Billionaire’s Heir

Chapter seven- A cold morning

Myra’s POV

The sun streaming through the huge window woke me up in the morning, slowly and reluctantly I uncovered my face. I blink, close my eyes, and blink again. I sat up, dragged my feet off the bed, and rubbed my knuckles into my eyes. I stretched my arms above my head and yawned. Thoughts of last night flooded my mind, and I tried my best to shake it off by going to have a cold shower, it helps in relaxing my mind. Standing in the vanity unit and looking at the mirror, my mind drifted to that horrible night eight years ago the night my parents left me in this cold world alone and lonely.

My parents, the Walters, were a good and loving family, my Dad Carter Walter was a sophisticated, well-mannered, and cheerful human who loved and protected his family dearly. He had the aura of a tiger because I remember people were very cautious and respectful when talking to him. He had a sea rover- blue eyes, bristly eyebrows. He had tousled dark black hair which was thick and lustrous. He had a hawkish nose and defined cheekbones. He was a stud. He was married to Selena Walter his wife, and my mum she was beautiful with green emerald eyes, a well-defined facial structure, she has the body of a supermodel, and long brunette hair that reached her lower back in natural waves, her hair also had some natural blonde highlights that shimmer in the light, her skin color was like a shining pearl and she always wore a big accommodating smile, she was my best friend and confidante.

I wasn’t born in luxury but they tried to give me the best, dad was a sales representative and mum was a registered nurse. Their bond was unflappable, even without having a luxurious life, they were each other’s strength. Their love was without restrictions, conditions, expectations, resentments, and convenience. Their love was unconditional.

It was new year’s eve and my parents decided that we should have a mini family getaway to celebrate their anniversary, I was excited because unlike other ones we hosted with friends this one is special because we will be going to Mahe island in Seychelles, it is a white sand beach with turquoise water and has a beautiful granitic rock formation that is amazing for hiking and spectacular jungle views. I’m a lover of nature and I have read about the island a thousand and one times. You can imagine my excitement when I heard about the mini vacation.

It was a cold and foggy morning as it had rained very heavily the previous night. Dad was behind the wheel driving at a normal speed and mum sat beside him while I was seated at the back. The road was already congested with traffic and we were running a bit late because of our flight schedule.

Dad was a careful driver and although we were already late, he refused to drive fast on the slippery road. There was a truck coming from the opposite direction and the driver was at a high speed not minding the weather. Unexpectedly the truck collided with us and dad lost control of the wheel, and we crashed into a tree. Dad died on the spot, mum had bruises and cuts on her body, and her face was covered in blood ” Don’t close your eyes, the ambulance is on the way nothing will happen to you, I continually tapped her hands and cheeks while trying hard to keep mum conscious, soon an ambulance arrived at the scene and we boarded but unfortunately, she died on her way to the hospital.

Looking at the lifeless body of my parents, I stared wide eyed-open, my heart skipped, I was frozen to a place and felt a sharp pain in my chest and my breathing changed, everything seemed so fast like the whole world was crumbling around me. I cried bitterly calling on my parents to wake up or better still take me along. It left an indelible imprint in my mind to date.

Having no relation to stay with, I was then taken to an orphanage home where I was forced to endure all manner of harsh treatment but I was delighted to grow among other kids, and I never allowed my circumstances to define me.From NôvelDrama.Org.

“Sighs” while gently wiping the tears from my face, I searched the cabinet for my locket, it has the picture of myself and my parents it was gifted to me by my Dad on my 16th birthday, looking and touching the picture on the locket, I spoke in misty eyes

” I miss being with you, I miss your presence, I miss being around you, your absence makes me sad, your absence is hard to deal with, keeping watching over me Dad and mum I love you forever” I kissed the picture and closed it.

A tap on my shoulder startled me back to reality and I turned to see Mrs. Sarah looking at me and her eyes filled with concern, she wrapped her arms around me and whispered in my ear ” they are in a better place” I held her tight and sobbed my heart out, it seemed just like yesterday, nothing seems to make sense at the moment, I was broken and if hugs healed, I did hold her all day. I let go of her and then asked why she needed my attention, “she clears her voice while trying to wipe the tears from her eyes then she uttered in a brittle voice that baby Aria needed my attention but seeing me in that mood is heartbreaking and for a moment she forgot her reasons for wanting to see me” I thanked her for lending her shoulders for me to cry on, then we left the room together to Aria’s room to attend to her. We got to the room and met her yawning and sucking her thumb, she looked so endearing.

I quietly mumble while picking up Aria to breastfeed “Dad and mum would have been delighted seeing their granddaughter”.

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