
Chapter 113

Chapter 113

-Alex's POV-

The conversation didn't go anywhere near how I planned. One minute we were talking, the next I lost it. Now Daniel Stone was sprawled on the other side of a very broken wall, and a crowd was forming around him. People were rushing over, asking if he was alright, offering help. True to form, Stone just brushed them off, all grunts and scowls, even though his face was definitely a bit paler. They didn't seem to want to touch me. Not surprising. Perks of being a billionaire, I guess.

How long did I stand there? Minutes? Hours? Time seemed to blur. A small, dark part of me felt a twisted kind of satisfaction. I came here for a conversation, a chance to talk things through like a normal person. But Stone, he just had this way of pushing every single button. Still, I couldn't stop the stupid smile creeping onto my face. It vanished faster than it came though, the second I saw Amaya pull up in that sleek black car with Ivan always hovering beside her.

She didn't rush over to her father. She just stood there, a good distance away. I watched her talk to Ivan, her voice clipped and tight. Then her mother arrived, all flustered and worried. Amaya went straight to her instead, and they talked for a while, heads bent together. Finally, her mother walked over to Stone, her face a mask of concern. Amaya turned her head then, like we could somehow feel each other across the space. Her eyes narrowed into slits. I swear, if daggers could be thrown, I'd be riddled with holes right now. She muttered something to Ivan, and before I knew it, she was striding towards me.

My wolf perked up, practically vibrating with excitement as he felt her aura wash over him. It was a primal thing, this connection we had. But even through the haze of wolfish glee, I saw the storm brewing in her eyes. I knew what was coming; a verbal - maybe physical-dismantling of Alex. Yet, for some crazy reason, the stupid smile was back. It felt like a reflex I couldn't control. Maybe it was the satisfaction of finally seeing her after so long. Maybe it was the twisted anticipation of the fight to come. Whatever it was, it made me look like an idiot.

She stopped a few feet away, her eyes burning into mine. Her lips were pressed into a thin line, and her fists were clenched at her sides.

Silence stretched between us, thick and heavy. The only sounds were the murmurings of the crowd, their whispers dying down as they waited.

for the inevitable explosion.

We locked eyes, the silence stretching between us like an elastic band about to snap. A stupid grin tugged at the corners of my lips. Amaya always looked stunning, even furious. Like a firecracker about to explode, all sparks and raw energy. And of course, the stupid grin only seemed to make things worse.

"You think this is funny?" she practically spat, her voice tight with barely contained anger.

I stayed silent, just drinking in the sight of her, In the corner of my vision, Ivan lurked, his brow furrowed in concern.

"Why can't you just leave us alone, huh?" Her voice hitched slightly, then continued, a torrent of frustration, "What is your problem with us? Haven't you done enough already?"

Part of me wanted to lash out, to justify myself. But another, deeper part held me back. I just kept staring, the image of her fiery frustration burning into my memory.

She opened her mouth to speak again, but I cut her off before the words could form. "You always did look more beautiful when you're angry." I blurted, the stupid grin widening.

Her eyes narrowed even further, the surprise in them giving way to a cold fury. "You think this is a joke, Alex? Why did you even bother coming here?"

I shrugged, "If you must know, I came to talk to your father. I was done with the fighting, the endless war between us. But of course, he just had to be a jerk yet again."

Chapter 113

"Don't you dare insult him!" Her voice rose a notch, her fists clenching at her sides.

"I'm just telling the truth," I countered, folding my arms defensively.

I took a step towards her but she flinched back, her eyes blazing with suspicion. "Can I ask a question? I'll just go ahead and ask. Why didn't you just go to him straight away when you arrived? Because you knew he'd brush you off, right? I'll never understand why you're always so keen to defend him, when he clearly doesn't give a damn about you."

Her face paled for a brief moment, a flicker of vulnerability crossing her features. Good. I knew I'd hit a nerve. But just as quickly, the vulnerability hardened into a mask of defiance.

"Why don't you just leave, Alex?" she said, her voice flat. "Nobody wants you here. Besides, don't you have a wedding to plan?"

A smirk played on my lips. "Are you upset that I'm getting married to someone else?" I couldn't resist the jab.

She crossed her arms, her expression unreadable. "Why would I be upset? I think you should leave."

"Actually," I drawled, "the wedding planning is going great. Miranda's a dream, you know. Unlike some people I know." I tilted my head, feigning innocence as if the barb wasn't a mile wide.

Her nostrils flared. "Don't you dare."

"Don't I dare what?" I countered, taking a leisurely step forward, enjoying the way she mirrored my movement, staying just out of reach.

Her eyes narrowed to slits. "You think you are going to get to me? Well think again because you're sorely mistaken."

I raised my hands in mock surrender, "I have no idea what you are talking about. I'm just here for a civil conversation, that's all. Apparently, that's too much to ask for from the Stone family."

ha wall!"

"Civil conversation?" she spat, her voice laced with disbelief. "You literally just threw my father through ar

"Well, Daniel Stone wasn't exactly Mr. Hospitality," I shrugged, nonchalantly flicking a pebble at the growing crowd. A few nervous murmurs rippled through the onlookers. "Maybe if he wasn't such an incorrigible asshole, things wouldn't have gotten so...heated."

"Goddess, do you even hear yourself?" Her voice rose an octave, finally cracking with barely concealed fury. "You showed up unannounced, caused a scene, and then attacked my father! That's not how civil conversations work. That is called trespassing and assault!"

"Look, I came here with good intentions," I said, holding my hands out placatingly. "Believe it or not. But your father, well, he has a certain way of rubbing people the wrong way, wouldn't you agree?"

Her face contorted in a mixture of anger and something else i couldn't quite decipher. Was it hurt? Pity? Maybe a flicker of the old spark we used to have? It was gone as quickly as it appeared, replaced by a steely glint.

"You're unbelievable, Alex. How can you be callous? Don't you understand the damage you've caused? The damage you keep causing?"

"Damage?" I repeated, taking another step forward. "Enlighten me. What damage exactly have I done? Besides putting a well deserving small dent in your father's wall, that is."

Amaya threw her hands up in exasperation. This isn't about the wall!

u know exactly what you're doing, Alex. You always have."

Chapter 113Content © provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

"Is that right?" I challenged, tilting my head. "Then tell me, what am I doing exactly?"

She opened her mouth to answer, but then seemed to think better of it. Her jaw clenched, and for @mament, 1 thought she might actually lunge at me.

"Just leave, Alex. Before you make things even worse. Don't you get it? I don't want to see you again. No one wants you around."

I have to admit, that actually hurt but I placed a bored expression on my face,

"Last time I checked, you do not own the ground that I am currently standing on Amaya."

She opened her mouth to reply then Ivan pulled her towards him. I hadn't even noticed him approach. He didn't look in my direction, "Your father wants to speak with you."

Amaya gave me one last dirty look before turning away. I watched them leave and my wolf growled in irritation at the way his hand wrapped. around her waist then I realized something.

The gnawing emptiness disappeared for a few minutes and then an idea struck up in my head. didn't need to physically be present at Ivan's company but I knew she worked there now.

Maybe it was boredom or the need to feel something more but in that moment, I decided something needed to change, starting with me getting actively involved in Ivan's company.

Where I could potentially run into a certain copper haired woman that I knew I still wanted.

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