Becoming strangers again (Lily and Ryan)

Chapter 30

Chapter 30

Chapter 30 LILY Jake and I sat down and had an extensive conversation where we delved into our feelings and concerns. He made a heartfelt promise to address his feelings of jealousy towards Ryan, and I could sense his genuine commitment through the intensity of his gaze. In response, I offered reassurance by gently reminding him that Ryan’s stay in Canada was only temporary, which seemed to alleviate some of his apprehensions. As today marks Jake’s birthday, I find myself contemplating various ways to celebrate the occasion. One idea that crosses my mind is treating him to a luxurious spa experience followed by a delightful dinner. However, before I could initiate any plans, Jake pleasantly surprises me by arranging for a bouquet of flowers to be delivered to my office. The accompanying card not only expresses his thoughtful gesture but also hints at an evening dinner reservation set for 6 pm. Due to a scheduling clash between my dinner reservation and the spa appointment I had previously arranged, I promptly contacted the spa to request a rescheduling of my appointment to the following day. Although they graciously accommodated my request, it did come with an additional fee to cover the incurred inconvenience. As the clock struck five, marking the end of my workday, I made a quick stop to the salon to go through the process of fixing my hair before proceeding with the evening’s plans. Departing from my usual curls, I opted to have them straightened, desiring a subtle change in appearance for the night ahead. Upon returning home, I was greeted with a text from Jake, notifying me of the impending arrival of a limousine to transport me to our dinner destination. However, mindful of the time consumed at the salon, I politely requested a brief extension to my preparation time, recognizing the need to ensure a perfect makeup and look for tonight. As I finished applying my makeup and securing my hair into a sleek ponytail, the clock ticked closer to eight o’clock. At last, the limousine pulled up, and I gracefully stepped inside as our journey commenced. Before departing, the driver handed me another delicate flower, adding a touch of elegance to the evening. After thirty minutes of anticipation, the car came to a halt at the driveway of a charming restaurant. Stepping out, I was greeted by a courteous gentleman who guided me inside. As I crossed the threshold, it became evident that Jake had spared no expense, having reserved the entire venue for our exclusive celebration Despite the grand gesture, I couldn’t help but feel a twinge of guilt. It was Jake’s

birthday, and here I was, being treated to such extravagance. In my mind, the roles should have been reversed, with me as the one orchestrating the lavish affair. However, Jake’s generosity and thoughtfulness knew no bounds As our eyes met across the room, Jake rose from his seat and made his way towards my side of the table, his genuine warmth radiating with every step. Standing by my side of the table, he patiently awaited my approach. With a tender gesture, Jake reached out and gently took hold of my hand, pressing a soft ki*s upon it. “You look absolutely stunning,” he complimented, his eyes twinkling with admiration as they danced across my features. I couldn’t help but offer a shy smile in response. Thank you” I murmured softly, feeling a warmth spread through me at his words. As he pulled out the chair for me, I settled into my seat, unable to contain the confusion bubbling within me any longer. “What’s going on, Jake? Today is your birthday, and I should be the one orchestrating all of this for you, not the other way around.” A warm smile graced Jake’s lips as he leaned back in his seat. “I’ve caused you enough heartache and stress in these past few weeks. This is my way of seeking redemption. “Rut you could have chosen any other day,” I reasoned, my brow furrowing with uncertainty. Today should be about you.” With a gentle shake of his head, Jake offered a reassuring smile. “Every day is about you, Lily.” As our dinner was served, we ate our meals, enveloped in a comfortable silence punctuated by occasional glances exchanged between Jake and me. Each time our eyes met, a smile effortlessly graced my lips, though we continued our meal without much conversation. The evening unfolded in a serene manner until our plates were cleared, signaling the conclusion of our main course. With the arrival of dessert, the atmosphere shifted, and we found ourselves engaged in light–hearted chatter, savoring each bite of sweetness while exchanging anecdotes and observations. As the final crumbs of dessert disappeared, 1 seized the opportune moment to present Jake with his birthday gift. Reaching into the medium–sized purse I had carefully selected for the occasion, I retrieved a neatly wrapped box and slid it across the table towards him. His eyes lit up with genuine appreciation as he accepted the gift, a warm smile gracing his features. “Happy birthday, Jake,” I whispered softly, my voice filled with heartfelt warmth. “May all your wishes and prayers find fulfillment in the days ahead.” He gazed at me with a certain intensity before a sudden smile illuminated his face. “I hope so too,” he murmured, his eyes dropping to Secking permission, he inquired, “Can I open it?” I nodded,This is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

granting him the freedom to unveil the surprise. gift box. 1/2 11:37 AMER Chapter 30 As he unwrapped the box, his smile widened upon discovering the Rolex nestled within. “Wow,” he exclaimed, admiration evident in his voice. “This is truly lovely.” Yet, I couldn’t help but reminisce about the Lamborghini he had gifted me during our anniversary, recognizing that his reaction was likely influenced by the joy of receiving a gift from me. Tm glad you like it, I responded, appreciating the simple pleasure of bringing him happiness. The mood shifted as a soft melody began playing in the background. Jake carefully placed the box aside and gracefully rose to his feet. He approached me, extending his hand with a charming request. “Can I have a dance with you, miss?” he asked. Chuckling softly. I nodded in agreement before placing my hand in his outstretched palm. With his gentle guidance, I rose from my seat and allowed him to lead me to the open space of the room. His hand encircled my waist, while mine found its place on his shoulder. Together, we swayed in harmony to the melodious rhythm enveloping us. “I love you, Lily,” he whispered softly into my ear, his breath warm against my skin. “Not a single day goes by without me marveling at how fortunate I am to have you in my life. 0 A smile tugged at the corners of my lips as his words washed over me, “We both hit the jackpot when we found each other, Jake,” I replied, feeling a surge of affection welling within me. He shook his head gently, his voice filled with quiet conviction. “No,” he countered, his gaze sincere. “I’m the lucky one. To have crossed paths with the most remarkable soul, and to be welcomed into her world alongside her beautiful children–it’s a privilege beyond measure. To be embraced and treated as family by them is the greatest gift life could offer.” He leaned in, his eyes twinkling with affection, and gently pressed his lips against mine in a soft, lingering ki*s. I melted into his embrace, losing track of time as we savored the moment together. When he finally pulled back, it felt as though an eternity of bliss had passed in that single embrace. “Have I mentioned how utterly breathtaking you look tonight?” he whispered, his voice filled with admiration, causing a warm flush to spread across my cheeks. A playful smile danced across my lips as I replied, “I do recall, but I must admit, I never tire of hearing it.” His gaze softened. “You are truly breathtaking,” he repeated, his words wrapping around me “I could spend an eternity simply staring at your beauty and never grow weary of it” Grateful for his words, I couldn’t resist teasing him lightly. “And you, my dear, are not too shabby yourself, I teased, eliciting a hearty chuckle from

him as he pulled away slightly, still wearing that infectious smile. As I basked in the warmth of his compliments, his next action caught me completely off guard.

With a sudden resolve, he gracefully sank to one knee, producing a small, elegantly wrapped box from his pocket “Will you do me the honor of making me the happiest man alive by agreeing to take my last name?” he asked, his eyes shimmering with hope and fear, as if the entire universe held its breath whilst waiting for my answer. I blinked at him, the small smile that had adorned my lips slowly fading. “Is this because of Ryan?” I questioned, my gaze searching his for any telltale signs. His eyes widened a fraction, and he shook his head vehemently. “Of course not, he reassured, the sincerity in his voice evident. I scrutinized his reaction, still grappling with the idea. “I’ve been wanting to do this for a very long time,” he explained earnestly. “But today just felt like the right time. My decision to make you my wife has nothing to do with Ryan.” Despite his assurance, a lingering doubt persisted within me, and I could sense that Jake was aware of it 100, can plan the wedding “In an effort to prove that my intentions are sincere and have nothing to do with Ryan, we can wait, he proposed. “We can pl whenever you want–this year, next year, anytime that suits you.” The proposition seemed fair, allowing me the freedom to choose the timing that felt right. Nodding in acknowledgment, I extended my hand, and he delicately slipped the ring onto my finger.

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