Claiming His Luna

Chapter 97: Her Wrath

Cercei’s POV

In my wolf form, my previously unclear emotions become less intense, except for the anger, which becomes a lot stronger and almost a hundred times more powerful.

A strong desire for violence coursed through me, making me think about hurting and tormenting others, and these thoughts kept echoing in my mind.

Usually, I attempt to hold back this strong desire, but at this moment, this irresistible force has control over me.

Without hesitation, I launched an attack on Vienna. My long claws were like sharp knives, effortlessly slicing through her skin and fur, revealing my overwhelming thirst for revenge. The pursuit of revenge can truly transform someone into a powerful fighter. Before she could mount a defence, I seized her neck in my jaws, swiftly piercing her flesh with my teeth. I experienced the sensation of her blood trickling, moistening her furry neck, and even the taste of her blood touched my tongue.

Her painful cries for mercy only made me feel more satisfied, a strange satisfaction that made my eyes widen and my sanity slip away, something I couldn’t ignore. Strangely, I feel insensible, which I find interesting.

Feeling at my lowest for a long time, now it’s my chance to rise. If I am indeed the child of that evil Alpha, I might as well live up to his name.

“Cercei,” I heard the word, distant like a memory, scarcely audible.

“Cercei,” came another voice, but I turned deaf. I heard my name repeatedly, but I kept ignoring it, I continued hurting Vienna. Life is strange; one day, you have control over everything, and the next day, you’re just a pawn, controlled by someone else.

To end her life now, I could bite her deeply, tearing her throat apart and stopping her heart. Or, when we turn back to humans, I could dig out her heart from her chest like what her father did to my dad. To make it even more dramatic, I could send her darkened heart to Monsieur and put it in a box with a heartfelt message for Father’s Day. It would be a big show, although he might not like it. But my goal isn’t to make him happy but to shatter him emotionally.

I wonder how he’ll react, finding a gift with his beloved daughter’s heart, sent by her eldest daughter. My sense of irony has grown a lot. Indeed, my life is filled with a nasty sense of humour.

“Cercei, stop!” The voice was Lucian’s. Suddenly, everything snapped back. It was like waking up from a trance. I let go of Vienna and stepped back. She was bleeding a lot, her fur covered in blood, and she was barely conscious.

She transformed back into her human form. Her pale skin showed the wounds from my bites and scratches, evidence of our brutal fight. Lucian came closer, putting his coat over her trembling body.

I stepped away from them, quickly changing back to my human form and picking up a piece of cloth from the ground to cover myself. I fell to my knees, eyes on Lucian as he checked Vienna’s pulse.

Grief overwhelmed me. I covered my face with my hands until I felt a warm hug from behind. It was Maria. I clung to her arms, tears streaming down my face.

“I’m so sorry, I’m so sorry,” I cried hysterically, my breath catching in my throat. My lungs struggled to provide me with enough air. I found myself choking on my own saliva as I incessantly uttered those words.

I wish for everyone to understand the depth of my remorse. Behind Lucian, Frank stood, holding an additional cloth to drape over Vienna.

Maria tried to calm my emotions, but my pain remained dense. If only I could say that I didn’t mean to do what I did, but the truth is clear, I gave in to my inner anger and fought violently with Vienna. This harsh reality bothered me; I knew exactly what I was doing, and yet I continued. After such behavior, I can only conclude that I’m truly a hideous creature.

“Please, please, I’m sorry, I regret it, I regret it,” these repeated words came from my mouth with such intensity that it made me feel nauseous.

With Vienna covered in fabric, Lucian held her, showing the sadness that surrounded us now.

“Vienna, I’m so sorry, I’m sorry!” I cried out, even though she was probably unconscious and couldn’t hear me. I hoped she was just hurt and she wasn’t dead.

No, I begged inside, she couldn’t be dead, could she? I repeated the thought over and over out loud as if saying it could change what happened.

Maria held me in her arms, trying to calm my racing heart. I held onto her tightly, a lifeline in my sea of sorrow.

“She’s not dead. She’s not dead,” I said to myself, looking for comfort from the walls as if my words could change reality.

“Hush now, she’ll make it,” she said, pulling me close, her touch a safe haven. Maria’s gentle but heavy voice helped me feel a brief relief.

I needed to believe it, to push away the fear that was trying to engulf me.

“She’s not dead, right?” I inquired, my gaze fixed on the pool of blood on the ground. It couldn’t possibly signify her life ending, could it?

But Maria looked away, her expression changing to pity, concern, and a bit of fear. Silence hung in the air, and it was maddening.Belongs to NôvelDrama.Org - All rights reserved.

“She’s not dead, right?” I pressed Maria, wanting an answer that would ease my heart.

Still, she didn’t answer. Her eyes held unsaid truths and uncertain futures, and she couldn’t speak as obviously she couldn’t guarantee that Vienna could survive.

“She’s not, right?” I repeated again, my voice strained, the words bouncing off the cold walls.

As her silence continued, I stood up, letting go of her embrace because her sympathy was making me feel overwhelmed by emotions.

“Cercei, please,” Maria called out, but I moved away more, afraid that my inner storm would affect both of us.

What if? The question hung there, distressing and unanswered. What if my recklessness took Vienna’s life?

Self-blame surged through me. “What if she dies?” I said, my voice cracking, each word tearing me apart.

“Lucian has the best doctors and…”

“I’ll never forgive myself,” Maria tried to comfort me, mentioning Lucian and the doctors, but I interrupted her, admitting a heavy truth that felt like a shroud.

“Cercei…” Maria’s voice shook, a mix of sympathy and sadness, trying to reach me.

“I’m not a killer,” I said, my voice shaky. I wanted to deny the monster inside me.

But my anxiety pushed her attempts away. “I’m not like him,” I trembled, wanting to break free from a dark legacy.

Maria came closer, trying to bridge the gap, but my fear made me recoil. “Don’t come near me,” I said, my voice a mix of fear and longing. The fear of hurting her or losing control felt like a looming shadow.

“I don’t want to hurt you,” I whispered, reminding myself of my intentions. “I don’t want to hurt anyone. I don’t want to kill anyone. I’m not a killer.”

Tears streamed down my face, a mix of desperation and fear, a suffocating storm trapped inside my heart, making it hard to breathe.

An unsettling heaviness settled on me as if the air itself had turned heavy. Breathing became difficult, and my breaths became shallow. The world blurred, sounds mixed into chaos, and my senses lost touch with reality.

Maria rushed to my side, shaking her head, and my consciousness began to fade. Darkness approached swiftly, like the fluttering of a moth’s wing.

“Cercei….” Maria’s voice became a distant whisper, the last trace of the waking world before everything plunged into darkness.

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