Betrothed To The Cold Billionaire


**At the police station**

Lucas sat down at the other side of the table as he stared at his parents calmly. His father had his usual disappointed look on while his mother looked sympathetic and sad for him.

Lucas on the other hand kept on with the poker look on his face. He didn’t want anyone to see him being emotional, not even his parents that obviously don’t give a fuck about him.

“Haven’t you done enough?? Disturbing the Addams’ family wasn’t enough for you and now you dared to cross the Montgomery’s paths. Why are you do hellbent on destroying me??” Lucas’s father said angrily. His question made Lucas scoff.

“Really?? That’s the only thing you can say even after seeing me locked up in here??” Lucas asked back in anger.

“What else do you want me to say?? You want me to sympathize with you? To beg on your behalf because I was the one that asked you to take this route??”

“If you can’t do that? Why are you here? To mock me??”

“Yes and to let you know that this would be the last time we would be meeting as father and son.”

“What? You can’t do that.” Lucas’s mother said in shock.

“Quiet woman. You can’t tell me what and what not to do. I should have known that he was up to something when he left that whore and came back home on his own accord. Do you really think I would let him destroy the name I tried so hard to build? He’s not my only child.”

“And what name is that? You act so high and mighty at home but you can’t even stand face to face in front of those people. Just their name is enough to give you shivers and you think you’ve made a name for yourself??” Lucas asked in a rather mocking tone.

“Lucas! Stop it!!” His mother reprimanded him but he wouldn’t listen.

“Good then. I guess you wouldn’t want to have such a weak name as your backbone anymore.” His father said.

“It has never been my backbone and it would never be. I wish I was never born in this wretched family.”

“Lucas!! What the hell is wrong with you!!” His mother asked.

“You see the ungrateful idiot you were pleading for? It’s done already. I don’t care about what happens to him anymore. I don’t care whether he is bailed out, spends the rest of his miserable life locked up in here like the criminal that he is or whether he dies. I’m done trying to be his father.” Lucas’s father said as he stood up from his chair.

“You made it sound like you have always been a father figure in my life. Why don’t you face the reality. You’re the cause of everything that’s happening to me now, the both of you.”

“Lucas…” His mother called but he wouldn’t stop talking.

“If you both had just acknowledged me as your son even for a little while and stopped treating me like the black sheep in the family, I wouldn’t have turned out this way.”

“And you mom… if you hadn’t told me about Alex and pushed me to break up with Bianca, I wouldn’t be this miserable and I wouldn’t be here.”

“Typical Lucas. Always blaming everyone for his own mistakes and never owning up to them. Did we ever hold you at gunpoint and made you do what you did?” His father asked.

“Can’t you see? Everything I have been doing all these while starting from Ariel was to please you and to prove that I am worthy of your love but now, I see it’s a very fruitless plan.”

“You want to disown me? Please do but just know that since we aren’t family anymore, I wouldn’t blink twice in doing everything I can to make you suffer twice the way you did to me.”

“You can’t do anything since you’re going to be locked up for a long period of time.” His father said making Lucas snicker.

“I don’t need to be outside of these walls to make you suffer.” He said as he released a very evil smirk.

“Lucas.. what are you planning on doing?”

“What else other than to make you both miserable. Since I can’t be the one that would make you proud, they wouldn’t be the ones either.” His father’s eyes widened when he realised what Lucas was talking about.

“You fucking good for nothing bastard!!” He cussed out as he gripped Lucas’s collar, pulling him away from his chair and unto his feet.

“You’re really going to murder your own siblings??” His father asked.

“What are you saying?? Lucas woukd never do that. Right Lucas??” His mother asked as she stared at him hopefully.

“Have you forgotten already Mr and Mrs. Alexandre? I am not part of your family anymore which means that they are not my siblings too. So I don’t really care what happens to them as long as I make you both suffer.”

“You ingrate!!” His father cussed out as he threw a punch at him, sending him flying across the room. He was about to attack him again when the policemen around held him back.

“I curse the day you were born!” His father said.

“You do realize that time is ticking Mr. Alexandre? Keep exchanging words with me and you would have no time to save your remaining bloodline.” Lucas said as he released a very sinister laugh.

His father gave him a very cold and murderous glare before leaving the room. His mother stared at him quietly and was about to leave when she suddenly stopped and turned to face him like she had forgotten something.

“You are a very sick person and I regret bringing you back into our lives.” Was all she said before leaving and ignoring his loud cackles.

When they got outside, the driver opened the door to the backseat for them and they entered it. The driver went round and sat in the driver’s seat before starting the car.

“Where to sir?” Asked the driver.

“To the kids’ school.” Lucas father said and the driver zoomed off. They were almost at the school when the driver suddenly stopped the car.

“What’s wrong? Why did you stop?” Lucas’s mother asked.NôvelDrama.Org holds text © rights.

“This car at the front is blocking the way.”

“Can’t you go round?” Lucas’s father asked.

“I can’t. This is a one way road and I can be fined if I try to reverse. I’ll just go outside and try to find out what’s wrong.” Said the driver.

“Okay but make sure to be quick. We are in a hurry.” Lucas’s mother said.

The driver nodded and opened the car door. The moment he came down from the car, an incoming truck drove into it, thereby crushing the car and everyone in it. Including Lucas’s parents.


*At the hospital*

The nurse that was supposed to change his drips walked in. While fixing the new one, she noticed something unexpected. Thinking that it was just her imagination as he has been in coma for a long time, she ignored it.

Finally, she was done and about to leave when she noticed it again. This time, it wasn’t just a finger but the whole hand moved. Her eyes widened in shock and fear so she ran out to get the doctor.

After she had left, he stopped moving his hands and slowly opened his eyes. He shut it back due to how bright the room was. After a few seconds, he opened it again and kept looking around like a was searching for something, rather someone.

“He needs to know. I need to warn him about that night.” Was all he kept saying.

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