CEO Leo’s Baby Mama Is Back

The good, the bad and the ugly

Chapter 8 The good, the bad and the ugly


“What are you talking about, Abigail?” Noah asked as he removed his reading glasses and placed it gently on the stool next to him. “Who is pregnant?”

Abigail folded her arms against her chest with a defiant look. “Darby of course. She has been sleeping around with different guys in school. It’s such a shame to watch.”

Emma swallowed hard when Noah gave her a knowing stare. “How did you know this?”

Searching her bag, Abigail presented the pregnancy test kit. “Darby couldn’t hold herself back that she had to run a pregnancy test in school.”

Snatching it from her, Emma stared hard at the result and her hands shook as she held it. “How dare that wench? How could she do this to me!” She screamed.

The door opened and a depressed looking Darby walked in. She looked shocked seeing everyone seated at the same time. “Good evening, mom and dad.”

Noah glared at her. “What is this that I hear about you being pregnant?” He queried in his usual cold voice whenever he talks to her.

Darby’s eyes shot out like a deer caught in the headlight. “How did you know that?”

“So it’s true?” Emma questioned with a sneer.

“I don’t know what you are talking about.” She denied.

“Stop lying, Darby. You and I know that you have been shamelessly giving yourself out to any available guy in school. That’s how needy you are. Didn’t you throw this into the bin at school?” Abigail bickered at her, a mischievous look in her eyes.

A shocked gasp escaped Darby’s lips. “You told them?”

“How could you!” Emma yelled, slapping Darby on the face. “Why would you choose to bring such shame into this family? Isn’t your awful birth enough?” She wailed.

“Enough!” Noah ordered. “That’s enough! Who got you pregnant, Darby?”

Holding onto her face, Darby stared at the wall saying nothing. Her entire body was still in shock as regards the slap. Also it would do her no good to admit Leo being the father since he would outrightly deny it which would lead to further embarrassment. She would rather remain quiet till death.

“You don’t have an answer to that?” Her mother inquired.

Abigail snickered. “What do you want her to say, mom? She doesn’t even know whose pregnancy she carries.”

Darby sent a thunderous look towards her. “Abigail!” She warned.

Noah exhaled tiredly. “I don’t think I want to do this right now. Just go to your room and remain there till I call for you.” He bellowed. “And you too Abigail.” Waiting for the girls to retire to their separate rooms, his eyes lingered on Emma. “What do you have to say to this?”

Emma looked away from him, trying to hide the tears in her eyes. “What do you expect me to say?”

He scoffed. “You should be ashamed, Emma. The fact that I harbored your bastard is enough for you both to be sensitive and not splash any form of dirt on me.”

“Don’t! She is just as much as your daughter as Abigail is!”

“You know she isn’t!”

“She would have been!” Emma whisper yelled with tears rolling down her cheeks. “If your cheating self had not left me sex starved and depriving me of moments with you when you were just close by. I wouldn’t have felt the need to be with another man! It’s both of our fault. And you should learn to live with it. You just couldn’t divorce me because you fear losing half of your property. You should have thought better before harboring the both of us under your roof. Don’t play regret now.” She growled.NôvelDrama.Org holds text © rights.

“You are so ungrateful. After saving your bloody ass from becoming a laughing stock, you think it’s about what I stand to lose?”

“Please stop acting like a saint that you are not. Have you told your biological daughter that the neighbor’s son is her half brother?”

Clenching his fist, Noah waved a warning finger at her. “Watch your mouth, Emma. Watch it!”

“I guess none of us has the right to throw the first stone then? Aren’t we all sinners?” She sucked her teeth, dumping herself in the nearest couch.

“There is no way I am going to harbor another bastard under my roof. She has to get rid of that child!”

Emma sighed. “I won’t object to that. It would be too much of a hassle to let her birth the child. Can we discuss this later? I have to catch up with the ladies at the Freda’s house tonight.”

Standing up to leave, Noah ignored her. “Just make sure you have a doctor’s appointment tomorrow.” He said ascending the stairs.

Darby sniffed consistently as she listened to her parents conversation coming to an end. Her hand gripped her belly, even though she has only learnt about the fetus growing inside of her few hours ago, she already feels like it has always been a part of her life. Letting her child die by her own hands will be a very wrong move on her part. Probably this would be the only person to make her feel loved and accepted in the cold world that she lives in. But on a second thought, aborting the child is the only option for her to get the life of freedom she has always wanted. Laying her tired body on the cold floor she tried to get some sleep.

It didn’t take long before she woke up again, it had almost felt like a dream. However, seeing she still had her cloth on and her face swollen from crying too much, Darby could no longer deny her reality. Her belly growled reminding her that she hasn’t had a decent meal all day long. The entire house was quiet when she stepped into the living room and headed to the kitchen.

Fetching herself some bread and jam, she settled to eat. Abigail walked into the kitchen also searching around for something. A snide smirk appeared on her face.

“I didn’t think you would keep mute on who the father of your child was? You made lying against you too easy for me.” She grinned from ear to ear.

Darby kept chewing on her bread. “I guess I know where the fake rumors comes from then. It must have been your doing.”

Abigail let out a fake gasp. “Oh my goodness! I didn’t know you were this smart. Why then did you keep quiet?”

She snorted. “Like they would have believed any word I said. Trying to prove myself to anyone around here is a waste of time. I have no interest in stressing my lungs. I believe you have gotten what you want.”

Abigail despised how calm Darby looked, she had expected more of a rant and hysterical wail. “Yes, that is what you get for involving with the man I want. Moreover, why aren’t you acting up?”

She let out a forced chuckle. “I am sorry I can’t give you that satisfaction. I’m too exhausted right now to even sneeze. Thanks for clearing things up for me. You have done me a huge favor. Have a good night rest.” Darby nodded, leaving Abigail shellshocked and wondering if her mind was still intact.

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