Becoming strangers again (Lily and Ryan)

Chapter 124

Chapter 124

Chapter 124


What is this nonsense I’m hearing about Lily being abducted?” My father asked the moment he walked into my home office. “Why isn’t he on every news outlet yet?”

“Because he specifically stated that we shouldn’t involve the cops and Ryan is planning on obeying that order.”

My father’s sharp glare moved to me. “Have you lost it? How do you want to handle a case of abduction without the cops?”

He pulled out a seat and sat down, Crossing his leg. “So what’s the plan? For you to have decided not to involve the cops, that simply means you have a plan. Let’s hear it.”

Sighing, I plopped down on the sofa. “I honestly do not have any plans yet.” Owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

He scoffed. “Yet you do not want to involve the police?” He shook his head. “Is there a particular reason why you don’t want to involve the cops?”

“They have been useless,” I stressed and his brow jerked up in surprise. “They couldn’t find Waper and they never caught Jake which is why we are in this problem to start with.”

“That is not an excuse not to involve them.” He stressed.

Angelo cleared his throat and stood up. “I’ll get a glass of whiskey for everyone.” He walked out of the office, probably hunting for the old Irish whiskey on the mini bar downstairs.

“What does he want in return?” Dad asked and I cradled my head.

I’ve been looking at my phone every second, waiting for him to make his demand so we can get on with it, but till now, no response. “He’s yet to say anything about what he really wants.”

The door opened and Angelo walked in with three glasses and the whiskey I assumed he went for. He passed each one the glass and filled it halfway.

“He’s probably going to ask for money,” Angelo chimed in, “or a means to leave the country.”

He took a seat and I glanced at him. “Why do you sound so confident? Have you worked with abductors that much?”

He scoffed. “Are you trying to be funny right now?” He leaned forward. “The case against him isn’t about Lily alone, he is an already wanted man, which means you do not have the power to stop his case, so he won’t demand that from you, however, he is going to believe the fact that you can give him the money which will aid Jon to leave or help him out of the country. That is his only two options.”

My father nodded. “If I were in his shoes, that would be my option too, but helping a wanted criminal out of a country is a serious offense,” He bit his lips in contemplation, “I can think of the charges that come with it. Aiding and Abetting, obstruction of justice, harboring a fugitive, conspiracy, international law violations, should I continue?”

He’s not helping matters right now. “What exactly are you getting at?”

“That I’d rather let him have Lily than Have you face those charges.” He deadpanned. “The only way to make sure you don’t get charged for these crimes is to involve the police.”

“He is going you hurt her if we do,” I stressed in case he missed that part. “I refuse to gamble with Lily’s life like that.”

“Well, I’m going to gamble with it no matter what You day.” He retorted. “Just so you know, the moment I get out of this place, I am getting the police involved. I will invite them over to my house, give them good food and the finest wine then tell them the mother of my grandchildren have been abducted.



Chapter 121

My phone chimed, pulling as out of the conversation, Picking up the phone, I clicked on the message icon. The moment 1 Naw a video, I knew it was from him.

“Is it a message from him?” Angelo asked, already getting off his eat to join me in mine.

I nodded. “It’s a video from him.” My father equally got out of his seat and sat beside me.

My fingers shook as I clicked on the video. We waited for it to lost, and when it did, I inhaled sharply. “She has more bruises on her face,” I muttered to no one in particular.

“Just play the goddamn thing!” My father snapped, snatching the phone from me. He played the video himself.

Glaring at him, I took the phone back and watched the video. The fear in Lily’s eyes as she read the message made me feel like a failure.

I failed to protect the woman I love. When Lily read the rules, my father scoffed. “Is he being serious right now? How did he think you won’t involve me?”

Ignoring him, I watched the video to the last part until it stopped playing.

“Not involving the cops, that I understand, but not involving me too?” Dad cussed at him, “What does that lowlife bastard take us for?

Pinching the bridge of my nose, I glanced at him. “Not isn’t the time to rain Insult or curses because it isn’t going to change anything.”

He sighed “You’re right, we shouldn’t do that.” Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out his phone and scrolled through his


I eyed him. “Who Are you calling?”

“Detective Balham of course.” He responded, putting the phone in his ear.

My blood boiled with anger at his nonchalance towards this situation. “I just told you that I do not want to involve the cops!” I yelled at him, snatching the phone from his ear. “Didn’t you hear Him say any rule We break is going to cost Lily’s fingers? What the fuck is your problem?!”

“What is your problem?!” He yelled back, his face contorting in anger. “Why are you behaving like a wimp?! Where is my son who has the ability to handle situations effectively?”

I glared hard.

“What guarantee do you have that He will release her steer you’ve provided a means of escape? Are you even sure he is in this alone?”

Exhaling heavily, he reached for me and placed a hand on my shoulder. “I understand how you feel Ryan and I’m going to need you to trust me. Have I ever not you out of trouble if you reach out to me?”

He has never disappointed.

He took my silence as a Yes. “Now I’m going to need You to trust me on this too, trust me to get that lady out of this safely.”

“I need her to be back safely,” I mumbled. I have never had someone close to me abducted, so I honestly do not know how to react to this. “She needs to come back to me or I’ll lose my mind.”

“She will come back to you.” He assured me, “That is a promise to you, Ryan, before the end of this week, you’ll have Lily back here with you. Just let me do my thing.”

I nodded. “Sure.”



Chapter 121

Satisfied with my response, be reached for his phone and resumed calling Detective Balham.


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