Claiming His Luna

Chapter 103: Betraying Her Best Friend

Cercei’s POV

“No,” I firmly responded to Vienna.

“I didn’t come here only to face your lies,” I interrupted quickly, staring intently at her face.

“I’m not interested in what you’re revealing anymore; your words have already spilled out excessively,” I said through clenched teeth.

“Then, do tell me why you came here suddenly, huh?” Her glare was as sharp as a cold sword.

I took a deep breath, closing the gap between us purposefully. I carefully untangled the tubes connecting her to the machines. The room filled with beeping sounds as the equipment registered her deteriorating condition. She gasped, struggling for breath, a clear image of suffocation.

Her eyes begged for help, silently pleading, as I saw her fighting for her fragile hold on life. It’s interesting how circumstances can change so dramatically.

I reached for the syringe on the nightstand and pricked my left arm, drawing a few drops of my own blood. Swiftly, I injected the syringe’s contents into the corner of her neck. A gift from my bloodline as an Alpha’s descendant, royal blood ran through my veins. This blood held a unique power that granted rapid self-revival and the distinct ability to heal others, particularly those from royal bloodlines.

When I infused my blood into her, her consciousness faded, gradually giving in to the soothing waves of my energy. I observed as her wounds sealed shut, her complexion regained its colour, an ongoing process of returning to life. Unintentionally, I let out a scoff. The unique privilege of being born into royalty, huh?

Her eyelids fluttered open, irises resembling those of her wolf, briefly revealing her inner beast nature before returning to normal.

She rose gracefully from her sickbed, released a deep exhale, and cautiously started walking once her feet met the floor, embracing her renewed strength.

“What the fuck, Cers?” Her shout was powerful, reflecting her shock. It wasn’t even long till this bitch came back to life, but her trademark boldness resurfaced quickly. I rolled my eyes, unimpressed, and handed her clothes much better than the hospital gown she had been wearing.

“Change your clothes; we’re going to escape,” I stated with authority.

“Firstly, let me remind you that you haven’t earned the right to dictate my actions. Secondly, I have no idea how we’ll leave this place,” she reacted, her words carrying insolence and a stubborn spirit.

“Shut your mouth and change your clothes,” I snapped in irritation. Why did I feel such a bad mood lately?

“Just to clarify, I might be younger than you, but you’re definitely not my older sister. I’m changing my clothes solely because this gown is in a terrible state,” she retorted, rolling her eyes before heading into the bathroom.Content from NôvelDr(a)ma.Org.

I took another deep breath. How does anyone tolerate being around her or deal with her tantrums? She’s a pain in the ass.

“Are you satisfied now?” she asked as she reappeared in her new clothes.

I sat on the bed, arms and legs crossed, deep in thought about our escape plan.

Maria has a skill I don’t possess, one that allowed her to organise this dreadful plan. Strangely, she gave me an hour; currently, only twenty minutes have passed. We still have a comfortable forty-minute gap before the surveillance systems reactivate. It should be enough time for a successful escape, right?

However, the dilemma revolves around Maria. Ironically, she holds the key to my freedom while also posing a potential obstacle. Despite our unshakable loyalty, I’m unsure about her willingness to help me gain my freedom. Though she played a special role in bringing me here, her support for my escape from Lucian’s grasp remains uncertain, particularly with Vienna around.

“Listen closely,” I began, explaining the plan.


“Let me get this straight. Your bright idea is to let me beat the shit out of your best friend? Are you crazy?” Vienna’s tone was full of resentment.

“No, just knock her out,” I clarified, nervously biting my lip. The extent of this deception feels sinister, a darkness that will surely condemn me forever.

“That’s literally the same thing,” she sarcastically replied.

“Don’t beat her up; just make her sleep so we can escape. And do it gently,” I scolded her with a serious expression. She scoffed, mocking my apparent innocence.

“Why aren’t you doing it yourself?” She gestured towards me.

“I can’t,” I admitted. The very idea of this wicked act taints my conscience. Harming Maria is beyond my moral limits.

“Why not?” She stood akimbo, glaring sharply at me.

“She’s my best friend,” I snapped instantly; annoyance appeared on my face.

“So it’s okay if I do it, but you can’t?” She questioned, rolling her eyes. I couldn’t speak any words after seeing her reaction.

“So, you get to be the righteous one while I take on the role of the villain? Perfect plan, huh, dear sister?” She raised her eyebrows, and she sharply inhaled, making me silent.

“Please understand, it’s not as simple as that. I couldn’t bring myself to do that to Maria,” I attempted to clarify, my voice tinged with frustration.

“Well, regardless, it’s you who crafted this crazy plan. Even if I execute it, the blame still lies on your shoulders. Your contribution remains, and you’ll still be a bitch best friend to her. Do you get my point?” Her words were laden with attitude.

Her boldness slightly annoyed me, yet reluctantly, I admitted the truth in Vienna’s statement.

Undoubtedly, it is wicked. Maria went out of her way for me, defying norms and maybe even risking her relationship with Frank, all to guide me into Vienna’s temporary shelter. And now, here we stand, plotting to go against her, considering knocking her unconscious just to facilitate an escape.

Maria represents the essence of friendship, a unique combination of empathy and insight. She would oppose my attempt to reach out to Monsieur, even if I begged on my knees. She doesn’t tolerate recklessness. But this is my path, my choice to make. Despite their caring, I need a clear, obstacle-free route. It’s the only way to move forward.

“I didn’t ask a fucking lecture from you, nor do I need any facade. Don’t fool yourself into believing you’re not finding this amusing, Vienna,” I snapped back, shaking my head. Her grin grew wider, practically reaching her ears.

“Ah, you do understand me quite well, sis. Truly flattering,” she stated and dripped with sarcasm.

My heartbeat echoed with the gravity of our impending act. Slowly, I cracked open the door, hiding Vienna behind me. Maria stood outside, anxiously watching her surroundings. My heart sank as I observed her fear. A fleeting smile touched her lips when she spotted me, a mirrored expression appearing on my face.

“Did Vienna manage to muster the courage to be her usual bitchy self?” Her question held a playful tone that elicited a chuckle from me. I met her gaze, burdened with guilt.

“Maria,” I called her name gently, clasping her hands. Confusion clouded her features as she looked at our entwined fingers.

“Thank you for all you’ve done,” my gratitude resounded genuinely. Her smile persisted, filled with curiosity. In a gesture of affection, I pulled her into an embrace, tears mingling with the hug as if the gravity of our impending actions weighed heavily on me.

“And even if you end up resenting me, I hope you’ll eventually understand. I need to do this for the sake of us all. Please forgive me, I love you,” my voice trembled, tears rolling down my cheeks, my shoulders shaking under the intensity of my emotions.

“Cercei, what’s happening to….” Maria’s sentence was cut short as Vienna skillfully pressed a point on her neck. Her body slumped, unconsciousness taking over. With a casual flip of her hair, Vienna grinned.

“That was quite the show,” she teased, a triumphant glint in her eye. My glare could have burned her right then and there.

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