I called all the employees into my office after I had settled down. They all stood in front of me looking nervous but they shouldn’t be if they know nothing about it.

“Now who knew about the powder stuff that happened earlier.” I asked calmly while staring at everyone of them.

“I don’t know anything about it Sir. I wouldn’t dare pull that kind of stunt on you.” One of them chirped.

“Well I wouldn’t know if you had the gut to do something like that because I might have done something to you and you wanted to get back at me by doing that. I’m asking calmly now, WHO THE HELL KNOWS ABOUT THE POWDER STUFF!” I yelled while banging my hand on the desk.

They all jumped back looking frightened and started denying it, saying that they haven’t stepped foot into my office this morning. Some even said that they don’t come to my office when I’m not inside. While they were all busy denying it, Brianna was just there smiling and not saying anything.

“If y’all don’t tell me the person behind it now! I’m so gonna send y’all to prison and make sure you spend a night there.” I threatened furiously. The image of me humiliating myself in front of them couldn’t leave my head and I’m only gonna get satisfied when I catch the culprit and punish him/her.

They all started shouting when they heard my threat;one of them stepped forward. I recognized her to be the female employee that brought my briefcase to my office this morning.

“I have something to say Sir.” She said shakily.

“Yes? Speak up then.” I replied harshly.

“When I brought your briefcase earlier, I saw Miss Brianna walking out of your office suspiciously. She looked as if she had been caught red-handed doing something bad.” The lady stated. My eyes snapped towards Brianna and indeed she looked like a deer caught in the headlight.

“Do you have something to say to that Miss Brianna?” I asked glaring at her. She couldn’t reply because she was too frozen to talk.

“Sorry for the false accusations guys. You’re all free to go now.” I said to the others and they all ran out as if their pants are on fire. I faced Brianna with my glaring eyes and she looked as if she’s gonna pee on herself.

“So… you care to tell me why you did that?” I asked feigning calmness.

“You’re asking me why I did that? Have you forgotten how you made me walk under the scorchingly hot sun yesterday?! You sent me on an errand to get something for you and I got there only to discover that you gave me a wrong address and I even had to go around the whole estate looking for your house thinking you mistakenly wrote a wrong address for me.” She barked angrily.

“Oh! I did that? I must have written a wrong address. I’m so sorry.” I apologized.

“I know you don’t mean your apology so don’t give me that.” She snapped.

“Whatever. You are really one brave girl Brianna, you are the only one who have had the gut to do something like that to me just because you wanted to retaliate. I’ve done something more than this to people who came before you and they didn’t dare to do anything. Now give me one reason why I shouldn’t fire you.” I asked staring at her and her whole facade crumbled but she put herself together again.

“You wouldn’t fire me because I just started working with you yesterday and you haven’t even seen what I can do yet.” She said smiling sweetly.

“Is that a valid reason? I can fire you now and get another personal assistant within the snap of a finger.” I said smirking smugly.

“Ok fine. I know that you can fire me if you want but please don’t. I really need this job.” She stated pleadingly.

“I’m gonna forgive you just this once but the next time you try this shit with me, I’m going to fire you without thinking twice.” I said harshly.

“Thank you very much Sir. Can I get back to work now?” She asked already walking towards the door.

“No no no. Come back here Brianna, I have something for you to do.” I said standing up from my chair.

I walked towards a cabinet at one side of the office while Brianna stared at me bewilderedly. She’s probably thinking that what do I wanna take there well she doesn’t need to wonder for long. I got to the cabinet and pulled out a drawer, I saw what I was looking for and took it out. I blew the dust off the files and dumped it on my desk.

“Well Miss Brianna, I need your help on this. I need you to help me arrange these files in an alphabetical order because I’m gonna be needing them pretty soon and it’ll make my job easier if they are perfectly arranged.” I stated looking at her reaction. Her jaw dropped when she heard what I said and I smirked at that.This content provided by N(o)velDrama].[Org.

“Wait what? You want me to arrange this heap of files within a short period of time. When exactly are you gonna be needing it?!” She asked wide-eyed.

“Well, I’m gonna need it in the next two hours.” I replied looking at my wrist watch.

“WHAT THE HELL?! I can’t even get this done if I was given five hours!”  She exclaimed.

“Instead of standing here kvetching, you could go to your office and start arranging it.” I snapped rudely. She walked to my desk and carried the files muttering something along the lines of ‘These files aren’t only much but heavy too. Can’t he even have mercy on me and reduce these files or even increase the time given to me. Heartless monster.”  to herself. I chuckled at her comment and watched as she walked out of my office struggling and grumbling to herself.


I got to my office and closed the door with my leg. I dropped the files on my table carelessly and glared at it as if it had offended me. Well it didn’t, the person who gave them to me to arrange offended me. I mean how does he expect me to arrange a heap of files as tall as me within two hours, where would I even start from?

Muttering to myself isn’t gonna help me, I better start arranging these damn files. I quickly sat on my seat and got to work. I started by glancing through the topic on each files and started arranging them. It got to a point that I slept off  during the arrangement. I woke up to the sound of my office’s door opening and closing.

“I’m awake! I’m awake! I was actually working!” I said gibberingly and I heard somebody burst out laughing. I raised my head to see Mr. Adrian leaning against the wall and staring at me in amusement.

“Was that the work I gave to you?” He asked amusedly.

“I was actually working but I fell asleep by mistake because these papers are as boring as beans and its as if I had been given a sleeping pill.” I whined.

“Stop whining Missy and get back to work. Oh right! I came to tell you that you have forty five minutes left to arrange these files but I caught you sleeping instead.” He stated.

“I’m sorry but how many minutes did you say I have left?” I asked as if I hadn’t heard him the first time.

“I said you have forty five minutes left.” He said smoothly.

“Well then, get out so I can focus on my work without your hot physique distracting me!” I snapped.

“Wait, did you just say I’m hot?” He asked looking smug.

“What?! I didn’t mean that, it must have been a slip of the tongue because you sure as hell don’t look hit to me.” I said and he glared at me.

“I might not look hot to you because I know you have problems with your eyes but a thousand ladies have told me I’m hot.” He stated proudly.

“Well,,, they don’t know the difference between hot and ugly.” I replied.

“Now get out of my office and let me work in peace. I’m getting five minutes extra for using outta the time given to me!” I snapped and he walked out of my office speechless. He must’ve not known what to say because of how I insulted him. I checked the time and saw it was time for lunch, I guess I’m gonna have to miss my lunch with Kristen and her friends. I’ll try to make it up to her sometime.

Two hours later and I’m done with the files arrangement. I didn’t just spend five extra minutes, I spent two more freaking hours. Mr. Adrian is so gonna talk my ears off. I walked into his office with the files in my hands.

“I’m done boss, sorry I took too long to finish it.” I said dumping the files on his desk. He raised his head from his computer and stared at me before saying:

“Well Brianna, you finished late with the files that it’s not needed anymore. Throw it in the dustbin.”  I stared at him as if he was mentally challenged.

“Are you alright Mr. Adrian? You just told me to dump four hours of my work in the dustbin?” I asked incredulously.

“I’m alright and yes I did tell you to dump the files in the dustbin. I don’t care if it’s four hours of your work or not. All I have to tell you is that it ain’t needed anymore.” He stated and focused back on what he was doing. I really feel like strangling him and feeding his dead body to the vultures but I’m not going to do that. At least not yet.


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