Becoming strangers again (Lily and Ryan)

Chapter 61

Chapter 61

Chapter 61 RYAN I know I shouldn’t have said those words and ruined the mood in the car, but I couldn’t help myself. I was going to let her go, to give up and let her have the happy ending she deserves with that jerk who calls himself Jake. But after learning that he isn’t who he says he is. and that he’s been lying to my angel, I became selfish once more, wanting her all to myself. “Sorry if what I said offended you,” I apologized sincerely, hoping to mend the tension between us. “I just couldn’t help myself.” She exhaled tiredly. “It’s fine,” she replied, her voice tinged with resignation. Needing to shift the conversation to a more positive topic, I decided to discuss the kids, knowing that Lilly’s mood would instantly improve. “Liam has a great talent,” I remarked, hoping to lighten the atmosphere with a more uplifting subject. She looked at me with curiosity sparkling in her eyes. “Are you talking about the painting?” she asked, seeking clarification. I nodded. “The figures may not resemble us exactly, but he did a remarkable job capturing the essence of human form,” I explained, feeling a sense of pride in Lum’s talents. Smiling proudly at Liam’s abilities, she nodded in agreement. “He’s taking lessons, so expect sketches that will be even more accurate மாட ்We drove in silence for a while until I decided to break it. I think he inherited that talent from you,” I remarked. Lily shot me a surprised glance, her eyebrows arching high enough to touch her hairline, before bursting into laughter. Her laughter billed the car, and I couldn’t help but join in, feeling a sense of joy wash over me. In that moment I wished I wasn’t driving so 1 could watch her laugh, captivated by the beauty of her genuine happiness. “Are you trying to mock me?” she asked, wiping imaginary tears from beneath her lashes. Just because I drew a human skeleton and it turned our decent doesn’t mean I’m an artist I disagreed. “There were other drawings besides the skeleton,” I insisted. “You mean the heart? Lungs and other medical drawings?” she countered, shaking her head. “If a gun were pointed to your head and the only way to save you was if I drew a nice human sketch, you better say your last prayer. Ryan, because that day, you’ll be meeting your predecessors “That’s because you didn’t take your talent seriously argued. “If you had taken up classes like Liam is doing right now, you would have been perfect Her shoulders still shaking from the subsiding laughter, she shook her head. Thank you for the vote of confidence, but I know where I stand when it comes to drawing” she assured me. Respecting her stance, I let the matter drop.

Pulling over, we entered the store and began picking out every possible thing we needed for the kitchen, and even some things we didn’t need, simply because I didn’t want our day together to end. Eventually, our shopping spree came to an end. I gave the delivery man my address before heading back to the car with Lily. “Sorry for stressing you,” I apologized as I opened the door for her. She nodded appreciatively and got in Rounding the car, I settled into the driver’s seat. What do you say we grab lunch before I take you back to the house? I suggested. Before she could respond, her stomach growled audibly, and I couldn’t help but chuckle. Lunch it is, then, I declared with a smile, eager to continue spending time with her. Opting for a nearby restaurant, I parked the car and we walked into the cozy establishment. However, as we approached a free table, I couldn’t help but notice a familiar figure having lunch with a woman. “Isn’t that your boyfriend!” I asked Lily, pointing discreetly in their direction. She followed my gaze and her eyes landed on Jake. “I guess he’s having dinner with a friend,” she remarked casually. With the newfound information I had about Jake, I couldn’t help but feel curious about this female friend of his. “Don’t you think it’s proper to say hello?” I suggested to Lily, planting ideas in her mind. “You’re his fiancée, so it’s perfectly fine to be introduced to his female friend She nodded, acknowledging the logic in my suggestion. “I know, right?” she agreed, before making her way towards them. “Go get a table for us. I’ll join you after saying hello,” she instructed me before continuing towards Jake and his friend. Determined not to miss out on the introduction, I slowed my steps and leaned towards Angelo, who had been silently trailing behind us. “I want you to take a picture of that woman and find out all you can about her. I instructed him quietly 1 Chapter fl “Yes, sir, Angela replied promptly. Hastening my pace, closed the distance between Lily and myself just as she reached the table. Our presence cast a shadow over them. and when Jake looked up and saw me, his jaw viubly tightened. “What are you doing here?” he spat out, his tour hostile. Despite the urge to respond, I remained silent, allowing Lily to take the lead in the conversation, knowing that my own words would likely only worsen the tension “I helped him out with something, and we decided to grals lunch together, Lilly explained calmly, her gaze shifting to the other woman. “Who is your fries!” Jake cleared his throat, visibly uncomfortable. “This is Yara,” he introduced, “a childhood friend of mine” The tension in the air was palpable, and 1 could sense that Jake’s explanation was not sitting well with Lily. “It’s nice to meet you, Yara,” Lily repliedFrom NôvelDrama.Org.

politely, extending her hand for a handshake. However, the stiffness in her posture hinted that she wasn’t fully convinced by Jake’s claim that Yara was just a chuldlwod friend. Do you stay in Canasta, Yara?” Lily inquired, her tone polite but probing “Why do you ask?” Jake interjected, his tone defensive, but Lily shot him a glare, clearly unimpressed by his interruption “The question was actually for Yard Lily clarited poimedly. “But I’m curious liecause you’ve never mentioned this childhood friend before, and Fl like to hang out with your only friend in the future” “She doesn’t stay in Canada, Jake blurted out suddenly, and Lily arched a skeptical brow at his abrupt response

“She stays in Paris, and she’s only here in Canada for a two–day business trip.” Something felt off, and Lily would be naive not to sense it. What kind of business are you doing here in Canada?” 1 pressed, my tone firm as 1 directed my question towards Yara. She frowned in response “Is this supposed to be some sort of interrogation?” Yara shot back, glaring at me before turning hier gaze to Jake. “Please don’t tell me that your girlfriend is accusing us of something Tru just a businessman trying to ascertain if whatever business you’re doing here can benefit me and my company,” explained calmly. reaching into my jacket to retrieve my business card. Handing it to her, I introduced myself I’m Ryan Williams, and I love doing. business.” Yara studied the card for a moment before looking back at Jake. “When he said business, he meant family business, However, if a business opportunity arises, I won’t hesitate to give you a call” Her words seemed polite enough, but something about her demeanor still didn’t sit right with me. “Whatever business you both want to do won’t work out,” Jake interjected, his tone defensive. “He stays in New York, not in Canaılı” I smiled at him, feeling a sense of satisfaction at his discomfort. “That’s outdated news,” informed horn. “Because as of three days ago, I started staying here” Jake’s frown deepened.

“What’s that supposed to mean? “It means I moved down to Canada,” I clarified, my smile widening. “And you’ll be seeing my face quite often from now on” SEND GIFT

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