30 Days till I Divorce My Husband (Estrella and Jason)

Chapter 220

Chapter 220

“Hey, Grayson,” Estrella answered the phone with familiar ease, knowing it was Grayson on the other end.

Grayson’s voice came through, tinged with concern, “You and Jason finalized the divorce?” News like that has a way of spreading even if Estrella and Jason hadn’t made a public affair of it. Their circle of friends, including Grayson, had caught wind of it.

Estrella chuckled lightly, “Word travels fast, huh?”

There was a pause before Grayson replied, his voice steady but gentle, “Look, just because you’re not husband and wife anymore doesn’t mean you can’t be friends. We’ve all known each other for over two decades, Estrella. Don’t stress yourself out.”

“I know, Grayson,” she reassured him.

Grayson switched gears, “By the way, the legal contract with my Corp is up for renewal. I was wondering if you’re up for taking on the company’s representation again?”

“Of course, I am. I’ll swing by tomorrow to discuss it with you,” Estrella replied eagerly.

“Sounds good.”

After a bit more shop talk, they ended the call.

Estrella placed her phone down and gazed at little Isaac, dozing peacefully beside her. Her spirits lifted even more at the sight. She couldn’t resist leaning over and planting a gentle kiss on her son’s chubby cheeks. The most gratifying part was seeing how well Isaac wa thriving since coming back home.

As her hand brushed Isaac’s forehead, he mumbled in his sleep, “Daddy.” The word hit Estrella hard. No matter how much she did, she could never fill that particular role. No matter how capable she was, she couldn’t transform into a man.

Watching Isaac murmur again, she playfully pinched his cheek, half-jokingly scolding, “You little brat, your mama went through hell to bring you into this world, and all you can think about is daddy?”

Isaac murmured “Daddy” once more in his sleep. That kid sure knew how to twist the


Estrella turned off the room’s main light, huffing as she settled onto the large bed next to his crib. All her efforts seemed in vain when even in his dreams, Isaac didn’t call for her.

The next evening, when Estrella had dinner with Isaac, Bryce, and Jesse, Jesse exploded upon hearing that Estrella had refused the shares Jason offered. “For god’s sake, do you

Chapter 220

have any idea what Nelson International is worth? After all those years of Jason being tight-fisted, he finally opens his wallet during the divorce, and you won’t take advantage of it?” Usually level-headed, Jesse was now practically on the verge of pulling her hair out.

“Drop it,” Estrella sighed. “There’s no such thing as a free lunch. I take those shares, and who knows what strings come attached?”

“How is this a free lunch?” Jesse protested. “This is the reward for all the years you’ve

endured. Plus for Isaac…”

Jesse’s voice softened, but she quickly added, Anyway, you’re entitled to it.”

While Jesse was lamenting Estrella’s refusal of the shares, Bryce glanced at her and said, “My Ella just wants to cut ties clean. If she wanted money, she could make her own, plenty

of it.”

Jesse gave Bryce a look and said, “Your Ella? Estrella is no longer part of the Nelson family, in case you forgot.”

Bryce rolled his eyes with a hint of arrogance, “Even if I cut ties with the Nelsons, wouldn’t cut ties with Ella.”

Bryce’s resolve earned him a thumbs-up from Jesse. “Impressive.”

Jesse mused how one could forsake even their family, but not Estrella. Clearly, Estrella was, without a doubt, the cornerstone of Bryce’s world.

Estrella couldn’t help but laugh, “Bryce, you’re about to make my son cry with all this sentimentality.”

Bryce teased back, “I thought you’d be so moved you’d throw yourself at me.”

Estrella shot back, “I’d be willing, but the real question is, would you be up for the challenge?”

Their playful banter had Jesse in stitches.

The conversation reminded them of a time Bryce claimed he couldn’t be attracted to Estrella even if she stripped naked, which had even made Jason laugh.

Bryson was exasperated, “Come on, you are a mom already. And this little guy is right here.”

“Bryce,” Estrella chided while peeling shrimp for Isaac and placing them in his bowl, “your think the little guy understands any of this?”

Bryce just shook his head, but seeing Estrella’s lively spirit reassured him. He had worried the divorce might have been a facade of indifference, but it was clear she remained as

strong as ever.

He watched Isaac grab a shrimp with his tiny hands and pop it in his mouth, his eyes

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Chapter 220

crinkling with joy. Bryce couldn’t help but beam with pride. “Hey, Jesse, swap seats with me. I want to sit next to my boy.”

Jesse retorted, “Dream on. I’m not moving.”

Despite Jesse’s refusal, Bryce ended up placing Isaac in a high chair next to him, peeling another shrimp and offering it to his son. “Say daddy, kiddo.”

“Daddy,” Isaac’s voice was sweet as he looked up at Bryce with round, happy eyes. His endearing mannerisms were a carbon copy of Estrella’s as a child.

When Jesse playfully prompted Isaac to call her ‘daddy,’ the little boy shook his head. resolutely, having been taught by Autumn that Jesse was like his mom, a lady, and it would be silly to call her ‘daddy.”

Isaac’s refusal left Jesse asking, “What will you call me then if not ‘daddy”?”

Expecting a sweet ‘mommy’ in return, they were all caught off guard when Isaac earnestly replied, “Jesse.”

Isaac’s response sent Estrella and Bryce into fits of laughter. The kid had Estrella’s spunky spirit through and through.

Jesse, on the other hand, was mortified. As Isaac giggled along with Estrella, the warmth of family and friendship enveloped the table, any tensions from the past dissolving into the laughter of the present.

In no time at all, Estrella and Bryce wrapped up their work chat. When Estrella, on behalf of Bryce’s mom, nudged him toward the idea of going on a blind date, Bryce clammed u Estrella slammed her fork down with a clatter. “Bryce, I’m talking to you. You gone deaf something?”

Bryce deflected with a nonchalant air, “Don’t sweat my business. Maybe worry about your own for a change.”

Estrella crossed her arms and fixed Bryce with a stare. “Oh, so me talking to you doesn’t do squat anymore, huh?”

At Estrella’s fierceness, Isaac became alert. He carefully patted Bryce on the back and then reached for the pitcher to pour Bryce some water.

Bryce chuckled, “Look at my boy, knows how to comfort people already, even pouring water for his old man.”

He picked up the glass that Isaac had filled for him. Just as he was about to take a sip, Isaac clinked his sippy cup against Bryce’s glass in a mock-toast, putting on airs that made Jesse burst into laughter, holding her stomach.

Bryce couldn’t help but laugh. “You little brat, can’t even talk straight yet, and you’re acting

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like you know all about toasting?” Despite his words, Bryce was touched seeing Isaac lift his sippy cup as if to drown his sorrows with him and Bryce downed the water Isaac poured in one gulp.

Then he turned to Estrella, a light in his eyes, “Ever since Isaac came back, he’s gotten a lot cheerier, and he’s shot up in height too. Seems like, you know, maybe there’s just something about the home turf that does a body good.”


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