Claimed By The Dangerous Alpha King: Betrayed Luna Novel by Gorgeous Aliyah

Chapter 96

I stormed down the stairs, my anger boiling over. Aston was waiting for me, his expression unimpressed. “You’re late,” he said, his voice dripping with disdain. How would I not be late? I had a hard time deciding whether to leap out the window or come downstairs. I didn’t know what he had in mind for me but I had no other choice but to find out myself.

Every time I thought that I was finally going to be free from all of the oppression. The second I thought that my life would finally be better, Aston just knew how to pull me back five steps behind. He would see me take one step and pull me back five. I was losing my freaking mind, it was only a matter of time before I went full blown crazy.

I glared at him, my eyes blazing with fury. “I didn’t ask to come here,” I spat. “And I don’t see why I need to be punished for something I didn’t do. You’re always trying to control me, always trying to remind me of who’s in charge. Well, I’ve had enough.” He was always acting like he was some sort of god over me and I had really had enough with him.

Aston raised an eyebrow. “You didn’t do anything? Really? Then why are you in my house, in my care? You’re living under my roof, eating my food, and wearing my clothes. You’re mine, Kira, whether you like it or not.”

I shook my head, my frustration mounting. “That’s not the point. I was talking about a completely different thing and there Wardrobe Chabfehe was going about his power. I was talking about how oppressive he was and he was going on a freaking power trip as if that was not the point.

The point is, I don’t want to be here. And I don’t want you dictating everything I do. I’m not a prisoner, Aston. I’m a person, with my own thoughts and feelings. And I deserve to be treated with respect. I didn’t ask to be here. I didn’t walk into your land, your guards practically kidnapped me and dragged me all the way here to suffer in your hands and I think that I’ve had enough. I can’t take this anymore.”

“I beg to differ, Kira. You already stepped foot on my land before you were hauled down to the palace for proper punishment so don’t even try to act like you’re innocent because I know you’re not and acting like this will only annoy me even more than you’ve been annoying me all this while so if you want to stay alive, shut the f***k up.”

Aston snorted.

“You’re not even in a position to make demands, Kira. You’re here because I allowed it. And you’ll do as I say, or face the consequences. You’re lucky I’m even giving you this much freedom. Most alphas would have locked you up and thrown away the key.”

I seethed, my anger burning hotter. But I knew better than to lash out at him. Instead, I followed him to the car, my mind racing with resentment. I would have preferred it if he had locked me up and thrown away the keys. At least then, I would not have to face him every day of my life. If he had killed me then at least my spirit would be at rest by now and I would have forgotten about all the worries of the world.

This punishment that he was putting me through was so much more painful than the standard punishment but it was the Alpha’s decision to deal with me however he deemed fit and this was what he chose; eternal suffering. He chose to punish me for the rest of my life and he was already at it.

As we drove, I asked him where we were going, but he ignored me. I asked him again and again, but he just kept silent. I did not want for it to be another one of his sick surprises because I was already mad about the current one. I had no idea what we were supposed to be doing in this big ** house for three days. It was just the first day and we were already on the same bed. I wondered what the rest of the days were going to look like

I hoped that I would be able to have some self control and not ruin my life even more by having anything to do with Aston. I hadn’t seen anyone in the house other than the guard and that worried me. Two of us in the same space with so much time for so many things to go wrong. It was not something that I was mad about but I was trying my best to be really cautious.

I asked him again where were going so I could me**lly prepare myself for whatever he had planned.


*Ask meContent is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

more time and I promise to toss you out the f***g window and make you run after the car until you get to where we’re going that you’re so eager to find out. Ask me again, dare me and find out if I’ll really do it or not.” He said and I knew better than to actual dare him, he was really going to make me do it and I was going to be completely powerless. I wanted to ask again but-I decided against it.

Finally, I gave up, my frustration simmering just below the surface. I was trying my hardest best to keep my mouth shut. The car ride was almost suffocating and he refused to roll down the windows for no reason other than to just spite me. It was the same driver that brought us to the condo in the first place and I wondered what was going through his mind as he drove us to wherever the hell we were going to.

I wondered if I could befriend him so I could at least get information on where Brax was taking me to before hand and convince him to keep my secret or take it to the grave with him.

When the car pulled to a halt, I was beyond confused. We arrived at a big a***boutique, I felt a surge of disbelief. My mind raced with different thoughts, was he going to make me work at the boutique, I would like that, at least I was going to earn a little money and return to contributing to the economy instead of just leeching off Aston and not be able to afford anything for myself.

“What are we doing here?” I asked, my voice laced with disdain. I didn’t want to get too excited about my imaginations because Aston tended to do the unimaginable.

Aston just smiled, his eyes glinting with amusement. “We’re going shopping, Kira. And you’re going to start selecting some clothes. You can’t keep wearing those rags you call clothes. You need something better, something that will make you look worthy of being seen with me.” It wasn’t what I was expecting at all. Aston buying me clothes was the last thing on my mind even though we drove all the way to a boutique but of course, it was because of his own selfish needs.

I stared at him, my mind reeling with shock. “Why? I didn’t ask you to bring me here. And I don’t need your charity. I’m fine with what I have.”

Aston shrugged. “You’re not going to be seen beside me looking like a homeless freak. That’s why I’m changing your wardrobe. And don’t even get me started on your hair. It looks like a bird’s nest. We’ll have to get that fixed too.”

I felt a surge of indignation. “I didn’t ask you to do this. And I refuse to owe you a debt because of it. You’re always trying to control me, always trying to make me into something I’m not. Well, I won’t let you. I’m me, and I won’t change for anyone.”

Aston just ignored me, selecting clothes and throwing them in my arms. Most of what he chose was skimpy, short, and outrageous. I felt my face flush with embarrassment as I looked at the revealing outfits.

“Why are you getting so much stuff?” I asked, my voice laced with disbelief. “We’re only going to be gone for three days.”

Aston smiled, his eyes glinting with amusement. “Actually, Kira, we’re going to be gone for two weeks. And you’ll need a whole new wardrobe for that.”

My jaw dropped, my mind reeling with shock. Two weeks? With this horrible alpha? I felt a surge of despair, my heart sinking with dread. I was trapped, trapped in this nightmare with no escape. I was already dreading three days and he’s now telling me that we would be gone for two weeks??! My legs felt wobbly and I suddenly forgot how to use them. What the hell was going to become of me?

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