A kiss


A Kiss With The Alpha King



The night was dark and the light from the moon was not very bright. However, the fear of going back kept me moving. Drew’s weight was slowing me down but I did not want to put him down. I was afraid that he would wander off and somebody else would find him. He was my responsibility and I was

to keep him safe.

I did not know where I was going but my feet never stopped long enough for my brain to realize that I was going deeper and deeper into the forest. I was tired, hungry and ready to collapse when i heard a howl that shook the trees around me. Grabbing on to a tree trunk, I held on for dear life. The werewolf was in pain and his or her sadness tugged at my heart. Who could it be?

Goosebumps covered my arms and my mouth went dry. The howl was like a cry for longing and it echoed in my soul. It felt like whomever it was, was calling to me and I could not shake the feeling. The

forest eventually became quiet and the effects of the howl wore off on me.

When my feet could not walk another inch, I fell to the ground, feeling boneless and weary. Upon

leaving home, I had not made any plans. I had acted on s**d impulse and I was reaping the consequences of my s**y. Within me, I knew I could not live in a pack where nobody wanted me around, nobody liked me including my family and my mate had not been merciful enough to accept me

the way I was.

I would have had to endure seeing Wren and Ansley together for the rest of my lonely life and I wouldn’t even have my wolf as company. A pet, even one as loyal as Drew, had its limits and could not have a conversation with me. Sooner or later, I would die without a mate, without knowing the joy of

children and having achieved nothing.

Angry at my unhappy life, I made up my mind. It was no wonder Wren thought I was submissive. I had been too quiet and suppressed by my family for too long. It was time to stop feeling sorry for myself and start my life on a new chapter. Perhaps, in a new pack, I would find friendship and forget how horrible my life once was. I dug into my bag and found my pair of scissors.

“Tonight, the old Venus is dead,” I declared to myself, grabbing a handful of my locks and cutting it short with the sharp scissors. I buried the long ponytail I had cut off in the ground, my now short hair barely touching my shoulders. Once that was settled, I pushed myself up to my feet and continued walking till I got to a small river.

I heard male voices discussing and occasional laughter. Drew drank from the river while I assessed the situation. An old truck was packed by the pathway, meaning I had finally left the forest behind. I was hours away from Clawrid ack and I had no intentions of ever going back. I drank some water and washed my stained face quic pulling Drew away from the water before he alerted the men.

I had to get to the truck without them seeing me but it was tricky business. The moonlight shone.



on their faces where they stood in front of the truck, the bonnet thrown open.

“I am so tired of this truck, Marty. Goddess knows why I still bother repairing this pile of rubbish,” man complained, sticking his head further into the engine. Ils partner, Marty burst into laughter, his big stomach bouncing as he laughed.

“Everyone knows you have a thing for this truck and also, you can’t afford to get a new one either. So, get her running so we can leave this place, Seb.”

They fell silent as Seb worked on the engine diligently, Marty tried starting the truck again änd fortunately, it roared with life, sounding like a dying grinder. Seb did a small victory dance and took the driver’s seat. It was my chance to hide in the back. The boot had no roof, only an old, dirty tarpaulin blanket. It smelled of oil from engines but was worth it. I was ready to pay the price for my freedom.

Drew curled in my arms as I laid on my side, protecting him with my body. Soon, the truck started. moving and I closed my heavy eyes in relief. Within minutes, I fell asleep, limp as a noodle.

Drew woke me up, licking my face in enthusiasm. He did not like small spaces and was eager to be running in the open woods. If he hadn’t woken up first, I wasn’t sure if I would have gotten up. My back and shoulders ached from the position I had slept in and I rubbed my sore neck as well. It was after 1

had examined my body that I noticed that the truck had stopped moving.

I went on my hands and knees, thinking of a way to escape. There were some crates in the truck as well and they had made my sleeping very uncomfortable. Anytime soon, the men would take the tarpaulin blanket off and find me. Maybe they would be friendly and let me go or they would consider me a spy and have me arrested. Worse case scenario, they would be **e traders and sell me off to s**e masters. I had to slip away before they found me.

My whole body trembling with uncertainty, I peeped from underneath the blanket, listening for footsteps and voices. Hearing none, I brought out my whole head and the sun rays nearly blinded me. I had gotten used to the darkness from walking through the forest to battling with rats in the truck boot. I attempted peeping again and my eyes had adjusted to the bright light.

The environment was breezy and from the shadows of the trees, it was almost noon. How long had I slept? I must have been more exhausted than I thought. All of a sudden, feet approached the boot and a hand was pulling the blanket away. I would be discovered and Goddess alone knew what they would do to me. As the lifted blanket was about exposing my presence, a name was mentioned. The hand on the blanket stilled and I let out a breath of relief I did not know I was holding.

Despite how exhausted I was, I had to leave before the man returned. I had been saved by sheer luck and lucky events rarely happened twice. I picked up Drew and tried not to bang my head against the roof of the boot. After counting twenty seconds in my head, I peeled the blanket back a little to allow me crawl out while still protectir; me from view. It worked and I was on the ground, Drew stayingContent © copyrighted by NôvelDrama.Org.



quiet beside me.

Throwing caution to the wind, I gathered Drew up to my chest and ran without looking back. No one was chasing me but I didn’t slow down till I found myself on a small hill. Whichever pack I was in, it was beautiful. I could see the new houses, cars driving past people talking and healthy children playing. The atmosphere was different from that of Clawride Pack. Everyone seemed happy and people passed beside me without caring about how rough I looked.

“Excuse me, madam,” I stopped a random woman. “Please, which pack is this?”

She looked at me like I was crazy and I did look crazy, my short hair sticking out wildly and my dress dirty beyond repair. “This is Plum Paradise, the pack of the Alpha King. I must be on my way


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