A Deal With The Billionaire

Where is Raven?


THEME: Where is Raven?




Christopher held his head in pain as the morning light shone into the room. His head ached badly. Soon he felt a body next to him. Right there laid Jessica naked with only the bed spread covering her butt. He looked away feeling a bit disgusted with himself.

It had been exactly seventy two hours since he last heard from Raven, none of the family had suspected anything yet as he had sent an hurried text saying Raven’s phone had some fault and she wouldn’t be available for a few days as the three of them that is him, Raven and Rowan were out on a family vacation to Hawaii.

Christopher even went ahead to drag Benjamin in his mess, saying he had recommended it. He had expected Eva to argue about Rowan missing the school days but she didn’t say anything. How they all fell for his lame excuse was beyond him.

Everyone knew getting a new phone wasn’t a problem, but no one argued it out. He had informed a private investigator to help find his wife, but he came up with nothing. Turned out she had taken Rowan with her without saying anything.Content is property of NôvelDrama.Org.

Matilda had saved his ass while he was still thinking of what to say if Eva called. He was more worried about her finding out than his own family.

“This is crazy!” Christopher huffed as he pulled the covers off him.

Christopher had envisioned all the troubles ending in less than twenty four hours, but here he was three days later and there was no news of where Raven was. Tiana whom he knew was the closest to her already made it clear that she has no idea where Raven went. And her line was still not reachable.

The Crawford’s family was having a slated dinner by sunday as his parents had informed him about. He had thought the whole drama would have been sorted by then and Raven would go with him to the dinner without any fuss. However, his dream kept withering away before his eyes. Raven wasn’t anywhere in sight and he was beginning to loose his mind.

He had gone to work on Wednesday but couldn’t concentrate. Since then all he did was drink himself to stupor. Benjamin too had refused to pick his calls or show his face. To make matters worse, Jessica had been stuck to him like glue and they had sex every minute and hour like porn actors.

Looking back at her as she laid unbothered on the bed, he had mixed feelings and couldn’t explain what it was exactly. His thoughts had been that; with Jessica back in his life he had nothing to worry about. She was the woman he loved. However, he got detached from her the more they had sex together and all of his thoughts were filled with Raven.

Christopher wondered is she was safe and if she was eating well. Hoping she hadn’t gotten into an accident, he wanted to see her so bad. At the same time he couldn’t get rid of Jessica who was the main reason for all the mess In the first place.

A flash of pain strike his forehead again as he walked gently to his drawer and pulled out an Advil. He popped two of the pills in his mouth and headed to the bathroom for a cold shower. He let the water seep into his hair and touch his scalp well enough. They gave him shivers.

Getting dressed after what seemed like a long shower, Christopher headed downstairs. Jessica was still deep in sleep by the time he left the room and his hangover was beginning to wear off. Still he needed some strong black coffee.

“Morning Tilda. Can I get coffee please, straight black?” Christopher muttered in a groggy voice as he sat on a kitchen stool.

“Good morning sir.” Matilda responded as she worked her way through the coffee machine. She handed Christopher the mug when she was done.

He mused a thank you before sipping on it gently. Matilda observed him-Christopher looked lost. His eyes were sunken from sleepless nights,

Christopher had been inducing himself to sleep with alcohol for days now. It made her sad because loved him like he was her own son. However, she felt he deserved what he got for being so indecisive.

“Have you heard any news about her?” She asked him.

Christopher gave the cup a scrutinizing look like he was investigating its content. “Not yet. Not a word, she just disappeared into thin air.”

Matilda kissed her teeth in annoyance, when her ear caught Jessica’s footstep on the stairs. “If you don’t mind me meddling a bit sir. How do you feel? And are you eventually at peace now that your first love is back?” She fixed her gaze on him.

Christopher shifted uncomfortably. “I don’t know how exactly I feel Matilda. But it seems like there is some sort of blankness that I can’t explain. I-”

“Hey baby!” Jessica cooed from behind him as she glared hard at Matilda. The both of them engaged in a stare contest for some seconds.

Matilda smirked and eyed Jessica. She had asked the question intentionally to spite Jessica. On the other hand Jessica had cut Christopher from saying anything further before he admitted his regrets for having her back into his life.

Turning to look at her, Christopher gave a tight smile. “How was your night?”

Jessica held him tight by the neck. “Awesome as long as it’s with you.” She replied.

He chuckled. “Come sit, Matilda will fix you something.”

“Do I need to make you some heavy meal? Cause it seems like it’s what you would prefer.” Matilda queried, taunting her spitefully. She didn’t have a good feeling of Jessica being around.

The old lady had smelt something fishy and she was beginning to suspect that Jessica was pregnant. Matilda had experienced three births in her life and watched even her own daughter get pregnant. She knew when a woman was in her early stage and her body was trying to adjust. Since Wednesday she had taken notice of how Jessica sneaked into the kitchen to chew on whatever she could lay her hands on and even ate them voraciously.

Jessica chuckled nervously. “What are you talking about? I will just have coffee like my baby.” She smiled at him.

“Are you sure coffee is good for your state?” Matilda pressed on as she looked her in the eye.

“What are you talking about Tilda? Just get her what she wants.” Christopher said.

The back and forth discussion was tiring Christopher out. Standing up, he took his coffee along with him.

“Watch it woman! I am warning you old lady!” Jessica whispered a threat at Matilda.

Matilda scoffed as she turned her back away from her. Jessica fumed balling her hands into a fist. She hit them gently on the kitchen island and swore silently before going after Christopher.

Christopher was standing next to the bed with his phone in hand and his face also scrunched up in a frown. He had just read a message on his phone. Grabbing his car keys, he tucked his phone in the pocket of his shorts and headed towards the door.

“Where are you going?” Jessica asked as she stood by the door frame.

Christopher didn’t mean to, but he found himself lying. “I just got a message that one of our investors insist on seeing me before appending his signature on some files.”

“Oh, don’t you think you should get dressed properly?” Jessica advised.

“Nah, he is at his hotel. I will just have a casual meeting with him. Rest well, yeah. I would be home soon.” Christopher kissed her in a rush.

He almost missed a step on his way out. He rushed towards his car and drove out wildly.

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