By His Vow: A Billionaire Arranged Marriage Romance

By His Vow: Chapter 81

It took quite a battle of wills, but eventually, Kingston conceded, and we spent a week together at the cottage.

To my shock, by the time we emerged from the bathroom and ventured downstairs, three suitcases were sitting in the hallway, and I discovered that he’d paid someone to pack up all my things at the rental and move them here.

The arrogant jerk really can get anything he wants.

His obvious show of power and wealth didn’t irritate me to the level it once did, but I didn’t let him know that. Instead, I told him what the old me would have said and teased him relentlessly about it.

Not that he cared. He just shrugged it off like he usually does before pulling me into his arms and distracting me the best way he knows.

I made the most of the week he granted me here and took him to every place I remember. We strolled through numerous Cotswold villages hand in hand, soaking up the spring sun and the quaint Britishness. We ate pie and mash in pubs and had takeout fish and chips. I even made him a Sunday roast like Aunt Lena used to. It was…well, it was nowhere near as good as hers. The parsnips resembled pieces of coal, the potatoes weren’t crunchy on the outside and fluffy on the inside, and the gravy was lumpy as hell, but despite all its issues, Kingston ate it and did his best to convince me that I did a good job.

I didn’t. It fucking sucked. But I appreciated the gesture all the same.

We left the cottage and the village that holds so much of my heart two days before we were due to fly out so that we could spend some time in London. I hadn’t done it for years, and he’s only ever been for business. We did all the tourist things and walked until the soles of my feet were tender, but it was worth it.

By the time we were sitting at our departure gate at Heathrow Airport, I was exhausted, so incredibly happy, but ready to go home.

I love England; I love Aunt Lena’s house and the beautiful village it’s located in. But right now, Chicago is my home. It’s where my heart is. Well, when he’s not chasing me across the Atlantic to confess his undying love, that is.

“Did you tell Miles what time we land?” I ask once we’ve finally retrieved our luggage from the belt and are heading toward arrivals to hopefully find a car waiting for us.

I slept on the flight, but it was restless and uncomfortable. I’m longing to crawl into Kingston’s massive bed and sleep for a week.

Sadly, though, that’s going to have to wait a little longer, because he’s already secured us a doctor’s appointment for later today.

No matter how much I try and convince him that everything is fine, that a doctor isn’t really necessary at this point, he refuses to accept it.

As annoying as it might be, it’s also sweet as hell, so I’m happy to go along with it.

When we haven’t been out exploring together or rolling around in bed this past week, he’s been reading up on the first stages of pregnancy.

The first time I found him researching was in the middle of our first night in the cottage. His jet lag was kicking his ass, and he was wide awake. He was so invested in what he was reading that he didn’t notice me approach, and when I dropped down beside him and saw what he was reading, his cheeks heated with embarrassment.

“I just want to know what to expect and to understand what you’re going through,” he said to me. I swear to God, it was the sweetest thing I’ve ever heard him say.

Every day since, he’s been happily telling me all the facts he’s learned about the first trimester, and then also what to expect as we move into the second and third.

Every time he says something new, I fall a little harder in love with him. His excitement is contagious too. And while I was unsure about what I truly wanted my future to look like when I ran from Chicago, now I know without a doubt.

I want Kingston. I want our little family. I want to be standing by King’s side as he and Miles take Warner Group by storm and turn it back around. I want to be a part of it all.

“I don’t think I mentioned it, no,” he says as we march through the doors to a small crowd of people waiting to collect loved ones. “Why?”

“Because he’s right—” I don’t get a chance to finish my sentence, because Miles takes off running in our direction and engulfs me in a hug.

“Or maybe I did,” I hear Kingston mumble before Miles exclaims, “You’re back,” and holds me even tighter.

“Whoa, gentle,” Kingston chastises, having moved closer. “You don’t want to squash your niece or nephew.”

Miles tenses while I silently fume at Kingston.

“We weren’t meant to be telling anyone,” I point out.

“Miles isn’t anyone, he’s⁠—”Belongs to (N)ôvel/Drama.Org.

“You’re pregnant,” a very familiar female voice screeches before Lori emerges from behind Miles, quickly followed by Kian.

“Bro, you knocked her up?”

Turning, I glare at Kingston who just shrugs, uncaring that everyone in our inner circle is now aware of our little secret.

“Yes,” I confirm, “but we’re not telling anyone yet because it’s early and⁠—”

“You’ve got it. Your secret stays with us,” Kian agrees, making Lori roll her eyes before she surges forward and pulls me in for a hug.

“I’m so glad you’re back,” she whispers in my ear. “Chicago isn’t as awesome without you in it.”

“Me too.”

“You’re not staying in England?” she asks hopefully. While we’ve chatted since Kingston gate-crashed my English pity party for one, we haven’t really talked. We’ve both been too busy, and the time difference hasn’t exactly helped.

“Nope. I belong here, for now at least.”

She squeals in excitement before hugging me again.

“As grateful as we are for the welcome home party, is there any chance we can leave the airport anytime soon?” Kingston grumbles.

“Good to see that you’re still a miserable asshole,” Kian teases, slapping his brother on the back as he reaches for the light suitcase Kingston allowed me to pull as if I’m some kind of invalid.

“Pfft, as if that’s ever going to change.”

“I thought you said you loved me?” Kingston balks.

“Oh, Jesus. You’re not going to turn into that couple, are you?” Miles asks. “Someone pass me a bucket.”

“Suck it up, man. This is it now. Your sister is mine.”

Miles cringes, his top lip curling in disgust. “Well, at least she isn’t my responsibility. She’s a fucking liability.”

“Love you too, Bro.”

Wrapping his arm around my shoulder, he drops a kiss on the top of my head.

“Missed you, little sister,” he confesses quietly. “So, when are you coming back to work?” His voice is a little louder with that question, and Kingston’s hand tightens in mine.

“You mean I still have a job?”

“Well,” he starts as we emerge into the bright afternoon sun.

A black town car awaits with Lewis standing beside the driver’s door waiting for us.

He smiles the moment he sees me, his head nodding in greeting.

“Well, what?” I ask as we come to a stop, allowing Lewis to deal with our luggage.

“Your marketing manager position has been filled.”

My stomach drops, disappointment flooding through my veins.


“In fact, the whole marketing department has had a massive reshuffle,” Miles confesses.

Ripping my eyes from him, I glare at my husband. He hasn’t said a single word about this.

“What does that mean?” I ask, my heart beginning to race.

“It means that Charles decided to opt for early retirement,” Miles explains, mentioning our CMO.

My hands tremble.

No, surely he isn’t going to⁠—

“Congratulations, Tate. You’re our new Chief Marketing Officer.”

The world spins around me as I stare at my big brother.

Kingston steps behind me, his arm wrapping around my waist as if he’s worried I’m about to drop to the floor.

“B-but I’m pregnant.”

Miles shrugs. “It won’t stop you from doing your job, will it?”

“Uh…n-not right now, but⁠—”

“Tatum,” he sighs. “Even senior management are entitled to maternity leave. And anyway, there isn’t anyone else I’d allow to have the job. It’s meant to be yours. It always has been.”

Kingston leans closer, his warm breath rushing down my neck, making me shiver. “We’re going to take over the world together, baby.”

“So,” Miles starts. “What do you say?”

It’s everything I’ve never wanted, but right now, standing here with my husband behind me and nothing but hope filling my big brother’s eyes, there is only one thing I want.


All of this.

Lifting my hand, I hold it out.

“Thank you, Mr. Warner.” His brows pinch as he hesitantly lifts his hand to mine. His palm slides against mine and I keep my mouth closed, torturing him a little longer. “I happily accept your offer.”

“Yes,” he hisses before stealing me from King and engulfing me in a bone-crushing hug. “We’re gonna fucking kill it, Tate. It’s going to be epic.”

As much as I want to go home and freshen up before our doctor’s appointment, my new and very sudden promotion meant that we all ended up going for celebratory drinks.

Lori was buzzing with excitement, and so were Miles and King. Kian was…well…Kian.

I guess this huge change in my life doesn’t affect him like it does Miles and King as CEOs of Warner Group. I’m pretty sure I could see a little pride in those green eyes of his, though.

As predicted, there was nothing more that the doctor could tell us about my pregnancy, that we hadn’t already learned. She took my blood pressure, which was normal. A freaking miracle if you ask me after the past few weeks. My pulse was good, too. She took blood, but we won’t know the results for a few days, and she hooked us up with a midwife. But, just like I knew, and much to Kingston’s irritation, there isn’t much to do but look after myself until we have our first scan and learn a little more about our peanut.

“Can we swing by Lori’s and pick up Griz?” I ask tiredly as we head across the city.

Kingston turns to look at me. “Baby, you can hardly keep your eyes open,” he points out.

It’s true. I’m fighting damn hard here. “I need my girl,” I whisper pathetically.

“We can get her first thing in the morning. You heard what the doctor just said, you need to rest, take care of yourself.”

“One stop for Griz isn’t going to stop me from doing that,” I argue.

“Tomorrow, Tatum,” he says, pulling out the fierce CEO voice that makes my lower stomach knot with desire.

I silently chastise my body. I’m definitely too tired to go there.

I let out a heavy sigh that I hope lets Kingston know just how irritated I am about following orders right now.

“You two are my top priorities, Tatum,” he says, resting his hand against my flat stomach. “You always will be. Let me do my job.”

“Fine,” I huff, sounding like a petulant toddler.

He smirks before wrapping his arm around my waist and giving me little choice but to rest my head on his shoulder and relax.

“I promise, I’ll always give you everything you want and need. Including the cat.”

“Aw, you love her, don’t you?” I tease.

He harrumphs, letting me know that he really doesn’t.

It’s fine. I think the little love/hate relationship they’ve got going on is cute.

Thankfully, the roads are clear and only minutes later, Lewis is pulling the car into the underground lot and we’re climbing out.

“We won’t need you for the rest of the day or tomorrow,” Kingston explains. “But we’ll both be heading to Warner Group first thing the following morning.”

“No problem. If you need me though⁠—”

“Go and spend some extra time with your family, Lewis,” Kingston says before taking our luggage from him and leading me toward the elevator.

“Aw, see, you can be nice,” I taunt.

“I’m always fucking nice.”

I chuckle. “Pretty sure you have plenty of staff who would say otherwise,” I deadpan.

He scoffs as the elevator dings to announce our arrival, but he doesn’t respond.

He can’t. He knows how true it is as well as I do. It’s what makes him so good at his job.

“Welcome home, baby,” he says after opening the door and letting me step inside before him.

The second I’m inside, I breathe in deeply, letting the scent of home fill my senses.

Contentment washes through me, letting me know that I was right to return.

I love England, I love the village, and the thought of having a life there. But not yet. Right now, my life and my family are all here. It’s where I need to be. Where I belong. With my husband, my brother, my best friend, and⁠—

“What’s that?” I ask, taking in the ridiculous addition to Kingston’s living room.

“What?” he asks innocently, letting me know that he knows exactly what I’m talking about.

“That…that…cat castle.” I stare wide-eyed at the most elaborate scratching post I’ve ever seen in my life.

The thing is pink.


“Oh, it’s not a castle. It’s a palace,” Kingston explains matter-of-factly.

“A palace,” I muse. “I guess that explains the crown on the top.” I’m about to say something else, although God knows what, when a familiar purr hits my ears.

“Griz,” I call, searching the monstrosity before me for my girl.

At the sound of my voice, her little face pops out of a hidey-hole.

“Grizzy,” I say, holding my arms out for her.

She immediately jumps into them and begins nuzzling my neck.

Emotion burns up my throat, not just because I have my girl back, but because Kingston knew I’d want her here. And he hasn’t just got her here, he’s bought her the most ridiculous peace offering.

The man in question steps up beside me and reaches out. I freeze as his hand moves toward Griz, waiting for the moment she notices and strikes out.

But she never does. Instead, she lets him tickle her behind the ear.

“What the hell?’ I whisper, not wanting to ruin the moment.

“Oh, didn’t I tell you?” Kingston says lightly. “Griz and I have come to an agreement. We’re going to be able to live together in peaceful harmony from now on.”

“Is that right?” I ask, looking between the two of them, trying to figure out what the hell kind of agreement a man and a cat can strike up.

“Yep. We’re tight now, isn’t that right, fluffpuff?”

I gawp as he reaches for her and lifts her into his arms.

He snuggles her into the crook of his elbow and roughs up her head, something she usually hates, but she…she purrs.

“You’re a cat whisperer.”

“Well, like I said before, I do have a way with pussy.” He wiggles his eyebrows in amusement.

“Oh my god,” I mutter. “I married that.”

“Till death do us part, baby. There is no way you’re getting out of those vows now. You’re mine until the end of time.”

I step closer to him, pinning Griz between us.

“Sounds awful,” I tease.

“Uh-huh. Go and get that sexy ass in bed, Tatum Callahan, and let me show you just how awful having to put up with me for the rest of your days really is.”

He swats my ass as I take off with a burst of laughter.

“You can have me if you can catch me,” I call back, suddenly feeling a little less exhausted and a lot more turned on.

“Oh, baby, there is no doubt I will always do that.”

And he does, over and over again.

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