Alpha DANNA, queen of wolves without humanity

Chapter 75

A month later, Ares’ heart was on fire as he discovered all the atrocities that had occurred during his absence, and he could not allow them to last. Determined to restore honorability and justice to his domain, he decided to call a meeting at which he would remove Euclid and Iris from their offices and send them to prison.

As he pondered his decisions, his secretary knocked on the door and walked in with an uneasy expression. His trembling voice broke the silence.

“Alpha Ares, they’re waiting for an emergency meeting in the boardroom.

Ares was thoughtful and curious about the notification of an emergency meeting. As he sorted out some papers scattered on his desk. He replied calmly.

“Tell them I’m coming.”

Meanwhile, Hecate was preparing to leave for the shelter, where two troublesome families had been wreaking havoc and had exceeded the limits of her patience. When he tried to open the door to his cabin, he realized that it was locked from the outside, confirming his suspicions. He raised an eyebrow with a determined look and declared.

“These individuals have dug their own grave; The queen will show no mercy.

On the other hand, Gina was leaving the mansion and into the woods, she saw a figure leaning against a tree. Intrigued, she approached and realized it was Roberta, covered in blood. She felt a strong impulse that pushed her forward, causing her to fall on Roberta’s bloodied body. She got up immediately, looking for the person in charge who pushed her, but was filled with concern when she heard a woman’s voice affirming.

“The moon has killed Roberta.

Gina turned pale, unable to believe what the woman was implying. Minutes later, five guards appeared in front of her, with Iris leading the way. Iris had been at the entrance to the mansion, asking to speak to Gina, when the scream alerted them. They ran out to meet the disturbing scene. In an icy voice, Iris ordered.

“Take the Moon to the courthouse while we find out what happened.”

“Are you sure, Mrs. Iris?” The Alpha won’t be happy if they keep his wife in prison,” one of the guards said suspiciously as he watched Gina.

“I’m in charge of keeping order in this pack, you must obey me. Remember how the Moon fired Roberta for offending her, I suspect this is a settling of scores. In addition, we have a witness who claims that the Moon killed Roberta,” the woman pointed to a knife that was near Roberta’s body and continued. There’s the knife, what more proof do they need? The Moon Gina is covered in blood.

Gina had remained silent during that time, but finally she shook off the clothes that had been soiled by the fall and let out a sly smile. He had discovered that this was a trap, but he would never have imagined that Iris would go to this extreme.

“Do what you have to do,” he said with a laugh as he glared defiantly at Iris. I hope you have everything well planned because your fate will be in my hands.

Iris frowned, visibly annoyed, and arrogantly exclaimed.

“Take this woman out of here.” In this herd, we don’t allow these kinds of atrocities. She must face the consequences of her actions.

Gina began to walk beside the man, appearing nonchalant, although deep down she felt fear, but she couldn’t afford to show weakness at that moment. The curious eyes of the townspeople were on her, but Gina held her head high. After a long journey, they came to a place where one of the guards led her to a cell and locked her inside.

It was not more than a few minutes later when Iris appeared, accompanied by ten men.

“Despicable Omega, before Alpha Ares is deposed, I have decided that you must die. You’re going to disappear. If Ares isn’t mine, he won’t be his mate. He must suffer for having chosen his Moon over me. Moreover, these lands belong to the strong, and the weak perish.

One of the men grabbed Gina by the hands and led her out of the cell, leading her behind a wooden building. She turned to look at Iris and exclaimed indignantly.

“At first I thought you just wanted to scare me and turn me against Ares and this pack, but I didn’t imagine you wanted to kill me in such a vile way. Why don’t we fight fair combat?

“Omega, don’t be ridiculous. I’m not going to get my hands dirty with your blood, you could contaminate me. Wild beasts await you. They’ve gone a day without eating, and you’ll be their lunch,” Iris laughed sinisterly, whispering in her mind. “That Omega won’t last a second in the hands of those savages.”

In the meeting room, there were the managers. Ares entered with the confidence of a king, prepared to hear the accusations of these men.

The first to speak was Euclid, who had already lobbied several directors to support him in his decision.

“Alpha Ares, due to the lack of control that this pack has experienced since your arrival with an Omega Moon, we have decided to remove you as Alpha of this pack. We understand that your true calling is to be a warrior and not a leader, and we have sent an entourage to the Queen to explain all the irregularities that have occurred since your arrival.

Ares clenched his fists and his eyes suddenly darkened, with a cold look expressed.

“Have you told the Queen what has happened in this pack since her departure?” That you have not allowed her pups to join the pack on the orders of your daughter, who is part of the security of this pack without my consent. You’ve mentioned to him that you siphon off crucial products from this region and that the profits don’t trickle down to the herd.

At that moment, a group of thirty men, guardians of the pack, entered the room. Euclid had convinced them to join his cause and depose the Alpha.

“Those faults occurred during your tenure, Alpha Ares. The evidence has been sent to the Queen. Besides, you have denied entry to families who wished to join this herd, and we have evidence of that as well,” the man said with a triumphant look. The two troubled families in the shelter were allies of Euclid and were there to discredit the Alpha’s management. Ares, for the sake of your pack, you simply should have rejected that Omega and postulated Iris as the Moon of this pack. Everyone knows her. But you insulted us by bringing a Moon that is not from these lands.

“Never, I’d rather give up than part with my mate.” I would never betray the she-wolf that the goddess Selene destined for me,” he declared firmly, rising to his feet resolutely.

A great bustle echoed through the room. Shouting and commotion filled the space, and everyone looked at each other in bewilderment until the door burst open. Danna entered, with a majestic presence, pushing a buggy while Ares carried Eos in his arms. Danna was getting ready to speak but was interrupted.

“Yay, Uncle Ares, we came to rescue you!” Isn’t that great?” exclaimed an excited little voice in the room.

Danna rolled her eyes, not understanding why her daughter was so outgoing. The original plans had been to leave the girls with their grandmother Hecate and then make a surprise appearance at the meeting. However, a mishap along the way had delayed them, and they had no choice but to show up with the girls.

“Puppy, what did we tell you about keeping quiet when adults are dealing with important matters?” Danna was interrupted again.

“Mommy, but when we arrived, I didn’t see any adults talking,” the girl replied innocently as she pouted.Text © owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

“Eros, I can figure this out on my own. If the situation gets out of hand, I’ll ask you for help. But for now, honey, you can go to Ares’ office and wait for me there.

“Yes, better handsome daddy, because Mommy’s in a bad mood,” the girl replied mischievously.

Eros wanted to laugh at his daughter’s mischief, but he just grabbed the stroller with one hand and left the room with his two daughters.

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