Betrothed To The Cold Billionaire



My sweet dream was disrupted whem I felt a soft tap on my thigh. I decided to ignore it as it might just be Adrian moving his legs. It was not until I felt another tap amd a whisper in my ears.

“Rise and shine wifey.” My eyes fluttered open and I saw Adrain’s face leaning close to mine.

“What do you want Adrian??” I asked in frustration. This was one of the best dreams I’ve ever had and the same person I was dreaming about came to end it.

“You’re gonna be late for school if you don’t get up right now.” He said to me.

“What time is it?” I asked tiredly as I tried to keep my eyes open.

“About 7:30 am.” He said as he took a short glance at the wall clock.

“What???” I screamed out and jumped out of the bed like it had electrocuted me.

“Why didn’t you wake me up earlier??” I asked as I used the blanket to cover my naked body.

“I did, about an hour ago but you told me you needed five more minutes.” He answered.

“You could have just forced me to wake up.” I said as I climbed out of the bed with the blanket still wrapped around me.

“I’ll do that next time.”

“There would be no next time. I knew I should have just set a timer instead of putting my trust in you to wake me up this morning.” I grumbled under my breath and was about to enter into the closet when Adrian stopped me.

“I already set your school uniform and bathing water for you. Get ready and meet me downstairs for breakfast. You’re welcome.” He muttered as he placed a small kiss on my lips before leaving the room.

I stared at his departing figure in surprise and awe. Who knew he had already helped me prepare?? I took off the blanket and entered into the bathroom.

Like he had said, the bathtub was already filled with warn water and soap. I wasted no time and dipped myself into the water. I used my hand to gently massage my skin.

As I took my time in washing myself, I recalled how peaceful the past week had been. After we left my parent’s house, the spent all our time together in this mansion.

It was just like in Hawaii as there was no one to disturb us. We were all over each other like newly weds. We made love everywhere and at every single chance we had.

It was as if we hadn’t seen each other for a very long time. Last night was the best of them all. We did it till early this morning before we both slept off in my room. That was the reason I wasn’t able to wake up early this morning.

Today is a school day and I have to be early as I have been away from school for two weeks. After washing my body thoroughly, I rinsed the foam away from my body and stood up from the bathtub.

I wrapped a towel I found around my body and then, I stood in front the the mirror. I picked up my toothbrush and added some toothpaste on it before proceeding to brush my teeth.

When I was done, I rinsed my mouth and cane out of the bathroom. I dried all of the remaining water on my body before applying my lotion to my skin. After that, I put on my school uniform.

I stood in front of the mirror and admired myself. When I figured out that nothing’s missing, I left for the kitchen. There, I saw that the food had already been served on the table.

“I thought you were going to sleep there.” Adrain said when he noticed my presence.

“I could if I wanted to.” I answered.

“I see.. come and eat before the food gets cold.” He said as he pulled out a chair for me.

“Thank you.” I muttered with a small smile and sat down on the chair. Minutes later, I was done with my food. I thanked him and stood up.This is the property of Nô-velDrama.Org.

“I’ll be taking my leave now.” I said as I picked up my school bag. He stood up and wrapped his hands around my waist.

“What type of pervert made this uniform for you?” He suddenly asked as he stared at my skirt.

“What’s wrong with it?” I asked as I looked down to see what made him make that statement but I couldn’t find anything wrong.

“There’s hardly any distance from here…” He touched my waist lightly before trailing his hands down.

“….. to here.” He added as his fingers stopped on the area the skirt stopped which was inches below my ass.

“That’s how all of the female’s uniforms are.”

“So?? I doubt any of them is endowed like you are.” He answered.

“What??” I was beyond surprised.

“It’s a school. I wonder why they would let you enter with something like this. It’s too short.”

“It isn’t my fault..”

“I know and I wasn’t blaming you. I’m just mad that different guys would have to keep staring at what’s mine.”

“What’s yours??”

“Yes, this…” He whispered as he grabbed one of my ass cheeks lightly.

“What’s wrong with you??” I asked as I playfully slapped his hand away from my ass.

“What’s wrong? Can’t I hold my property??” Hr asked as he moved to touch me again but I moved away.

“If you keep grabbing my ass like that I’ll have to skip school today.”

“As much as I would love that, I have to pass such a sweet offer.”


“I have to head to the company today as I have a lot things to cover so don’t bother to wait up for me as I might not be back early.” He announced.

“Okay then. I have to leave now, I’m already late.” I said as I glanced at my wrist watch.

“Alright then, I’ll see you later.” He muttered before he placed one last kiss on my lips.

“Bye..” I said and turned on my heels. I was about to walk away when I felt him spank my ass lightly.

I turned to face him in shock but he only smiled and wink at me. He mouthed a bye to me before he disappeared into his study. He’s very crazy.


Adrian could be seen signing on a pile of documents that needed his signature. He was so engrossed with what he was doing that he didn’t notice someone enter into his office.

He finally realised there was a foreign presence when the person stopped right in front of him.

“Alice.” He called in surprise as he stood up from his chair.

“Adrian.” Alice called as she happily embraced him. She made sure that she pressed her bossom on him, whilst enjoying his warmth. When Adrian noticed that the hug was going for too long, he politely pulled away from it.

“What are you doing here? I thought you were still in…”

“Hawaii?? Well Adrian, I could also ask you that question.”

“I had business to attend to here so I left.” Adrain answered in a very curt manner as he gave her a weird glance.

That was because he noticed that there was something off about her. She looked different today, she dressed really provocatively than she used to. Her face was fully packed with loads of make up. It made him wonder were she had gone to that made her dress this way.

“Have you sorted out everything you wanted to?” She asked as she smiled at him. Adrian didn’t know if he was seeing things as he was pretty sure that smile she gave him looked like a seductive one.

“Maybe I’m just seeing things because I miss Ariel.” He said to himself as he shook his head to remove all useless thoughts from his mind.

“Is something wrong??” Akice asked if concern as she moved to touch his face but he quickly stopped her.

“I’m fine.” He said to her as he sat down on his chair.

“If you say so.” She muttered.

“Are you going somewhere??” He decided to ask as he had no explanation to why she wouk dress this way to his company.

“No. Why do you ask??” She asked back.

“Uhmm… the way you dressed today. It’s so unlike you.” He answered.

“It is?? So, do you like it?” She asked as she bent down to his seating level. That made her almost exposed boobs to shoot out of their confinement. Adrian made sure to keep his eyes on hers all through.

“No..” Adrian answered without thinking.

“What??” Alice was surprised with his answer.

“I don’t really like the way you dressed today, it makes you look like a slut.” He said without blinking an eye. Alice stood up straight immediately as she began to show signs of embarrassment.

“I do??” She asked again.

“Didn’t you look at yourself in the mirror before coming here??” He asked as he gave her a very disgusted look.

“No, no. It can’t end like this. I have to do something to make him change his attitude.” She whispered to herself when she noticed the expression he had on his face wasn’t the one she wanted.

Her face lit up when she got an idea. She quickly switched her expression from the embarrassed one to a very sad one.

“If you think I’m a slut, I guess I better leave you now.” She muttered as she picked her handbag and was about to leave when she heard Adrian’s call out her name. She smiled in triumph, thinking she had already gotten to him when he said;

“I hope you would never dress this way to. my office again. This is a work place and I would never condone such habit from anyone, not even you Alice. This is your first and only warning.” Was all he said before he turned his attention back to what he was doing earlier.

The embarrassment Alice felt earlier returned but this time, it was worse than before. She didn’t wait for another scolding from Adrian as she practically ran out of his office in shock, anger and embarrassment.

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