Betrayed by My Beta Mate

Chapter 3

Chapter 3

3 New Day

Unknown POV

“Lily, was everything ok with that woman you took upstairs?” “Honestly, I’m not sure.” “You were here when she came in, I know as much as you do right now.” “She didn’t say anything but I get the feeling there is definitely a story there.” “I hope I’m wrong because I’m sure you noticed she’s pregnant.” “Do you think she is running from the father, maybe he was hurting her?” “I don’t know but I’m going to bring her some food after my shift is over.” “After all you did for me it’s only right, I pay if forward.” “Lily, just be careful.” “Everyone isn’t as kind as you are and looks can sometimes be deceiving.” “I’m a pretty good judge of character” she says as she punches my arm.

Amelia POV

Why is someone banging on the door? For a moment I forget everything that happened. I forget that my mate betrayed me for months. I forget that I’m not in my pack with my family. I forget that I’m not in my bed. When I remember all the things, I wish I could forget, my heart starts to race. He can’t have already found me. Who else would be knocking on the door? I don’t know anyone here. I breathe in deep expecting his scent to invade my nose but it doesn’t. The knocking comes again but this time a female voice follows. “Julia, it’s Lily” she says and I take a few deep breaths to slow my heart rate before I get up to open the door. When I open the door, she is smiling and has a cart with food on it. “I brought you dinner.” “I didn’t order any dinner.” “I know you didn’t, but I thought maybe you and the baby would be hungry.” I smile at her kindness. I step aside and she pushes the cart into the room. She sets up everything on the table and takes a seat. I’m sure she notices the confused look on my face. “Come on and sit down.” “I’m off work and I’m starving.” I go over and take a seat next to her. She uncovers the food and the smell of the cheeseburger is heavenly. I haven’t eaten anything since I stopped at the mini-mart.

She picks up her burger and takes a huge bite. I chuckle before I do the same. I didn’t realize how hungry I was until I start to eat the burger and fries like a starving person. We eat in comfortable silence for about ten minutes before I break it. “Why are you being so nice to a stranger, Lily?” She smiles “when I moved to this town, I didn’t know anyone.” “Some of the locals were kind to me and this is a chance for me to pay it forward.” “Besides, you look like you could use a friend.” I nod and keep eating. “Was he abusive?” I almost choke on the bite of burger in my mouth. I take a drink and clear my throat. “What are you talking about?” “You don’t have to tell me anything but I just figured, you’re running from something.” “I promise you it’s nothing like that but I’d rather not talk about it.” She raises her hands in surrender. “I didn’t mean to upset you.” “You didn’t upset me I promise.”

“Good, I’m glad, so how long are you going to be staying in town?” I laugh “you have a lot of questions.” “Sorry I don’t mean to be nosey but I am.” “Well, at least you’re honest.” “I plan on staying for a while.” “Now I just need to find a job and a place to stay that’s not a hotel.” She smiles “if you don’t mind being a hostess the restaurant in the hotel is looking for one and my apartment building has some vacancies.” “Are you kidding Lily, I don’t mind doing anything.” “It’s late now but we can go look at the apartments tomorrow if you want.” “Absolutely, what do I have to do for the job?” “Nothing I’m the manager and I’ll talk to the restaurant tomorrow.” “You can start your first shift after we get you situated in your apartment.” Lily stands to leave and I pull her into a hug. “Thank you for being kind to me.” She pulls back “your welcome, one day you can pay it forward too.” “Can I just ask for you to do one thing for me” Lily asks. I nod and she smiles. “What is your real name?” I smile “Amelia.” After Lily leaves, I go to sit on the couch and watch tv until I’m ready to go back to sleep for the night. I need something to take my mind off everything. “Star, how are you?” She’s been quiet since we left the mini-mart. “I hate that we had to leave our pack because of that ba**ard but I know it’s what’s best for us and our pup.”

Unknown POV

“How do you know that she is a wolf?” “Alpha Lincoln, I know a wolf when I see one.” “I have many gifts and detecting super naturals is one of them.” “Did anyone come with her into town?” “No, she is alone

but she is pregnant.” “Why would a pregnant she-wolf leave her pack?” “I’m not sure but I will keep an eye on her and report back if I feel she is a threat to the pack.” “I don’t think she is based on everything I’ve seen.” “Very good, I will be sending out trackers to make sure that no one else is near the territory or outside the human city.” “Looks can be deceiving so you just keep watching.” “Yes, Alpha Lincoln” I say before the line goes dead. I owe Lincoln everything. I just hope I’m right about Amelia.

Atlas POV

I have been trying to link Amelia since she left and it’s like she isn’t even alive. It’s not even a block. She is so far from me I can’t feel her. The trackers haven’t been able to find her in any of the surrounding human cities. I have spoken with several of the surrounding Alpha’s. Besides their condolences, they have given me nothing. A knock sounds on the office door and Neal comes in. “Alpha, we are ready for your brother’s burial and your ceremony.” “We have burned the traitorous b**ch’s body as you ordered.” “Give me a few more minutes to compose myself Neal and I will be down.” He bares his neck to me and closes the door behind himself. I sit back in my chair. “Silas, are you ready to become the Alpha we should have always been?” “It’s the only reason I haven’t left your pathetic a**.” “Mark my words though, Atlas.” “If you do not get Amelia back you will be an Alpha without a wolf.” “Calm down Silas, I want her back as much as you do.” “I will do whatever it takes to make that happen.” I push him to the back of my mind. I need to go play the part of a grieving brother.

When I get outside, I head to the warrior’s section of the pack cemetery. Everyone has gathered from the pack and I go to stand next to Neal. Elder Thomas arrived last night after we contacted him about Elias’s murder. He will be providing both the funeral and the Alpha ceremony. He starts to go on and on about the leader that Elias was to our pack. I tune him out hoping he won’t be long winded. Elder Thomas saying my name brings me out of my thoughts. “Atlas, I know how hard this must be but would you like to say some words about your brother.” “Yes, Elder Thomas, thank you.” I look at the pack members as I speak. “My brother gave everything to this pack as a great Alpha does.” “He loved each and every one of you.” “This pack was his life.” “I hope I will be an even better Alpha because I got to

learn from the best.” “Rest in peace, my brother.” Neal lays his hand on my shoulder offering me support. They lower Elias into the ground and I wait to throw the first shovel of dirt on his casket. The pack members come to me one at a time offering their condolences.

I walk back toward the pack yard where the stage is set up for the ceremony. I had an opportunity to explain to Elder Thomas what Freya had done. That she not only killed my brother but she had poisoned my mate’s mind against me. She made her believe that I was unfaithful to her. Elder Thomas was appalled at Freya’s actions. I walk up on stage and the Elder joins me. He takes the pack chalice and fills it with my brother’s blood. “Atlas Andrew Canfield make your vow to the Darkmoon pack.” “I, Atlas Andrew Canfield, will put the pack needs above my own.” “I vow to lead with fairness and strength.” “I vow to be the Alpha this pack deserves.” He hands me the Chalice and I drink. I immediately feel the link with all the pack members. It’s overwhelming at first, but I put blocks up and gain control. I feel an overwhelming sense of power. Even the presence of my wolf is different. The pack bares their necks to me before we all shift. “Darkmoon Pack I present to you Alpha Atlas Canfield.” I lead a pack run and Silas is in his glory. When we return from the run, I shift and pull my clothes back on. The Elder is waiting for me to discuss Amelia. He has offered his help to find her and, since he believes that Freya was lying about the affair, I’ll take it. His ability to reach more alphas will be better than mine.

Alpha Lincoln

I’m sitting at the table in the pack dining room having my breakfast. Michael would normally be here but he is running the first-year warrior training this morning. As I drink my coffee Jennifer comes in and sits next to me. “Lincoln, we need to talk.” She lays her hand on my forearm. “Lincoln it’s been a year.” “You said if we hadn’t found our fated mates in a year, we would choose each other.” “Jennifer, I do not have time for this discussion again today.” “I have a meeting planned with two bordering Alphas.” “For that matter you said that not me.” “I never told you I agreed.” “Lincoln, you may never find her.” “The pack needs a Luna.” “Enough, Jenn I’m done talking about this right now.” “I will decide on my Luna.” “I

never agreed to take a chosen mate.” “The goddess didn’t pick us for each other and now we need to wait for the mates she has planned.” I get up and leave the dining room. Jennifer and I grew up together and honestly, I expected her to be my mate. It just made sense. She is the head warrior’s daughter and she is beautiful. When I got my wolf at eighteen, she came to my parent’s wing and I expected Talon to go nuts. I was a little disappointed when she wasn’t but Talon and I decided we would wait for our fated mate. I’m twenty-six now and holding off my father and Jenn is getting harder each day.

I walk into my office and wait for Michael to bring the visiting Alphas when they arrive. Michael is my Beta and like a brother to me. As I wait my phone rings on my desk. I pick it up and my father’s familiar voice is on the other end. “Good morning, Lincoln.” “Good morning, dad.” “Your mother and I would like to have lunch with you today.” I roll my eyes because I know what the topic of discussion will be during our lunch. I love my parents and I would never turn my father down. “I have a meeting shortly but we can have dinner.” “Wonderful, we will be at the pack house for five.” “I will see you and mom then.” “Love you, son.” “Love you too, dad.” Just as I hang up the phone Michael links me that the Alphas have arrived. The meeting lasts about an hour and I was able to sign alliances with both packs. I am a firm believer in having pack alliances. There are too many enemies of wolf packs for us all to stand alone.


Lincoln POV

I head to my private dining room. When I walk in, I’m ready to scream. “Looks like Jenn ran to your parents this time” Talon says. My parents and Jennifer are sitting at the table talking. I try not to be an a**hole but I am a grown man and an Alpha. I walk over and kiss my mother before I take a seat at the table. The omegas serve dinner and I stay quiet. “So, Lincoln, how did your meeting go today” my father asks. “Very well, both packs signed an alliance.” “I’m glad it went well.” We eat a few more minutes before I can’t take the elephant in the room any longer. “I know why you wanted to have dinner

today and I am going to clear somethings up.” “I’m glad you are all here to hear this.” “I am never taking a chosen mate.” My father starts to talk and I stop him. “I’m not finished.” “I am a grown man and the Alpha of this pack.” “I will not be forced into a mating that I do not want.” I say as I look at Jenn. I feel bad hurting her but she is not getting the message any other way. “I will have a Luna when the goddess sees fit.” “I will not have this discussion again.” No one speaks for several minutes. “Your right, Lincoln, we are sorry for trying to interfere” my mother says. “Your father and I will respect your wishes won’t we Charles.” I can tell my father wants to argue but he knows better than to with my mother. “Yes Lorraine, we will stay out of it.” Jenn drops her head and we finish a very awkward dinner but I feel like they finally listened. I kiss my parents and tell Jenn goodbye before I head to my room. “Well done, Alpha” Talon says and I smile. I hope that is settled but I have a feeling Jenn isn’t done trying.

Betrayed by My Beta Mate Chapter 3

3 New Day © 2024 Nôv/el/Dram/a.Org.

Unknown POV

“Lily, was everything ok with that woman you took upstairs?” “Honestly, I’m not sure.” “You were here when she came in, I know as much as you do right now.” “She didn’t say anything but I get the feeling there is definitely a story there.” “I hope I’m wrong because I’m sure you noticed she’s pregnant.” “Do you think she is running from the father, maybe he was hurting her?” “I don’t know but I’m going to bring her some food after my shift is over.” “After all you did for me it’s only right, I pay if forward.” “Lily, just be careful.” “Everyone isn’t as kind as you are and looks can sometimes be deceiving.” “I’m a pretty good judge of character” she says as she punches my arm.

Amelia POV

Why is someone banging on the door? For a moment I forget everything that happened. I forget that my mate betrayed me for months. I forget that I’m not in my pack with my family. I forget that I’m not in

my bed. When I remember all the things, I wish I could forget, my heart starts to race. He can’t have already found me. Who else would be knocking on the door? I don’t know anyone here. I breathe in deep expecting his scent to invade my nose but it doesn’t. The knocking comes again but this time a female voice follows. “Julia, it’s Lily” she says and I take a few deep breaths to slow my heart rate before I get up to open the door. When I open the door, she is smiling and has a cart with food on it. “I brought you dinner.” “I didn’t order any dinner.” “I know you didn’t, but I thought maybe you and the baby would be hungry.” I smile at her kindness. I step aside and she pushes the cart into the room. She sets up everything on the table and takes a seat. I’m sure she notices the confused look on my face. “Come on and sit down.” “I’m off work and I’m starving.” I go over and take a seat next to her. She uncovers the food and the smell of the cheeseburger is heavenly. I haven’t eaten anything since I stopped at the mini-mart.

She picks up her burger and takes a huge bite. I chuckle before I do the same. I didn’t realize how hungry I was until I start to eat the burger and fries like a starving person. We eat in comfortable silence for about ten minutes before I break it. “Why are you being so nice to a stranger, Lily?” She smiles “when I moved to this town, I didn’t know anyone.” “Some of the locals were kind to me and this is a chance for me to pay it forward.” “Besides, you look like you could use a friend.” I nod and keep eating. “Was he abusive?” I almost choke on the bite of burger in my mouth. I take a drink and clear my throat. “What are you talking about?” “You don’t have to tell me anything but I just figured, you’re running from something.” “I promise you it’s nothing like that but I’d rather not talk about it.” She raises her hands in surrender. “I didn’t mean to upset you.” “You didn’t upset me I promise.”

“Good, I’m glad, so how long are you going to be staying in town?” I laugh “you have a lot of questions.” “Sorry I don’t mean to be nosey but I am.” “Well, at least you’re honest.” “I plan on staying for a while.” “Now I just need to find a job and a place to stay that’s not a hotel.” She smiles “if you don’t mind being a hostess the restaurant in the hotel is looking for one and my apartment building has some vacancies.” “Are you kidding Lily, I don’t mind doing anything.” “It’s late now but we can go look at the apartments tomorrow if you want.” “Absolutely, what do I have to do for the job?” “Nothing I’m the

manager and I’ll talk to the restaurant tomorrow.” “You can start your first shift after we get you situated in your apartment.” Lily stands to leave and I pull her into a hug. “Thank you for being kind to me.” She pulls back “your welcome, one day you can pay it forward too.” “Can I just ask for you to do one thing for me” Lily asks. I nod and she smiles. “What is your real name?” I smile “Amelia.” After Lily leaves, I go to sit on the couch and watch tv until I’m ready to go back to sleep for the night. I need something to take my mind off everything. “Star, how are you?” She’s been quiet since we left the mini-mart. “I hate that we had to leave our pack because of that ba**ard but I know it’s what’s best for us and our pup.”

Unknown POV

“How do you know that she is a wolf?” “Alpha Lincoln, I know a wolf when I see one.” “I have many gifts and detecting super naturals is one of them.” “Did anyone come with her into town?” “No, she is alone but she is pregnant.” “Why would a pregnant she-wolf leave her pack?” “I’m not sure but I will keep an eye on her and report back if I feel she is a threat to the pack.” “I don’t think she is based on everything I’ve seen.” “Very good, I will be sending out trackers to make sure that no one else is near the territory or outside the human city.” “Looks can be deceiving so you just keep watching.” “Yes, Alpha Lincoln” I say before the line goes dead. I owe Lincoln everything. I just hope I’m right about Amelia.

Atlas POV

I have been trying to link Amelia since she left and it’s like she isn’t even alive. It’s not even a block. She is so far from me I can’t feel her. The trackers haven’t been able to find her in any of the surrounding human cities. I have spoken with several of the surrounding Alpha’s. Besides their condolences, they have given me nothing. A knock sounds on the office door and Neal comes in. “Alpha, we are ready for your brother’s burial and your ceremony.” “We have burned the traitorous b**ch’s body as you ordered.” “Give me a few more minutes to compose myself Neal and I will be down.” He bares his neck to me and closes the door behind himself. I sit back in my chair. “Silas, are you ready to become the Alpha we should have always been?” “It’s the only reason I haven’t left your

pathetic a**.” “Mark my words though, Atlas.” “If you do not get Amelia back you will be an Alpha without a wolf.” “Calm down Silas, I want her back as much as you do.” “I will do whatever it takes to make that happen.” I push him to the back of my mind. I need to go play the part of a grieving brother.

When I get outside, I head to the warrior’s section of the pack cemetery. Everyone has gathered from the pack and I go to stand next to Neal. Elder Thomas arrived last night after we contacted him about Elias’s murder. He will be providing both the funeral and the Alpha ceremony. He starts to go on and on about the leader that Elias was to our pack. I tune him out hoping he won’t be long winded. Elder Thomas saying my name brings me out of my thoughts. “Atlas, I know how hard this must be but would you like to say some words about your brother.” “Yes, Elder Thomas, thank you.” I look at the pack members as I speak. “My brother gave everything to this pack as a great Alpha does.” “He loved each and every one of you.” “This pack was his life.” “I hope I will be an even better Alpha because I got to learn from the best.” “Rest in peace, my brother.” Neal lays his hand on my shoulder offering me support. They lower Elias into the ground and I wait to throw the first shovel of dirt on his casket. The pack members come to me one at a time offering their condolences.

I walk back toward the pack yard where the stage is set up for the ceremony. I had an opportunity to explain to Elder Thomas what Freya had done. That she not only killed my brother but she had poisoned my mate’s mind against me. She made her believe that I was unfaithful to her. Elder Thomas was appalled at Freya’s actions. I walk up on stage and the Elder joins me. He takes the pack chalice and fills it with my brother’s blood. “Atlas Andrew Canfield make your vow to the Darkmoon pack.” “I, Atlas Andrew Canfield, will put the pack needs above my own.” “I vow to lead with fairness and strength.” “I vow to be the Alpha this pack deserves.” He hands me the Chalice and I drink. I immediately feel the link with all the pack members. It’s overwhelming at first, but I put blocks up and gain control. I feel an overwhelming sense of power. Even the presence of my wolf is different. The pack bares their necks to me before we all shift. “Darkmoon Pack I present to you Alpha Atlas Canfield.” I lead a pack run and Silas is in his glory. When we return from the run, I shift and pull my clothes back on. The Elder is waiting for me to discuss Amelia. He has offered his help to find her and,

since he believes that Freya was lying about the affair, I’ll take it. His ability to reach more alphas will be better than mine.

Alpha Lincoln

I’m sitting at the table in the pack dining room having my breakfast. Michael would normally be here but he is running the first-year warrior training this morning. As I drink my coffee Jennifer comes in and sits next to me. “Lincoln, we need to talk.” She lays her hand on my forearm. “Lincoln it’s been a year.” “You said if we hadn’t found our fated mates in a year, we would choose each other.” “Jennifer, I do not have time for this discussion again today.” “I have a meeting planned with two bordering Alphas.” “For that matter you said that not me.” “I never told you I agreed.” “Lincoln, you may never find her.” “The pack needs a Luna.” “Enough, Jenn I’m done talking about this right now.” “I will decide on my Luna.” “I never agreed to take a chosen mate.” “The goddess didn’t pick us for each other and now we need to wait for the mates she has planned.” I get up and leave the dining room. Jennifer and I grew up together and honestly, I expected her to be my mate. It just made sense. She is the head warrior’s daughter and she is beautiful. When I got my wolf at eighteen, she came to my parent’s wing and I expected Talon to go nuts. I was a little disappointed when she wasn’t but Talon and I decided we would wait for our fated mate. I’m twenty-six now and holding off my father and Jenn is getting harder each day.

I walk into my office and wait for Michael to bring the visiting Alphas when they arrive. Michael is my Beta and like a brother to me. As I wait my phone rings on my desk. I pick it up and my father’s familiar voice is on the other end. “Good morning, Lincoln.” “Good morning, dad.” “Your mother and I would like to have lunch with you today.” I roll my eyes because I know what the topic of discussion will be during our lunch. I love my parents and I would never turn my father down. “I have a meeting shortly but we can have dinner.” “Wonderful, we will be at the pack house for five.” “I will see you and mom then.” “Love you, son.” “Love you too, dad.” Just as I hang up the phone Michael links me that the Alphas have arrived. The meeting lasts about an hour and I was able to sign alliances with both packs. I am a

firm believer in having pack alliances. There are too many enemies of wolf packs for us all to stand alone.


Lincoln POV

I head to my private dining room. When I walk in, I’m ready to scream. “Looks like Jenn ran to your parents this time” Talon says. My parents and Jennifer are sitting at the table talking. I try not to be an a**hole but I am a grown man and an Alpha. I walk over and kiss my mother before I take a seat at the table. The omegas serve dinner and I stay quiet. “So, Lincoln, how did your meeting go today” my father asks. “Very well, both packs signed an alliance.” “I’m glad it went well.” We eat a few more minutes before I can’t take the elephant in the room any longer. “I know why you wanted to have dinner today and I am going to clear somethings up.” “I’m glad you are all here to hear this.” “I am never taking a chosen mate.” My father starts to talk and I stop him. “I’m not finished.” “I am a grown man and the Alpha of this pack.” “I will not be forced into a mating that I do not want.” I say as I look at Jenn. I feel bad hurting her but she is not getting the message any other way. “I will have a Luna when the goddess sees fit.” “I will not have this discussion again.” No one speaks for several minutes. “Your right, Lincoln, we are sorry for trying to interfere” my mother says. “Your father and I will respect your wishes won’t we Charles.” I can tell my father wants to argue but he knows better than to with my mother. “Yes Lorraine, we will stay out of it.” Jenn drops her head and we finish a very awkward dinner but I feel like they finally listened. I kiss my parents and tell Jenn goodbye before I head to my room. “Well done, Alpha” Talon says and I smile. I hope that is settled but I have a feeling Jenn isn’t done trying.

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