Arranged Marriage With The Billionaire


Blair took out the laundry and put it in the basket so that she could spread it outside.

The sun was scorching and she knew that the clothes would dry before evening. She quickly spread the clothes and went back inside the house.

She just stood in the kitchen, and thought about what she would do. Dylan was ill, she didn’t want to bother him or stress him about it. She knew he would worry.

Blair had double mind; telling him and not telling him. It was hard to decide but she had to decide fast.

“Blair?” Dylan stood across the kitchen, he stared at her intensely.

She jumped and gasped, the cup in her hands slipped and broke into pieces.

“Woah woah, take it easy baby. It’s just me” he went over to her and held her hands tightly.

He led her away from the broken glass and made sure not to step on it. He took her to the living room and sat her down on the couch. He sat beside her.

Dylan knew his wife and he knew when something was wrong with her. Her mind was clearly elsewhere, she thought so deeply that she even broke a cup. It was unlike her to break anything.

“I’m sorry about the cup” she apologized.

“It’s just a cup Blair, it’s fine” Dylan told her.

“Really? It’s a rare design and it costs a lot” she pointed out.

“It doesn’t matter Blair. Don’t sidestep the issue. You’re clearly thinking about something that I don’t know about right now. You better tell me and don’t even think about lying” he told her calmly.

Blair sighed.

“Dylan I-” she started.

“Please Blair, please tell me the truth” he begged.

“Okay. Richard sent me a message earlier” she brought out her phone and showed the message to him.

“You were going to keep this to yourself? And what, just leave on your own? Really?” He asked her after he read it.

“No I wasn’t. I only thought of how to tell you. You’re ill Dylan, I don’t want to stress you. You heard the doctor” she reminded him.

“No fuck it Blair. I hate it when you get like this. And I know you, you have thought of going there alone without telling anyone” he countered her.

“Well what do you want me to do? I don’t know what he wants. And I didn’t know what to tell you in your state. I don’t want you stressing over this” she replied softly.

“Baby, you know I will not let you go alone right? Even if I have to surround the place with guards and the police I will fucking do it and you know” he said.

And she did. She knew him, he would do anything to protect his loved ones.

“We will find a solution to this now. I’m going to send this to Jones right now” he continued.

He got up and went into his office to get his phone. He forwarded the message to his phone before sending it to the detective.

The detective called him immediately.

“Dylan, I saw the message, Richard i presume” he said.

“Yeah it’s him. The bastard” Dylan cursed.

“Listen to me Dylan, we have to prep her before she goes” the detective said

“How do you mean?” Dylan asked.

“Let her come to the station before she goes to the place and let her send the address as soon as she gets it” Jones warned.

“Okay, sure” Dylan agreed.

“Okay then, bye” the detective said.

“Bye” the line went dead.

He explained everything to Blair.

“I understand but what if he suspects something. I don’t want to risk that, who knows what he’ll do” she panicked.

“He will suspect only if you give him a reason to. Confidence Blair, that is your key. You just have to be confident the same way you were when you confronted him” he explained.

She let out a breath that she didn’t realize she held.

“You’re right. I’ll do that, I will try my best” she replied.

That night Blair had a hard time sleeping. She kept thinking about the meeting with Richard. Fear tugged at her heart; fear and paranoia.

What if Richard tried to hurt her or Dylan? Or he caught on to whatever they planned? She asked herself these questions and so therefore she couldn’t sleep.

She kept tossing and turning until it started to disturb Dylan. He slowly opened his eyes.

“Blair? Why are you still up?” He asked.

“Sorry Dylan, did I wake you?” She asked.

“Not really, I just opened my eyes a bit and saw that you are still awake” he said and sat with his back on the headboard.

“Yeah I’m sorry I just couldn’t sleep” she told him.

“Why?” He asked and pulled her closer to his chest.

“I can’t help but think of Richard. I know I’m not supposed to be so worried but I can’t help but me, I feel like he’s planning something. My mind tells me so, Dylan” she explained.

“If he’s planning something we can’t do anything about it Blair. We are planning something that he doesn’t know about right? Don’t be scared baby, as long as I’m here you’ll be fine” he assured her.

Blair sighed.

“I guess you’re right. I just hope everything goes well tomorrow” she looked into his eyes.

“It will,” he answered and pecked her lips.

“I love you” she told him while she placed her head on his chest once again.

“I love you too. Can we go to sleep now ma’am?” He joked.

She pinched him.

“Ow! That hurt” he exclaimed.

“Hmph” Blair smirked.

“I hope you haven’t forgotten that you’re in my arms and I can tickle you till you run out of breath” he told her.

“Oh my gosh, I’m so scared” she pretended to be scared but she wasn’t obviously.

“That’s it” Dylan flipped her over and began to tickle her.

Blair squealed and screamed and laughed at the same time. It was a funny sight.

“S-st-stop” she stammered. She tried to hold his hands but he was so fast that she could not keep up with him.

When Dylan was satisfied he laid down on his back, he shook with laughter.

Blair was out of breath, she reached out to the table beside her to get water but the jug was empty.

“Seems like someone finally listened to the doctor,” she announced as she held out the empty jug.

“That’s not me Blair, I promise” he feigned ignorance.

“Yeah right, tell that to the water glass beside you” she told him.

Blair got off the bed.

“Where are you going?” Dylan asked her.

“To get water, why? Do you want anything?” She asked.

“Oh, no I’m okay I just wanted to know where you’re going” he said.

She gave a little nod before she left the room for the kitchen.

The house was dark but thankfully she left the hallway lights on before she went in earlier, it led to the kitchen.

She filled the jug with water again and put it back in the fridge and then replaced it with the one she fetched.

As she was about to leave she heard a sound from the living room/entrance.

“Who is there?” She called.

No reply.

She wanted to run back to the room but she knew she had to check the noise that she heard.

She left the jug on the kitchen counter and walked towards the living room.

Blair heard the noise once again.

“Who is there?” She asked again but this time she took a baseball bat in the corner and gripped it tightly.

She moved closer to the living room and tried to turn on the switch.

The lights came on and the living room was as they left it. There was no one there.

Blair thought she heard wrong until she felt something hit her leg. It was a small white paper.

Blair knew then that someone tried to get into the house. She became scared but the thing about their house was that it wasn’t easy to break into. The locks were complicated and couldn’t be unlocked easily.

Dylan was the one who had it installed.

She picked up the paper and read it’s content after which she paled.

It was Richard. He sent a threatening message to Dylan. Dylan…

She quickly ran back to the room to check Dylan. As she ran she prayed in her heart that he was okay and that no one was able to go into their room.

“Dylan!” She screamed and forced the door open.

Dylan got up immediately.

“Are you alright Blair? Are you hurt?” He asked.

“Yeah I am, but-” she replied.

“What happened Blair?” He held her hands and pulled her to his laps.

“We received a letter just now. I think someone tried to get into the house but couldn’t” she informed him.

“What? What do you mean someone tried to break into the house?” He asked, shocked.

“I don’t know Dylan, here-” She gave him the paper with shaky hands and he took it from her grasp.

Dylan read it over and over again and then broke into laughter. He shocked Blair.

“Dylan? What is the problem?” She asked.

He just laughed.

“Dylan, it’s not funny y’know” she told him.

“Really? Did you read this?” He asked her while he dried his eyes.

” Of course I did and it wasn’t funny to me” she responded.

“Okay then Blair. Don’t let this bother you, it doesn’t mean anything. He cannot do anything to us” he assured her.

Dylan showed not a single ounce of fear was in his eyes, he was confident.

“Come here” he called for her.

She climbed the bed and sat in his lap.

“Look at me Blair” he raised her chin.

Fear. She was very scared and he could clearly see it. He wished he could breathe confidence into her because she needed it for her task.

He cupped her cheeks with his hands.

“Listen to me very carefully Blair. I will never, ever let anything bad happen to you. I will protect you with everything that I have right now” he made sure she could see confidence in his eyes.

Blair tried to nod her head in agreement.

“Now please do me a favour and go to sleep? Please?” He begged.

” Okay” she answered him quietly.


He tucked her in bed and wrapped her in his arms.

“It’s okay Blair. I’m here with you” he stroked her back as he spoke.

“Thank you Dylan,” she said.

“No need. It’s my responsibility to take care of you besides I love you so much” he kissed her forehead.

“I love you too” she held him tighter.

They both fell asleep together. Blair couldn’t sleep away from him, she would move closer to him even when he shifted himself.

The next morning Blair woke up first, she checked Dylan’s temperature and he seemed okay. It wasn’t like yesterday.

She got up from the bed to make breakfast but not before using the bathroom.

Blair made a simple and healthy breakfast of oatmeal, she cut some fresh apples and nuts inside Dylan’s plate.

She took them into the room and she hoped he was awake, if not it would get cold. He was awake.

“Dylan” she called him, he looked up from his phone. She placed the tray beside him.This is property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

“Blair, I wondered where you were” he pulled her to him

“How are you feeling now?” She asked him.

“I’m somewhat better” he answered and smiled at her, she smiled back.

“I made oatmeal, please eat it,” she pleaded.

“Sure, I love it so why not” he pushed her playful and set the tray on his lap and began eating.

Blair laughed.

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