Camp Closeted

Chapter 38: Love isn’t Gross

Chapter 38: Love isn’t Gross

I actually kinda felt relieved that I finally arrived at the library. My legs are still so sore from hiking

yesterday and I just wanna sit down.

Just before I could've opened the door for the library, my eyes quickly widened at it already opening

before me.

It was Romeo..

He was moving fast and looked subtly disturbed to see me so I just remained quiet. Our eyes met,

making me unconsciously hold in my breath.

Am I that much of a horrible person that he would just hate me without even knowing that much about


It was almost like time stopped before us as we took a second to examine each other. I don't remember

Romeo being this attractive but then again, I was high when we first met. I quickly broke the eye

contact as I waited for him to leave so I can get inside the library. Exclusive content from NôvelDrama.Org.

After he left, I quickly walked in, seeing the usual giant clouds of smoke and smelling the awful smell of

weed. "Babe!" Cadence lazily cheered as he waved at me, his pink lips forming a small smile.

I ignored him and sat next to Sascha, who was silently reading a book. "Did you smoke again?" I


"Nope." Sascha softly responded without looking back at me. "I found out that I don't really like it."

The library door forcefully swung open, Romeo walking back in with what looked like clear bottles of

tequila. Wow.

Tequila tastes like actual acid, I don't know how anyone can drink it.

"What about you?" Sascha tucked a strand of hair behind his ear.

"No." I answered fast. "It's not really me and I just wanted to do it to help with my face."

"How is your face feeling now?" He asked, his eyes glancing at the guys who were drinking straight out

of the bottle.

"It's getting better, I guess." I sighed.

Cadence's deep voice slowly spoke out, catching everyone's attention. "Guys, I do not suggest getting

cross-faded, because you will be gone." He nodded. "Just saying."

After what he said, everyone just continued drinking and smoking as if Cadence didn't even say


"Sascha I think we need another hiding place." I suggested, grabbing his attention.

"I don't know, I like it here." He shyly chirped. "Oh and I know I told you that I liked Jesse, but since I

noticed that I would never stand a chance with him, I think I like Cadence now."

I smiled at him. "I'm pretty sure you would stand a chance with Jesse. But you and Cadence would be

really cute. I thought he was really weird at first, but, he seems like he means well." Sascha's cheeks

burned as he looked back down at his book.

"I thought the same way." He bit his lip. "But talking to him more really changed a lot of my opinions

about him. I'm scared he might find out because I always stutter when I talk to him." Sascha quietly

explained, his tucked strand coming loose from his ear.

"I'm pretty sure it's gonna fade away once you guys continue to talk more." I replied, watching him put

his book aside.

Sascha observed the group of boys in the corner as they progressively got louder, my eyes landing on

Romeo whom was drinking. "I don't know anyone would be willing to be drunk and high at the same

time. That can't be good for your brain cells." Sascha let out.

I couldn't help but lightly chuckle. "I know right. All their brain cells would literally be killed off." He

chuckled also. "I'm gonna take a nap." I yawned.

"You're gonna be able to sleep through them being so loud?" His brown eyes slightly widened.

I shrugged, leaning back against the soft couch. "My neighbors back home trained my ears to sleep

through their music. I'll be fine." I closed my eyes.

My eyes didn't open all the way as I felt like I just had the best nap of my life. I loudly yawned and

stretched as the library was surprisingly very silent.

I rubbed my eyes at the boys who were passed out on the floor, except for Romeo who was on his

phone and Cadence who was quietly talking to Sascha in the corner.

I was undeniably hungry as I stood up off the couch, my eyes taken a back at seeing Romeo throw his

head back with the cutest child like smile I've ever seen in my life.

Just when I almost left the library, a deep and slightly raspy voice caught my attention. "Hey you." My

eyes widened.

I turned towards the voice which belonged to Romeo. "Y-yea?" I let out.

"You owe me one, motherfucker." He breathed, the scent of his cologne blending in with the scent of

alcohol as his smile slowly faded away. "Drive me back to my cabin."

"O-okay." I really need to stop stuttering.

Romeo's tall and muscular structure hopped off the stool as he threw me the car keys. "Here." I quickly

caught them. "I'm letting you drive my car so you better be thankful." He slurred, audibly intoxicated.

"Thank you." I quickly crinkled my face in disgust. Did I really just thank him?

We walked out the library as he was stumbling everywhere. "Don't touch me."

"I wasn't even tryi-" He quickly interrupted me.

"Dude, just shut up!" He exclaimed, leaning against walls for support.

The walk to his car was agonizingly awkward as I only threw him small glances to watch his subtly

unbalanced footsteps.

After getting inside the slick black muscle car and watching him slide in like a snake, I finally turned on

the car and prepared to drive. The car roared from the outside as my mouth dropped.

Romeo's bright hazel eyes pierced through me as he smirked. "I know right. Customized the fuck outta

this car, top to bottom."

"It's really nice." I politely complimented, beginning to drive, trying by my best not to get distracted by


"Ew what the fuck!" He exclaimed, making me tense up beside him as I glanced at him and back on the

road. "Don't ever just compliment my car with the word nice. My car is fucking sexy."

"O-okay. Sorry." I crinkled at myself again. Why the did I just apologize?

"You better be." He harshly responded. "If my car was a person, I'd fuck the shit out of it." My eyes

widened on the road as he lazily let his words out.

I remained quiet, not knowing how to respond. To avoid confusion, I spoke out again. "You live in the

other cabin right?"

"Mhm." He coughed. "I mean duh, obviously, since we never fucking see each other."

I just continued driving and following the empty paths as I read the signs for the other cabin. Driving

this car is really helping me realize how big Camp Closeted is, and it's insane.

"Wait." Romeo huskily let out, my eyes looking down at his strong hand landing against my stomach. "I

kinda want frozen yogurt dude. Actually, I want frozen yogurt. Go there." He commanded.

"B-but you're drunk." I sheepishly replied.

"It won't matter, no one is hardly ever there, just fucking go." His hand left my stomach as I felt my

cheeks burn for some reason.

"I don't know where it is." I anxiously let out, continuing to drive through an empty road.

Romeo let out a deep groan out in annoyance. "You're so annoying, Jesus Christ. Just follow this road

and make a right." I did exactly what he said as he pulled out his phone, beginning to play music.

"Don't you like this song?" He smirked, breaking the silence.

Ariana Grande's 'Into You' started playing and I felt like just not wanting to drive anymore and just sing

and dance. "How do you know I like this song?" I tried to hide my smile.

"I remember you playing it when you were really fucked up." Romeo adorably chuckled, leaning further

down into his seat as his feet were on the car's dashboard. "Why do you even like it anyway? She

sings like a dying cat."

"I used to listen to it all the time back when I was talking to this guy named Brandon." I couldn't even

hide my smile anymore. "We'd always play it whenever we would-we'd just play it a lot." I shook my

head as I tried to not talk too much.

Romeo slightly winced. "Gross. You guys would make out and touch each other huh?" He asked, his

tone sounding genuinely disgusted.

"Y-yea, I mean I don't see what's wrong with that." I bit my lip as I felt slightly offended. "Is that bad?"

"Yea, that's kinda gross dude." He shrugged. "Both of you are guys, you shouldn't be doing shit like


My face now magnified complete anger as I couldn't help but quickly speak again. "What do you mean?

Love isn't gross. Aren't you gay?"

He returned my sharpened tone. "Not really. I'm trying to become straight again because it's gross. I

don't care what you say, being gay is gross."

"Romeo." I loudly let out his name. "You can't just become straight again, because you've never been

straight to begin with when you're gay. Who told you that? Your dad?"

Romeo quickly fixed his position on his seat as his jaws clenched at me. "Don't talk about my dad."

"Don't talk like an ignorant asshole." I spoke with genuine repugnance.

"Excuse me?" His fists tightened as I didn't feel any fear whatsoever. "It's not my fault you're gay and

you choose to ignore how gross it is." I scoffed.

"And it's not my fault that you're an ignorant boy raised in an ignorant household filled with ignorant

people like your dad!" I snapped. "Don't attack a huge group of people who struggles everyday just for

people to accept them for who they are, just because your stupid dad doesn't accept you for who you

are!" I immediately stopped driving.

I felt heated now. I felt so hurt by him talking to me like I'm some gross disease.

Romeo and I met eyes, both of our breathing patterns speeding up as we glared at each other. "Get the

fuck out of my car." He deeply commanded with his fists tightly clenched.

"No." I let out, preparing to drive again. "I'm driving you home, you're drunk!"

"Dude I swear to god, I will crack your head open, get out of my car." He threw his head back as his

hazel eyes shimmered, his voice sounding like it was slowly being ripped apart.

"No." I looked at him.

Romeo's face immediately crinkled as I didn't bother driving again. "Fuck you!" He cried, tears

streaming down his burning cheeks as he quickly covered his reddened face with his hands.

My mouth dropped as I quickly turned my body towards him, immediately feeling bad for how harsh I

might've sounded. "R-Romeo, I'm sorry."

"Shut up!" He yelled out, making me close my eyes as I tensed back. "Get out of my car before I fuck

you up!" His voice cracked.

"I'm not letting you drive drunk." I softly let out, not knowing what to do.

"Get out!" He screamed, raising his fist into the air as it made me sharply breath in. His reddened eyes

that was soaked with tears just met mine as he just dropped his fist back down. "Get out." He let out a

lot quieter, his voice audibly defeated and affected by the lump in his throat as he continued to

drunkenly cry.

I ignored him as I sighed, continuing to drive towards his cabin as he just silently cried to himself, his

body sagging against the car door.

Romeo sniffed a couple of times as my face drooped. I really didn't mean to speak to him like that. I

can only imagine how it feels to have a parent not accept you for you and you loving them so much that

you wanna change who you are for them.

Life's rough.

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