Always Been You


“Makes sense.” Jensen said. He didn’t press or make her feel judged for turning down Tim’s fondest wish.

Jensen took a step closer and inclined his head so he couldn’t be heard over Tim’s giggling. The closeness raised goosebumps on her arms. “I have missed you, Kat. I just wanted to stop by and say hi. It’s been a while. I sincerely hope you haven’t been avoiding me”

Katherine looked down at the sidewalk, then back at him. “No, of course not. I have just been busy, that’s all. I’m sure you have been too”

He nodded.

Letting him in meant he’d be in her life, in Tim’s life, with all the associated risks. She wasn’t sure how she felt about that yet. Still, she knew he and Tim liked each other a lot and wasn’t it fair to use her mixed feelings to prevent them from learning more about each other. So far he hadn’t done anything to hurt Tim. In Fact he had been so helpful. Kinda like a Dad.

Even if she wanted to stay away from him, she couldn’t deny that the story about Rufus had taken a chunk out of her resolve. The man just knew how to get to her. He always had.

“Can you-can you come over for dinner? Tomorrow?” She asked. The words fell out in a rush, before she lost her nerve. “It’s not a date. Just to spend a little time with Tim. It won’t be fancy. I’ll make mac and cheese. From scratch. Or I can do something else if you want.”

Realizing she was babbling, she fell silent, and wished the earth would swallow her up. Why had she blurted out that it wasn’t a date? Of course it wasn’t.

He held her gaze. “I like mac and cheese. And I accept your kind invitation.”

“Okay.” She nodded. Why on earth had she said the ‘d’ word? “We eat early- what time do you get home?” she asked.

“I can be home by five thirty,” he said.

“So, say, by six? That’s as late as I can hold Tim off,” she said.

“That’s fine.” he said smiling and she smiled right back.

She looked at Rufus, who was happily lapping up the love from Tim. “He can come, too. If he’s well behaved.” she said.

Jensen flashed her that grin of his that she was starting to dread, because it made parts of her weak that had no business being weak.

“He is.” Jensen said.

“Okay, then.” she said. “All right, Tim, time to go inside and get a snack.”

“Mrs Bennet gave me one before we left, and you say I can only have one snack before dinner,” Tim pointed out, and Katherine ground her teeth together.

Every single other day, he wanted a snack every five minutes. Today, when she was willing to use it as a bribe, he failed her.

Jensen shot her a look of amusement. “Your mom’s saying it’s time to go, Tim,” he said smoothly, and she sighed. Apparently she was transparent, as well. “And I’ve got to get Rufus home, too.”

“Can I take him for a walk sometime?” Tim asked hopefully.Content property of NôvelDra/ma.Org.

Katherine frowned at him. “Tim! Where are your manners?” she asked.

He frowned back at her, then brightened. “Pleaseeeee?” he said to Jensen.

Jensen started to cough, which Katherine guessed was an attempt to hide a laugh. Her own lips twitched in spite of herself.

“While that’s better, Tim, I meant that we don’t just invite ourselves along. And it’s time to go inside. We haven’t even made it into the house yet and we’ve been gone all day.” To Jensen she said, “Thanks for bringing Rufus over. He clearly enjoyed it.”.

He sent her a slow smile, as if he knew she was running away. “I don’t mind.” he said.

He gave Rufus a tug on the leash and the dog stood up reluctantly. “See you tomorrow.” he said softly.

“Yeah, see you,” she muttered as he walked away. She did not watch him go. Instead, she herded Tim up the sidewalk and into their own house.

The usual chaos of shedding coats and boots and backpacks, and hanging everything up where it should go, made her feel as if she had three kids instead of one.

But it wasn’t enough to distract her from the fact she’d invited Jensen to dinner.


“I want a dog like Rufus, he’s a good dog” Tim said wistfully the next morning, and Katherine sighed. This was the hundredth time since last night she’d heard him mention a dog.

“I know, sweetie,” she said. “But we can’t take care of one right now. Did you brush your teeth?” When he nodded too swiftly, because she knew him so well, she pressed, “With toothpaste?”

He shot her a look that said busted and headed back to the bathroom. Katherine couldn’t help but grin. He was a sneaky one, her Tim. She had to be very specific when it came to things he didn’t particularly enjoy.

Katherine helped Tim get dressed. He could do it himself, but most times he took forever… forgetting to get dressed and playing with his toys.

“Doggie?” he asked again hopefully as he got dressed, and she tapped him under the chin, looking into his big beautiful eyes.

“Not right now, Timmy. Maybe when you are older.” To redirect him, she asked, “Is your homework in your backpack?”

He shook his head and Katherine frowned slightly. Then he trotted off in search of the book. Katherine shut her eyes for just a moment and leaned on the vanity. She was going to have to do something to shut down this dog thing. It was so hard to say no to him, but as she’d told Jensen, they were gone almost all day.

That wasn’t good for a dog. They could probably manage a cat, but even that she felt guilty about. And none of it was easy to explain to a kid.

Everything gathered, she herded him out the door, into the car and over to school. She left him with hugs and kisses, and headed to work.


Sneaking a little promotion here. Haha.

You should check out my other book…. The name is HAPPY FOREVER AFTER.

I’m sure you will like it.

Thank you.

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