Betrayed by My Beta Mate

Chapter 64

Chapter 64

64 Good News

Carter POV

As I watch Maureen’s wolf walk over to John after she killed Damien, I can breathe again. I know she is strong but I’ve known him long enough to know that he would do whatever it takes to get what he wanted. He would think nothing of taking Richard and Maureen from that sweet pup. I thought for sure that I would feel guilt about Damien, but honestly, all I feel is relief that he won’t be hurting anyone anymore. “Carter, where is Jeanine” Ethan’s words bring me out of my thoughts. I turn and he follows me, running toward Damien’s cottage. I just pray that he didn’t touch Ethan’s mate. I’m sure he would know, but I don’t dare ask. We reach the hallway in the cottage and when we reach the door it’s locked. I don’t turn to go back to his office for the keys, I simply break the door. Thankfully, Jeanine is sitting in a chair across the room. As soon as she sees Ethan, she is on her feet and in his arms. I turn to leave, giving them privacy for their reunion. “Thank you, Carter”, I hear from behind me. I turn back and they are both smiling at me. Jeanine has tears staining her cheeks. “You are both very welcome. I’m just happy you’re both safe and all this craziness is over.”

I leave them to head back out to speak with the others. Maureen has shifted back into her human form. She smiles when she sees me coming down the stairs. I’m not sure what happens now, as I look at the Alpha and Luna speaking to the others. I bare my neck to them, showing my respect. I look at Lily and I can see sympathy on her face. She is the only one now that knows Desiree was my mate. Again, I thought that my heart would be broken because my mate is dead, but she was never really my mate. “Carter, I assume you will take over leadership of this collective”, Lincoln says. I nod knowing it’s my responsibility as the second in command to take over the leadership. “Your collective is now under the protection of the Nightfire pack. Consider this a verbal alliance. I don’t expect a formal agreement, but we will be here if you need us”, Lincoln says. I have never met an Alpha like this man. The Luna smiles and I’m glad to have met them. We are rogues and pack wolves don’t associate with us. He is willing to

ally his pack with our collective. I stick out my hand and he reaches out, shaking it. “Thank you, Alpha, it would be an honor to have an alliance with your pack. We extend you the same protection. We are here should you need our help. Our collective may not be as large as the pack, but an alliance is a two- way street.” He smiles and nods at me.

Maureen POV

As Carter walks toward us, my heart breaks for him. He has lost so much. He did what was right, but that doesn’t mean it was easy to stand against Damien. He has been loyal to him for a long time. Long before we joined the collective. I watched him lead Ethan inside to find his mate. He is a good man and I hope that now he will find the happiness he deserves. As I listen to Lincoln offer the collective his alliance, I’m in awe of him as an Alpha. I am so glad my pup will grow up in the Nightfire pack. I can’t wait to get back and hold Penny. We are ready to return to the pack after the alliance is made. I walk over to Carter. “Thank you, for saving me and my pup from Damien.” He laughs, “I think you saved us all, not me.” “I may have ended him, but I would never have had the opportunity if you hadn’t been the man you are. You stood up for what is right and I will forever be grateful for that.” I wrap him in a hug. “Please come to see us” I say. “I promise I will.” I step back and John wraps his arm around me. He sticks out his hand shaking Carter’s. He steps back and without warning, we are standing outside the cottage. I’m still not used to the teleporting but I’m grateful to be back home so quickly. “A little warning would be nice”, I say to John and he smiles. He leans in, pressing his lips to mine. He deepens the kiss and I feel it down to my toes.

I hear someone clear their throat and a giggle. We separate and my mother has her hand over Penny’s eyes. “I take it you took care of the problem” she asks with a smile on her face. “Yes, both of them.” “Good, now we can get on with our lives.” I wrap my mother in a hug before I bend down and scoop Penny into my arms. We all head inside. After we tell my mother about everything that happened while Penny plays with her dolls, I take her upstairs for a nap. I sit down on the floor, so I’m looking at my beautiful daughter’s face. “Penny, we are going to stay here from now on.” She smiles like I just gave

her a bowl of candy. “This is gonna be my room forever?” “Yes, sweetie this is going to be your room.” She wraps her arms around my neck. When she pulls back, I sit her on my lap. “Penny, John is going to live here with us.” “Is he nice?” “Yes, he is very nice.” “Ok, mama” she says and I don’t know what I expected her to say. I know she still remembers Richard and I hate the thought that she won’t remember him someday. “We will make sure she remembers him”, John says in my mind. I couldn’t love this man anymore than I do at this moment. I place Penny in her bed and lay down next to her to read a story. Before I finish, she is fast asleep. I kiss her forehead before I head downstairs. John wraps me in his arms when I reach him. “Thank you” is all I say before I rest my head against his chest. “I told you so” Clarice whispers and I chuckle to myself. Yes she most certainly did.

Two Days Later

Amelia POV This is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

Pheobe and Michael will be back today. It’s hard to believe everything that has happened. The goddess had a plan for all of us. As I look up at the ceiling while I lay here in our bed while our son lies peacefully in his crib, I couldn’t be more grateful for that plan. When it all started, I was devastated and angry, but now I can’t be anything but grateful and happy. Eli starts to fuss and I smile. I roll out of bed and pick up my handsome pup. No one would ever question him belonging to Lincoln, but we won’t keep the truth from him. I want him to know that Lincoln chose him as much as he chose me. He never thought about rejecting me or Eli. He is Eli’s father in every way. The door opens and Lincoln walks in. He smiles and I know he heard my thoughts through our link. He walks over wrapping us both in his arms. “You’re absolutely right my love, I never thought of having anyone but you and my son. You’re wrong too.” I look at him confused. “You two were never a choice. You were both my fate.” He presses his lips softly to mine. He pulls back, looking into my eyes. “I love you, Lincoln.” “I love you, Amelia.” He takes Eli from my arms. “Time to get ready for our brunch.” I nod and head into the bathroom.

Once I’m showered and dressed, we head to our private dining room. Everyone is waiting for Pheobe and Michael to return. Lily, Neal, Iris, Walker, Lorraine, Charles, Maureen, John, and Penny are all sitting around the table. I look at this family that isn’t bound by blood but by love and loyalty. Lorraine rushes over, taking Eli from my arms. I chuckle and we take our seats at the head of the table. I notice that Lily is smiling and Neal is acting strangely. I lean in and whisper in her ear. “What is up with you?” “I’ll tell you later” she whispers back. “No way, tell me now.” She pretends like she can’t hear me. Before I can press her to tell me what’s going on, Pheobe and Michael appear in the room. After everyone greets them, we all take a seat and start to eat. I look over at Eli lying in a pack and play in the corner. When I look back, I notice that Lily is smiling at him but it’s different than normal. I’m just about to say something again when Michael stands up. I notice Pheobe smile and he pulls her to her feet.

“We have an announcement to make. We had the test this morning to confirm what I already knew. Pheobe is pregnant.” Oh my goddess she is going to have a pup. As soon as the thought runs through my head. I look at Lily. She smiles at me and shakes her head. She leans in, “I don’t want to take their moment.” “Lily, I love you for wanting others to have their moment but this is your moment too. Please, everyone wants to share your happiness that’s here. Besides that’s my niece or nephew growing in there.” She smiles at me and once Pheobe and Michael sit down she stands. Neal smiles and stands taking her hand. “We’re having a pup too” she blurts out. I wrap her in a hug first. “Congratulations sister, now it’s your turn to protect the little bean.” She pulls back and we both laugh. Everyone congratulates both couples before we finish eating. I’m glad Eli will have pups to grow up with.

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