Becoming strangers again (Lily and Ryan)

Chapter 50

Chapter 50

Chapter 50 RYAN I was supposed to leave for New York this morning, but I made a quick stop at Lily’s place to discuss something very important and I hope this time, we can come to a conclusion. “Is everthing alright?” she asked the moment she opened the door. “I need to take the kids to New York to introduce them to the board and media next weekend.” I informed her and she frowned. “Isn’t it too early to expose them?” she asked as she walked over to the table and picked up her coffee. “You literally just had Liam warm up to you and you want to turn the spotlight on them already?” Stephanie’s actions have propelled me into action, compelling me to take this course of action to safeguard my children from potential negative portrayals in the media. “I must do this, Lily, I affirmed earnestly, meeting her gaze with unwaveringly. “I give you my word. I will shield them from any harm.” With a resigned sigh, Lily turned to face me directly, her demeanour filled with resignation and concern. “You’ll bring them back by Sunday, ensuring they’re ready for school on Monday,” she stipulated, her tone leaving no room for negotiation. I nodded in acknowledgment, fully aware of my responsibilities as a parent. “Indeed, I will adhere to our agreement,” I confirmed, “though my mind has been drifting towards the 1 decision I had recently reached She arched a brow, demanding that I explain further. Tve been contemplating my future, I began, bracing myself for her reaction. “And I’ve made the decision to relocate to Canada,” I disclosed, Her eyes widened in surprise, undoubtedly caught off guard by my unexpected announcement. “But why?” she inquired. My response was immediate, “Because I want to be closer to my kids, I explained earnestly, and also because I want to be closer to her. “Traveling to New York is a mere hour and a half flight, perhaps two at most, I pointed out, seeking to alleviate any apprehensions she might harbor Tm prepared to fly to New York if it means I can remain involved in their lives while pursuing my career. Lily’s skepticism lingered, her brows furrowing as she posed a valid concern. “But what about during inclement weather?” she challenged, her doubt evident in her tone. Responding with a hint of self–assuredness, I countered, “As the CEO, I believe certain perks come with the territory,” though even I couldn’t help but acknowledge the potential obstacles such circumstances might pose. Lily took another sip of her tea, contemplating my decision. “Well, if you’ve made up your mind, she conceded, her acceptance tinged with a hint of resignation. Glancing at her watch, sheUpstodatee from Novel(D)ra/m/a.O(r)g

appeared suddenly conscious of the time, her movements becoming more hurried. “Do you require any assistance in finding accommodation?” she offered, her willingness to help evident despite her reservations. With a confident shake of my head, I assured her, Tve already enlisted someone to assist me in the search. I’m optimistic I’ll secure suitable lodging before the upcoming Sunday” Acknowledging her impending departure, I gestured towards the door, silently inviting her to make her exit. “Allow me to offer you a ride, I proposed, stepping aside to grant her passage. “It’s conveniently along my route.” As Lily gracefully made her way towards the door, she shook her head in refusal. “I don’t believe that’s necessary, she insisted, her movements elegant and deliberate. “If you were to drive me, it would mean I’d have to rely on a taxi for my return journey, and that’s not ideal.” Undeterred by her protest, I proposed a solution, determined to alleviate her concerns. “Your security detail can follow behind us and arrange for their own transportation back home, I suggested, hoping to sway her decision. Her amused expression softened into a smile as she turned to face me, her eyes alight with amusement. “And why should I subject him to such inconvenience?” she countered playfully, though her resistance was gradually waning. a light chuckle, I made my way to the car and held the door open, gesturing for her to join me. “Because you compensate hun 11:43 AM Chapter 30 handsomely for precisely these sorts of responsibilities,” I replied, a mischievous twinkle in my eye. “Come now, indulge me as my passenger, princess,” I teased, extending an invitation with a grin. After a moment’s contemplation, Lily relented, tossing her keys to one of the waiting security personnel. With a graceful motion, she settled into the car, and I gently closed the door behind her. With a sense of satisfaction, I rounded the vehicle and took my place behind the wheel. Arriving at the office later than my usual time, I swiftly attended to several pressing calls and emails before convening the impromptul board meeting I had arranged earlier in the day. As I entered the room, I couldn’t help but notice the subtle disapproval etched on my father’s face; evidently, he was displeased with my failure to disclose the meeting’s purpose beforehand. Taking my place among the assembled board members, I cleared my throat to command attention. “Thank you all for accommodating this last–minute gathering,” I began, acknowledging their presence with a nod of gratitude. A hushed anticipation permeated the room as the board members exchanged glances, their curiosity palpable. It was Mrs. Lawson who broke the

silence, her voice cutting through the tension as she addressed the speculation head–on. “Rumors have circulated Ms. Stephanie’s alleged pregnancy. Is that the catalyst behind this meeting?” she inquired, her tone measured yet inquisitive regarding While informing my father of Stephanie’s pregnancy was understandable, the notion of disseminating such sensitive information to the entire board was disconcerting. Nevertheless, I remained composed as I addressed the inquiry. “While the topic of an heir is indeed the focal point of our discussion today, I affirmed. Murmuring filled the room and I allowed it to go on for a while before continuing to speak. “It is important to clarify that this heir does not stem from Stephanie, nor is it coming from her.” The woman’s disapproving gaze bore into me, her raised brow a clear indication of her incredulity, “You’ve impregnated another woman?” she questioned, her tone laced with judgment and disbelief. Suppressing a smirk at her reaction, I couldn’t help but find irony in her astonishment. After all, hadn’t they all been fervently advocating for the prospect of me fathering an heir? Yet now, faced with the reality of the situation, they appeared shocked and critical. “I assure you, I am not responsible for impregnating any woman, I clarified pointedly, making a mental note to exclude Stephanie from the conversation. “My ex–wife, whom I divorced six years ago, birthed to triplets without my knowledge, and it has come to my attention that they are indeed my children” A flurry of murmurs erupted among the assembled board members, but this time, I refused to entertain any side discussions. Firmly addressing the room, 1 declared, I intend to introduce them to you all next weekend.” Mrs. Lawson, ever the skeptic, couldn’t resist probing further. “And why were they not brought along today?” she pressed, her voice. dripping with skepticism. Dismissing her question with a scoff, I leveled a steely gaze in her direction. “As a parent yourself, surely you understand the importance of prioritizing their education,” I retorted Her lips pressed together tightly, rendered speechless by my response. It was evident that my assertion had struck a chord, effectively silencing any further objections or doubts regarding my decision. “I think you all can now get off my case as you all have the stability that you’ve been looking for.” Standing up, I adjusted my suit. “this meeting is officially over.” Picking up my phone, I walked out of the conference room and made my way to my office Returning to the sanctuary of my office, I barely had a moment to collect my thoughts before my father made an unexpected appearance. “Did Lily truly bear your child?” he questioned, his tone laced with

disapproval as he settled onto the sofa, crossing his legs in contemplation. Caught off guard by his directness, I couldn’t help but respond with a touch of sarcasm. “Do you honestly believe I fabricated everything 1 disclosed in there?” I retorted,

His expression twisted with disdain as he processed the implications of Lily’s actions. “She kept your children for six years and kept it from you?” he remarked incredulously, his disappointment evident. “How selfish can one person be?” Despite my own reservations, I felt compelled to defend Lily against his harsh judgment. “I’d prefer if you refrained from such derogatory remarks,” I cautioned him firmly, my tone leaving no room for argument. “That is one thing I will not tolerate from you.” Scoffing, he shook his head. “I can’t believe you are actually defending her right now.” He spat. “that woman kept your children from yet you stand there and defend her? please tell me that you are going to file for full custody.” you ILLIAM Chapter 50 His demand for full custody stunned me, prompting a bewildered double blink as I struggled to comprehend his audacity. “Excuse me?” I repeated, unable to conceal my incredulity. His expression remained resolute. “Full custody,” he repeated bluntly, as if the mere suggestion was self–evident. “You’re going to pursue full custody, aren’t you?” My patience waning. I felt a surge of anger rise within me at the suggestion. “No, I am not,” I snapped, my voice edged with irritation. The notion of depriving the children of their mother struck me as abhorrent, regardless of Lily’s past actions. “I refuse to be the kind of man who would keep those kids away from their mother.” Enraged by my refusal to comply with his demands, my father’s face contorted with anger, his accusations ringing out like a verbal assault. “So you’re willing to let those children be raised by someone with no moral compass?” he spat, his anger boiling over. “Have you completely lost your mind?” “I should be the one asking you if you have lost

it!” The sheer audacity of his accusations sent a surge of fury coursing through my veins, my temper flaring as I struggled to contain my outrage. “Who do you think you are to speak about the mother of my children in such a despicable manner?” I roared. “For years, I’ve allowed you to belittle her, all in the misguided pursuit of your approval. But no more. If you can’t respect Lily, then don’t bother coming around me.” Stunned by the suddenness of his question, I struggled to formulate a response. Before I could gather my thoughts, he jumped to his own conclusion, his tone laced with scorn. “Of course you have,” he declared. “That’s the only explanation for your irrational behavior. But I’ll rectify this. I’ll ensure you snap out of whatever –haze she’s ensnared you in, and you’ll start thinking like a Williams again.”

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