Chasing the rejected Luna

61. Getting her back

61. Getting her back

I growled and my eyes adjusted to the dark instantly. There was Dianne's mother standing not too far away from me with a smirk on her face. And a look that said she had predicted it all

“You actually came running like a fool just like I expected. You never fail to amuse me how foolish you can be,” she said and my wolf growled as he stalked towards her.

It didn’t strike me off how all of her men were still in their human form like they didn't treat me like a treat. I was wholly focused on Dianne's mother and how food it would feel to have her heart beating in my paw before it finally stopped.

But while I stalked her, there was no fear in her eyes. Which was another off thing. But I didn't fail to notice that. In my anger, I only thought her to be a fool for fighting the fear I almost saw go through her eyes.

I expected it because my wolf form was a sight to behold. My wolf was just as menacing as the rumors had said. It was huge. bigger than a normal wolf and its eyes were something that could induce fear into the hearts of others.

I could hear Orion pounding inte the door but that was the back of my mind as my blood pumped faster in my veins as I stared at the woman who had caused me pain for almost three days.

"I would advise you to turn around and go back the same way you came. Dianne had surely been of help here. I forgive her even if she betrayed me. She is just still a child and has a lot to learn. From me.” she sighed dramatically and held a hand to her chest, her eyes turned to heaven.

Soon, I found her within arm's reach and I could feel the joy it brought my wolf. Or was it me? I couldn't tell because our emotions were all over the place, mixing together.

"Well, ever the stubborn wolf," Dianne's mother said as her eyes lost all their amusement and shine. She looked deeply into mine. "Do it." It took me a moment to realize she wasn't talking to me but to the people or the person behind her whe was holding a gun

It failed to explain to me the reason someone would be holding him in that precarious situation when it was well-known a gun could not harm a wolf. But that was until I felt a little prick against my fur.

My wolf growled and looked at the person who had let out the trigger and found it to be a small man who looked like he would pass out from my stare.

Out of fright, he shot another and my wolf smirked, thinking how it must be to end these fool's lives in a matter of minutes. But the thought died in me when I felt the unmistakable pain travel through my veins. Walfbane.

How dare she?! I looked at Dianne's mother and found a smile on her face. "I warned you," she said in a sing-song voice.All rights © NôvelDrama.Org.

She was saying something else but I could barely register what she was saying as pain racked through me. The concentration of the wolfsbane had to be so high or even undiluted for such a small amount to affect me so well

I tried fighting it and willed my wolf to move further but I found myself sinking into the pain that engulfed me. Soon, I found myself on the floor, writhing from the pain in every part of me

It all. looked like a joke to her as she burst into laughter and I felt arms all over me as they tied me with silver. It burned my skin as I felt part of my skin melt away from the intense heat but it didn’t help that I couldn't feel my wolf any longer.

It reminded me of the times I was dealt with by my father using wolfsbane when I was still a teenager. He used it a whole lot on me. I feared I might eventually die from having too much of it on me. But it didn't work that way. No one can ever get used to the pain of getting wolfsbane thrown on them.

And soon, I stumbled into the darkness. I awoke hours later in a dark room. It took me some time to get used to the darkness.

"Alexander? Oh thank goodness, I thought you were gone. I wanted to make sure you are still alive. You were barely breathing when they brought you in.” I heard Sophia’s voice and I stiffened

How much I had missed her voice and her face. I turned my face slowly to the sound of her voice, too slow so I could have the time to realize it was all in my head before staring at a space.

It wasn't a space. She was there with me, looking at me with wide eyes and a worried face. She was alive and well, with no sign that she had almost died. Although there were a few bruises on her face and signs that there had been some kind of struggle between her and someone else. But apart from that, she was hale and ....

"Alexander?" She called out to me and I realized I had been staring at her for so long without blinking my eyes.

I looked away from her as shame coursed through me. I had failed her as a mate. I came to rescue her but I was pathetically tied down to a metal chair in the same room with her. She honestly deserves someone better than me who would have saved her from this.

How could I have been so careless? I let my emotions run me when I knew who I was dealing with. Orion was right. I needed to calm down. But there was no use crying over spilled milk.

"I'm sorry,” I muttered as I looked to the floor. I avoided looking her in the eyes.

There was a sound from her followed by a chuckle. "Don't be. We are all here together and the best thing we can do is to plan how to get out from here. We can talk about you later and why you were so easily caught," she said and I never felt more useless than I felt at that moment.

"Why aren't you mad at me? You're supposed to throw a fit and tell me all manner of words. How useless I am to you as a mate and the father to your child."

"So now you helieve I was telling the truth," She scéffed. "When did you realize I was-telling the truth? Was it. after I went I missing or after I x stormec out of the office? I guess it's thetatter. Because you would have’ come after me. But all:these don't matter now. What raatters now is getting out of here alive.” Content belongs to

“It wasn't my fault I didn't believe you,” I said after a while. I needed to defend myself and let her know I was the jerk she thought me to be

“And whose fault was it? Mine?"

Don't put words in my mouth Sophia. I understand you are still mad at me foraot believing you but I couldn't get woman pregnant. It was saidvafter I had an accident => while I was a teenager. The doctor never,told me I could heal and: never scasked because I was itnso neh pain to even bring up the topic gain. After you left, I went to see him again and did another test. It was found out that my string Alpha genes made me well again sometime last year but I had no idea of it."


There was silence after that. I couldn't even hear Sophia breathe out loud. I turned my head to her to get what she was doing and to my surprise, she wasn't looking at me or anywhere else.

Her eyes were unfocused and sweat coated her forehead for the first time, I noticed her breathing was uneven and she had been fighting whatever they did to her for me. So I wouldn't get worried.

"Soph...Sophia are you... What did they do to you?" I asked as fear racked through me, I momentarily forgot about the silver chains on my wrists.

"Sophia, stay with me. You have to fight and I promise to get us out of here. All three of us, unharmed. Please don't come this far just to give up.”

Her eyes found mine and a small smile was plastered to her pale face. "I'm not giving up. I just need a little sleep. I'm tired and dizzy.”

"No, fight it, Saphia. You can't fall asleep now. How about I tell you about when was growingup? Would that sound interesting for you not to sleep? And in turn, you could ask rte whatever it is you have” always wanted to ask me,” said and Ioticed how her eyes regained some focus. NovelDrama.Org

Her brows furrowed and she still looked beautiful even with all the hairs sticking to her face and a little cut on her lower lips and left cheeks. They weren't healed which meant they had also fed her with some wolfsbane to knock out her wolf.

"Promise?" She asked and I nodded my head but spoke when I realized I needed to speak to keep her awake.

"Yes, my love. I promise," I smiled and she returned the smile as a little light entered into her eyes.

"Your love?" She asked and I detected uncertainty and insecurity in her voice. And I also noticed she was more alert now. Since she was, it meant this was a topic she was interested in and I needed to give it to her because she needed to know how I felt about her.

"I've always loved you. I might have told you this before but I only realized how much you mean to me when you went missing. I thought I might lose my mind. Do you know I almost lost control when I couldn't feel you any longer?”

She shook her head and I could feel the wheels in her head turning

"You hurt me,” she said in a hoarse voice. "You hurt me so much. I want to hear you say it." She said as our eyes clashed.

"I want to hear you say you love me and would never leave me again no matter what happens,” she said with a hidden tremor in her voice.

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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