Billionaire’s Ex-Wife And His Hidden Babies


Sophia’s POV


Two months later!


“Wow! Congratulation.”, I congratulated Rebecca. “Now, three newborn babies are going to join our family.”, I added with a big smile. If you guys have guessed it right, then it is well and good. If not, then let me share one of the most fantastic news of my life, i. e., ‘I’m pregnant with twins.’

‘I’m so nervous, Sophia. I mean, this pregnancy is totally unplanned, and I don’t know when Oliver will keep this child or not because he is busy making his career.’

“I know my brother. He will be the happiest man in the world after knowing that you’re pregnant. Planned or Not.”

“Let’s see. I’m going to inform him. Hopefully, I’m expecting a positive response. By the way, how are you doing? And your babies?”

“They are doing great till now, but I could sigh in relief only after everything their birth.”

“Don’t worry. Everything will be fine. Just let me know if you need anything, okay?”

“Sure. But thankfully, you have already arranged everything, so I don’t think I need anything else.”

“Okay! Take care of yourself. I have to switch off the phone because the flight is going to take off.”

“You too. Have a safe journey, and don’t forget to drop a message once your flight land.”


After disconnecting the call, I sat on the balcony and looked around the view in front of me. This city was situated on the bank of Negro River, so I could clearly see the river from here and from here. I could also see the busy bridge, Ponte Rio Negro, from here. And the bridge reminded me of his memories of him.


Flashback (Two years ago)


I was standing on the edge of the bridge and was thinking of killing myself, but I was scared to do so because if I did that, then I would not just end my life but also the life of a baby which was within me.

But then, if I died by jumping from here, then dad would find me out and kill my baby because I wasn’t married yet and got pregnant with my boyfriend’s baby, who disappeared all of a sudden when he heard about the news of his baby breathing within me.

Now, I had no idea what should I do?

If I informed my family, then they would definitely ask me to abort the baby.

I would disagree with them on that.

But at the same time, I knew whether I agreed with them or not, they would forcefully get rid of the new life inside me.

I couldn’t even run away because I was not some pro in doing this. They would indeed track me down, so it would be better to kill myself along with the baby, but no matter how much I tried to, I couldn’t muster the courage to jump in the river.

In the end, I sighed in defeat and sat on the edge of the bridge and started crying, hiding my face with my palm, not knowing what to do!

“Need help?” I heard an unfamiliar voice. I stopped crying and looked at the source of that voice. A handsome man was standing at a distance of ten minutes and looking at me and then the river under the bridge. I ignored his handsome face because mom told me never ever get attracted to the handsome face because sometimes devils come with the mask of an angel.

“No. Thank you.”, I replied and hoped he to leave from here, but he didn’t. Instead, he looked down at the river as if he was guessing the depth of it from here.

“Even if you’re a great swimmer. I doubt you can survive the flow of this river in the rainy season.”, he said. “So, I guess your plan of killing yourself is not going to flop.”

“But I didn’t want to die.”, I whispered in a low tone.

“Did you say something?”

“No,” I shook my head.

“You know, sometimes, talking to strangers is much easier because they don’t really judge you. Or even if they do, we don’t really care about it. So, in short, you can talk to me.”, he suggested. I looked at him with teary eyes and wiped the tears which rolled out of them. “I’m a good listener, you know.”

“My boyfriend disappeared after knowing that I’m pregnant with this child. Now, I don’t know what to do next. I mean, I know what I want to do but whatever I’m thinking is next to impossible. I want to keep this baby, but neither will they support me in this decision nor let me keep this baby. They will either forcefully drag me to the hospital or, worst, poison me with something because of which my baby will die in my womb.” I explained my situation and started crying again.

“I came here to kill myself for trusting the wrong guy and breaking dad’s trust, but, yeee to me, I failed. I guess I’m good for nothing.”

“Well, I can’t help but agree to the part about ‘TRUSTING THE WRONG GUY’ I mean, you barely know me, and you told your little secret with me just because I talked with you softly, hmm?”

“I know that’s so stupid of me.”, I muttered.

“Nevermind. Coming back to your situation, is there no one who can support you in this decision? Because you don’t look like a working woman to me.”

I shook my head, “Everyone is scared of dad. This is the story of every home.”

“I get that part, but not a single person is there is your family to help you in this situation? Mother, brother, or sister?” He asked which the first face that appeared in front of me Oliver was. I had eight brothers, but he was the closest to me because we stayed together until his high school, while my other brothers were either half brothers or steps brothers, who were not that close to me even though they cared for me. After all, I was the only sister in the group of eight brothers.

“I guess you already got your answer, don’t you?” he asked when he observed me thinking hard.

“Hmm.” I nodded my head. I could talk to Oliver about it. I knew he would be mad at me, but he wouldn’t ask me to abort the child.

“Now that you have changed your mind. Come! I will help you from stepping down from there.”, Saying this, he forwarded his hand, which I instantly grabbed and turned around to step down from the edge. “You again trusted me, don’t you?” he asked with a grin. “What if I will push you into the river,” he added.

I didn’t reply to him until my feet finally touched the land.

“You’re adamant about making me realize that I shouldn’t trust strangers, aren’t you?”

“Not just strangers but sometimes the people around you also break your trust.”, he responded with a smile, and immediately his body stiffened. He quickly pulled his hand away from my hand. “I should be leaving.”

“Yeah! Bye, and thank you.”

I watched that stranger leave in a hurry, I wondered what the reason behind it was, but he didn’t answer me. I watched him, sitting in the driver seat of the car, parked near it, and in no moment, he was out of view.

I pulled out my phone to talk with Oliver and saw more than 50 missed calls from my family members.

Shit! I shouldn’t have kept my phone in silent mode.

I quickly dialed the last number which had called me.

“Hello, Mom”

‘Gross! Sophia. Where the hell have you been? Do you have any idea how worried everyone is? Levi (One of my brothers) tracked down your phone location and now would be reaching near the bridge soon. Just stay where you were until now.’


‘And the discussion is not over yet. Your dad will talk to you personally for this behavior.’, Saying this, she disconnected the call while I gulped my saliva nervously, staring at my phone for a while.

I just stood there, waiting for Levi, but he didn’t come to receive me even after an hour. And whenever I dialed his number, he was not receiving my call.

Finally, after waiting for more than half an hour more, three-car stopped near me, and to my surprise, it was Asher, my other brother, instead of Levi in the middle car. “Get in, quick.”, he said, sliding down the glass of the co-pilot seat. I nodded my head and got inside the car without wasting a single second.

And the moment I did, I heard the loud howl of the wolf.

“What was that?” I asked in fear.

“Nothing.”, Replying this, he drove the car like a maniac. His expression was telling me that he didn’t mean that answer because I didn’t remember Asher going anywhere with three cars at the same time that was too loaded with bodyguards.

“Levi was going to pick me. But he didn’t come even after making me wait for more than an hour and also wasn’t receiving my phone.”, I complained. “I’m going to demand an explanation for this behavior of his.”, I huffed, folding my hand around my chest.

But my plan to demand an explanation and my anger all evaporated into thin air when I reached home and saw the dead body of Levi. Not just that, he was all covered with his own blood.


I was afraid of seeing blood.

And the next thing I knew, I collapsed down in shock.


“Sophia… Sophia…. Sophia?” I heard my name being called, and I opened my eyes, only to find Eden standing in front of me. Seeing her, I realized I was back in my present life.

“The dinner is ready. Come on!”, She said softly and touched my belly. “Even my little angels will be hungry.”

I smiled at her words. Eden and Arya were the werewolf couple that Rebecca had sent with me. I was glad that they both were females and happily marked and mated. And the cherry on the top, they adore babies. They were thrilled to learn that I was going to have twins. They already divided their time between when one would be taking care of kids and when the other would be handling the household work.

Until now, Rebecca was bearing all the expenses for mine and my babies because Oliver’s business was still at the beginning stage. But I knew I couldn’t stay dependent on either of them for long. I had to look for that kind of job in which I could work from home and take care of my babies at the same time instead of working for a straight nine to ten hours in the office.

“Okay!!” I nodded my head.

“Were you crying?”, She asked softly, touching my face.

“No. Something just caught my eyes.” I lied, forgetting the fact that she was a werewolf, and she could sense my tears, sadness, and also my lie.

“So, have to think about the name of your kids?”, She asked, not nagging me over that topic.

“I have thought about it yet.”, I said truthfully. “Do you have any suggestions?” I asked, settling on the dining chair.

“If you will be blessed with girls, then Sloane and Summer.”, Eden said.

“And if you will be blessed with boys, then Colton and Calvin.”, Arya suggested, serving the food for all of us.

“And in case you will be blessed with both a girl and a boy, then Freya and Isaac.”, Eden added with a big smile on her smile.

The way they were excited and happy, it looked like they both were going to be a mother instead of me.

“I loved all the names. Thank you so much, Eden and Arya, for everything.”

“Oh! Don’t be. We are doing all these for our pups too. After all, they will be our pups too.”, Arya gushed.

“Exactly.”, Eden added.

I smiled, looking at them. We are a family of three women right now. All I could hope for was two little princesses so that we could form a team of female basketball in our own little world.

But things never went in the same way, just like it was planned, just like the birth of the babies.


It was 31st December evening, and both Arya and Eden were busy decorating our tiny little apartment. Not that Rebecca couldn’t afford a bigger one, but I didn’t want a big place to stay because the loneliness and memories of painful past crawled to anyone quickly in a big apartment compared to a smaller one, where you just couldn’t hide in some damn room all the time. Instead, you have to sit in the hall or balcony where someone keeps you busy with household work or others’ gossip.

I was listening to their cute argument and was knitting sweaters for my babies because Doctor Martha had given the date of delivery as 8th January.

Since they were going to arrive in winter, they needed warm clothes. Not that I couldn’t buy it, it was just I love knitting in my free time. I had already prepared a few pairs of small gloves, socks, trousers, sweaters, and not to forget cute little pokemon caps for my babies.

“Hey babies, do you like these barbie design jumpsuits?” I asked my baby girls, and one of them kicked on my stomach.

“Ahhh!!” I whimpered a little.This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

“You okay? Are you all right?”, Both Eden and Arya asked me in concern.

“Nothing. One of them just kicked.”, I replied, keeping my wool and half-knitted sweater aside. I was not sure, but I felt like I had just peed in my panties. It was normal in pregnancy.

“What if this is not just a kick,” Arya said in tension. “Let’s go to the hospital.”

“I’m fine, Arya.”

“Then let’s get this confirmed from the doctor as well.”, Eden added.

“Eden, I…Ahhhhh!!” I cried in pain again even though my babies didn’t kick me.

“I guess babies are planning to come early than expected.”, Arya commented.

“Take a deep breath, Sophia. I’m booking the cab right away.”, Eden said in a worried tone. At the same time, I was worried about other things.

Most people enjoy their vacation from Christmas to New Year, and instead of arriving on 8th January, my babies were coming today. It meant the Doctor I was consulting would also be on leave. I prayed to God to be this as a false alarm.

“Arya, call Doctor… Anna. Ask her… to reach hospital…quickly.”, I said, taking a deep breath, but it was not at all helpful, and to make me realize that they both were indeed coming, my water bag broke.


After an hour, we reached the hospital. Thankfully, my Doctor was already there, with who I had been consulting for months.

“Sophia, both babies are entangled with the umbilical cord. So, we will have to opt for C-Section instead of normal delivery at the last moment.”, Doctor Anna said after bringing me into the delivery room of normal delivery and after doing an ultrasound at the last moment to see the condition of the baby.

Hearing her tears dwelled in my eyes with the fear of losing my babies.

“Don’t worry. They will be fine. You have to make the decision quickly OR should I call the queen if you’re not able to take the decision on your own?”, She asked.

There was no need to disturb Rebecca when she was also pregnant. Moreover, when I knew my babies were entangled with an umbilical cord, then I had to choose the only option that I had.

“That’s… not required.”, I said, trying to control the pain. “Go.. ahead with C-section delivery.”

“Okay!!” Doctor Anna nodded her head. “Give her the dose of anesthesia and prepare for the operation.”, She said to the nurses beside me.

‘Hey, my little angels! Your Mumma here! I just want to say that I’m waiting for you.’ I talked with my babies even though I knew they could answer that, but they could feel, right?. Soon, I was injected with the dose of anesthesia, and I started losing consciousness with the hope of seeing my babies in front of me safe and sound the moment I would open my eyes.


Third Person POV


“What do you think? Both the babies will be arriving today or tomorrow?” Eden asked, looking at the clock. It was showing 11:47:03 PM.

“I don’t know. I just hope them to born safe and sound because if anything happens to them, then Sophia would die for sure.”, Arya said in tension, and after waiting for a while, they heard the loud cries of the first baby. “Finally.” Arya released her breath which she was holding for God knows how long.

“11:59:27 PM,” Eden noted down the time happily.

Another cry of the second baby came after a while. “Thank you, Moon Goddess.”, Arya whispered with a big smile on her face.

“12:06:51 AM.” Eden chirped and mentally started to plan to celebrate the birthday of both the kids for two days continuously. “Are Sophia and her babies fine?”, She asked the Nurse who walked out of the operation theater after ten minutes.

“Yes! Both mother and her pups are healthy and fine.”, Nurse replied with a smile. All the Doctors and Nurse which were treating Sophia were werewolves so that Rebecca could keep knowledge of everything that was happening with her sister-in-law even though she was in another country, away from home. “The mother is in a deep slumber under the effect of the drugs. We will soon be transferring the private room.”

“And pups?” Arya asked, getting impatient.

“Here they are.”, Doctor Anna said, bringing one of them in her arms, and a nurse beside her was carrying the second baby.

Arya and Eden wasted no time in holding them in their arms. “My princess is so beautiful.”, Eden said, admiring the baby in her arms whose eyes were closed.

“Even my princess is so adorable.”

“Actually….” Doctor Anna paused before speaking, “they are not a princess but PRINCE, to be exact.”


“Yes!!” Doctor Anna nodded, on which both Arya and Eden looked at the faces of the babies and got one more surprise, realizing that the babies were the carbon copy of one another. “And they are identical twins. We have marked the nail of one of the pups so that we can explain to Sophia which baby is the elder one and which is the younger one.”

Arya and Eden nodded; once they left, they looked at the face of the babies which they were holding.

“By taking birth on the new year, I hope Sophia’s pups bring a lot of new hopes and new happiness in her life.”, Arya said, looking at the baby in her arms.

“Don’t forget that one of them is born on 31st December. Does that mean these pups are going to mix the past with her present and future, hmm?” Eden asked, on which Arya’s head snapped in her mate’s direction. She opened her mouth to say something, but she couldn’t.

Because no one knew what future that held for Sophia, her twin boys, and her Ex-husband?



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