would be sharing a roof, but I was also happy because I saw it as an opportunity to tease her more. Teasing Umit was something I always found fun to do. I loved it when she got all angry because she always looked cute when she was all worked up. But now I can’t even imagine myself making such a beautiful woman like her angry anymore. I love her smile more than anything else.

I can remember when I found out I started liking her. I felt like it was a sin to like her because I never thought I could see her in that light. I couldn’t even control myself from making her happy. She became my happiness without even knowing it. Sometimes I ask myself how I fell in love with her, but then I remember that she has always been a great woman. I just never noticed because I was too busy making her angry. I am more than grateful to Allah for putting such an amazing woman in my life. I am brought back from my thoughts when I feel the bed my hands are on, begin to move. Subhan Allah (Glory be to Allah) is she waking up? Allah Akbar she is waking up. Ya Allah thank you, thank you for bringing back the love of my life.

Umit’s PVO

I feel like every single bone in my body has not moved in days due to how much they hurt when I move them. I must have slept in a wrong position last night. I gently open my eyes to find myself not in my bedroom. Where am I? How did I get here?

“Umit, you are awake. Alhamdulillah (Praise be to Allah), do you need anything? Does it hurt anywhere?” Ismail sounds relieved and jubilant.

“Water please,” I say in a whisper, as my throat is very dry.

“Here,” Ismail holds a straw to my mouth from glass of water.

“Thank you,” I say drinking the water and my throat feels a lot better.

“Ismail, what is going on? Where am I?” I look around, and it seems I am in a hospital. Why would I be in a hospital?

“Umit, don’t you remember? How we almost lost our lives?” Ismail asks, sounding a bit worried. When he says that, it’s like everything comes back to me in a slideshow. I remember every single thing that happened before I blacked out.

“Aha, I remember now, I remember now,” I say, placing my hand on my head, as I remember everything that happened. I feel a bandage around my head.

“Alhamdulillah (Praise be to Allah), I was scared that you might have lost your memory because of the hit to your head,” Ismail says sounding relieved.

“Hmm what if I only lost a certain part of my memory? Like, what you mean to me,” I say trying to tease Ismail a little.

“What I mean to you? I mean the world to you, woman. You are in love with me. Even if you lose all your memories, you will never forget the love you have for me,” Ismail tells me confidently.

“Really? Because I don’t remember falling in love with you.”

“You love me, even if you don’t remember. You love me whether you like it or not.”

“Aha, since when did love come by force?” I ask chuckling.

“I don’t care how it came as long as you do,” Ismail says, and I burst out in laughter.

“Ismail you are not serious, you know I will always love you,” I say smiling.

“I know, and I love you too,” Ismail replies smiling.

“So, Ismail what happened after I blacked out. Please tell me you did not go back to kill William, thinking I was dead?”

“I did…” Ismail starts to say but is cut short when a face I have not seen since my graduation walks in with tears in her eyes.

“My darling, see what that evil man has done to you. Good thing he is going to rot in jail,” My mother states walking in with tears in her eyes.

“Mummy, you are here,” I pull her into a hug and start tearing up also.

“How are you doing my dear? I came as soon as Ismail texted us that you were awake. I hope you’re not in pain?” she pulls away from our hug to look at me.

“I am fine. I only a have a little pain in my head,” I smile, so happy she is here.

“Sorry, my dear, I wish I can beat that man so he will know never to come near my daughter again.”

“Don’t worry, mummy, Ismail gave him a good beating.”

“I know, that’s why I am proud of him as my son in law,” she says smiling.

“Your what…?”

“My son in law. He may not have popped the question yet, but I know he will be my son in law soon.”

“Wow, really. Ismail are you hearing this,” I giggle, but Ismail is not here anymore.

“He left once we walked in,” Waheeda says. I did not even see her come in.

“Waheeda you are here also,” I say, feeling very happy to see my family members.

“If I am not here, who will be here. Umit, never do that to me again. I don’t like it. I was so scared I was going to lose my only sister.” Waheeda implores with tears in her eyes.

“I won’t, In Shaa Allah, and Waheeda why are you crying? I am fine now. You don’t have to cry anymore, you will make me cry too,” I say on the verge of tears myself.

“Come here, you naughty sister,” Waheeda says pulling me into a hug.

“I love you too,” I say hugging her back while I try to push back my tears. While Waheeda and I pull away, a couple of loud men I call my brothers walk in.

“The family fighter is awake!” My older brother, Ibrahim announces walking into the room with my younger brother.

“Our sister is back from the dead!” My younger brother, Khalifa exaggerates.

“Why are you guys shouting? And what is all this about me being back from the dead. I did not die. Please, I just fainted.”This is from NôvelDrama.Org.

“We know. But Ahan, Ahan, Ahan, it’s not easy. Our family fighter, you were unconscious for two days and we were worried. We are so happy to have you back!” Ibrahim shouts with happiness. “But kai, how you dey. They tell me wetin happen. That guy lucky say I dey all the way for London if not, the way I for chop am ehn for touching you. Him mama no go recognize am (Okay, okay, I know you did not die, but how are you doing. They told me what happened. That guy is lucky that I am all the way over in London, or I would have beaten him for touching you. His own mother would not recognize him again,)” he says.

“I dey okay ooo and no worry Ismail don already beat am for me. I dey fine (I am fine, and don’t worry, Ismail has already beaten him up for me. I am fine)”

“I heard he did. I am so proud of my brother-in-law.”

“Please, stop calling him your brother-in-law. He has not even asked me to marry him.”

“Not yet, but soon,” Khalifa says finally speaking up.

“How do you know that?” I ask but feeling very happy my family likes Ismail so much that they wish him to be my husband.

“I just know,” Khalifa states smiling.

“Alright then, and I am very happy all of you came to see me, but where is daddy?”

“Daddy is here, and of course we came! When Waheeda called and told us you were in the hospital, we all took the first available flight to come and see you.” my father says smiling while walking in.

“Awww, I love you guys,” I say spreading my arms wide for a hug.

“We love you too,” they reply hugging me back.

It has been hours since my family and friends left. When Fatima saw me, she burst into tears. I don’t think she would have stopped crying, if not for Udar. I had to keep reassuring her that I was fine, and there’s no need to cry. Emma and Austin also came over. Emma was also on the verge of tears, but she managed to restrain her feelings and swallow her tears back. The kids also came to see me. Aayan told me he is going to beat the guy that harmed his precious aunt. Watching him look sad because of me brought tears to my eyes. And Eman also said she is going to report him to the police so that he would never harm me or anyone again. My niece and nephew are so adorable. How much I missed them. I am very happy to see my family and friends after everything that happened. And a lot happened in the two days I was unconscious.

Ismail is a brilliant and smart man. While Ismail and I were trying to get out of the warehouse, Ismail sent the video he took to David in case anything happened. He also sent it with a message that we needed help. Ismail was able to do all of this when William and I were having our wonderful chat.

David also came to see me and brought Lisa. David told me the rest of the story. David said he was happy Ismail sent the video because it was enough proof to arrest Mr Alberto, but he also realized that something must have gone wrong for Ismail to send the video to him. He called his friend at the station, who was going to help him get a warrant for Mr Alberto to come and follow him to the bar in case something was wrong. His friend sent the video to the DA’s office to get a warrant to arrest Mr. Alberto. When David finally got Ismail’s message, they knew for sure that something was wrong and called for reinforcement on the way. Luckily for all of us, David’s friend was able to get a warrant. With the warrant, and the reinforcement they were able to get us out alive. If David’s friend hadn’t called for reinforcements, I don’t think I would be here today. Mr. Alberto did try to run once he realized the police were on their way, but Allah was on our side. He did not get too far before they caught him. David also said with all this evidence we were able to get against him, he won’t be coming out of prison for a very long time. I am so happy, Ismail, and I can finally go back to our normal lives.

I can’t even wait to go home. I miss home so much. I wanted to go home today because I might have broken four ribs and have a big injury at the back of my head, I feel fine. Ismail told me if I don’t want him to treat me like a small child that I should lie back down. I couldn’t do anything but laugh because I adore the way he cares for me. Falling in love with him while living in the same house and he being the CEO of the company I worked for have been the best things to have happened to me. It still amazes me that I fell in love with the one man that could make my blood boil with anger. And now he makes my heart flutter more than any man could. It’s so ironic how the way a person makes you feel can change.

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