Alpha King’s Special Soulmate


THEME: His mate is an enemy


(Alpha King Sky’s Point Of View)


At dawn, I strode into the throne hall where my official were already seated awaiting my arrival. They stood up and bowed in respect to me as I walked gracefully to my throne and sat in it.

“The alpha king is seated, you may rise.” Eunuch Cole instructed.

At the previous meeting which was held a day after I killed the spy, my officials came up with several ways to get rid of alpha Zion but none of it made sense to me. Only old Ben suggested that we send a note to alpha Zion to invite him for questioning. The alpha needs to testify before my court that the spy who was killed wasn’t a member of his pack. And this time I won’t be lenient on him. I won’t hesitate to kill him if I find out that he sent that man to my kingdom. Though it won’t be easy because alpha Zion is a tough cookie and I am pretty sure he would find a way to escape my punishment against his pack.

On my orders, Cullen sent one of his men to deliver a note to the crescent pack. Surprisingly the warrior returned empty-handed. He stated that alpha Zion is ill, he denied all allegations against him and won’t be able to stand any questioning but he promised to send representatives to defend his pack.

From the information gathered, I found out that alpha Zion already passed his alpha title to his only child, a female who happens to be an hybrid. She is a werewolf and also a witch. She is an hybrid because alpha Zion’s mate was a witch, a powerful witch who helped him establish a great pack. I really don’t know too much about his mate but I heard she is dead.

And presently, I was prepared to meet the only female alpha in the Lycan world. No doubt, she would be prideful and cruel just like her father. And possibly rude, greedy and disrespectful like the man who fathered her.

Several hours passed and I began to lose my patience. What’s taking the representatives so long to get to my kingdom?

I beckoned to the head of warriors to come close and he did as instructed. “Cullen, are you sure the crescent pack members would show up today?” I whispered to him.

“According to the note sent by the alpha they promised to meet you, alpha King.” Cullen bowed.

About twenty minutes later, a guard stepped forward and whispered something to Cullen’s ear. “My lord, the crescent pack members just arrived.” Cullen said to me.

I sighed. “Bring them in.” I straightened my shoulder and relaxed into my seat. The guards at the entrance opened up the door for our visitors.

Six hefty and well built warriors walked in and bowed in respect to me. “Long live the alpha king!” They chorused.

“Rise.” I ordered and they obeyed. “Where is your alpha?” I asked, feeling disappointed that the she-wolf didn’t come with them.

“Our alpha is ill so he won’t be able to show himself to you.” One of them answered.

“But our new alpha is here to pay her respect.” Another warrior added with a bow.

All of a sudden, my wolf became excited and I tried to calm it but it didn’t listen. The warriors stood on each side to make way for whoever was to come in. My wolf was jumping around and I couldn’t tell what was happening.

Suddenly, a sweet and ecstatic scent made it way to me and it immediately made my body at ease. My wolf leaped in happiness and I was puzzled. I gasped in shock when a beautiful figure appeared in the hall. The she wolf stopped at once as if she had perceived the same thing I had smelled. I was shocked for a moment before I finally realized what the heck was going on. As she got closer, her emerald green eyes was looking intently at me as if she was looking deeply through my soul.

“No, she can’t be my destined mate.” I mumbled but it came out more of as a whisper. This can’t be happening! She can’t be my mate! She is the daughter of one of the strongest and powerful alpha in the Lycan world.

Alpha Zion is heartless, he is a murderer and he even tried to take away my father’s throne. He is the greatest enemy of my kingdom! So why did the moon goddess pair me with his daughter?! How can I bring myself to accept the fact that my enemy is my mate.

It seemed like everyone already knew what was going on between us because they all began to murmur amongst themselves.

“This hybrid is the alpha king’s mate?”

“The child of a werewolf slayer and red haired witch is to be mated to the alpha king?”

“Why did the moon goddess pair our king with an enemy?”

“I think we should be glad we will have a powerful Luna to protect our kingdom from evil forces.”

“This is unbelievable!”

“This can’t be happening!”

“Why does it have to be our greatest enemy?”

“I think somethings bad is about to happen in our kingdom.”

“This hybrid is going to be the ruin of the alpha king.”

“She must be evil like the one who fathered her.”

Those were the handful of comments from my officials. I could sense the powerful aura radiating around her and from her look I knew she wasn’t happy with the hateful comments by my officials.

The crescent pack members had confused and angry expressions on their faces. And slowly the she-wolf and one hefty man walked close to the throne.

“Long live the alpha king!” She bowed with a blank expression on her face.

I took in my mate’s features as my wolf was trying to stay calm. Tall and slender, long and wavy brown hair, high and rosy cheekbones, pointed nose and a lopsided pink lips. All my wolf wanted to do was to claim our mate and complete the bond but it also felt annoyed hearing the hateful comments from my officials. This isn’t a matter to discuss with your officials! No one should talk ill of our mate! My wolf snapped at me.

“Rise to your feet.” I managed to say and she stood upright.

“I am Mia Zion, the alpha of crescent pack and with me here is warrior Cain.” She gestured to the hefty man who had accompanied her into the hall.

Wow! Our mate got a cute name! Mia! My wolf said excitedly.

I cleared my throat before speaking up again.”You are welcome to Donia Kingdom. And it is great that you honored my invitation.” She bowed again in acknowledgement.

I beckoned to the Eunuch on my right to come closer. “I want everyone out of this hall. I want to talk to the crescent pack alpha alone.” I whispered to him.

And the Eunuch repeated my words to the every member in the court. They all stood up to leave, murmurings echoed in the hall but only the crescent members stayed behind. I knew they wouldn’t want to leave their alpha alone with me seeing how harsh my officials had been on her through their comments.

“I would like to speak to your alpha alone.” I repeated.

It wasn’t hard to miss the look on their faces. They looked uncomfortable leaving their alpha with me. The warrior named Cain exchanged glances with Mia just to ask for her permission to leave. What a loyal wolf! I couldn’t help but let out a snort.

“Cain, go ahead and check out the body of the spy who they claimed to be a member of our pack.” She instructed without looking away from me.

“Cullen, show them the body.” I ordered Cullen who bowed before leaving the throne hall with the crescent men.

Immediately after their departure from the hall leaving just me and my newly found mate, I rose up from my throne and went to her.

“Oh. What a day! So I am mated to an enemy.” I chuckled but it soon faded quickly when I noticed the hurt written all over her expression by my words

You shouldn’t call our mate our enemy! My wolf growled at me. She is my enemy! I snapped back at my wolf.

“We are not enemies.” Mia replied.NôvelDrama.Org content rights.

Anger crossed my expression by her response. “What?! Are we friends? Well I don’t remember being friendly with your father!”

Mia didn’t flinch at my sudden outburst. “Your father murdered my mom! Plus he tried to take away my throne by sending many spies to my kingdom! Do you know what that means? Trespassing!” I made a turn around her.

And once again my wolf tried to scold me for snarling at our mate.

“My lord, do you have any proof that my father committed these crimes?” She asked.

I laughed out and it echoed throughout the hall. “Everyone know about your father’s atrocities! Every alpha in the Lycan world knows that your father has his eyes on my throne. Even the newborn knows your father is a murderer and a greedy alpha.” I gritted.

“With due respect alpha king, I won’t stand you talking ill of my father.” She said with her chin high up and straight shoulders. There was no hint of fear in her eyes and all I saw was a cold expression.

“Oh really?”

Mia nodded in response and turned to face me again. “I was invited to defend my pack and not to witness you talk bad about my father. So your highness, would you please call in your men to present the weapons found on deceased body?” She demanded confidently.

Oh moon goddess! We are blessed with a perfect mate! My wolf jumped happily, impressed that our mate didn’t feel too intimidated by my alpha presence. I don’t want an enemy as my mate! I hate her father! And where is he now? My wolf asked me as I walked back to sit on my throne.

I whistled, gestured to Eunuch Cole standing with his back turned at us at the door to call in the court members. Mia avoided my gaze completely when I looked back at her.

“My lord, the men confirmed that the deceased is not a member of the crescent pack.” Cullen explained when he came back into the throne hall.

Cain stepped forward and opened up his sleeve which revealed a large dragon tattoo on his upper arm and the other men did the same too. “This is the crescent pack mark. Our alpha chose a dragon instead of a wolf just to make our pack mark unique.”

It happens to be the same as their war emblem. “My Lord, the deceased isn’t associated with our pack. His mark faded which is not supposed to be.” Cain paused and exchanged glances with my mate. “Our alpha has been ill for quite some time now. He is not in a good condition to wage war against a pack lest to talk a whole werewolf kingdom.” He added.

I chuckled deeply. “But he once tried to take my throne.” I said, looking straight at the she wolf.

“My father tried to take your throne but is this supposed to be about just my father? You are sitting right on a mighty throne as the alpha king. Every alpha is envying your throne but it just happened that my father was the only one who had the courage to come for it.” She stared intensely at me making it hard for me to think straight for a while.

Damn! Our mate is gorgeous! My wolf said happily. I could sense it connecting with her wolf but I wasn’t ready to complete the connection. She is my enemy. Stop being stubborn! Our mate needs us! And we have to bond with her so other wolves can stop looking at her. My wolf scolded.

I looked up and noticed my officials eyes were on my mate. The she-wolf was beautiful. And no doubt the aura around her spells power.

“My Lord…” Her melodious tone jolted me out of thought. “I am sure my father didn’t send the spy.”

“And you want me to believe that?” I snorted.

She lowered her head. “Alpha King Sky, you don’t have to believe me now but -”

“Your father is in the black book of my kingdom!” I growled out.

“Eventually, you’ll have to believe it that my father didn’t send the spy! The pack mark faded on the deceased body, does that not send a deep message to you that someone else is after your throne?!” She snarled back at me.

And gasps from my officials filled the air. “Did she just talk back at the alpha king?” Old ben cleared his throat.

I think our mate has quite a temper. She is perfect for us. My wolf huffed.

“Forgive me my lord, but I think you should look into this properly. Find out who is the real enemy now that it is obvious that my father can’t come after your throne anymore.” She said with a stern look at me.

Everywhere was silent and no word was heard from an official. Could she be right after all? Someone else wants my throne? And now that it is clear that alpha Zion is terribly ill and he couldn’t have sent someone to this kingdom. The dragon-like mark on the deceased body faded too! So what’s going on?!

All of a sudden, everywhere became noisy. I looked up to see my officials murmuring to one another.

“My Lord, I think she is right.” Xavier said. “Someone -” Cullen gestured to him to stay quiet.

“My Lord.” Cain bowed and interrupted Cullen before he could say a word. “We have been able to prove to you that the deceased isn’t a member of the crescent pack.”

Mia shook her head in agreement. “So we’ll take our leave now.” She added.

She is leaving! Our mate is leaving! Will you let her leave just like that? My wolf grumbled. I can’t hold her down. I said within. But what about the kiss of acceptance mates are to share at first meeting? I don’t want to do it with her! Okay.. fine place an order that they shouldn’t leave. That’s impossible! I can’t hold them against their wish! Do something! My wolf stirred. She is an enemy! I snapped back and my wolf resigned to the back of my mind.

“Alpha king Sky, it is indeed a pleasure to be in your kingdom.” Mia said with her chin in the air.

My eyes did a slow crawl on her once again. “Thank you for honoring my invitation.” I replied.

The seven men and my newly found mate bowed in respect before turning to leave.

Tell her to wait. You can’t let her leave like that knowing that she is our mate. My wolf mumbled sadly.

I decided to banter with my wolf internally. “I am sorry. I can’t accept her as our mate.”


“She is an enemy to this kingdom.”

‘But she didn’t do anything wrong.’

“She might want to take my throne the same way her father tried so hard to overthrow my father.”

‘She is your future luna.’

“I am not going to accept her until I find out the truth about this case.”

‘What truth?”

“The person who keep sending those spies to my kingdom.” I sounded resigned. I know my wolf won’t accept the rejection of my mate.

The crescent members were already out of hall when I snapped out of thought again.

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