Becoming strangers again (Lily and Ryan)

Chapter 119

Chapter 119

Chapter 119


I can’t keep hiding for the rest of my life. It’s glaringly evident that Waper no longer possesses the necessary means to facilitate my escape from this country. There’s only one individual I can think of who holds the key to providing me with a fresh start, a new identity, and a life free from the shadow of imprisonment.

Pulling up my phone, I initiated the call to the next person in line who could potentially assist me in achieving my aspirations. The only way to persuading Ryan to comply with my requests lies in having either Lily or any of the bastards she bore for him on my side.

I–dialed Veronica’s number, fully aware that I had already fulfilled her desires. Now, it was her turn to reciprocate and grant me the assistance I sought.

Initially met with silence, I couldn’t help but speculate that her failure to answer might be attributed to the multitude of phone numbers that I have, only one of which she had stored in her device.

We had a deal: I would orchestrate a scandal to remove Lily from her seat, and in return, she would ensure that it reached every damn blogger. Surprisingly, she delivered on her end of the bargain.

Now, it was time for her to honor the favor I had extended to her. If she didn’t, I would be the one disseminating information to bloggers.

I persisted in calling her until she finally picked up. “If this is a spam call, I swear on everything I’ve worked for in my life, I will find you and make you regret it,” she threatened sharply.

I couldn’t help but chuckle. “Thankfully, it isn’t a spam call,” I replied softly, trying to diffuse the tension.

There was a pause on the other end of the line before she spoke again, her voice sharp with irritation. “And who the fuck is this?” she snapped. “Get straight to the point, or I will disconnect this call without a single ounce of remorse.”

“Have you forgotten my voice so quickly, bitch?” I retorted, frustrated that she couldn’t recognize me, especially after the countless orgasm encounters we’d shared. “This is Jake,” I reminded her, disappointed by her lack of recognition.

When she inquired about what I wanted in return for helping her, I initially expressed a desire to have sex with her. And truth be told, I still harbored that desire, regardless of her age. However, a thought crossed my mind, and I decided to take precautionary measures by recording our sexual encounter–something Veronica was unaware of. “Do

you remember my voice now?” I challenged.

She scoffed dismissively. “I wonder why you’re calling me,” she gritted out. “We promised never to call each other after that night.”

How ironic, considering she had called me three times since that night. “You called me three times after that night,” I reminded her pointedly.

Veronica cleared her throat, clearly uneasy. “What do you want?” she asked, cutting straight to the point. “I assume you’re calling for something.”

“Lily,” I remarked, cutting straight to the point.

“And what about her?” Veronica responded, her tone guarded..

“She’s in New York right now,” I informed her, knowing full well that going to New York to retrieve her was impossible without getting caught. “And I want her back in Canada.”

“And how do you propose I do that?” she asked nonchalantly. “Last I heard, she’s staying with her ex–husband, laying low and playing the role of wife. It’s practically a dream come true for me. So, tell me, why should I disrupt that? For what? Your


Chapter 119


“Your nudes, I corrected, and she fell silent. “This time around, Veronica, it isn’t a request from my side, but a blackmail

“What nonsense are you spitting?” she bellowed angrily. “What are you doing with my nudes?” All content is © N0velDrama.Org.


“Nothing, really,” I replied with a chuckle, trying to lighten the mood. “I never once jerked off to the video, so let’s just say I kept it for situations like this.”

Holding my fourth phone tightly, I sent the video to her. “That ra copy of the video to prove that I’m not bluffing. Once you’re done watching it, send Lily down here, I inded, my finger hovering over the disconnect button.

“Wait!” she called out urgently, her voice betraying a sense of panic. “How am I supposed to do that?” she blurted out, her breaths coming in hurried gasps. “How am I supposed to get her to come to New York?

“The hospital, 1 replied confidently. Bringing her here should be relatively easy. “Lily will never ignore a summons from the hospital, so have them send for her

“And on what grounds, exactly?” she demanded, frustration evident in her tone. “You can’t just issue a summons letter from the hospital without any legitimate reason”

“Then think of one I deadpanned, my voice tinged with frustration. I don’t care what grounds you conjure up or what elaborate tale you span to get her here. All that matters is that she arrives in Canada before the week draws to a close. Tick to emphasized. Endang the call. I tossed the phone onto the bed and sank back into the pillows

As I drifted into a full sheep, my mind raced with visions of a figure where I could finally shake off the shackles of my past. If all goes according to plan. Il emerge from this unscathed. lettle my debts, vanish into thin air, adopt a new persona, and embark on a fresh chapter of my late

The following morning, I starred from slumber to the persistent ringing of my phone–one of the many disposable devices I’ve amassed over the years. With teary, sleep–laden eyes, I furebled for the device and clumsily brought it to my ear.

On the other end of the larae was Wager–the only person who passes this particular number “Are you prepared to get me out from this predicament?” I quired fatly my exhaustion evident in my toe as I braced myself for the inevitable conversation

“Yes, I am getting you out of there,” Waper responded, and my eyes mapped wide open.

Suddenly, I was fully awake. “Are you taking me out of the country?” I asked, the possibility sending a surge of adrenaline coursing through my veins

He scoffed in response. “Do I look like someone who has that much money?” he retorted, his tone dripping with sarcasm, a reminder of his financial struggles despite his outward appearance of wealth,

“Then where are you taking me? I inquired, my interest waning as I realized this conversation might not lead to the resolution I sought.

“Somewhere, anywhere that isn’t your current location,” be replied cryptically, his words failing to instill confidence or


Iconadered disconnecting the call at that moment. “I don’t trust the staff at that boutique not to give away your location,” he added, his voice tinged with paranoia

Confusion clouded my thoughts. Tve been here for over two weeks. Why would they suddenly change their minds and hand me over to the authorities?” I asked, trying to make sense of his cryptic warnings

“Because there’s an insane bounty on your bead Waper deadpagined, his words hitting me like a sucker punch. I nearly

16:00 Thu, Aug 1

Chapter 119


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choked on my own spit–at the revelation. “I’m guessing you weren’t aware, but it might interest you to know that there’s a five hundred thousand dollar bounty on your head. If I were in those ladies‘ shoes, I’d seriously consider handing you over to the authorities.”

Fury surged through me at the betrayal. “Fucking bastards,” I muttered under my breath. “So how do you intend on getting me out of here?”

“There’s a secret passage down the hallway,” Waper informed me matter–of–factly. “You’ll come across an old picture of my daughter Stephanie. It’s not just for decoration. Lift it and open the ground beneath where it hangs. You’ll find a staircase. Follow it down to a tunnel, and then follow that tunnel to the very end.”

“And which turn am I supposed to take in the tunnel?” I pressed for more details, needing every piece of information to

ensure my escape.

“Take a right,” Waper clarified. “When you reach the end, you’ll encounter an old man who will genuinely help you.”

“Sure,” I replied, my mind already racing ahead to the next steps. I rose from my seat and began hastily packing the few belongings I had with me. “I’ll call you once I reach my destination.” With that, I disconnected the call.

Once I finished packing, I followed Waper’s instructions, eager to put as much distance as possible between myself and the danger lurking behind every corner. I couldn’t blame those women for considering turning me in for the hefty bounty. After all, I might have done the same in their shoes. I would have definitely done the same.

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