An Enemy Called Mate

Chapter 66


Deal with that later?

I clenched my fists angrily, almost piercing my palms with my nails.

“Hey!” I yelled at the top of my lungs. “You can’t just walk away. I did as you instructed!”

My voice echoed throughout the mansion, but Alpha Darwin did not glance at me. He continued to walk away.

That animal!

Intending to follow him and snatch the Crystal Moon from him, some muscular, hefty guards stood before me. Obviously, they were blocking my path and attempting to protect their Alpha.

I snorted and retreated from the guards. A warm feeling enveloped my hand. I glanced down and noticed Mum’s hand on mine.

She gazed at me with concern and worry in her eyes and spoke slowly, “Your fingers are swollen and you look pale. Just rest today.”

“No, mum. You don’t understand-”

She cut in, “Do it for me… For my sake.”

I looked away, letting out a sigh, “Alright.”

Then, the guards escorted us to the guest room. The room was small, and I assisted Mum to step inside.

Quietly sitting next to her, the mattress sagged under my weight. She held my hand, and muttered, “I’m glad to see you here.”

“Same here. But they didn’t hurt you, right?” I blinked and continued, “I know I failed to be a good daughter. I didn’t help you sooner, and you had to suffer-”

“Don’t say that. You are the best child any mother can wish for. I’m proud of you.”

I smiled at her response. Just then, the door flew open.

“Aw, a family reunion,” Anji spoke playfully as she stepped in. She had a bag of ice clasped in her hand and she handed It over to me.

“Here… For your swollen hand,” Anji uttered sweetly.

My lips widened, and I smiled, “Thank you.”

“No need to thank me. Also, if such happens again, just get these bags instead of using ordinary water. Water won’t help reduce the swelling, only these special bags will do the trick.”

“Alright,” I replied. She waved goodbye quickly and left the room.

Meanwhile, I placed the ice bag directly on my fingers and the swelling reduced instantly, even the pain.NôvelDrama.Org owns this text.

“She was right. It works.” Mum muttered.

“Yeah. Also, you should rest. You must be so exhausted,” I replied.

I stood up and took off my neck scarf. To be honest, as soon as I entered this room, I was struck by the warmth that greeted me. It was a nice contrast to the cold outside, and I felt my body relax as the tension of the winter chill melted away.

I let out a sigh of relief, grateful to be out of the cold.

Attempting to take the pillow and assist Mum to lie on the bed, Mum’s voice pierced the silence in the room.

“Dear, there is something on your neck,” Mum stated, with curiosity tinged in her voice as she stared at me.

“What’s that?” I questioned, rubbing my neck. Perhaps something fell on me, and she saw it.

Mum squinted her eyes, still staring at me.

“I’m not sure. It is large, deep, dark purple, with a jagged edge that spreads across the side of your neck,” Mum uttered.

I moved away from the bed and went into the inner room of the room, the bathroom.

I wanted to check what she was talking about since she sounded serious like it was something important.

Glancing at my reflection in the mirror that was positioned above the bathroom sink, I searched for what Mum was talking about.

Then I saw it – large, deep, dark purple like Mum said. It was a hickey.

I scoffed. Why didn’t I see it earlier? I only wore a neck scarf because Anji suggested I did, I didn’t even know that I had one on my neck.

Perhaps I didn’t notice in the mirror while changing or I was distracted by other things.

“Dear, are you alright?” I heard Mum’s soft voice outside the bathroom.

“Yes, yes… I’m fine,” I stammered.

“Alright,” Mum said.

I pressed my ear against the door, and when I didn’t hear her voice, I turned to the bathroom sink.

Perhaps I should scrub my neck to make the hickey fade away.

Hastily, I grabbed a scrub and a washcloth from the shelf in the bathroom, intending to remove the hickey. I’ve never had one before, so I hope it works fine.

Ugh, I’m not prepared to receive an earful from Mum on our first day.

“Uhm, dear,” Mum’s voice echoed again.

“Yes, mum?” I faked a smile like she could see my face through the door.

“I won’t recommend scrubbing your neck to make the hickey fade away. In fact, scrubbing your neck can make it worse – it might irritate your skin and make the area red and sore. You just have to be patient and let the healing process happen naturally.”

I sighed. Swiftly, I opened the bathroom door with a fake smile on my face.

“Thank you?” I whispered to her.

I know too well how Mum insisted when I was seventeen years old to never get involved in such, except I was mated. You know, those virgin mum rules…

She crossed her arms, and I expected her brows to be furrowed. Instead, she released her crossed arms and smiled warmly.

“Are we going to talk about him?” She asked softly.

I almost threw up at her soft voice. She is acting weird… Too nice.

She rolled her eyes and crossed the room, sitting comfortably on the bed.

“I know, I know. I restricted you from engaging in such, but it was for your own sake. I didn’t want you to end up heartbroken later on, and get dumped by some guy who isn’t ready to take responsibility as your husband or mate.”

I let out a sigh of relief, and responded, “I guess you were only trying to be careful, so I won’t end up with some guy like Dad. But there is no need for that. I will never feel heartbroken because of some Guy.”

I ensured that I emphasized the Guy. Instantly, Mum shook her head.

“No, no. Your Dad, Darwin is an asshole. He is like the devil himself. I can’t believe that he will lock me up.”

“No, mum. I’m not talking about Dad – Alpha Darwin. I’m talking about my real Dad, my biological father. The asshole who abandoned us.”

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