CEO Leo’s Baby Mama Is Back

Closed up

Chapter 93 Closed up


“Do you think I overreacted?” Darby asked Isabella while she got Sinclair dressed. He has a birthday outing with Scarlett. She had asked if she could take him along with her to one of her cousins birthday who just turned six.

Isabella exhaled while she arranged the clothes in the closet. “I wouldn’t be able to tell since I am not the one in your shoes. But then, Zac did wrong by sleeping with her. Even if they had been under the influence, he still could have held down control but he didn’t.”

Darby snorted, she hasn’t been able to get over the talk she had with Zac. It made her wonder how Leo might be feeling at such outright betrayal. On a second thought she wondered what sort of relationship he had with his wife for her to carry someone else’s child when they are barely three months married. It has been a week since Zac told her about his sexual escapade and she finds herself worried about the turn out of the whole situation.

“I don’t know what to make out of all this.” She said.

“I feel so bad for Leo, he must be really hurt.” Isabella noted.

“He doesn’t sound like someone who has been hurt. We still talked yesterday and he sounded very fine to me.”

“He is a man after all and knowing them, it wouldn’t be hard for him to put on a face and act like everything is very okay with him. Just do whatever it is that comes to mind I hate to see you bothered.”

Darby grinned softly. “Thanks, Bella. We are set.” She said, kissing Sinclair’s forehead. “I think there is someone at the door. I will go get it quickly.”

Scarlett was at the door grinning from ear to ear, Sinclair must have heard about her presence because he ran out of the room with all the energy he possesses just to see her. Isabella couldn’t hold him back as he was quick on his feet. The ladies couldn’t stop laughing at how cute he appeared.

“So, we would be back by seven. I promise to watch over him like a mother hen” Scarlett mused.

“You don’t have to make any promise. I know I can trust Sinclair with you. You have proven yourself to be reliable each and every time again. Just ensure to call me if there is something amiss.” Darby said.

“I definitely will. My driver is the one driving us today. I didn’t think I would be able to handle driving and keeping an eye on Sinclair.” She mumbled ruffling his hair as he circled her.

“You both should have fun, let me know if you will need to stay back there. I can come with Isabella to pick you both up.”

“Alright then. Bye guys. Say bye to mum and nanny Bella.” Scarlett instructed Sinclair.

He only waved halfheartedly, his mind seems to be more engrossed in leaving the house. After getting kissed by both ladies, he was sent off with Scarlett. Something feels off in Darby’s mind, but she didn’t want to say something bad that might jinx whatever it is going on good for them. She returned to the couch after pleading with Isabella to get her phone.

The door bell rang about fifteen minutes later, it made Darby wonder if Scarlett had forgotten something. Making her way to the door, she was surprised to see Leo there.

“Why are you here?” She blurted unintentionally.

Leo smacked his forehead as he walked in, with a gift bag in hand. “Did I miss them?”

“Yes, they just left few minutes ago. Who owns the gift bag?” Darby inquired making her way to the couch.

“I wanted to hand it to Scarlett for her cousin. It skipped my mind before and I had only just rushed down to the gift shop to get it.”

“So sorry about that.”

“It’s no big deal, Sinclair would love it anyways. It’s a bag filled with candy.”

“You do know how he behaves when he has too much sugar in his bloodstream. You spoil him too much.” She grinned.

Leo shrugged with a bright smile on his face. “I can’t help not doing anything he wants for him. How are you?” He asked settling into the couch opposite her.

Darby tried to observe his face closely, she is worried that he might be holding back on his thoughts a lot all in a bid to act fine. Clearing her throat, she sat up. “I guess I am better. I should be asking how you are doing?”

“What do you mean?”

“You don’t have to pretend to me, Leo. I know there has been a lot going on with you. I do understand that it’s none of my business, but then you said it was okay for us to confide in each other, there is no need for you to try play macho when your heart is in shreds.”

He was genuinely confused as to what she meant, Leo tried to search his head for any situation that would have warranted the discussion but nothing came. “I still don’t know what you mean, Darby.”

She huffed, “Zac already told me.”

At the mention of Zac he snapped his fingers. “Damn!” He blurted.

“I know it must hurt you a lot. You don’t have to talk about it in details, I just need you to know I am here for you. Chloe shouldn’t have gone to Zac and Zac himself should have acted more reasonable and not indulge in something shameful like that. I’m really sorry. What’s going to happen now?”

“We are divorced. The papers would be finalized this week.” He stared.

Darby gasped loudly. “It has really gotten to that? Your marriage is barely three months. I’m so sorry it had to end like this.”

“No, Darby. This is for a good cause. Now I can get to do whatever it is I want and probably pursue the feelings we have towards each other.” He drawled.

“What are you talking about? Is Chloe not your wife?”

Scratching his face gently, he exhaled. “Listen, baby. Truth is, I was never in love with Chloe. I only married her out of duty. The thought of spending the rest of my life with her didn’t feel so wrong but you came along, Darby. The affection I felt for you years back came back in tenfolds, stronger than anything I could imagine. But you wouldn’t even give me a chance and the wedding was near. I didn’t want to hurt Chloe either, but I guess there was a limit to how I could hide my feelings. Chloe felt left out when she realized I wasn’t so into her, I thought I was good at hiding but I was wrong in the end. Even though it shouldn’t have ended this way, probably this is the universe interfering to enable each of us stay happy.”

Darby blinked slowly trying to process everything he just said. “So, you are telling me now that you stringed Chloe along and couldn’t wait to dumb her ass the minute she slipped?”

“That isn’t it, baby. She knew about my feelings all along. I guess she was just hoping.”

“Keep quiet, Leo. And stop calling me baby!” She flared. “Do you even know what you are saying right now? This means you both could probably work it out but you didn’t because I came along. And Chloe might never have to involve in a cheating scandal if you as a man had been more attentive. I can’t believe you did all that you wanted without considering how I would feel.”

“I didn’t file for divorce, Darby. Chloe did it herself. I was ready to forgo my happiness for her.”

“And you think that makes you a hero? You are nothing but a two-faced person who likes to be seen as great. You are nothing, Leo. Nothing!”

“Why are you getting so worked up? Can’t you see that this is going to be a big deal for us? We can get to love each other without restraint. I love you, Darby and being with you and Sinclair is the only thing I look out for lately. I want nothing more aside that.”

Darby seethed as she stood up pacing the space back and forth, she couldn’t pinpoint the basis of her anger, but it was evident that there is nothing to be delighted about. Here she was condemning Zac for his act, not knowing she unintentionally has a hand in it.

“I don’t want a love that thrives on the downfall of others. Even if I can’t tell what Zac was thinking, I can at least see myself in Chloe’s shoes. Do you know how hard it is to feel unloved? Do you know? Nobody wants to feel unwanted, she must have felt like trash when you wouldn’t even sympathize with the affection she held for you. It makes it worse that I am indirectly involved in this. I must have given the wrong signal. I am sorry about that. But I need you to leave this minute.”

“Darby, listen-”

“No, Leo. You are the one who has to listen to me and I want you to bounce right now.” She insisted.

Seeing the state of her face, Leo held up his hand in surrender and walked out of the house. He wasn’t expecting it to end like that. He had thought she would be at least happy to have him all to herself but that would have only made her the villain. Darby watched as he left and she felt her heart rip apart painfully.

Leo stopped in his tracks when his phone rang, pulling it out from his pocket. The call was from an unknown number. He picked it up and Darby saw him go stiff like a rock.

‘What!’ He blurted falling to his knees.

Darby rushed towards Leo as the phone dropped from his hand. “What’s wrong? Why aren’t you saying anything?” She asked feeling extremely scared. Leo only looked dazed not saying anything. She picked up the phone. ‘Hello, who is this?’

‘Hello, ma’am. We are calling to inform you of Miss Scarlett Robin and a young boy of four years old just got involved in an accident and have been rushed to the Saint hospital for care.’ The person on the other end said.

The phone slipped out of Darby’s hand as she tried to think straight on what to do. Her first move was slapping Leo hard by the shoulder to bring him back to life. Isabella who seem to have been taking a nap before rushed out of the room.

“What’s going on?” She asked.

Breathing hard, Darby pulled at her chest. “Sinclair got into an accident.”


“We don’t have time for this. We need to leave.” Leo said out of nowhere after jolting back to life.

“Will you be able to drive?” Isabella asked, she could sense the disheveled state of the parents and she knew it wouldn’t be a good advice for any of them to drive. “Please let me.” She offered.

Like a zombie, Leo handed her the car keys while he and Darby made their way to the door. It didn’t take long for all of them to be in the car. Darby seem to be having a panic attack already and Leo’s phone was buzzing up from the calls coming into his phone. His parents had also heard the news. When they got to the hospital, they weren’t allowed to see the patients as the doctors were still attending to them. Turns out the driver had gotten distracted and swerved right into another unsuspecting car.

Darby and Leo paced back and forth as different mind boggling thoughts crossed their head. Evelyn and Ethan arrived next. Grace also joined them, her ex-husband had called to inform her of her grandson’s predicament. They all waited outside the ward expectantly. When the doctor came out, they all rushed towards him.

“How are they doing?” They queried all at once.

The doctor who appears to be in his mid-thirties, held up a warm smile at the bothered family. “There is no reason to panic everyone. The airbag in the car had protected them from any casualty. Their injuries aren’t so serious and we just need to keep a close eye on them for the next two weeks.” He told them. “The nurses will show you to their room.”

They all let out a sigh of relief, Leo tried to hold onto Darby and calm her but she was quick to move farther away from him. Even though they have their son to worry about at the moment, she still hasn’t forgotten his pettiness. Scarlett and Sinclair were put into different rooms, but next to each other. They all went to check on Sinclair before Scarlett, aside that their eyes were closed, there wasn’t any kind of tubes attached to them. It made them all comforted.

Darby snapped her finger hurriedly as she caressed Sinclair’s head. “How about the driver?”

“Should you be concerned with that right now?” Isabella retorted.

“I have spoken to the doctor, he is in ICU.” Leo replied.

“Serves him right for being so careless.” Bella spat in distaste.

“Don’t be like that, Isabella. He is still a person too, someone who has a family that would be very worried about him. He needs our pity better than our criticism right now.” Darby cautioned.

“Let’s just be thankful that Sinclair is fine. I almost went into shock at the news of the accident.” Grace added.

The door to the room opened halting their discussion, Ethan and Evelyn walked in. “How is he?” Ethan asked.

Leo nodded. “Fine, I guess. Did Scarlett open her eyes before you left the room?”

“No, we just thought to see the boy before sticking to the room.” Evelyn said.

Ethan turned to Darby. “You must be Sinclair’s mom, I am so sorry we are meeting in this condition. I am Ethan and this is my wife Evelyn.” He introduced.

Darby smiled weakly at them. “Thanks for your concern.” She replied.

“We would take our leave now. Scarlett needs us.” Evelyn added.

Grace snorted after they left about to say something spiteful but Leo cut her a glare. She huffed in resolve. “I need to leave now, Darby. It’s really a shame that we meet in this kind of space. I’m just glad that Sinclair is fine. I have a shoot in two hours. I promise to come by later.”

Darby nodded in response. “I really appreciate you coming on such short notice. Thank you. I will let Sinclair know you came when he wakes up.”

“Alright, I will go now, baby. Bye.” She said to Leo.

“Okay, mum.” Leo waved at her.

“I think I should also go and get some clothes back home for you to change in, Darby. I also heard hospital foods aren’t the best. I will fix something on my return.” Isabella said excusing herself.

Silence reigned between Leo and Darby as they kept their eyes on Sinclair. Leo felt uncomfortable with the silence, he cleared his throat several times but she didn’t flinch.

“Are you really not going to talk to me?” He questioned.

She pretended not to hear him still caressing her son’s hair. Darby’s mind wasn’t on anything else aside ensuring that her son gets better.

“Darby…”Material © NôvelDrama.Org.

“Can you please?” She gritted with a frown on her face. “Life isn’t all about you, Leo. I just realize that I don’t give a fuck about you. The only person that matters to me is my son. Do whatever pleases you, man. My son has been the only one who comforts me, with so much pureness and peace included. All you adults do is cause trouble in my life and I don’t need such toxicity in my life right now. Let’s just clear this, as soon as Sinclair gets better we are rescheduling you coming around to my house so freely. I have enough of your drama. Do whatever pleases you, I really don’t care.”

Leo felt speechless and he didn’t know what to say to her. The door opened again and Zac rushed in this time. Before he could announce his presence, Sinclair let out a muffled sob from his sleep calling out for his mother. Darby sat on the bed to hold him to her chest gently as tears lingered in her eyes. She had been really scared after hearing he had got into an accident. She couldn’t explain how she was able to keep the anxiousness she was feeling without throwing a fit.

“Isabella told me what happened. Are you okay, Darby?” Zac asked looking concerned.

Raising her head slowly, Darby furrowed her brows staring down at Zac like he was some kind of alien. All of a sudden both men disgust her and she couldn’t help but feel anger towards them.

“You know what? The hell with both of you. Get out of here I don’t want to see you!” She yelled, startling the sleeping Sinclair.

Leo looked back at Zac and the latter did vice versa. “Me?” They both blurted.

“I believe you don’t have wools in your ears. Get the fuck out!” Her lips wobbled as she covered Sinclair’s ears from hearing her curse at his father and godfather.

Gulping hard, Leo was the first to take his leave. Storming out of the ward, he didn’t even bother to check on his sister once again. Zac followed behind him. Seeing them leave, Darby let out the tears she had been holding in for so long and when the door opened again letting in her parents and aunt. She was inconsolable and let herself cry bitterly.

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